THE MISSION COMMUNITY OF S. PETER &THE HOLY APOSTLES comprising the churches of S. PETER WYNDHAM SQUARE, PLYMOUTH with S. THOMAS THE APOSTLE NORTH KEYHAM & S. JAMES THE LESS HAM DRIVE A Forward in Faith Registered Parish under the Episcopal Care of the Bishop of Plymouth Fr PHILPOTT SSC: 01752 298502 – Dean of Tamar Region FiF Sr MARY JOSEPH SC: 01752 302795 FR. SMITH SSC: 01752 603812 Fr MARR SSC: 01752 228426 Fr ALLAN 01579 349074 Fr JORDAN 01752 302283 - Mission Community Catechist SCHOOL: 01752 667724 Clerk to Govs:Nadine Philips: <> WEBSITE for our parish: ~ FOR MUCH MORE INFORMATION ON EVENTS, ETC. ALL ARE WELCOME! Today we celebrate MARY, MOTHER OF GOD 9.00am Mass + hymns 9.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am SOLEMN MASS, Homily, & Fisherfolk Club 10.30am Mass, homily, Holy Baptism + hymns Refreshments are served after Mass VISITORS We want to welcome you. Please help us by making yourself known to one of our priests or to Sr Mary Joseph SC. If you are unfamiliar with our service, do ask for help in following the Mass. Please join us for coffee after Mass. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP FUND – when making a donation during the Mass towards the daily cost of maintaining the mission, ministry and buildings of the Church here please use the envelope to be found in each place, and if you are a UK tax-payer please Gift Aid your donation by completing the personal information so we can claim the Tax on your gift. AT MASS TODAY Fr Philpott is at St Thomas at 9am, Fr Smith is at St Peter at 10am, Fr. Allan is at St James at 10.30am. Fr Marr is at St Gabriels. FR PHILPOTT has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours. He has been given it for his ‘service to the community of Plymouth’. He is especially mindful of those with whom he has shared this aspect of his work, particularly through ICTHUS, Plymouth Drake Foundation and Millfields and he is grateful to those who commended him for this honour. THANK YOU ! Fr Graham wishes to say thank you to all who sent him cards or gave him gifts for Christmas. Such kindnesses are always warmly and gratefully received. FR TREVOR JORDAN will be working to grow the Christian community at St James the Less. We aim to make sure that this church remains open and is used more and more for worship and for community activities so that it gains good “street cred” within the wider community of Ham and North Prospect. The bid for growth will be overseen by a newly formed MISSION STRATEGY GROUP. This Group will eventually initiate activities across our Mission Community but it will first focus on St James, exploring how we can both renew and grow the Church community that is called to serve the people of Ham and North Prospect. We want to offer a 21st century experience of the Catholic Faith in worship and loving service. Fr Philpott is joined by Fr Smith, Fr Jordan, Bernard Roberts, Julian Davies and Val Braddon. Our first meeting is on Monday 2nd January at 2pm in St James church. Start praying for the Lord’s blessing on this venture now! HOWESON COFFEE SHOP is currently open Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 11am until 2pm. A good selection of food is on sale. It is a good place to meet friends. WALSINGHAM 2012 – our pilgrimage next year is from 24th – 28th September. Barbara is taking bookings now. £10 deposit required. Bishop John is leading us again. CHRISTMAS 2 (Psalter Week 2) Week beginning Sunday 1st January 2012 Monday 2 Tues 3 10.00am (St Peter) Fr GS 10.00am (St Peter) Fr SP St Basil the Great, Bishop & Doctor Icon Station The Most Holy Name of Jesus Litany before Mass Wed 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 10.00am (St Peter) Fr GS 10.00am (St Peter) Fr SP 10.00am (St James) Fr. JA 1.15pm (St Peter) Fr TJ 7.00pm (St Peter) Fr SP 10.00am (St Peter) Fr SP Christmas feria Christmas feria THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 1.15pm St Peter’s Primary School in church for a CHRISTINGLE SERVICE – ALL WELCOME Christmas feria 9.00am (St Thomas) Fr JA 9.30am (St Peter) Lay led 10.00am (St Peter) Frs GS & SP 10.30am (St James) Fr PM THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Mass, Homily +hymns Morning Prayer Solemn Mass, Homily, + Fisherfolk Club, Mass, Homily, + hymns Sat 7 Sunday 8th January 2012 The Love of the Lord Compels us to use our gifts to make new Christians Priestly Vocations The Walsingham Sisters Religious Vocations Derriford Hospital Thanksgiving Bishop John May our Baptism increasingly form our lives LOOK OUT FOR a meeting of the Fellowship of St Alban &St Sergius and a presentation on ICONS. The Fellowship seeks to help the understanding between Western and Eastern Christians. It will meet in St Peter’s on 24th January 2012 at 6.30pm and will include Evening Prayer. Fr Stephen Platt (Russian Orthodox) will give the Presentation and he is well worth hearing. THE ECUMENICAL JOURNEY: Please note the following important news & dates – The Bible Study Group begins meeting again until Thursday 12th January. The Prayer Meeting dates, times and venues in early 2012 are: Thursday 26th January at 12.30pm at the Crown Centre. It includes lunch – bookings 01752 254981 Tuesday 21st February at 7pm in the RC Cathedral, Wyndham Street Tuesday 20th March at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s RC Church Devonport Father, may they be one! SPONSORED WEIGHT LOSS – our Parish Priest has to lose weight and he thought you might all encourage him by sponsoring him in support of a gift(s) for our Mission Community. A Sponsor Sheet is available in each church today. Perhaps if everyone signs up we might get a slim priest and benefit each of our churches at the same time. By the way, Fr P needs to lose 10stone! CHURCH MEMBERSHIP FUND … today is the day we ask you to begin paying your revised contribution to our Church Membership Fund [CMF]. Hopefully, you have been able to increase your giving each week. If you pay Income Tax, we ask you to Gift Aid your weekly gift. It will increase the amount the Church receives and at no cost to yourself. You know how the cost of things you buy have gone up. The same is true for our Mission Community. Please play your part in helping, not only to meet the bills, but to have money to spend on mission! Please accept our thanks for all that you do to support the work of the church in this Mission Community. “Let us remind ourselves over and over again that holiness has to do with very ordinary things: truthfulness, courtesy, kindness, gentleness, consideration for others, contentment with our lot, honesty and courage in the face of life, reliability, dutifulness. Intent, as we think, on the higher reaches of spirituality, we can overlook the warp and wool of holiness.” Interior Castle Explored by Ruth Burrows OCD REQUESTING PRAYERS AT MASS - it is very easy to lose track of who made the request, when and for what purpose. Sickness is not the only spur to such requests. It would help enormously if we can assemble the names as follows: Name of the person for whom we are to pray or a cause of thanksgiving The person’s need and a request to give thanks when that need has been met The name of the person making the request The date the request is made Requests should be made to Sister Mary Joseph SC We will always pray if asked to do so, no matter how long the list of names becomes. However, if someone recovers then we should be told and a request made that their name be removed from the list. The Love of the Lord Compels us to use our gifts to make new Christians MASSES & CALENDAR FOR JANUARY 2012 Day Date Sun 1 M 2 T W Th F 3 4 5 6 Sat Sun 7 8 Calendar SOLEMNITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD St Basil the Great, bishop & Doctor Icon Station Christmas feria Christmas feria Christmas feria SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY Colour Masses Priest W 9am [St Thomas] 10am [St Peter] 10.30am [St James] 10am [St Peter] Fr SP Fr GS Fr JA Fr GS W W W W 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St James] 1.15pm [St Peter] 7.00pm [St Peter] Fr SP Fr GS Fr SP Fr JA Fr TJ Fr SP et al W W 10am [St Peter] 9am [St Thomas] 10am [St Peter] 10.30am [St James] Fr SP Fr JA Frs GS & SP Fr PM 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter 10am [St James] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 9am [St Thomas] 10am [St Peter] 10.30am [St James] 10am (St Peter) 10am (St Peter) 10am (St Peter) 10am (St James) 10am (St Peter) 10am (St Peter) Fr GS Fr GS Fr SP Fr JA Fr GS Fr SP Fr SP Fr JA Fr GS & PM Fr SP Fr GS Fr SP Fr SP Fr JA Fr GS Fr SP 10am (St Peter) 9am [St Thomas] 10am [St Peter] 10.30am [St James] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 6.30pm [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St James] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] 10am [St Peter] Fr SP Fr SP Fr JA & GS Fr PM Fr GS Fr JA Fr SP Fr SP Fr SP Fr PM Fr GS Fr SP 9am [St Thomas] 10am [St Peter] 10.30am [St James] 10.00am [St Peter] 10.00am [St Peter] Fr PM Fr GS & SP Fr JA Fr GS Fr SP W St Peter’s Primary School in church for a CHRISTINGLE SERVICE – ALL WELCOME Epiphany feria SOLEMNITY OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD First Week of Ordinary Time Year B Psalter 1 M T W Th 9 10 11 12 feria feria feria St Aelred of Rievaulx, abbot G G G W F Sat Sun 13 14 15 St Hilary, Bishop & Doctor Icon Station Of Our Lady Second Sunday of Ordinary Time W W G M T W Th 16 17 18 19 feria St Anthony, Abbot For the unity of the Catholic Church St Wulstan, bishop G W W W F 20 R Sat Sun 21 22 St Fabian, Pope & martyr & St Sebastian, martyr St Agnes, virgin & martyr Third Sunday of Ordinary Time M T 23 24 G W W Th 25 26 feria St Francis de Sales, bishop & Doctor Presentation on Icons & Evening Prayer CONVERSION OF ST PAUL St Timothy & St Titus, bishops F Sat 27 28 W W Sun 29 St Angela Merici, virgin St Thomas Aquinas, priest & Doctor ICON STATION Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time M T 30 31 feria St John Bosco, priest G W (Psalter Wk 2) R G (Psalter Wk 3) W W G (Psalter Wk4) MICAH MOMENTS for LENT and HOLY WEEK IN LENT ON EACH WEDNESDAY BEFORE MASS we will reflect on the life, work, witness and rapid growth of the Early Church through the series “Take & Read” – The Acts of the Holy Apostles. IN HOLY WEEK on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will reflect on the signs of transformation that we should manifest in our lives as a result and benefit of The Saviour’s Incarnate Life, The Saviour’s Death and Passion, and The Saviour’s Glorious Resurrection and Ascension. OUR SUNDAY MASS RULE: NEVER ABSENT & NEVER LATE