Effective with the release of this position announcement, Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development
Strategies (EC-LEDS) Clean Energy Program, supported by USAID, and managed by Winrock International Georgia
is recruiting local applicants for the position of Engineering and Technology Consultant. The responsibilities, duties,
and qualifications are described below.
Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to
empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources. By linking local
individuals and communities with new ideas and technology, Winrock is increasing long-term productivity, equity, and
responsible resource management to benefit the poor and disadvantaged of the world.
Winrock would like to thank all applicants for their interest but only candidates who meet all requisite criteria and are
short listed will be contacted.
Engineering and Technology Consultant
Clean Energy
Winrock International Georgia is implementing USAID funded Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development
Strategies (EC-LEDS) Clean Energy Program that aims to support Georgia’s efforts to increase climate change
mitigation through energy efficiency and clean energy. The broader goal is to enable more responsible management
and development of Georgia’s natural endowments. To achieve this goal, the required outcomes of the program are
captured in following program objectives: (1) Support Georgian municipalities in institutionalizing and implementing
climate change mitigation measures, (2) promote and facilitate private- sector investments in energy efficiency and
green buildings and (3) build the capacity of the Government of Georgia (GOG) to develop and implement a
national Low Emissions Development Strategy in support of the USG EC-LEDS initiative.
EC-LEDS has three main components: Georgian Municipal Energy Efficiency, Green Building Rating and
Certification System and National EC-LEDS Working Group and Advisory Assistance. Component 1 – Georgian
Municipal Energy Efficiency will assist at least ten municipalities in identification and implementation of
demonstration projects via partial grants. In addition to projects identified via the partial grants program, potential
projects will be identified in the process of developing sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs) for municipalities. A
total of $500,000 has been allocated to grant activities under EC-LEDS. EC-LEDS will use grant funds strategically
to cover gaps and leverage commercial financing for at least 10 of 20 climate change mitigation projects identified
through the SEAP and partial grants program process (no more than 20% of project costs and up to
$50,000/project). The Winrock team and participating municipalities will conduct rapid assessments and agree on
priority projects. Project criteria includes sound technical, environmental, and business plans; public-private
partnership structure; identification of financing resources; priority within SEAP/municipal economic development
strategy; emissions and energy savings impact; and potential for replication and scale-up.
Through the partial grants program, EC-LEDS already identified 5 projects for financing and will identify 5 more in
the years 2 and 3 of the program.
Winrock International is seeking for a short-term Engineering and Technology (E&T) Consultant with knowledge and
experience in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Practical experience in implementing energy
efficient lighting (street and indoor) and renewable energy sourced heating systems (solar, photovoltaic,
geothermal, heat pumps, etc.) is an asset.
The E&T Consultant is responsible to conduct the tasks outlined below:
- Review, if necessary edit and approve technical designs for renewable energy and energy efficiency
projects under the grants program, to ensure their technical and engineering feasibility (approximately ten
technical designs would need to be reviewed). (Estimated 10 days)
- Assist Winrock in preparing and announcing international tenders based on technical designs, in case of inkind grant agreements. (Estimated 5 days)
- Participate in the selection committee to review and assess received bids from the standpoint of their
technical and engineering feasibility and appropriateness, efficiency and cost-reasonableness. (Estimated 5
- Conduct periodic monitoring visits to project sites to ensure grant project implementation is on track
(Estimated 30 days)
- Design monitoring check-lists and project progress evaluation reports (Estimated 10 days)
All deliverables must be submitted in English.
Below is a list of deliverables required to complete this assignment:
1. International tender documents (Tender announcement text, technical designs)
2. Brief written evaluation of received bids
3. Monitoring check-list and project progress evaluation report templates
4. Filled in monitoring check-list and project progress evaluation report after each monitoring visit
5. Provide inputs for project completion reports.
E&T Consultant will be given a total of 60 workdays for completing the assignment
Applicants should submit their CVs by e-mail: rgogibedashvili@winrock.org
Application deadline: Friday, June 5, 2015
Winrock International Georgia
7, Chavchavadze Ave.
Tbilisi 0179 Georgia
Phone: + 995 32 250 63 43