The Essay

The Essay
Choose one of the following topics in which to write a five-paragraph essay. Be sure to apply all
your prior knowledge and to follow the writing process.
Family and Relationships (Parental) – in The Giver, each family has two parents, a son, and a
daughter. The relationships are not biological (i.e. not genetic), but are developed through
observation and careful handling of personality (i.e. character, behavior). In our own society,
the make-up of a family is under discussion. How are families defined? Are families the
foundation (i.e. base) of a society, or are they continually open for new definitions?
Diversity – The Giver pictures a community in which every person and his or her experience is
precisely the same. The climate is controlled, and competition has been eliminated in favor of a
community in which everyone works only for the common good. What advantages might
“Sameness” yield for contemporary (i.e. modern, present-day) communities? In what ways do
our differences make us distinctly human? Is the loss of diversity (i.e. variety, mixture,
assortment) worthwhile?
Feelings – Jonas remarks that loving another person must have been a dangerous way to live.
Describe the relationship between Jonas and his family, his friends Asher and Fiona, and the
Giver. Are any of these relationships dangerous? Perhaps the most dangerous is that between
Jonas and the Giver – the one relationship built on love. Why is that relationship dangerous
and what does the danger suggest about the nature of love?
Ideal Society – The Giver portrays a society that is considered “ideal” (i.e. perfect, model,
idyllic). Everything is controlled and guaranteed. Surprises and the unexpected are “take care
of.” In this society, the community lives without fear of the unknown. The community is
perfect. Do you agree with this statement? What are your supporting arguments?
Utopia – The Giver has a running theme of a Utopian society. Refer back to your notes; do you
think a Utopia is possible? Why or why not? Where do you think a Utopian society could exist,
and how could it exist?
Writing Assignment Rubric
1: Limited
Thoughts and
jumps all over
the place. Better
planning would
have made it
more successful
Sentences are
Proper use of
layout needs to
be considered
more carefully.
Word Choice
( .5 taken off /
error – incl. use
of the wrong
word ie: from vs.
( .5 taken off /
2: Adequate
3: Proficient
Thoughts are laid
out simplistically.
More thought to
flow would have
helped the
information to
be clearer.
Thoughts are laid
making the
paper easy to
follow and
contain errors or
have incomplete
though they’re
Language is
vague and needs language is used.
to be developed. The content
More adjectives would be more
and detailed
word use would presented with
be more
language used.
Frequent spelling Several spelling
errors are made. errors are
Be sure to edit
present and
more thoroughly distract from the
content of the
Frequent errors
The paper has
are made. More several
thorough editing punctuation
is necessary to
errors that
bring more
distract from the
paper’s content.
Minor errors in
structure are
present but
overall the
statements are
complete and
Specific language
is used and
Language is
relevant but
lacking variety.
4: Excellent
Thoughts are
skillfully laid out
and worded in a
way that makes
sense. Extra
thought was
given to flow &
Sentences are indepth and
purposeful. Each
statement is
clearly and
properly laid out.
Purposeful and
language is used.
The paper is rich
and detailed.
A few errors are
present but
overall spelling is
accurate and
Proper spelling is
used throughout.
The paper has a
couple of
errors but still
The paper uses
punctuation with
very few minor
Remember: if two thoughts can stand alone don’t separate them with a comma: Make two sentences or use a semi-colon ( ; ).
Rubric provided by N. Pool.
Paper Writing Format
Your good copy papers should be:
- Size 12, Times New Roman font, double spaced, black ink
- You need an introduction, minimum 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion
- Each paragraph should be about 4-5 sentences and should cover only one topic, not several
- Paragraphs should be indented at the beginning
- You should list sources that you have used on a separate page: Bibliography
This section introduces the topic of the paper/essay/profile/etc. You should include basic information
that will be important for the reader to know for the rest of their reading. Introductions should be about
4-5 sentences to start:
- Introduce the topic
- Give a brief background
Body Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence:
(This should somehow connect back to the introduction)
- Supporting points: These sentences should support the topic sentence. If they do not relate
to the topic of the paragraph they should be included in a different one.
- You must include at least three pieces of supporting information in each paragraph
- Supporting point 3
Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________
- Supporting point 1
- Supporting point 2
- Supporting point 3
(or more if you want)
Body Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________
- Supporting point 1
- Supporting point 2
- Supporting point 3
(or more if you want)
Topic Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________
- This paragraph is to summarize the information that you have discussed and wrap it up
- Make sure that the purpose of the paper was clear and that it is emphasized in this section
Book Title
Author (s)
Publication Company
Essay outline provided by N. Pool.
Illustrator (s)
Publication Location
Genre (mood)
Paper Writing Format
Your good copy papers should be:
- Size 12, Times New Roman font, double spaced, black ink
- You need an introduction, minimum 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion
- Each paragraph should be about 4-5 sentences and should cover only one topic, not several
- Paragraphs should be indented at the beginning
- You should list sources that you have used on a separate page: Bibliography
Fill out the format point form to help plan your paper:
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________
Important background: __________________________________________________________________
Additional information: _________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 1: _____________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 2: _____________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 3: _____________________________________________________________________
Transition to next paragraph: _____________________________________________________________
Essay outline provided by N. Pool.
Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 1: _____________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 2: _____________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 3: _____________________________________________________________________
Transition to next paragraph: _____________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 1: _____________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 2: _____________________________________________________________________
Supporting point 3: _____________________________________________________________________
Transition to next paragraph: _____________________________________________________________
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________
Summary point 1: ____________________________________________________________
Summary point 2: ____________________________________________________________
Summary point 3: ____________________________________________________________
Concluding statement for the paper: _____________________________________________
Book Title:
Publication Company:
Publication Location:
Copywrite ©Date:
Essay outline provided by N. Pool.