9-24-13 Chamber AM Meeting Minutes - Granite Falls

Granite Falls Chamber of Commerce
General Membership
September 24, 2013 8:00 AM
GenCare Dining Room
Jude Anderson, Chamber Vice President, called the morning general meeting to order at 8:11 AM in the
GenCare dining room. President, Randy Youngquist, was unable to attend the meeting due to work.
Jude Anderson, Vice President – Sno-Isle Library
Vervia Gabriel, Secretary – Mountain Loop exPress
Debbie Calloway, Board Member – C-Dub Auto Repair
Austin Bailey, Board Member – New Light Photography and Design
EB Holderman, Granite Falls School District
MINUTES: The minutes of the September 10, 2013 meeting were circulated and approved as submitted.
Halloween Map: The Chamber will be supporting local businesses and providing a safe venue in town for trick
or treating again this year. The Halloween map will show the locations of all businesses handing out treats.
$100 was allocated for printing maps. Cecil Andrews will be contacted to see if he plans to continue with the
project this year. Austin Bailey is available to contact businesses and update the map if necessary. Debbie
Calloway will be responsible for printing. Orange paper was suggested to give the map some pizzazz without
adding the cost of colored printing.
Approximately 1000 maps will be printed, 850 for distributing in the elementary schools and 150 to place in
community businesses. EB Holderman, Granite Falls School District representative, cautioned the Chamber
about printing the names of businesses primarily selling liquor, tobacco or medical marijuana on the school
version of the maps.
Caboose: Vervia Gabriel reported on moving the fully restored 1912 Northern Pacific caboose in to town.
Historical Society representative, Fred Cruger, has made arrangements to move it at no cost. Help with the
construction of a foundation for the caboose is still needed. The City has yet to comment on their determination
of any administrative or legal obstacles that might prevent the use of the caboose as a building to promote
Granite Falls. See “City Offered Historical Caboose” for more information.
Motocross: Vervia Gabriel reported on the construction of the motocross. The proposed multi-track facility
would be built on 75-acre areas located 3.5 miles up the Mountain Loop Highway from town. The SEPA
Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) has been finalized by the County. According to project
applicant, Gary Strode, the motocross project has been scaled back significantly and will have a multitude of
checks along the way to ensure meeting the concerns of residents about sound and environmental impact.
Strode hopes it will become a reality in 2015. Strode said there will be one more public hearing in eight weeks,
and then the permit to start construction should be issued. The entire MDNS report is available on the
Chamber website under Motocross.
Railroad Days (October 5th): Jeanenne Hoyt, Chair
No committee representative was in attendance. Austin Bailey reported on a problem with two representatives
of one company that signed up as vendors. This particular company only allows one distributor per event. The
second vendor ordered a large amount of inventory to sell and is very upset. A compromise will be offered in the
form of a free vendor spot in the “Santa Shop” at WinterFest.
WinterFest (November 30th): Austin Bailey, Chair
Austin said there are no changes to the plans for this November 30th event. Austin committed to purchasing
more lights for the tree in front of the Historical Museum from his event budget. Ryan Foxley has been invited
to bring his horses and carriage for rides around town. Ryan has bells for the horses. The next meeting will be at
Alfy’s on Tuesday October 1st at 5:00 PM.
Financial Committee: Jeanenne Hoyt, Chair
Trisha Broughton sent a message (in her absence) noting concerns with checks from event vendors being held
for a long time and deposited late. This results in an overload on the Chamber phone, with calls to confirm
applications have been received.
Marketing Committee: Austin Bailey, Chair
Austin was questioned about materials not being out yet for Railroad Days. Austin explained that the banners
were taken to City Hall today and will be put up as soon as possible. The banners cost $315. They have no dates
and will be reusable from year to year. Lamppost banners will also be put out soon. There have been no press
releases for Railroad Days. Thirty-five vendors have signed up and the carnival has been booked. The parade
applications are slowly coming in. Reminders had been sent out. Austin will be talking to Wendy Cox at
Pilchuck Promotional Products about ordering a table cloth for the Chamber booth at Railroad Days.
Austin reported that he had contacted Trudy Sullivan, Advanced Multi-Media Instructor at Granite Falls High
School, about creating a video to promote the Chamber. He will start contacting businesses to be interviewed
for the video. Austin noted that he will also be purchasing a new camera with video capabilities. He hopes to do
a Granite Falls City video in addition to the Chamber video.
Austin also updated the Chamber on purchasing the portable lighted sign for $950. Since the City does not
allow lighted signs within City limits, it will be unplugged. Austin was asked to check on battery and electrical
hook-ups in case the Chamber decides to use it outside City limits where it could be lighted.
Austin added that he will be offering marketing consulting to local businesses. This will be a free service for
non-profits, and discounted for Chamber members.
Membership Committee: Trisha Broughton, Chair
Trisha Broughton was not in attendance but submitted a report via email. She said there are currently fifty-one
members in good standing. Trisha said TECO and Kristen Olbrecht, a local attorney, are expected to join this
Webmaster: Austin Bailey
Austin reported on the website banner. Fireplace Services currently has the spot, followed by New Light
Photography and Design. Austin said he wants all Chamber members to have a chance to be featured on the
banner. He has a calendar set up to start in January. Jude Anderson suggested sending an email right now
asking who else might want to take advantage of this low cost, high visibility advertising.
IGA Field Repairs:
Jeanenne Hoyt and Mike Trask were not in attendance to report on the field repairs. With all the rain, it will
probably be delayed until after Railroad Days.
2014 Directory:
Trisha Broughton sent a message saying the letters have gone out to current advertisers. The Mountain Loop
exPress is negotiating the graphic design and layout, and will have the contractor in place by October 1. The
projected completion and mailing date for the Directory is January 2, 2014.
Adopt-a- Block: Trisha Broughton, Chair
Trisha met with Brent Kirk, Public Utility Supervisor, regarding the City map to be used for Adopt-A-Block
sign-ups. Brent will be working with Fred Cruger and Trisha to prepare one showing street names and a legend.
A larger laminated map, approximately 2' x 3', will be produced. The Chamber will continue sign ups at
the October 8 meeting.
Jude Anderson will be taking over as president in January 2014. Jude said he wants to have a speaker each
month to cover topics of interest to the Chamber members. He has arranged for a speaker from the Washington
Healthcare Exchange to make a neutral presentation on the impact of the new Affordable Healthcare Act laws
on January 14th. At the February meeting, Trisha Broughton will talk about changes to business tax laws.
Austin Bailey presented his ideas on the need to increase business networking opportunities. Jude Anderson
suggested discussing his ideas at the next board meeting.
Meeting Adjourned 9:45 AM