UNDERGROUND RAILROAD HISTORY PROJECT OF THE CAPITAL REGION February 26, 2014 MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING Present:, Dale Black-Pennington, Christine Cowieson, James Owens, Ralph Pennington, Sharon Robinson, Lorraine Wynne, Pat Barrot, John Dion, Matt Kirk, Michael O’Brien, Alexandra Sautin Absent: Douglass Arnott, Yokima Bennett, Donald Hyman, Madeline Kennedy, Paul Murray, Deborah Rausch, Kendall Jeter Mike O”Brien called the meeting to order at 5:47p Questions were entertained and corrections were made regarding the November, December and January minutes. Dale Black-Pennington moved to approve November, December and January’s minutes. Pat Barrot seconded. All voted in favor. Paul Stewart reviewed the treasures report in Doug Arnott’s absence. Mary Liz Stewart asked where the organization was in relation to our quarterly goal. Paul specified that we are significantly behind. It was asked if the conference income would be included in quarter one or two and Mary Liz indicated quarter two. Mary Liz also indicated that events and grants alone will not allow the organization to reach its financial goals. We should be entertaining other potential sources such as philanthropic initiatives, business outreach and enhanced memberships. The Board agreed to add this topic to the retreat. There was also a question of who would succeed Paul Murray as chair of the fundraising committee. Mary Liz said she would ask Madeline Kennedy as Madeline has experience in the field. Lorraine Wynne made a motion to approve the treasures report. Jim Owens seconded. All votes in favor. Mike congratulated Mary Liz and the committee on the success of the Selma event. Even though the event came in a bit short of the financial goal, it was great publicity and everyone who attended commented it was fantastic. John Dion asked if there was any other movies slated to be release that we could center an event around. Mary Liz commented that she is in communication with Paramount, however, they are a bit slow to respond. Pat suggested that we check IMBD. She offered to do so and forward that info to the fundraising committee. Mary Liz entertained questions regarding various committee reports and the ED report. She also asked that board members bring her ink jet cartridges. She can receive a significant discount from Staples with them. Paul Stewart communicated that a video of Bonnets and Bayonets will soon be available on the website and on Facebook. Mary Liz announced that the sixty thousand dollar CFA grant for the lift and step restorations was approved, however, we need to raise twenty thousand to match. Paul and Mary Liz communicated that we need to prettify/enhance the first floor of the residence before March 25th (Selma Event). Anyone who is available is welcome to come help. Also, they need ideas on the direction of the event and how it relates to the residence. There was some discussion on lighting candles and a champagne toast. Mary Liz announced that The Ginger Man restaurant has agreed to purchase produce form the Johnson garden. If anyone knows of any other restaurant who might be interested please let Paul and Mary Liz know. Mary Liz also communicated that she is working with a graphic designer probono on three logo designs for the Board to pick from. Dale Ralph Pennington communicated that the Bylaws committee are about ¾ of the way complete with revising URHP’s bylaws. They hope to have a draft to the Board my May. Mary Liz communicated that she had three resolutions that needed to be approve. The first was a resolution that Mary Liz, as the Executive Director, had authority to sign legal documents regarding the CFA grant. John made a motion to approve. Sharon seconded. All voted in favor. The second was a resolution that Mary Liz, as the Executive Director, could apply and sign documents for a $2,500 grant. Ralph made a motion to approve, Christine Cowieson seconded. All voted in favor. The third was a resolution to rejoin the Community Works Federated Fundraising Group. There is a $200 cost to it and the documentation was very lengthy. The Board requested that Mary Liz send the documentation via email so they could review it before making a decision. Mike communicated that the nominating committee is proposing Sharon Robinson for President of URHPCR for a term of 1 year and 4 months. This term will begin in April. All members present voted in favor (Deborah Rausch voted yes via a written statement). Mary Liz distributed some conference materials and asked board members to help in soliciting advertisements & sponsorships. Also, if anyone is available to volunteer during the conference that would be a big help. Ralph moved to adjourn. Dale seconded. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Action Items: The finance committee will invite all board members to an upcoming committee meeting for additional info/education on the financial documents. Mary Liz will reach out to Madeline Kennedy regarding the fundraising committee chair position Paul or Mar Liz will send out the Community Works resolution for the board to read before casting a vote