
It’s Never to Late to Train
Like A Champion
By: Rob Francis
Spring 2013
Exercise Physiology
Professor: Dr. Biren
This is the Medical History I’d like you check yes if it applies to you or No if it doesn’t.
Name: Rob Francis
Phone #: 5514044709
Date of Birth: 11/07/91
Home address: 420 Sussex Rd. Wood-Ridge Nj
Your Past or Present conditions?
Pain in any of your extremities: No
Chest Pain: No
High or Low Blood pressure: No
High Cholesterol: No
Diabetes: No
Any Operations: No
Dizziness: No
Have you had a heart Attack or Heart disease: No
Heart murmur: No
Constant fatigue when working out: No
Do you have any screws from broken bones: No
Do you take and medications if so explain: I do not take any meds.
Are you a cigarette smoker: No
If you answered yes how much:
Do you have Asthma: No
Do you ever have severe back pain: No
Other?: No
Family History:
Do you have an occurrence of Heart Disease in the Family: No
Do you have an occurrence of strokes: No
Do you have diabetes in the family: No
Life Style and Fitness Habits
Have you ever worked with a fitness plan before: yes
Height: 68 in.
Weight: 175
How many times do you work out a week? 3-4 times
Do you work with weights? Yes weights and bands
What do you do for Cardio: Treadmill, and elliptical
Have you had any bad experiences exercising: No had no bad experiences
Do you have any favorite exercises to do: Yes I like working with weights and the elliptical
How much leisure time do you have: I have a lot of leisure time most time during the night
Does your occupation have heavy lifting or a lot of movement: No
Do you do any activities: Yes intramural football, basketball, and baseball
Do you have a weight problem? No
Do you have a desirable weight? 170 would be nice
On a scale of 0-5 how serious are you about working out? 5
Initial Fitness Assessments adapted to by size and ability’s
Muscular Strength through Bench press: How times you can bench an 80 lb barbell
Gender: male
Pop. Average 25
Age: 21
Score: 100
Reps: 56
Rating: Excellent
ExRx Fitness Testing. (n.d.). ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Internet. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from
Cardio 12 min Run Test
Gender: male
METs: 18.36
Age: 21
VO2 Max: 64.25
Test: 12 mile run
Population Avg.: 45.98
Distance: 2.1 miles
Score: 100
Rating: Excellent
ExRx Fitness Testing. (n.d.). ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Internet. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from
Body Composition
Sex: Male
BMI: 27.1
Height: 68 in.
Pop. Avg.: 25.9
Weight: 178
Classification: Overweight
ExRx Fitness Testing. (n.d.). ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Internet. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from
Sex: Male
Pop. Avg. 15.83
Age: 21
Score: 93
Distance: 22 in.
Rating: Excellent
ExRx Fitness Testing. (n.d.). ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Internet. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from
Endurance crunches
Sex: Gender
Pop. Avg: 43
Age: 21
Score: 101
Reps: 83
Rating: Excellent
ExRx Fitness Testing. (n.d.). ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Internet. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from
Skill Related Assessments
Strength: Push ups
Sex: Male
Pop. Avg.: 42
Age: 21
Score: 76
Reps: 52
Rating: Good
Speed: 50 yard sprint
Seconds: 6.7
Pop. Avg: 6.61
Population: 17 years + (50y)
Score: 47
Rating: Average
Summary: When looking at the information from the fitness testing I did from above I seen
that I have to make some improvements to help with my fitness. One of the things I have to get
better at flexibility for sure. I have never been the most flexible kid and that is something that I
have to improve maybe with better stretching and with some band work. My body
composition I’d like to be better so I will try and get my fat content down. To improve myself
for body composition I need to put more weight training in to mix with my cardio to change to
minimize my fat content to muscle. They are my two biggest needs to work on the most while
also continuing to work on the other three components of fitness.
Identification of strengths and weaknesses:
I work out 3 to 4 times a week
I’m committed to lose weight and fat
My Endurance is high
I want to build up my strength
Increase flexibility
Have to develop a stronger core
Need to increase my weight lifting
Develop better eating habits
Goal Stetting:
I’d like to lose about 5 to 7 pounds
I want my muscle percentage to be higher
I want to work out at least 3 times a week
Be able to work out at least an hour and a half a work out session
Work out with weights 3 times a week
Do cardio 2 times a week
Cut my calorie intake by 300
The Plan:
Throughout the rest of the semester I will set a workout pattern to accommodate my
schoolwork and for my physical fitness. I’d like to be able to work out 3 to 4 times a week and
work out every other day so I can rest my muscles. It would be ideal for me to workout
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It fits my schedule the best and I’d work out during the
nights. Monday’s I would like to work out my chest and triceps. Wednesday I’d like to work on
my back and shoulders and on Friday my legs and biceps. On the off days I want to do cardio
run on the treadmill and the elliptical. If I follow this I should be on track to reach my goals.