PS Upgrade Project The University of Michigan PS 8.0 Upgrade Project M307 - Detailed Design Checklist <Module> Team - Modification #<Mod #> Detailed Design Information: Detailed Design Request Number: Detailed Design Description: Designer Name: Design Checklist Date Checkpoint Technical Design Review Functional Design Review DBA Performance Review Data Administration Review Print and Batch Architecture Review Cross-Team Integration Review General Items N/A Description Summary information has been completed with appropriate detail. A complete and accurate functional/technical description of the modification is included. All required sections of the Detailed Design Document have been completed. Reviewer Comments/Notes On-line Components N/A Description Comments/Notes FIELD CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATE TABLE (XLAT) VALUES Changes to Fields documented in sufficient detail. Changes to XLAT Table Values documented in sufficient detail. RECORDS New/modified record documented in sufficient detail (including description). All new records begin with M_. 2/9/2016 8:20 AM 1<3 Letter User Initials> M307 - Detailed Design Checklist M307 - Detailed Design Checklist N/A Description Editing and validation rules have been properly defined. Description (Text or Screen print of new/modified record included). Comments/Notes PAGES Appropriate pages have been selected for modifications. Records associated with page identified and documented. New & modified pages follow the MPathways and PeopleSoft GUI standards. Screen print of new/modified page included. COMPONENTS Pages associated with component identified and documented. Appropriate Search Records have been selected. Screen print of new/modified component included. MENUS Menu item group, name, and associated components are documented in sufficient detail. All new records begin with M_. Intended Audience, Roles, and Permission Lists are documented. Identified PeopleCode is appropriate for the functionality required. Screen print of new/modified menu included. APPLICATION ENGINE Section is documented in sufficient detail. Step(s) are documented in sufficient detail. Action(s) are documented in sufficient detail and are appropriate for the functionality required. PEOPLE CODE Identified PeopleCode is appropriate for the functionality required within 2/9/2016 8:20 AM 2<3 Letter User Initials> M307 - Detailed Design Checklist M307 - Detailed Design Checklist N/A Description this work unit. Comments/Notes QUERIES Query functionality description documented in sufficient detail. Query SQL is appropriate for required functionality and efficiently designed. BUSINESS PROCESS DESIGNER All appropriate Activities identified and documented for the business process. PeopleTools printout and screen-print of the Activity from PeopleTools included. WORKFLOW A workflow model has been designed that meets the functional requirements of the business process flow. All roles and rules for all activities, events and routings have been defined. Identified code changes follow the MPathways PeopleSoft coding standards. Any other modifications from the delivered workflow have been identified. All Roles are generic so that organizational changes can be handled without further modifications. All other object types that are modified as part of workflow are documented individually. Rules are designed so they can be stored in Workflow Administrator Tool. Batch Modifications N/A Description All program Inputs and Outputs have been defined. Logic and processing modifications have been completely analyzed and identified. New called modules have been identified when extensive additional functionality is being added to existing batch processing. 2/9/2016 8:20 AM Comments/Notes 3<3 Letter User Initials> M307 - Detailed Design Checklist M307 - Detailed Design Checklist N/A Description Error processing situations (i.e. Commit/Restart processing) are documented with clear resolutions. Comments/Notes Report Modifications N/A Description Logic and processing modifications have been completely analyzed and identified. Report layouts have been included and follow all reporting standards. Report Processing logic appropriate for functionality required. Report Scheduling, Scheduler Information, and Report Distribution sections are completed in sufficient detail. The information in these sections needs to be communicated to the Data Delivery Group. Error processing situations are documented with clear resolutions. Comments/Notes Unit Test Approach N/A Description High level testing cycles identified and documented. Testing scenarios have been identified that will properly test the functional and business requirements of the program. Potential test conditions have been identified. Potential test data has been identified. Comments/Notes Non-PeopleSoft Items N/A Description Verify Excel template or other NonPeopleSoft item(s) required for this process. General Items N/A Description 2/9/2016 8:20 AM Comments/Notes Comments/Notes 4<3 Letter User Initials> M307 - Detailed Design Checklist M307 - Detailed Design Checklist N/A Description The design documents the functional requirements to be met. The design meets all intended functional / business process requirements. The description of the modification describes in detail the unit/area benefiting from the proposed modification. Comments/Notes Open Items or Assumptions Technical Design Review Checklist Acknowledgement Designer Reviewer Date 2/9/2016 8:20 AM 5<3 Letter User Initials> M307 - Detailed Design Checklist