CBNERR GRF Thesis/Dissertations In Progress. Sources of watershed dissolved organic matter and its reactivity in the York River estuary. Cammer, Sarah. VIMS Ph.D. candidate. In Progress. Aquatic gardners: Diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) foraging in seagrass beds and salt marshes in the southern Chesapeake Bay. Tullipani, Diane C. VIMS Ph.D. candidate. In Progress. Field estimation of the ecological impacts of shoreline modifications on the structure and functioning of the faunal community in Zostera marina beds. Blake, Rachael. VIMS Ph.D. candidate. 2010. Effects of habitat quality on secondary production in shallow estuarine waters and the consequences for the benthic-pelagic food web. Gillett, David J. VIMS Dissertation. 2009. Mortality of diamondback terrapins in blue crab traps: population changes and conservation. Rook, Megan. W&M Thesis. 2009. Function of seed-bank ecology in Mid-Atlantic semi-annual and perennial Zostera marina beds. Jarvis, Jessie C. VIMS Dissertation. 2004. Evaluating restored oyster reefs in Chesapeake Bay : how habitat structure influences ecological function. Nestlerode, Janet A. VIMS Dissertation. 2004. Vegetation dynamics of a tidal freshwater marsh : long-term and interannual variability and their relationship to salinity. Davies, Sarah B. VIMS Thesis. 2003. Effects of sediment characteristics on the distribution of fiddler crabs (Uca spp.) at Goodwin Island, Virginia. Ward, Landon A. VIMS Thesis. 2001. Application of the genetic algorithm to an ecological simulation. Seufzer, William J. VIMS Dissertation. 2000. Carbon dynamics in a tidal freshwater marsh. Neubauer, Scott C. VIMS Dissertation. 1999. Tidally driven patterns of nekton distribution and utilization of a tidal freshwater marsh at Morris Creek (Chickahominy River, Virginia). Wooden, Eric A. VIMS Thesis. 1998. Habitat use, secondary production, and trophic export by salt marsh nekton in shallow waters. Cicchetti, Giancarlo. VIMS Dissertation.