ECA R-UNDG Terms of Reference

Scope and Objectives
The Regional UNDG Team for Europe and Central Asia covers 18 programme countries1 with full-fledged
UN presence (i.e. presence of a Resident Coordinator and functioning UNCTs) and 5 countries2, where the
UN is represented through either selected UN entities (with no RC) or their projects national staff. The
majority of 18 programme countries are in Middle-Income category; only Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are in
Low-Income Countries ranks as per the World Bank categorization as of October 2014. The UN role and
positioning in those very diverse country contexts, as well as its modalities of cooperation, need to be
aligned to each country’s requirements.
The ECA R-UNDG is the platform, where dialogue and discussions among different UN entities take place,
and should lead to common positions on key strategic issues, including the UN roles in different countries’
contexts. The key objective of the ECA R-UNDG is to support UN Country Teams (UNCTs) in 18 Europe and
Central Asia countries, as well as countries with limited UN presence, to strengthen UN positioning
through advancing the UN coherence agenda and enhancing strategic programming, resource
mobilization, and partnership-building. The ultimate result that the ECA R-UNDG strives to achieve is
strengthened, relevant and high quality UN contribution to countries in achieving their national priorities
in the context of and in alignment with the Post-2015 Development Agenda and unfinished MDGs.
Roles and Responsibilities
The ECA R-UNDG plays four core roles, namely:
Provision of coherent and timely technical support to RCs and UNCTs
 Promote translation and implementation of global and regional priorities in country programmes,
as applicable. Inform global and regional dialogues from national achievements and emerging
issues of concern.
 Support UNCTs in contextualization of SDGs. Advise and guide UNCTs in “upstream” policy
engagement with national governments and other counterparts, as well as “downstream”
implementation modalities if these require inter-agency engagement.
 Support joint analytical work on emerging issues at the regional level.
 Facilitate synergies in agencies’ approaches to engage in partnerships, with state and non-state
partners, and traditional / non-traditional alike.
 Support UNCTs in crisis and transition situations, as well as disaster risk reduction and conflict
sensitive programming.
 With the support of the Programme Advisory Group, promote and support inter-agency
programme initiatives at the regional level, ensuring synergies in support of country activities.
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244),
Kyrgyzstan, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania, Russian Federation
With the support of the Programme Advisory Group, promote inter-agency and across countries’
sharing of experiences and good practices, and advance South-South Cooperation and Triangular
Development Cooperation. Share good practices on DaO between UNCTs.
Actively promote the adoption of the “Delivering as One” approach in countries, with flexibility
and relevance according to their context, including driving cultural change to uniformly support
the ideals and strategic intent of “Delivering as One”, providing coherent policy guidance, political
and mission support as required.
Provide guidance and facilitate support on the implementation of the DaO Standard Operating
Procedures. This would include capacity building initiatives and supporting RCs and UNCT
representatives to respond jointly to the needs, priorities and challenges of countries (technical
support/ advice/guidance beyond One Programme will be provided globally in close collaboration
with the R/UNDG support teams).
Raise awareness and promote “Delivering as One” within respective organizations of the ECA RUNDG members, including actively promoting the mindset of mutual accountability, and the
importance of coherent work in terms of the UN system’s vision, voice, programme, operations
and reporting. Facilitate agencies’ consistent messaging and speak on SOPs when visiting UNCTs.
Quality assurance of UNDAFs/One Programmes through the PSG mechanism
 With support of the Peer Support Group (PSG), provide oversight and quality assurance to
countries developing their UNDAFs/One Programmes.
 Review challenges and obstacles identified by both the PSG and RCs/UNCTs, and provide guidance
in overcoming them.
 Review lessons learnt, as well as good practices emerging from common country programming
processes and share with the UNDG for consideration both globally (for the corporate guidelines
and policies), as well as regionally (by other Regional UNDG Teams).
 Ensure that PSG members have the capacity, time and resources to fulfill their support role in
quality assurance.
 Integrate learning of and support for all pillars of the DaO/SOPs in regional trainings and incountry support, leading to the adaptation of DaO/SOPs to national contexts.
Performance management through the RC/UNCT Performance Appraisal system
 With the support of the ECA R-UNDG Secretariat, develop, approve and implement an RC/UNCT
mentoring system, where ECA R-UNDG members would keep regular contact with respective
RCs/UNCTs to provide support, guidance and mentoring.
 Continuous oversight of implementation of agreed workplans and joint initiatives by UNCTs and
reporting thereof.
 Ensure provision of inputs, through the formal CEB mechanism or directly (in accordance with
UNDG guidance), into Performance Appraisal of RCs/UNCTs.
 Follow-up with respective Agencies’ representatives on performance management issues
relevant to the effectiveness and efficiency of UNCT functioning at country level.
 Provide inputs, comments and recommendations in any future revisions of the RC/UNCT
Performance Appraisal system.
 During the Performance Appraisal meetings, review and discuss progress made by countries in
contextualizing the implementation of DaO/ SOPs, identifying challenges that the UNCTs may be
experiencing and recommending strategies and/or providing support to the UNCTs to overcome
identified challenges. The R-UNDG should also provide continued oversight to UNCTs in
adopting/implementing SOPs, as relevant and appropriate to the country context, through
ongoing performance management and not limit the support to the one time off annual
performance appraisal.
At the individual agency level, ECA R-UNDG members should encourage their Representatives to
facilitate agency staff contribution to UNDAF implementation/and DAO activities as appropriate
at the country level, including participating in various coordination structures, and recognize
contributions by such staff in their performance appraisals.
“Trouble shooting” in challenging country situations
 Act as a platform, where RCs/UNCT members can raise issues of concern for strategic advice by
the ECA R-UNDG Team.
 Discuss and advise on coping/ management/ programme strategies in challenging country
situations that can be presented to R-UNDG attention by ECA R-UNDG members, RCs, UNCT
members, Programme Advisory Group or Peer Support Group. The ECA R-UNDG Secretariat
should be used as a liaison in such cases.
 If necessary, escalate the resolution of issues and identified challenges to the respective Heads of
Agencies, UN Development Group or the ASG Advisory Group.
 When issues arise in the implementation of DaO/SOPs, address any specific challenges that
countries face in the implementation and provide constructive solutions or seek possible
solutions/raise awareness of these challenges with Headquarters of involved agencies.
In addition, the ECA R-UNDG Team is responsible for the development of biennial workplans, their
implementation and reporting on results to the UN Development Group.
The ECA R-UNDG Team is composed of UN entities with programmes and/or activities in countries of
Europe and Central Asia region. The ECA R-UNDG membership is at the Regional Director (or equivalent)
level. If for particular reasons, an agency Regional Director cannot be involved in an agreed initiative or
take part in Team’s meetings, ECA R-UNDG members should ensure their representation at the Deputy
Regional Director level.
Modus Operandi
The R-UNDG will be chaired by the ECA R-UNDG Chair. In its functions and under the guidance of the Chair,
it will be supported by the ECA R-UNDG Secretariat.
The Team will meet at least twice a year – (i) mid-year for mid-term review of progress and (ii) at the end
of the year for the final assessment of achieved results and planning for the next cycle. These meetings
will be coordinated with the Regional Coordination Mechanism. In addition (and in accordance with the
UNDG guidance), it will hold a face-to-face meeting for the RC/UNCT performance appraisal. As and when
required, ad-hoc meetings (in person or via video/audio connection) will also be organized. Virtual
discussions will be facilitated to cover issues not requiring physical presence of the ECA R-UNDG members.
Meetings and discussions can be initiated by any member through the ECA R-UNDG Chair and with the
support of the ECA R-UNDG Secretariat.