
identify the men & contributions of the political
philosophies on the development of the U.S.
 Founding Father – individuals who played a major role in declaring
US independence, fighting the Revolutionary War, or writing and
adopting the US Constitution.
 John Adams (Federalist) – served in 1st and 2nd Continental Congress,
served as Vice President for 8 years under George Washington and
was elected the 2nd President of the United States in 1796;
 Alexander Hamilton (Federalist) –was a delegate to Continental
Congresses and the Constitutional Convention; leading Federalist
and favored strong central government. Helped write the Federalist
Papers; first secretary of Treasury during which time he established
the Mint and the National Bank.
 Thomas Jefferson (Anti-Federalist) – Third president of the United
States. Author of Declaration of independence. Approved the
Louisiana Purchase. Leader of American Revolution. Delegate to
Continental Congress. First Secretary of State; supported a strong Bill
of Rights. His opposition to a strong central government led to the
creation of the first political parties.
 James Madison (Federalist)– “Father of the Constitution”. Fourth
president of the United States. One of the authors of the Federalist
Papers. He supported a strong central government. He also wrote
the first 12 amendments to the Constitution, 10 of which were
ratified as the Bill of Rights.
 John Jay (Federalist) – President of Continental Congress (17781779);1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; Governor of New York;
succeeded in passing legislation abolishing slavery in New York in
 George Mason (Anti-Federalist) – “Father of the Bill of Rights” for
both Virginia and U.S.; would not sign Constitution and was
successful for getting Federalists to add 1st ten amendments to the
 Roger Sherman (Federalist) –served on committee to draft the
Declaration of Independence; the only person to have signed all four
major documents: Continental Congress, Declaration of
Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution.
 James Wilson (Federalist) – legal scholar; wrote 1st argument against
British law-making in the U.S.; helped draft the Constitution;
nominated by Washington as one of the first Associate Justices to
the Supreme Court.
Homework due on Tuesday: Make a picture book
titled…Founding Fathers Hall of Fame. Make a cover
with pictures and graphics that relate to the founding
fathers or the founding of America. On each page, you
need a picture of one of the above founding fathers with
a brief description of what made them a founding father
to the United States of America. 4 founding fathers
only!!! Make your book colorful.
Create Your Own “Mt. Rushmore” Type National Park
Research the following names and write down their
important achievements to U.S. government.
Create a pamphlet with this information. 4 people on
one pamphlet and the other 4 in another pamphlet. All 8
men have to be accounted for. Write your findings into
an informative list. Name a cost for admission into your
national park. Make up names for your national park
with addresses and locations including city and state
(pick any names you want).
Draw out one mountain on one pamphlet and draw the
faces of the 4 men from that pamphlet onto that
mountain. Repeat the same on the other pamphlet.
John Adams
Alexander Hamilton
James Wilson
Roger Sherman
John Jay
George Mason
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson