How to Correctly Fill Out a Course Drop Form

How to Correctly Complete a Course Drop Form
Missoula College UM
Depending on how far a semester has progressed, students may have to fill out a paper Course Drop Form in order to
drop a course for which they are registered. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the course drop policies
and to ensure that the form is filled out correctly! Incorrectly completed or incomplete forms may result in a delay in
processing and/or denial of approval.
The procedure for dropping a course depends on when in the semester a student is attempting to drop the course.
After registering and through the first seven (7) instructional days of the semester, students may use Cyberbear to add
courses or change sections and credits; through the first fifteen (15) instructional days of the semester, students may
use Cyberbear to drop courses.
Fees are reassessed on the sixteenth (16th) day of the term. Added courses and credits may result in additional fees. For
courses dropped by the fifteenth (15th) instructional day, no fees are charged and courses are not recorded on the
student’s transcript.
To drop a course between instructional days 16-45, students must fill out a paper Course Drop Form, have it signed by
the course instructor and their advisor (in that order), and turn it in to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Dropping a
course during this time will result in a “W” appearing on the transcript, in lieu of a letter grade.
To drop a course between instructional day 46 through the last day of class (i.e. Friday before Finals Week), students
must fill out a paper Course Drop Form and then have it signed by the course instructor, their advisor, and the Dean of
the college/school in which the student is enrolled. Dropping a course during this time period will result in a “WP” or
“WF” on the transcript, in lieu of a letter grade; this is to indicate whether or not the student passing the course at the
time of withdrawal.
Dropping a course during Finals Week is not permitted.
Course Drop Forms may not be used to drop every single course for which a student is registered. Withdrawing from the
semester (i.e. dropping ALL courses) requires a different process. Should a student need to withdraw from the semester,
the student should visit with his/her advisor regarding his/her options. More information regarding the different types
of semester withdrawals is available at the UM withdrawal website.
1. Course Drop Forms are available at the Registrar’s Office in the Administration Building of Missoula College, or in
the Missoula College Academic Advising Center (AD 12A).
2. Students MUST complete the following student information sections in pen before obtaining any signatures:
a. Circle the semester and write in the semester year
b. Last, first, and middle name
c. Student ID (790) number
d. Phone number
e. Read the policies on the back of the form, then sign on the “Signature” line and check the box that says,
“I have read and understand the information on the reverse side”
f. Fill out the Drop course row sections: Course Request Number (CRN), Subject, Course Number, Section
Number, and Credits
i. NOTE: You may find all of the course information, including the CRN and section number, on the
Registration screen in Cyberbear or in Academic Planner.
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3. Approach the course instructor and ask him/her to complete his/her portion of the drop form. IT IS THE
a. Instructor Recommendation: The instructor must check either “Recommended” or “Not Recommended”
b. Instructor Comments REQUIRED for DROPS: The instructor MUST write some comment on this line
c. Instructor Signature: The instructor must sign the form on this line
d. Date: The instructor must also write in the date s/he signed the form
4. After the student and the instructor complete their respective sections, the student must then acquire his/her
advisor’s signature on the Advisor Signature line. The advisor must also check either “Recommended” or “Not
a. Refer to the Missoula College Advisor Directory for advisor contact information.
5. International students and students who utilize Veteran Benefits must acquire the respective signature indicated
on the drop form (VA Coordinator or FSSS Director) prior to turning in the form. Please contact the VETS Office
or FSSS Office for more information.
6. RECOMMENDED: If a student is receiving Financial Aid, it is highly recommended that s/he contacts the
Financial Aid Office prior to turning in her/his completed drop form. It is the student’s responsibility to
understand how, if at all, her/his Financial Aid may be impacted by dropping a course/courses.
7. Turn in the completed form to the Registrar’s Office at Missoula College or the Registration Counter in Griz
Central on the mountain campus.
a. Students must keep the yellow carbon copy for their records, at least until the end of the semester
when grades are posted to ensure that the form was properly processed.
1. Course Drop Forms are available at the Registrar’s Office in the Administration Building of Missoula College, or in
the Missoula College Academic Advising Center (AD 12A).
2. Students MUST complete the following student information sections in pen before obtaining any signatures (refer
to the red writing in the image below for an example):
a. Circle the semester and write in the semester year
b. Last, first, and middle name
c. Student ID (790) number
d. Phone number
e. Read the policies on the back of the form, then sign on the “Signature” line and check the box that says,
“I have read and understand the information on the reverse side”
f. Fill out the Drop course row sections: Course Request Number (CRN), Subject, Course Number, Section
Number, and Credits
i. NOTE: You may find all of the course information, including the CRN and section number, on the
Registration screen in Cyberbear or in Academic Planner.
3. Before obtaining any signatures, the student must also check the box at the bottom of the form that corresponds
with their reason for dropping the course. If none of those options apply, the student must write ion their reason
using the blank line option and select the associated checkbox.
4. In addition to Step #3, Missoula College students are also required to attach to the form a brief written statement
(typed, ideally) giving a more detailed explanation of why they are dropping the course.
5. Approach the course instructor and ask her/him to complete her/his portion of the drop form. IT IS THE STUDENT’S
a. Grade Option: The instructor must check either “WP” or “WF”
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b. Instructor Recommendation: The instructor must check one box; either “Recommended” or “Not
c. Instructor Comments REQUIRED for DROPS: The instructor MUST write some comment on this line
d. Instructor Signature: The instructor must sign the form on this line
e. Date: The instructor must also write in the date s/he signed the form
6. After the student and the instructor complete their respective sections, the student must then acquire his/her
advisor’s signature on the Advisor Signature line. The advisor must also check either “Recommended” or “Not
a. Refer to the Missoula College Advisor Directory for advisor contact information.
7. International students and students who utilize Veteran Benefits must acquire the respective signature indicated
on the drop form (VA Coordinator or FSSS Director) prior to turning in the form. Please contact the VETS Office or
FSSS Office for more information.
8. RECOMMENDED: If a student is receiving Financial Aid, it is highly recommended that s/he contacts the Financial
Aid Office prior to turning in her/his completed drop form. It is the student’s responsibility to understand how, if
at all, her/his Financial Aid may be impacted by dropping a course/courses.
9. After all applicable signatures are acquired, the student must turn in the form to the Missoula College Academic
Advising Center (AD 12A). Once dropped off at the Academic Advising Center, the Dean’s signature will be acquired
and the form will be turned in to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
a. WARNING! If the form is not filled out correctly and entirely by this step, the form will not be accepted
and the student will be instructed to complete the missing portions.
b. Unless otherwise requested, the form’s carbon copy will be retained by the Academic Advising Center
through at least the end of the semester.
In-Person Students & In-Person Instructors
Students who are attending school in-person are expected to complete the Course Drop Form process outlined above in
order to drop an online-only course, as long as the professor is available to meet with students on campus. Refer to the
course syllabus or email the instructor to inquire about her/his office hours, and plan on going to those office hours to
have her/him fill out the drop form.
Dropping a Course When the Student and/or Instructor Is Located Off-Campus
Completing the course drop process can be difficult for online-only students and for students who are taking courses
from professors who are teaching from a distance (i.e. not available to meet students on campus). In cases where
students are unable to get a professor’s actual signature, email approval sent from the instructor (via her/his UM email
address) with all of the pertinent information may function as a substitute.
1. Contact your academic advisor to let her/him know you are planning on dropping a course (be sure to mention
which one and include the reason) and that you will be emailing your professor for permission to drop.
2. Email your professor from your UM email address using the drop request template provided in the next section.
a. Even though an email is taking the place of a signature, all pertinent information from the drop form
MUST be included in the email correspondence.
b. NOTE: You are REQUIRED to email your professor using YOUR UM STUDENT EMAIL.
3. If you are able to come to campus, attach the professor’s email to a drop form (filled out with your personal
information; see instructions above) in lieu of her/his signature and follow the appropriate directions above for
completing and turning in the form.
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4. If you are a distance-only student, forward to your advisor the email from your professor and work with her/him to
complete the drop process.
Email Drop Request Template
Below is an email template students may use to request a course drop over email. Note that students must replace the
sections highlighted in green the correct information prior to sending.
Dear Professor [LAST NAME],
I am emailing you to request your permission to drop [COURSE SUBJECT, COURSE NUMBER, SECTION. Ex: WRIT 10102C], CRN [COURSE REQUEST NUMBER HERE. Ex: 54321]. I am asking to drop the [# OF CREDITS]-credit course because
Because completing a drop form face-to-face is not currently a possibility, would you please be willing to provide, over
email, the necessary information required for me to be able to drop the course? Please see below for the instructor
responses required to complete the drop process.
Instructor Information Required:
 Instructor Recommendation: Recommended or Not Recommended
 Instructor Comments REQUIRED for DROPS:
 Did the student begin attending the course? Yes or No
 By placing the date after this sentence, I acknowledge that this email response will be accepted in lieu of my
actual signature on the Course Drop Form:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for your time,
[YOUR STUDENT ID NUMBER. Ex. 790-55-5555]
[YOUR PHONE NUMBER. Ex. 406-555-5555]
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