In this thesis the common in architecture is encircled through three different analyses, which at the same time constitute and encircle some archaeological and thus methodological implications in and for space formation and the architectural field. In connecting the three work fields an archive of workrelated expressions is created, out of which a line of theoretical considerations regarding the common in architecture and regarding archaeology as a method emerges. In and with the archive the thesis’ character of materially anchored thinking space, and thus its character of archaeology, is underlined.
At one level the analyses of this thesis establish a line of considerations on concrete exchanges between different material states belonging to a given area and its common space. At another level they reflect in different ways the perspectives of the architectural foundation, i.e. the character of common ground of the space development. This exposes how the common is tied to the sociality, the local, the space formation viewed as morphological process. Thus is given some folding features of the architectural creative field with consequence for the establishing and understanding of the common ground and space of architecture. In this way the thesis allows us to finally acknowledge the work fields as reflected epistemological fields or if you prefer: Architectural-archaeological fields.
The characteristics and immanent drafting of space of the individual works are continuously elaborated on in the thesis through a line of philosophical themes, since it is assumed that the special concepts of philosophy and the space related conceptions of architecture are connected sizes. Thus the interpretations of the movements of the space formation and in continuation hereof the common ground are also elaborated as a reflection space between the thinking spaces of architecture and philosophy. In the elaborations emerges thus a view on the rule shaping and reflecting practices of both fields and the coincidences here between. The elaborative work with the gap between architecture and philosophy is hereby extended. The second part of the thesis deals with the perspectives of architecture-archaeology as a methodical breakthrough field.
In the small but famous book on Michel Foucault’s philosophy, the philosopher Gilles Deleuze writes:
”A new archivist is appointed in the city”. One could argue that so is the foundation of this thesis’ archive. That it emerges as an archive in and for the architecture and the city, as an archive of expressions incidentally stating an archaeological field for the common ground of architecture.