Club Membership Form Welcome to POSEIDON Amateur Boxing Club. Whether you wish to compete in the noble art of boxing or simply wish to enjoy a non-contact workout, we welcome you to the club. Please fill in the information below for our records as it forms part of our risk assessment and equity policy and your details will allow us to tailor your training around your individual requirements, experience and abilities. Section A – Personal Details Forename Surname DOB Nickname Age Gender M F Home Tel No Address Mobile Tel No Email Address Emergency Contact details: (Please insert the information below to indicate the person (s) who should be contacted in the event of an incident/accident) Section B - Medical Information Please detail below any important medical information that our coaches should be aware of (eg epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, low blood pressure, high blood pressure etc) Current medication Any current injuries Any known medical conditions Section C – Boxing/Contact Sport Experience Have you taken part in boxing training/ contact sports before? Yes No Section D –Competitive Boxing Experience Have you had a bout before? If yes to above, for how long have you been boxing training? If yes to ques above how many bouts have you had? Where did you train? What club did you box for? Would you like to box competitively? Yes No Maybe Have you had a boxing medical? What was the date of your last boxing medical? Yes No Total Won Lost Section E - Demographics Whilst it is not compulsory that the following sections are completed, the footnote at the end of this membership form explains why it is important1 Ethnicity In order to help the club monitor its membership, please will you tick one of the following boxes to identify your ethnic group/origin. A - White British Irish Any other white background (please specify below) B - Mixed White and Black Caribbean White and Asian White and Black African Any other mixed background (Please specify below) C – Asian or Asian British Pakistani D – Black or Black British Indian Bangladeshi Any other Asian Background (Please specify below) Caribbean African Any other Black Background (Please specify below) E – Chinese or other ethnic Group Chinese Any other ethnic group (Please specify below) Disability The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as anyone with ‘a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No If yes, what is the nature of your disability? Visual impairment Hearing impairment Physical disability Learning disability Multiple disabilities Other (please specify): 1 Sport can and does play a major role in promoting inclusion of all groups in society. However, inequalities have traditionally existed within sport, particularly in relation to gender, race and disability. Poseidon ABC and the ABAE is committed to promoting and developing sports equity, which is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. By monitoring the profile of young people in sports clubs, the ABAE and Sport England can identify issues relating to under-representation of different groups and can together develop strategis to ensure everyone has an opportunity in the future development of sport. Boxing is a special type of sport whereby it is not suitable or possible to be made safe for everyone to take part and therefore the ABAE Rules over-ride any disability discrimination regulations. Where did you hear about us? Please tick: Word of Mouth Open Days Fliers Posters Newspaper Free ads Other please state below Declaration I, ___________________ , have read, understood and agree to adhere to Poseidon ABC’s Club Child Protection Policy, Club Equity Policy and Code of Conduct for Members. I understand that if I fail to comply with such Club policies that I may be subjected to the Club’s disciplinary policy and procedures. I understand that I will participate in boxing sessions under the instruction of qualified ABAE coaches entirely at my own risk and I have been advised by Poseidon ABC to take out my own personal accident insurance. I confirm that the information contained within this membership form is accurate and correct and that I do not have any medical condition or disabilities (not disclosed overleaf) that could affect my ability to participate safely in boxing sessions. Signature of Member: ____________________________ Name (in block capitals) ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Joining Membership Donation We ask that you consider contributing a one-off donation of £10 to become a member of Poseidon Amateur Boxing Club. This payment is not compulsory to use our facilities but if you join our club you will be kept up to date with club activities including social and upcoming events and you will also receive a Poseidon goodie bag including a club t-shirt. Should you agree you are asked to complete the form overleaf which will enable us to claim gift aid on your donation, thereby helping us raise much needed funds to be reinvested back into your club. The donation can be made in cash or cheque payable to Poseidon Amateur Boxing Club. Thank you!