1 Dr. Ted Hildebrandt, OT History, Lit., and Theology, Lecture #3 The Transmission of the Bible from God to us © 2015 Dr. Ted Hildebrandt A. Quiz Preview [0:0-2:43] Full bank of questions = 195 questions B. Bible: from God to us [2:44-3:58] C. Canonization [3:59-5:53] D. Criteria for Canonization: Does it claim to be from God? [5:54-7:30] E. Canonization criteria: Was it written by a prophet of God? [7:31-8:28] F. Canonization criteria: Does it agree with previous revelation? [8:29-9:04] G. Canonization criteria: Does it come with the power of God? [9:05-9:59] H. Canonization criteria: Was it accepted by the people of God? [10:00-10:50] 8 minutes/15 questions I. Antilegomena: Books spoken against [Proverbs, Esther…] [10:51-11:52] J. Antilegomena: Why was Proverbs questioned? [11:53-19:42] K. Antilegomena: Why was Ezekiel questioned? [19:43-21:23] L. Antilegomena: Why was Esther questioned? [21:24-22:26] M. Antilegomena: Why was Ecclesiastes questioned? [22:27- 26:51] N. Antilegomena: Why was Song of Songs questioned? [26:52-30:36] 20 minutes/21 questions O. Apocrypha or Deutero-canonical books [30:37-35:18] P. Pseudepigrapha [35:19-38:51] 8 minutes/10 questions Q. Scribal Copying of the Bible: Transmission of the text over 2 3000 years [38:52-40:36] R. I Samuel 13:1 text variant/copyist error [40:37-46:48] S. Mark 16 textual problem [46:59-49:50] T. 1 John 5:7 textual problem: Compare KJV and NIV/NRSV [49:51-52:18] 14 minutes/13 questions U. General discussion of the accuracy of the text of Scripture [52:19-57:00] V. Why did God preserve his word imperfectly?—a suggestion [57:01-59:23] W. Evaluating Scribal Errors [59:24-60:38] X. Orality and Manuscript transmission [60:39-62:53] 10 minutes/11 questions Y. Metathesis [62:54-63:28] Z. Fission and Fusion [63:29-64:02] AA. Homeoteleuton: same endings [64:03-65:08] AB. Dittography and Haplography [65:09-65:45] AC. Harmonizing Corruptions [65:46-67:18] AD. Conflation [67:19-68:15] 6 minutes/11 questions AE. Principles of weighing the manuscript evidence Older & Shorter are preferred [68:16-68:56] AF. Geographically spread out [68:57-69:51] AG. Manuscript families [69:52-70:31] AH. New Testament and Old Testament Scribes [70:32-72:07] AI. Dead Sea Scrolls [72:08-73:38] AJ. Gabi Barkai and Numbers 6 8 minutes/14 questions [73:39- 76:19] 3 Multiple Choice questions for OT Lit Lecture 3: Transmission of the Bible [Hildebrandt] 1. [3B] What is the focus of textual transmission or textual criticism? A. The recognition of which books are authoritative and sacred B. The translation of the Bible from one language to another *C. The copying of the Bible manuscripts by scribes through the ages D. The transmitting or carrying of the scrolls of the Bible from one location to another 2. [3B] Why is it necessary to study textual transmission questions? A. Because it shows how the church believed in the Bible through the ages *B. Because many claim transmission is responsible for many errors in the Bible C. Because scribes were guided by God in the copying of the Scripture D. For preventing heretics from injecting their errors into the Bible 3. [3C] Who wrote that he accepted Paul’s writings as authoritative immediately? A. Thomas B. Matthew C. Timothy *D. Peter 4. [3C] Who’s prophecy did the prophet Daniel acknowledge and receive as authoritative immediately? *A. Jeremiah B. Hosea C. Jonah D. Micah -5. [3C] Which of the following never saw any of the New Testament books? A. Martin Luther B. Peter 4 *C. Jesus D. Paul 6. [3C] One of the major problems the early church had with determining whether a book should be accepted into the canon of Scripture was *A. Circulation of the various books written to specific churches B. The lack of apostolic support for some books C. The gnostic heretics tried to add their own books D. The lack of concern of which books were authoritative and which books were not 7. [3D] What does the canonization process do? *A. Defines which books get accepted into the sacred scriptures B. Chooses which books are good to read historically C. Records which books from Old Testament times were lost D. Gives a process by which books were destroyed in the Old Testament 8. [3D] What is the number one question in determining whether a book should be accepted into the canon of Scripture? A. Is the book written by someone approved by Jesus B. Did the early church councils accept the book as canonical/authoritative *C. Is the book inspired by God D. Does the book fit with the other books of Scripture -9. [3D] Moses was told by God to A. Listen to the voice of the Lord *B. Write down what God said C. To record his visions and dreams D. To determine which books were accepted by casting divine lots -10. [3D] The fact that a book claims to speak from God A. Guarantees that a book should be put into Scripture as authoritative 5 B. Is absolutely necessary for a book to be placed in Scripture *C. Gives support for a book being considered as canonical D. Has no relevance as to whether a book should or should not be considered as part of the Bible 11. [3D] One of the main criterion for whether a book was accepted into the canon of Scripture is: A. Did the book have miracles in it *B. Does the book claim to be from God C. Was the book written in Hebrew D. Was the book preserved through the centuries -12. [3D] Who saw a vision from God about the valley of the dry bones A. Elijah B. Isaiah C. Jeremiah *D. Ezekiel -13. [3E] Asking if a book is written by a prophet is *A. One of the criterion for determining the canonicity of a book B. An important rule in determining whether a book was copied correctly C. A guideline for how one interprets the book D. A necessary question to see whether the book fits the style of the prophet -14. [3E] The canonical criterion of asking whether a book was written by a prophet is really A. An unnecessary shift away from the text to a person B. A way to eliminate books where the author is unknown *C. A confirmation on the character of the person writing D. An absolute guarantee that the person was inspired by God 6 -15. [3E] A book written by any of the following would lead one toward accepting a book as authoritative and canonical EXCEPT _______ A. The priest Samuel B. King David C. The prophet Isaiah *D. A prophet of Baal 16. [3E] The question: “Is the book written by a prophet?” is really a question about all of the following EXCEPT _______ A. Inspiration B. Authorship C. Character *D. Manuscripts -17. [3F] All of the following are major criteria for the canonization process EXCEPT ___________ *A. It is archaeologically verified B. Agrees with previous revelation C. It is accepted by the people of God D. Claims to be from God E. Was written by a good prophet -18. [3F] If a prophetic book said, “Yahweh/Jehovah is good but Baal is better” such a book would be rejected from the canon on the basis of which criterion? –pick the best answer *A. It is not agree with previous revelation B. It is not inspired C. It is not written by a prophet D. It is a scribal error -19. [3F] The canonical criterion that a book must agree with previous revelation assumes A. God inspired the book 7 *B. The Bible would not contradict itself C. The book was written by a prophet of God D. The Jewish leaders agreed with Scripture -20. [3G] Which canonical criterion is most subjective? A. Was it accepted by the people of God B. Does it claim to be from God C. Was it written by a prophet *D. Does it come with the power of God E. Does it agree with previous revelation 21. [3H] Who needed to accept a book in order for it to make it into the Old Testament canon? *A. The people of God B. The kings of Israel C. The majority of the prophets D. The priests -22. [3H] Who were the people of God in the Old Testament? A. The whole world *B. The Jewish nation C. All the descendants of Abraham D. Those, like the prophets, whom God called -23. [3I] Do the Jews accept the Antilegomena books? *A. Yes, they accept them as Holy Scriptures B. Yes, they accept them but only as good historical sources C. No, they see them as contradictory to the Word of God D. They only accept 2 of the five books as inspired by God 24. [3I] The books that the Jews questioned but did nevertheless accept into the canon are called *A. Antilegomena B. Hapax legomena 8 C. Canon ex cathedra D. Sanctus biblicus -25. [3I] How many books of the Old Testament are considered Antilegomena? A. 3 *B. 5 C. 7 D. 10 26. [3I] The fact that the Jews questioned whether certain books should have been put into the canon shows A. They were skeptical B. They waited on God to decide C. They had the best scribes *D. They were very careful 27. [3J] What was the major canonical problem with the book of Proverbs? A. It only spoke of wisdom and not of God B. It teaches that life is meaningless *C. There are sayings that appear to be contradictory D. The name of God is never mentioned -28. [3J] According to the Bible what’s worse than being a fool? A. Having no fear of God B. Pursuing an immoral woman C. Being a deceitful person *D. Being wise in your own eyes -29. [3J] Who does Proverbs recommend not be answered? A. A false prophet *B. A fool C. An evil king D. An immoral woman 30. [3J] Why would Proverbs place two contrary proverbs back to back in 9 Scripture? *A. It calls on the reader to use discernment and be wise B. It shows that some proverbs are better than others C. It shows that the book is a collection of all sorts of proverbs D. It shows that life is messed up and often contradictory 31. [3J] What Psalm talks 176 times about the flawlessness of Scripture? A. Psalm 23 B. Psalm 100 *C. Psalm 119 D. Psalm 139 -32. [3J] Proverbs 26:4 recommends not answering a fool because A. They ask dumb questions *B. You will become like him C. Silence is the path of the wise D. A fool must learn from his own folly -33. [3J] Proverbs 26:5 recommends answering a fool because *A. Otherwise he may become wise in his own eyes B. To do so displays wisdom C. He may repent and turn from his folly D. Others may be led into his folly 34. [3K] Why was Ezekiel questioned as an Antilegomena book? *A. The temple described is too big for the temple mount B. The book contradicts itself on talking to fools C. It mentions two different dates for the same event D. It contains the words of some false prophets -35. [3K] Why did the Jews eventually accept Ezekiel’s description of the temple? A. They realized that they got the measurements wrong B. During transmission the wrong numbers were copied for the measurement 10 *C. He is talking about the temple of the future D. They think it is a minor problem and choose to look past it -36. [3K] What mountain will split when the Messiah returns? A. Mount Sinai *B. The Mount of Olives C. Mount Carmel D. Mount Tabor 37. [3L] Why was the book of Esther questioned? A. It is about a woman *B. It does not mention the name of God C. It was not written by a prophet D. It is not historically accurate at points -38. [3L] What Jewish feast is derived from the book of Esther? A. Passover B. Yom Kippur *C. Purim D. Hanukkah 39. [3M] Why was the book of Ecclesiastes questioned? A. It deals with controversial issues on marriage *B. It says life is futile, a quickly passing vapor C. It is too sexually explicit D. It focuses on wisdom rather than truth -40. [3M] Ecclesiastes teaches there is a time for peace and a time for _____. *A. War B. Joy C. Pleasure D. Sadness 41. [3M] Some people think the only redeeming quality of Ecclesiastes is found in the final chapter where it says to 11 A. Be happy B. Love God *C. Fear God D. Submit your way to the Lord 42. [3N] Why is the book of Songs of Songs questioned? *A. It has strong and explicit sexual imagery B. It does not contain the name of God C. It is not applicable to real life D. The book is an allegory not historical as most biblical books are 43. [3N] Some seek to make the Song of Songs more palatable by understanding it as referring to A. A man and a woman *B. Christ and the church C. The Israelites and the promise land D. Good and evil 44. [3N] Which of the following was NOT questioned as an Antilegomena book? A. Ezekiel B. Ecclesiastes *C. Hosea D. Proverbs 45. [3N] What are the five Antilegomena books of the Old Testament? A. Proverbs, Psalms, Leviticus, Ecclesiastes, and Esther B. Proverbs, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Ezekiel, and Joshua C. Leviticus, Psalms, Joshua, Esther, Songs of Songs *D. Proverbs, Songs of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ezekiel 46. [3O] What is the Old Testament Apocrypha? A. The last section of the Bible B. The lost books of the Bible found in the Dead Sea Scrolls 12 *C. Books that are accepted by Catholics but rejected by Protestants D. Books that are accepted by the all Christians but not by the Jews -47. [3O] The Apocrypha books are important to read because? *A. They are important for understanding what happened historically in the period between Malachi and the time of Jesus B. They expose and illustrate many cultural issues not found elsewhere in the Old Testament C. They show the development of Jewish political and religious life in a way found nowhere else D. They tell about the end times and give us a background for the book of Revelation in the New Testament 48. [3O] What Jewish feast is founded on the Apocrypha? A. Purim *B. Hanukkah C. Yom Kippur D. Passover 49. [3O] What is the Jewish perspective on the Apocrypha? *A. They reject them as canonical B. They accept them as canonical with some reservations C. They see them as helpful because Rabbi Akiba said they were beneficial D. They accuse them of being the product of Christianity and hence reject them 50. [3O] Which of the following is not a book in Apocrypha? A. Maccabees B. Wisdom of Ben Sirach C. The Wisdom of Solomon *D. The book of Enoch 51. [3O] What early Bible contained the Apocrypha? 13 A. The Dead Sea Scrolls *B. The Latin Vulgate C. The Aramaic Bible D. The Bible of Amenemope -52. [3O] What was the first church council to confirm the Apocrypha as canonical? A. The Council of Nicea 325 B. The Council of Constantinople 380 AD C. The Council of Chalcedon 451 AD *D. The Council of Trent 1545 AD -53. [3O] The Apocrypha was written after the completion of the Old Testament and Malachi in A. 586 BC *B. 400 BC C. 330 BC D. 165 BC -54. [3O] Who did the Maccabees defeat as a harbinger of the anti-christ at the end times? A. Ptolemy Philadelphus B. Seleucus the terrible C. Antigonus Excelsis *D. Antiochus Ephiphanes 55. [3P] What is the Pseudepigrapha? *A. False writings accepted by no one B. Two books not accepted by the Catholic Church C. A series of books by heretics D. Anonymous books by Old Testament prophets 56. [3P] Which of the following is an example of a Pseudepigrapha book? *A. The book of Enoch 14 B. The book of Maccabees C. The Wisdom of Sirach D. The Song of Songs -57. [3P] Which of the following is an example of a New Testament Pseudepigrapha book written by third century gnostics? A. The Acts of the Apostles B. The book of the Wars of the Lord *C. The Gospel of Judas D. The Copper Scroll 58. [3P] Many of the New Testament Pseudepigrapha tell stories about A. Jesus on the cross *B. Childhood stories of Jesus C. The destruction of the temple by Titus D. What happened to Jesus after he ascended into heaven -59. [3Q] What is the process of transmission? A. A mission to transfer the biblical truths in to all the languages of the world B. A technical process in which the scriptures are chosen as sacred *C. The process by which the Bible came down to us through the copying of the scriptures through time D. A process in which the Bible is verbally passed from God to the prophet 60. [3Q] What group of people is largely responsible for preserving the word of God for us today? A. The prophets B. The priests C. The kings *D. The scribes 61. [3Q] What is the problem with the scribal copying? 15 A. They could not preserve it because the ink fell off the pages after hundreds of years B. The scribes wrote in languages that no one can decipher *C. There were errors in the copying process because they were done by hand D. They all were burned and had to be re-written from memory -62. [3Q] What kind of processes did God use in preserving his word through the centuries? A. Infallible B. Miraculous *C. Flawed D. Flawless -63. [3P] At what point was there a direct connection between God and humans in the giving of his word? *A. Inspiration B. Transmission C. Translation D. Canonization 64. [3R] What is the resolution of the differences between the various translations of 1Sam 13:1 and the reign of Saul? A. It was a translation error *B. It was a scribal error C. It was an error in the original version D. The Greeks changed the numbers 65. [3R] What is the controversy in 1 Samuel 13:1? A. It talks about women’s role in society *B. There are different numbers given for the length of the reign of Saul C. It talks about godly people lying to preserve the life of Samuel D. It goes counter to the archeological evidence 16 -66. [3R] Where do some of the numbers that are put into 1 Samuel 13:1 come from? A. Mark B. Luke C. John *D. Acts 67. [3S] What is the problem with Mark 16:9 and following? *A. It is not found in our best and oldest manuscripts B. It mixes up the number of people who saw Jesus alive after the resurrection C. It repeats verbatim the ending of the book of Luke D. It is grammatically incorrect since the verb is plural and the subject singular 68. [3S] Why did the King James Version include Mark 16:9 and following? A. It was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls B. It was part of the Greek Septuagint *C. It was found in the best Greek manuscripts they had at the time D. It was added by one of the translators to support the King’s theological perspective -69. [3S] The King James translation was done in A. 1456 B. 1517 *C. 1611 D. 1734 70. [3S] If one takes off the final verses of the book of Mark, which is supported by our best manuscripts, then how does the book end? A. The disciples see the risen Lord B. The miracle of being bitten by a poisonous snake C. Peter denying the Lord 17 *D. Women being afraid 71. [3T] If the late Greek manuscripts are followed then what is 1 John 5:7 about? A. The deity of Christ B. The forgiveness of sins *C. The trinity D. The return of Christ 72. [3T] Who most likely added 1 John 5:7 into the Greek text used by the King James translators? A. Martin Luther B. Calvin C. King James *D. Erasmus 73. [3T] While 1 John 5:7 is the clearest statement in all the Bible on the trinity, it astonishingly is never found where? *A. Quoted by any early church father or church council B. In any manuscript before the King James Version C. In any Greek manuscript before the 20th century D. In any theology book prior to the 1700’s 74. [3V] What is a suggestion for why God didn’t have his word preserved perfectly? It was _______ A. To test us to see if we would struggle to know the truth B. Because he knew it would probably be lost by like the ark *C. Because God didn’t want his people to worship a perfect text, but the perfect God D. To get people to use free will to interpret what they believe in the Bible 75. [3V] It was suggested that God did not want his word to become a(n) A. Antique *B. Relic 18 C. Symbol D. Archaeological artifact 76. [3U] Approximately how many manuscripts do we have of the New Testament? A. 100 B. 500 C. 1,000 *D. 5,000 -77. [3U] At what monastery was the manuscript Sinaiticus found? *A. St. Catherine’s B. Mar Saba C. The Mount of Temptation D. Constantinople 78. [3U] The papyrus manuscript P52 dates to 125 AD within 30 years of its author who was ______ A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke *D. John 79. [3U] How many manuscripts of Plato are there (which is closest)? *A. 10 B. 100 C. 500 D. 1,000 80. [3U] Given the fact that we have 5,000 Greek New Testament manuscripts what benefit does that give? *A. It means we can compare them and know what the Bible says more accurately than ever before B. It means that the number of scribal errors has multiplied 19 C. It provides scholars with insight into how to interpret the Bible D. It allows our schools to teach Greek better than ever 81. [3W] The name Dodanim in some translations is a scribal error which should have written Rodanim is an example of A. Haplography *B. Similar looking letter confusion C. Oral reading of similar sounding words D. Metathesis 82. [3X] What is the major advantage of scribes using an oral method to copy manuscripts? A. The reader is able to read faster than doing it only by a visual means B. It avoids many visual errors that can creep into the text C. The reader can add emphasis so the scribes can better understand what they are copying *D. One reader can read to 100 scribes thereby multiplying the number of texts produced 83. [3X] The copying of “they’re” instead of “their” or “there” may result from *A. An oral to written process of copying B. Metathesis C. Fusion and fission D. Haplography 84. [3X] The confusion of how words sound in an oral to written process of copying was actually seen in which of the following the readings of Ps 100? A. “Rejoice in the Lord” versus “Give voice to the Lord” B. “Come before his presence” versus “come bringing him presents” *C. “And not we ourselves” versus “and we are his” D. “For his love endures forever” versus “for his kindness endures forever” 20 85. [3X] The confusion of “there” and “their” is an example of a scribal error possible A. When doing a metathesis *B. When using oral transcription C. When a haplography slips into the text D. When fission and fusion come to bear 86. [3Y] What does “metathesis” mean? *A. Switching the order of letters B. Combining words together that should be separated C. Words that have the same endings D. Words that are written twice in a row but should only be written once 87. [3Z] In early Greek manuscripts *A. There were no spaces between the words B. There were no breaks between the lines C. There were no accent marks to distinguish certain words D. There were no singular and plural endings marked on words 88. [3Z] The example of how one reads CHRISTISNOWHERE is an example of which type of scribal errors? A. Homeoteleuton B. Metathesis *C. Fission D. Haplography 89. [3AA] When lines end in the same words causing the eye to jump down the page and skip material, it is known as *A. Homeoteleuton B. Metathesis C. Fission D. Haplography 21 90. [3AB] Writing a word twice in a row when it should have been written only once is an example of A. Homeoteleuton *B. Dittography C. Fission D. Haplography 91. [3AB] Writing a word once when it should have been written twice is called A. Homeoteleuton B. Dittography C. Fission *D. Haplography 92. [3AC] What is an example “Harmonizing Corruptions” in the scribal process of copying? *A. Job’s wife telling him to bless God, instead of curse God B. The snake giving Eve the fruit and then lying to her to cover it up C. The Hebrew midwives lying to save the Jewish babies D. Daniel not getting eaten by the lions -93. [3AC] What is harmonizing corruption? A. The call for Christians to endorse peace in a corrupted government B. The legends presented in pagan poetry glossing over violence *C. When scribes change words so that they are more appropriate D. A concept in which a corruption is confused with biblical morality 94. [3AD] When one manuscript has “Church of God” and another has “Church of the Lord” and then a later manuscript is found with the reading “Church of the Lord God” this is an example of A. Homeoteleuton *B. Conflation C. Fission D. Haplography 22 95. [3AE] What two principles are useful for determining which text is more reliable? A. Longer and Older B. Longer and Newer C. Shorter and Newer *D. Shorter and Older 96. [3AF] If a particular reading of the text is found 5 times in Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece and Rome another reading is found 100 times in Palestine but nowhere else, the first is to be accepted as the preferred reading because of *A. Geographical spread B. The shorter reading is preferred C. Fission D. Haplography -97. [3AG] The original manuscript that is copied from is called the A. Proto-evangelium *B. Parent C. Apograph D. Child 98. [3AG] All of the following principles are used to gain the preferred manuscript reading EXCEPT _______ A. Better the manuscript families B Wider geographic spread C. Older text *D. Hand writing clarity -99. [3AG] Manuscripts with a similar traceable heritage of parent/child are grouped and classified as *A. Families B. Generations 23 C. Genus and species D. Schemas 100. [3AH] The Christian scribes were not as good as the Jewish scribes for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A. They were poor B. They were persecuted C. They were uneducated *D. They were uncommitted 101. [3AH] The best Jewish manuscripts come from which of the following manuscript types *A. Masoretic texts B. Coptic texts C. Aramaic texts D. Kabbalah texts 102. [3AH] Our best Jewish Masoretic texts date to around A. 100 BC-100 AD B. 300-500 AD *C. 800-1000 AD D. 1400-1500 AD 103. [3AI] What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? *A. A collection of texts that consist of many biblical manuscripts found by the Dead Sea B. Scrolls used by early Christians to spread the Gospel around the Dead Sea C. Scrolls that tell the history of the Jews after the Old Testament D. Scrolls preserved by the salt water of the Dead Sea 104. [3AI] While the Masoretic Hebrew text of the Old Testament dates to 8001000 AD, the Dead Sea Scrolls A. Proved how inaccurate the Masoretic texts were 24 *B. Confirmed how accurate the Masoretic texts were C. Showed a heretical tradition that was totally different from the Masoretic texts D. Confirmed the Septuagint Greek translation of the Old Testament over the Masoretic text -105. [3AJ] On what was the oldest (ca. 700 BC) piece of scripture found? *A. Silver Amulet B. Grave stone C. Rock statue D. Inscribed on a wall in Jerusalem 106. [3AJ] The oldest piece of Scripture (ca. 700 BC) ever found was from what book of the Bible? A. Genesis B. Leviticus *C. Numbers D. Psalms 107. [3AJ] The oldest piece of Scripture ever found, counter to many critics who usually date this type of material late, was a A. Prophetic oracle *B. Priestly blessing C. A law code D. A wisdom saying -108. [3AJ] Who found the priestly blessing from Numbers which is the oldest piece of Scripture ever found? A. Marty Abegg *B. Gabi Barkay C. Jacob Neusner D. Karl Barth 25 Fill-ins for OT Lit Lecture 3: Transmission of the Bible -1. Textual ____________ is the study of how the Bible was copied over and over through the ages. [3B] transmission/criticism 2. Textual transmission or criticism deals with factual material derived from the various _________that were copied and have been found. [3B] manuscripts -3. Who accepted Paul’s writings immediately after they were written? _______ [3C] Peter -4. Who accepted Jeremiah’s prophecy of the Jews being in Babylon for 70 years immediately after Jeremiah gave it? ______ [3C] Daniel -5. A major problem the early church had in collecting the books that were accepted into the canon of Scripture is ______ [3C] circulation 6. The process of determining whether a book is accepted as authoritative and from God is called ________ [3D] canonization -7. What typical phrase is used in the biblical books indicating that it is claiming to be from God? Thus ________ (3 words) [3D] saith/says the Lord -8. Prophets that claimed to speak for God but were not in fact doing that were called _________ prophets. [3D] false -9. One of the main criterion for whether a book is to be accepted as Scripture and put into the canon: Is the book __________ by God. [3D] inspired -10. One of the main criterion for whether a book is to be accepted as Scripture and put into the canon is: Does the book claim to speak for ________ [3D] God -11. Who saw a vision from God about the valley of the dry bones _______ [3D] Ezekiel 12. One criterion for determining if a book should be considered as canonical and authoritative is to ask if it was written by a(n) _______ [3E] prophet -13. A book claiming to be written by a prophet of ____________ would not be seriously considered as being accepted into the canon of 26 Scripture. [3E] Baal/Ahab/Jezebel -14. The Scriptures tell us there were 400 prophets of _______ on Mount Carmel opposing Elijah. [3E] Baal 15. A canonical criterion is that a book must agree with __________ revelation. [3F] previous -16. If “Jehovah was ok, but Baal is better” was found in a book, it would be rejected from the canon based on the fact it does not agree with previous ___________ [3F] revelation 17. A criterion for canonization is: does the book come with the _________ of God. [3G] power -18. The criterion for canonization that the book comes with the power of God is a very __________ type criterion. [3G] subjective -19. The _______ were considered the people of God in the Old Testament and the ones who accepted and rejected canonical books. [3H] Jews/Israelites -20. The Jews were considered the _______ of God in the Old Testament. [3H] people 21. The books that the Jews questioned but did in fact accept into the canon are called the ________ books. [3I] antilegomena -22. How many books of the Old Testament are classified as Antilegomena? ______ [3I] five/5 -23. The Antilegomena books mean that these books were questioned by whom? The _______ [3I] Jews -24. Proverbs 26 is questioned because it seems that verse 4 which advises not answering a fool _________ verse 5 which says to answer a fool. [3J] contradicts 25. Proverbs 26 is questioned as an Antilegomena book because it says to both answer and not answer a(n) __________ [3J] fool -26. Proverbs 26:5 recommends answering a fool lest he become ________ in his own eyes. [3J] wise 27 -27. What Psalm talks 176 times about the flawlessness of Scripture? Psalm ______ (number) [3J] 119 -28. The Temple Mount that Ezekiel describes is not too big because it is a description of the _______ temple. [3K] future/third -29. Some have objected to the book of Ezekiel because the measurement of the ________ Mount is too large. [3K] temple 30. What mountain will split when the Messiah returns? The Mount of ________ [3K] Olives -31. The word _________ was never mentioned in the book of Esther so it was questioned during canonization. [3L] God 32. What Jewish feast is based on the book of Esther ______. [3L] Purim 33. The book of Ecclesiastes in the final chapter teaches its readers to ________ God. [3M] fear -34. The book of Ecclesiastes’ repeated message is that life is __________. [3M] meaningless/vapor/vanity/futile 35. The Song of Songs has a lot of __________ imagery. [3N] sexual -36. The Songs of Songs shows that __________ is God-created and beautiful. [3N] sexuality/sex 37. The books of the Antilegomena are Esther, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Songs of Songs and ________. [3N] Ezekiel 38. The books of the Antilegomena are Ezekiel, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Songs of Songs and __________. [3N] Proverbs -39. The Apocrypha is not accepted by the _________ people. [3O] Jewish/protestant(s) -40. Maccabees is an example of a book in the _________. [3O] Apocrypha -41. Hanukah comes from the book of __________. [3O] Maccabees -42. The book of Maccabees is the basis of the feast of _________. [3O] Hanukkah 43. The first church council that accepted the Apocrypha was the Council of 28 _________ in 1545. [3O] Trent 44. The book of Maccabees describes the victory over the Syrian ruler Antiochus ____________ [3O] Epiphanes -45. The book of __________ closes the Old Testament around 400 BC. [3O] Malachi -46. The book of Malachi closes the Old Testament around _______ BC [3O] 400 -47. The Apocrypha is found in the Latin _________ produced by Jerome around 400 AD. [3O] Vulgate -48. The books that are accepted by no one are called __________. [3P] Pseudepigrapha -49. One of the books of the Pseudepigrapha is allegedly written by a figure from Genesis called the Book of _________. [3P] Enoch -50. What is a New Testament pseudepigrapha book? The Gospel of __________ [3P] Judas/Thomas -51. Who preserved the word of God by copying it through the centuries? _________ [3P] Scribes -52. What came into the Bible as a result of scribal copying? ________ [3P] errors/flaws -53. At what point was there a direct connection between God and humans in the giving of his word? ___________ [3Q] Inspiration/prophets 54. One scribal problem that manifests itself in 1 Samuel is concerning the length of the reign of ________ [3R] Saul/King Saul 55. In what book of the New Testament are the last verses not found in the best manuscripts we have today? ___________ [3S] Mark 56. When was the King James Version translated? ______ [3S] 1611 -57. If the shorter ending of Mark is true then the book ends women being ________. [3S] afraid 29 -58. Who was most likely the person who added 1 John 5:7 to the Bible? ________ [3T] Erasmus -59. 1 John 5:7, as found in the King James Version, is probably the clearest statement in all the Bible about the ________ [3T] trinity -60. It was suggested that God did not preserve his word flawless because he wanted humans to ________ him not the Bible. [3U] worship -61. It was suggested that God did not want his word to become a(n) ______ [3U] relic -62. At St. Catherine’s monastery was found ____________ Codex [book] one of our best ancient manuscripts. [3V] Sinaiticus -63. P52 goes back to within 30 years of this New Testament author (ca. 125 AD)? _______ [3V] John -64. There are thousands more NT manuscripts than the handful found for this well-known ancient Greek author? __________ [3V] Plato/Aristotle -65. The oral procedure in copying can result in the word “they’re” being copied down by a scribe as __________ [3X] their/there -66. The confusion of “there” and “their” can be the result of using an _________ method of scribal copying. [3Y] oral 67. The difference between “thier” and “their” is an example of what type of scribal error? ___________ [3Y] Metathesis -68. Originally there were no __________ between words in the early Greek manuscripts. [3Z] spaces -69. The example of how one reads CHRISTISNOWHERE is an example of which type of scribal errors? ___________ [3Z] fission/fusion -70. Homoeteleuton means _____________ (two words) [3AA] same ending 71. When lines end in the same words causing the eye to jump down the page and skip copying material, it is known as __________ [3AA] homeoteleuton 30 -72. Writing a word twice in a row when it should have been written only once is an example of __________. [3AB] dittography 73. Writing a word once when it should have been written twice is called ___________. [3AB] haplography -74. When manuscripts have Job’s wife telling him to “bless God and died” instead of “curse God and die” it is an example of __________________ (two words) type of scribal error. [3AC] harmonizing corruption(s) -75. When one manuscript has “Church of God” and another has “Church of the Lord” and then a later manuscript is found with the reading “Church of the Lord God” this is an example of ___________. [3AD] conflation -76. Generally manuscripts have a tendency to ________ and therefore the shorter reading is to be preferred. [3AE] grow 77. In terms of the length of a manuscript the ________ reading is to be preferred. [3AE] shorter -78. The error of ____________ contributes to the texts general tendency to grow longer. [3AE] conflation -79. The manuscript that is copied from is called the _____________ [3AG] parent/autograph -80. The manuscript that is being copied to is called the _________ [3AG] child/apograph -81. Manuscripts with a similar traceable heritage [parent/child] are grouped and classified as ___________ [3AG] families/family -82. Our best Jewish manuscripts come from the __________ texts produced about 800-1000 AD. [3AH] Masoretic -83. The Christian scribes were not as good as the Jewish scribes because they were often under-educated and ___________. [3AH] poor/persecuted 84. The ______________ (3 words) discovered in 1948 jumped our manuscript evidence of the Old Testament back almost a thousand years. [3AI] 31 Dead Sea Scrolls -85. The oldest Scripture ever found was on a silver _________. [3AJ] amulet 86. The oldest Scripture found (ca. 700 BC) was of a __________ blessing. [3AJ] priestly 87. Digging up artifacts in Palestine is called the study of ___________ [3AJ] archaeology/archeology