SW Asia Water Distribution and Impact Vocabulary


Name: __________________________

Date: __________ Period: __________

SW Asian Physical Geography

Water Distribution

SS7G7. The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources and population distribution on Southwest Asia (Middle East). b. Describe how the deserts and rivers of Southwest Asia (Middle East) have affected the population in terms of where people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel .

Dense(ly) – As in densely populated= having the people of an area/region closely compacted together; crowded or thick

Distribution (distribute) – To divide and give out shares or portions; to pass out or deliver

Irrigation – The process of bringing water to land to assist in the production of crops

Overpopulation – Occurs when a population has outgrown an area’s resources, such as land and water

Population density – Average number of people living in a square mile of a region

Scarcity – Shortness of supply; not enough of something

Sparse(ly) — As in sparsely populated= thinly scattered; not thick

Desalinization – Process of removing salt from seawater for drinking

Silt – Small particles of rich soil carried by flooding waters



How do the deserts and rivers affect the population and trade in Southwest Asia (Middle East)?


How do deserts and rivers impact the type of work and modes of transportation available to the region’s population ?
