THE WESTERN NEW YORK SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS Presents Drug-Induced Renal Diseases SPEAKER: Calvin Meaney, PharmD, BCPS Assistant Professor University at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy LOCATION: Protocol Restaurant 6766 Transit Road Williamsville, NY 14221 DATE: Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 OBJECTIVES: After attending this continuing education program: Pharmacists will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identify at least 5 drugs or classes of drugs that can cause clinically significant renal disease Differentiate acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease Characterize common clinical manifestations of acute and chronic drug-induced renal diseases Describe the major mechanism(s) of the three categories of acute kidney injury: pre-renal, intrinsic renal, and post-renal Specify at least 3 drug-drug interactions that can cause renal disease Describe the interplay between renal dysfunction and druginduced renal disease Given a patient case: Identify risk factors for drug-induced renal disease a. Develop a strategy to prevent drug-induced renal disease b. Devise a pharmaceutical monitoring plan for a patient with drug-induced renal disease c. Formulate a treatment approach for drug-induced renal disease d. Analyze therapeutic drug monitoring data for aminoglycosides, vancomycin, and lithium AUDIENCE: Pharmacy technicians will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define drug-induced renal disease Distinguish differences between acute and chronic renal diseases Recognize common signs and symptoms of renal disease Identify at least 5 common medications associated with renal disease List at least 3 common risk factors for drug-induced renal disease Specify a common drug-drug interaction that can increase the risk of renal disease Define therapeutic drug monitoring Identify at least 2 medications where therapeutic drug monitoring can aid in the prevention of renal damage Intended for Health-system pharmacists, students, technicians, faculty and pharmaceutical representatives PROGRAM TYPE: Knowledge-based PROGRAM: 5:30PM – 6:00PM 6:00PM 6:15PM – 8:15PM 8:15PM – 8:30PM Registration and Cash Bar/Vendor Displays Dinner to be served Speakers’ presentation Questions/Answers RESERVATIONS: Please confirm your reservations by February 17th, 2016 by registering on line Indicate your dinner selection: **WNYSHP business will be discussed prior to starting the presentation** COST AND REFUND POLICY: 1. Registration Fee: Members $30, Pharmacy Residents $15, Students $15, Non-Member Students $30, Technicians $15, Non-Member Technicians $30, PAWNY/ASCP MEMBERS $40, Non Members $100. Payment is due on the meeting date. 2. 3. 4. Please make checks payable to: WNYSHP Cancellations MUST BE RECEIVED BY February 17, 2016 otherwise the registrant will be required to pay a $15 cancellation fee. Pre-payments will be refunded if cancellation received by this date. LATE REGISTRATION FEE IS $5 for registrations after February 17, 2016 CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: The NYSCHP is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmaceutical education. This program is approved for 0.2 CEU's 0134-0000-16-005-L01-P, 0134-0000-16-006-L01-T (2 contact hours). Statements of Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit are available to participants upon the conclusion of the program with a survey link. Participant must verify attendance at the meeting by entering the program CE code. Attendees have 45 days from the date of the program to retrieve their credits. Payments to NYSCHP or WNYSHP are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., ordinary, necessary business expenses; miscellaneous itemized deduction).