Seasonal variability of the chemical composition of the Titanʼs upper atmosphere Alberto Adriani Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology INAF, Roma! The team Personnel" Institute" Role" Alberto Adriani" INAF-IAPS, Rome, Italy" Principal Investigator" Emiliano DʼAversa" INAF-IAPS, Rome, Italy" Co-Investigator" Maria Luisa Moriconi" CNR-ISAC, Rome, Italy" Co-Principal Investigator" Bianca Maria Dinelli" CNR-ISAC, Bologna, Italy" Co-Investigator" CSIC-IAA, # Manuel López-Puertas" Co-Investigator" Granada, Spain" Maya García-Comas" CSIC-IAACSIC-IAA, Granada, Spain" Co-Investigator" Bernd Funke" CSIC-IAACSIC-IAA, Granada, Spain" Co-Investigator" Miguel Á. López-Valverde" CSIC-IAACSIC-IAA, Granada, Spain" Collaborator" Competence" Scientific coordination; atmospheric remote sensing# Aerosol retrieval in planetary atmospheres; image processing; database management" Radiative transfer; image processing; database management# Infrared spectroscopy; radiative transfer forward and inverse modeling at nadir and limb" Non-LTE modeling; radiative transfer; planetary atmospheres energy balance; atmospheric remote sensing" Thermal, chemical and dynamical structures in planetary atmospheres; retrieval of satellite data# Dynamical coupling processes between middle and upper atmospheres; non-LTE modeling# Atmospheric theoretical modeling; atmospheric infrared emissions; atmospheric thermodynamics# Background Informa3on • Seasonality effects in the Titanʼs lower atmosphere have been detected both from satellite and ground-based instruments and are currently under extensive study (Roe et al., 2002; Griffith et al., 1998; Griffith et al., 2005; Schaller et al., 2006; Brown et al., 2009)." • The thermosphere composition changes because of the photodissociation induced by solar EUV and because of the magnetospheric forcing, both connected in different ways to the seasonal period (Sittler et al., 2010; Arridge et al., 2008)." • Chemical processes and compositions in the upper atmosphere can also depend on season, via its coupling with the thermosphere at the top and with the stratosphere at the bottom. " Objec3ve and Working Plan • We aim to determine the vertical distribution both of CH4 and of some minor constituents up to 1100 km over different locations above Titan's surface and for a long period of time to verify if latitudinal and seasonal variations in molecule distributions in the upper atmosphere can be detected. " Working Plan:" 1. To acquire all VIMS limb observations, to process the data and to extract vertical profiles of spectral radiances, geo-located and georeferred (limb sequences) as already did in Adriani et al. (2011) and Garcia-Comas et al. (2011)." 2. To analyze the limb sequences acquired by VIMS covering the entire nominal and the first extended period of the Cassini mission (2004-2012). The main effort of the proposal will be focused on the development of new analysis tools." 3. To determine appropriate kinetic temperatures and compute population ratios of the vibrational levels originating the radiances measured by VIMS for the simulation of the non-LTE emissions of some minor constituents including C2H2, CO, CH3D and unknown aromatics." 4. To upgrade the retrieval system already used for the analysis of Titan's limb emission." 5. Correlate VIMS observations with UVIS and INMS data." Database Management • We plan to select those VIMS limb observations with phase angles lower than 100° and with long integration times (≥500 ms) covering both the nominal and the extended mission period." • A database of geo-located and time resolved vertical distributions of the gases in lower thermosphere will be developed. " • We point to obtain a statistics of the data as large as possible to permit a climatology for Titan's lower thermosphere." Ini3al Selec3on VIMS daytime co-added spectra in the region of 3.2 µm at tangent heights from 275 to 1062 km. The data are taken from the Cassini/Titan encounters studied by Adriani et al. (2011)." Radiance [x10-7W/(m2 sr nm)] 12 275 km 379 km 472 km 527 km 623 km 716 km 816 km 872 km 967 km 1062 km 10 CH4 8 6 4 HCN / C2H2 2 0 2.8 3.0 3.2 Wavelegth (µm) 3.4 3.6 CH3D CO VIMS daytime co-added spectra in the region of 4.6 µm at tangent heights from 200 to 650 km. The data are taken from the Cassini/Titan encounters studied by García-Comas et al. (2011)." " Development of non-­‐LTE Modeling • We plan to develop a non-­‐LTE model for C2H2 infrared emission near 3.0 µm to perform a joint retrieval with the HCN emission and to derive a more accurate HCN concentra3on. • We point to iden3fy the specific polymer fiPng the anomalous emission (PAH) revealed in the analysis of the VIMS 3.3 µm CH4 spectra (Dinelli et al., 2009) and to derive the number density profiles of these polymers from the VIMS radiance profiles. • We would like to pursue the retrieval of CO from its 4.7 µm emission (Baines et al., 2006), also by the analysis of VIMS limb day3me CO emission. In day3me spectra the R-­‐ and P-­‐branches of the CO vibra3onal bands are clearly visible with the no3ceable emission peak around 4550 nm due to CH3D, as showed in the next slide. C2H2(v3=1) vib. temp. SZA variation 1000 Altitude [km] Vibra3onal temperatures for C2H2 as func3on of the Solar Zenit Angle 1200 800 Tk 600 400 00_ 20_ 40_ 50_ 60_ 70_ 80_ 85_ 90_ 95_ 100 120 150 200 CO VTs. SZA var.. CO 1 150 200 250 300 Vibrational temperature [K] -30 -20 -10 0 5 VT difference [K] 800 700 Tk Altitude [km] 600 500 400 300 200 100 140 160 180 200 Vibrational temperature [K] 00 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 130 140 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 VT difference [K] Vibra3onal temperatures for CO as func3on of the Solar Zenit Angle Forward and Inverse Model • The retrieval algorithm used for the analysis of Titan's limb atmospheric emission, reported in Adriani et al. (2011) and Garcia-­‐Comas et al. (2011), will be used as a star3ng point. • The algorithm is based on a forward model updated to perform simula3ons over broad frequency intervals and to compute non-­‐LTE radiances (called from now on GBB-­‐TIT), and has been included in a retrieval code that exploits the op3mal es3ma3on technique [Rodgers, 2000]. • To perform rou3ne analyses we plan to upgrade the GBB-­‐TIT FM to compute analy3cally some of the required deriva3ves, reducing significantly the compu3ng 3me . Expected Results" • New non-LTE models for the vibrational levels of C2H2 and CH3D." • A collection of volume mixing ratios for CH4, HCN, C2H2, CO, CH3D, and PAH in order to build a homogeneous database of geo-located and time resolved vertical distributions of the examined gases." • Correlate VIMS-UVIS-INMS observations" • Decoupling the latitudinal variability from the seasonal variability of the gases abundances ." " Help" To extract data from an instrument requires good know of the instruments, the measurement technique, the database and the tools developed for the analysis." It requires an effort to develop the database for VIMS that is an instrument that we know very well. It would require a a strong effort to repeat the work for UVIS or INMS." We have started to look at the UVIS data and learn how to deal with them but it would be much efficient and useful is we could count on a solid collaboration with somebody of the UVIS team."