Chapter 1 Math Vocabulary Properties of Addition Commutative

Chapter 1 Math Vocabulary
Properties of Addition
Commutative Property of Addition: If the order of the addends changes, the sum stays
the same. Ex: 12 + 7 = 7 + 12
Associative Property of Addition: If the grouping of addend changes, the sum stays the
same. Ex: 5 + (8 + 14) = (5 + 8) + 14
Identity Property of Addition – The sum of any number and 0 is that number. Ex:
13 + 0 = 13
Properties of Multiplication
Commutative Property of Multiplication – If the order of the factors changes, the
product stays the same. Ex: 4 x 9 = 9 x 4
Associative Property of Multiplication – If the grouping of the factors changes, the
product stays the same. Ex: 11 x (3 x 6) = (11 x 3) x 6
Identity Property of Multiplication – The product of any number and 1 is that number.
Ex: 4 x 1 = 4
Distributive Property – Multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each
addend by the number and then adding the products. Ex: 5 x (7 + 9) = (5 x 7) + (5 x 9)
The Distributive Property can also be used with multiplication and subtraction. Ex: 2 x
(10 – 8) = (2 x 10) – (2 x 8)
period – a group of three digits separated by commas in a multi-digit number.
base – the number that is used as the repeated factor.
exponent – the number that tells how many times the base is used as a factor. Ex: 103 – 10
is the base and 3 is the exponent.
inverse operations – opposite operations. Ex: addition and subtraction; multiplication
and division.
evaluate – find the value of.
order of operations – the order in which you should evaluate an expression.