Alvarado Intermediate School Teacher: Irons Grade & Subject: 6 Science Honors 6 Social Studies Week of: November Unit & Essential Questions: Social Studies 17 - 21 Should historians emphasize agriculture or human sacrifice? What significance did sacrifice have Aztec society? What advances did the Aztec society make in agriculture that we still use today? TEKS/Learning Objectives: Science Compounds, Chemical and Physical Changes (6.5C,D) Social Studies Historical background relationship to past conflicts/current conditions (6.1B) Relationships in Art, Architecture, Music, and Literature (6.18A) We will ANALYZE documents about the Aztec civilization. We will STAAR Support (non-tested content areas): Reading Comprehension Computation Skills Vocabulary Writing Academic Vocabulary of Instruction: Customized Learning: Science Compound, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Precipitate, Chemical Formula, Subscript, Molecule Social Studies Government, Economy, Standard of Living, Mural, Interdependence A Engage Explore Explain MONDAY Mexico: The Aztecs Reading; Aztec Background Essay Students will read an informative essay about the Aztec society to begin to develop whether Agriculture or Human Sacrifice should be emphasized in history. Document Analysis: Students will analyze several documents in order to decide if agriculture or human sacrifice should be emphasized in history. Document Discussion: Students will engage in open dialogue about the documents and draw conclusions about life in Aztec society. TUESDAY Aztecs Element Projects Document Analysis Continued: Students will analyze several documents in order to decide if agriculture or human sacrifice should be emphasized in history. Document Discussion Continued: Students will engage in open dialogue about the documents and draw conclusions about life in Aztec society. WEDNESDAY Aztec Critical Writing Culture Shock Research Culture Shock Phase I Honors Research: Students will plan a trip to a United States destination and include an itinerary, budget, and travel log. THURSDAY Aztec Debate Culture Shock Research Culture Shock Phase I Honors Research: Students will plan a trip to a United States destination and include an itinerary, budget, and travel log. FRIDAY Aztec Debate Element Project Workday . Elaborate/Extend Evaluate/Assess Element Project Workday: Students will conduct research over an element of their choice and create a multimedia presentation to accompany their cube. Critical Writing: Students will write a persuasive piece arguing for agriculture or human sacrifice to be emphasized in history regarding the Aztecs. Students will use evidentiary support from the documents analyzed. Agriculture or Sacrifice? Students will engage in academic debate choosing whether agriculture or human sacrifice should be emphasized in history. Each house will debate within itself Element Project Workday: Students will conduct research over an element of their choice and create a multimedia presentation to accompany their cube. Part Two Due Agriculture or Sacrifice? Students will engage in academic debate choosing whether agriculture or human sacrifice should be emphasized in history.