Exam-III Review (2014) (24% of total grade) Geochem/Habitable Planet EESC 3101 Topics from lectures 16-22 (= 70% of Final) As always, focus will be on material covered in lectures, as reinforced by readings. Rock Weathering Weathering agents, soil acid, congruent v. incongruent, dissolution, adsorption, hydrolysis; Redox weathering, Granite weathering; examples from feldspar-clay Mineral susceptibility; mineral stability diagrams Rain, Oceans Eh, pH, TDS -- factors and variations in rain, rivers and seawater Rain – acidity, composition, spatial variations Seawater comp'n – pH, carbonate speciation, ions, conservative, residence time Sr and Nd isotope variations and sources Biological processes: production, nutrients, upwelling, cycling, Secretions: carbonate & opal shells, CCD; volcanic and detrital-seawater reactions Stable Isotopes, Climate Change and Proxies Long-term: C reservoirs on earth (relative size), carbonate and silicate weathering reactions; Sr isotopes Tectonic forcing; effects on weathering and CO2; ice ages; Milankovitch Oxygen isotopes – mass dependent fractionation, oscillator model and bonds Oxygen paleothermometer – alpha, delta, temperature dependence of cc-water Kinetic fractionation of O isotopes between ocean, atm, rain and ice, latitude Glacial oscillations, T v. ice volume; ice mass balance; long-term effects Mg/Ca thermometer; Cenozoic record. Noble gas thermometer in groundwater CO2-T feedback Organic Chemistry & Fossil Fuels & Ores Molecules of life: proteins, carbs, lipids, lignins (plants v. animals) Carbon cycle: atm, hydro, bio, lithosphere exchanges Carbon isotope fractionation – carbonate v. organic carbon v. mantle; Cenozoic C isotope record; abrupt events Evidence for early life: stromatolites, fossil microbes, Archean organic carbon Origin of life from organic elements, catalysts, clay, substrates, meteorites Coal: land plants, peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite, Cretaceous, Carb-Perm Lignins, humic kerogen, high C/H metamorphism, aliphatic, aromatic, vitrinite Oil: sapropelic kerogen, marine shales, P-T window, lipids & proteins, v. coal Efficiency of burning methane v. hexane v. coal: bond strength Comprehensive Aspects ( = 30 % of Final) Review previous exams and problems sets Common Themes: • Mass balance & mixing, feedbacks, steady-state, decay, K, D, alpha • REE, using melting/crystallization equations, creation of elements, link to Sm-Nd isotopes • Geochemical constraints on chronology (solar system, earth, core, continent, climate) • Concentration of elements in reservoirs (stars, chond., core, mantle, crust, ocean, atm) – e.g., pie charts; review siderophile, etc.; make a list of minerals, isotopes discussed in class • Trace an element from the big bang, to your body, through all necessary geological reservoirs (including minerals and solid earth!) • Critical environments -- black smokers, carbonates, subduction zones, early Earth • Make your own review page, sketching relevant diagrams/plots from lectures (e.g., O, C and Sr isotope isotope marine record; effect of partial melting on an incompatible element; concordia; river boomerang; P-T diagrams and melting paths; isotope decay) Bring: Calculator, Chart of the Nuclides, Periodic Table