WLC 2014 SPEAKER RECRUITING AND APPROVAL PROCESS: OBJECTIVES: Identify quality speakers who are: • Appropriate for the session Represent fresh; new; relevant ideas Have experience and good delivery/connection with the audience Minimize repetition of the same speaker throughout the Technical Program Minimize over-representation of the same organization or agency throughout the Technical Program SPEAKER RULES: Two (2) speakers maximum per session, unless the session is a true panel discussion. (Requires approval by the Technical Program Manager and/or Technical Program Coordinator) Five (5) speakers maximum from the same private sector organization Do NOT simply go with who you know Do NOT use the same speaker from last year (ref: attendee survey feedback, this was a major complaint) unless they were exceptional or are the only person appropriate to cover the topic (Chris Tremper) Set specific deadlines in confirmation letters – if the date passes, move on to the next speaker in line. Do NOT wait to hear back beyond the identified cutoff date. Utilize the entire Planning Committee, the Executive Committee, colleagues, and the GovEnergy Speaker Rolodex as resources for identifying qualified speakers Adhere to the timelines Provide/ask for help as needed THE PROCESS: 1. Session leads evaluate speaker submissions AND/OR make contact with a proposed speaker and obtain bio bits/applicable information regarding his/her area of expertise 2. Session leads select the best speaker(s) for each session after a due diligence review as been performed. 3. Track Leads submit a complete list of proposed speakers to the Technical Program Manager and the Technical Program Coordinator 4. Technical Program Manager and Technical Program Coordinator will review all the proposed speakers to determine any duplications; concentrated vendor participation or inappropriate speakers 5. Track teams will present their proposed speakers DURING the 3rd/final planning committee meeting and identify holes/areas needing additional input to the PC and Exec Comm 6. Exec Comm will approve/deny (lump sum) following the 3rd PC Meeting 7. Following the “lump sum” approval period – the Technical Program Manager will have approval/denial authority. 8. The Technical Program Coordinator will capture ad hoc approvals and post updates on the Executive Committee webpage as well as present updates at weekly Executive Committee meetings. PAGE 1 OF 2 WLC 2014 Speaker Recruiting and Approval Process TIMELINE: 2nd PC Meeting: Begin identifying potential speakers February 27, 2012: Provide a list of preferred speakers. Indicate preferences (A, B, or C) to Sarah Mabbitt (smabbitt@energetics.com) 3rd PC Meeting: Present speakers during the 3rd PC Meeting March 7, 2012: Obtain written notification from Sarah Mabbitt and begin inviting speakers utilizing the prescribed speaker management process and templates. May 15: 99.9% of all speakers confirmed GOVENERGY SPEAKER ROLODEX: Individuals who wish to volunteer to speak at GovEnergy may apply via the GovEnergy Speaker Rolodex (www.GovEnergy.gov). An Excel document will be updated on the Planning Committee webpage on a weekly basis listing all entries to the rolodex. Information captured includes: Name Agency/Organization Contact information Biography Topic Area Expertise Level of Expertise (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced) PAGE 1 OF 2 WLC 2014 Speaker Recruiting and Approval Process