Morning Service Sunday 12th October 2014 at 11.00am Call to Worship Psalm 67 Congregation say together “Lord God, Be gracious to us and bless us. Make Your face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth. May the peoples praise you God; may all the peoples praise you. Then the land will yield its harvest; and God, our God, will bless us. God will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear him.” Praise Hymn 627(CH3) Come you thankful people come Welcome and Announcements Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Anthem All things bright and beautiful, by Wilberg Introduction to Bible Reading Lesson 1 Leviticus 23: 9 - 22 Children’s Talk “Why Celebrate Harvest?” Praise Every Blade of grass Following the hymn Little Fishes is available for children aged between 0 – 3 years old. Little Fishes is supervised so parents may return into the church service. Children (3-11 years) may leave for Kingfishers, which starts this morning. We follow a programme of Bible teaching, activities include story telling, art and craft, prayers as well as songs. We help the children learn about Jesus and grow in their faith in a fun way. Young people may leave for Late Breakfast. Anthem Praise, by Rowley Address “Sharing God’s love in Ovoca Manor” Mr Nathan Norris Introduction to Offering Praise and Offering Hymn197 When the music fades (Please stand as the Stewards bring the offering forward) Prayer of Dedication for the Offering and Prayer for Others Praise Hymn 59 We plough the fields The Benediction Organ Postlude Toccata in D Minor (Dorian), by JS Bach (Organ voluntaries – the organ voluntary played at the conclusion of each service is part of the offering of worship. Members of the congregation are very welcome to remain in their seats or come into the choir area to listen to the music) At the end of the Service please join us for coffee/tea at the back of the church. If you are visiting Fisherwick for the first time please introduce yourself to our ministers, Rev Michael Anderson, Rev Gary McDowell, or any member of the congregation. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PREPARED THE CHURCH TODAY FOR HARVEST SUNDAY AND TO EVERYONE WHO BROUGHT GIFTS OF FLOWERS AND PRODUCE WHICH WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AFTER THIS SERVICE TO MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION. IF YOU CAN ASSIST IN THE DISTRIBUTION PLEASE COME TO THE FRONT STEPS OF THE CHURCH AFTER THE SERVICE. Listen up everyone in year 8-12! Are you feeling hungry? If you are ready for some Food, Fun & Fellowship we would love to see you at Late Breakfast. We meet in the youth room upstairs during the morning service. COME & JOIN US PRAYER MINISTRY Members of the Church’s Prayer Ministry Team are available in the Prayer Chapel following morning worship for anyone who would like people to pray for them. Prayer is available to everyone whether you are a church member or not. Our prayer ministry team are trained individuals under the authority of our ministers and all matters are treated in strictest confidence. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." (1 John 5:14). TODAY The Prayer Ministry Team meeting in Wilson House from 5.30pm. At Sunday Night Live which starts at 7.00pm, Nathan Norris will also speak on the work of Ovoca Manor. Sunday 19th October Sunday Morning Worship (GB & BB Enrolment Service) starts at 11.00am and Michael Anderson will be speaking. We need people to make sandwiches for the family lunch on the 19th following the service. If you can assist please fill in the form at the back of the church with your name, contact telephone and sandwiches you will provide. Sunday Night Live starts at 7.00pm and Peter Scullion will continue with our series “A People of Service and Outreach” from 1 Peter. INFORMATION ON SERVICES COMING UP: We look forward to seeing you at all services each week. October: Sunday 26th November: Sunday 2nd Sunday 9th Sunday 16th Morning Service: Nehemiah 4 and 6 Sunday Night Live: 1 Peter. Morning Service: Nehemiah 7 Sunday Night Live: 1 Peter. Morning Service: Remembrance Sunday Sunday Night Live: Remembrance Sunday Morning Service: Nehemiah 8 Sunday Night Live: start of new series CHURCH NOTICES If you would like more information on any Church Organisations and Groups, please speak to any member of staff or leader of the Organisation or Group if you know them or simply email, telephone 02890 666683 and we will be happy to help you. Monday 13th October OPENING MEETING MONDAY 13th OCTOBER at 7.45pm with Guests Michael and Emma Anderson All women are welcome to attend Tuesday 14th October The Babies & Toddlers Group starts at 10.00am and meet in the Minor Hall. The Ladies Badminton Club meet at 10.00am in the Musgrave Hall. Over 18 Badminton Club meet at 7.30pm also in the Musgrave Hall. The NET. The NET is an informal, student gathering for those who want to discuss and share what they believe. Whether you are exploring the Christian faith or a long-time Christian, come along as we explore what we believe and why we believe it. The Net meet in the church during term at 8.00pm. If you are interested in finding out more information please speak to Maddy Salz. Wednesday 15th October The Wednesday Table Tennis Group continue to meet each week 10am12noon. New members will be made most welcome. The Wednesday Club meet from 10.15am. This week there will a be a film show and a light lunch. Choir Practice begins at 7.45pm meeting in the Parlour. Please speak to Neale Agnew our Musical Director or any choir member for more details. The Indoor Bowling Club meets in the Musgrave Hall at 7.30pm. A welcome awaits you. No experience required. For more information contact Eddie Rice or Raymond Liggett. Thursday 16th October Students Lunches continue from 12 noon to 2pm. Anyone interested in assisting by volunteering to help on a Thursday or who wish to make a financial contribution to the work of student lunches, please speak to Ruth Crawford or Raymond Robinson. Girls and Boys Brigade begins tonight starting at 6.30pm. The Girls Brigade is a Christian uniformed organisation for the girls aged 3 years and upwards. It is international and interdenominational. They meet on Thursday evenings in the Church Halls from September to April. Girls 3 - 8 years are called Explorers and meet from 6.30 - 7.30pm. The Juniors (P5-P7), Seniors (Form 1-3) and Brigaders (Form 4+) meet from 7.30 - 9.00pm. ]The Boy's Brigade also meet on Thursday. The Anchor Boys (P1-P4) and the Junior Section (P5-P7) meet at 6.30 - 7.30pm. We provide activities and opportunities for the girls and boys and help them find new interests, learn new skills and discover their gifts. It is all about having fun and meeting new friends. Friday 17th October The Friday Morning Congregational Prayer Meeting starts at 7.30am in Wilson House, which is open to everyone to attend. The prayer meeting will finish at 8.15am, however if you have to leave earlier that is fine. Friday 17th and Saturday 18th October The Barnabas Fund is holding two events with Dr Patrick Sookhdeo who will speak on the persecuted church at the following two venues. Friday 17th, Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church, 7.30-9.30pm and Saturday 18th, Knock Presbyterian Church 2.00-5.00pm. Everyone is welcome. SMALL GROUPS Small Groups meet fortnightly, mostly in homes across Belfast. Each group is unique in style and format but they all exist for people to meet together, form real relationships and encourage one another as we live life following Jesus. If you would like to meet new people and grow in your faith then join a small group. For information about Small Groups in Fisherwick check out the information boards beside the Coffee Bar, the website or contact the Church Office. The Small group Co-Ordinators are Peter and Linda Little. LITTLE FISHES Little Fishes is in the parlour. It is a place for parents to leave their babies and toddlers during the church service. There are supervised activities, toys and a snack time. There is also a designated baby area with a protective screen with a crèche leader supervising. The co-ordinator is Kathryn Ward. PRAYER DIARY At the end of today’s service please take this order of service home with you. Through the week, pray for each of the church organisations and through the events listed. Also, pray for those in our congregation family who you know are in need of prayer and each day pray for one of the prayer requests from the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Mission Ireland and Overseas Prayerline. Thank you. PRAYERS FOR MISSION IRELAND Arklow Presbyterian Church Pray for: Pray for the Kirk Session, Committee and Congregation and Vacancy Convener (Rev Dr Kathryn Meyer) and that the congregation will be able to move swiftly to a position of being granted leave to call a new minister. Pray for all the churches that will be vacant by the end of June along the south east coast of Ireland – Bray, Blackrock, Greystones and Arklow. Pray for great wisdom for BMI, Union Commission and the Dublin and Munster Presbytery as decisions are made about these churches in granting leave to call. Galway United Methodist Presbyterian Church - Revd Helen Freeburn Praise and Prayer for: We give thanks for the many newcomers and visitors to the church. We pray that we would be able to help everyone, especially newcomers, to feel at home, that they would get to know others, and grow in their dependence on Christ and in their walk with Him. We ask for the Lord’s presence as we develop home groups, student and youth work. Pray for wisdom for Revd Helen Freeburn as she tries to serve well at the local university and in the city, and develop relationships. Irvinestown, Pettigo & Tempo Presbyterian Churches - Revd Charles Clements Pray for: Irvinestown Sunday school has re-opened after the summer holidays, but some of our children and young people are not as regular in their attendance as we would like and the Sunday school leaders would value prayer for all the children and young people, that there would be more of an enthusiasm for the Christian faith in their lives and in their homes. Please also pray for the leaders that they may find useful ways to communicate the Gospel. Harvest Services take place on 19 and 20 October in Pettigo, and members of the congregation give a great deal of their time and talents to the harvest decorations. We also have a special choir made up of members of three congregations who lead the praise at all the services in each Church. Pray for all who are involved and for thankful hearts as we celebrate the blessings God has so lovingly shared with us. Naas Presbyterian Church - Revd Mark Proctor Praise and Prayer for: Give thanks for a great thanksgiving service held recently to celebrate the completion of the repair and restoration project on our meeting house. Praise God for the first of our Bible Studies, which went really well. Pray that these can be both an outreach and for building-up believers. The weekly school classes which Mark and Zoë teach in a local primary school have re-started. Pray that young lives will be impacted by God’s Word. Lisbellaw, Lisnaskea, Maguiresbridge & Newtownbutler Presbyterian Churches -Revd Rodney Beacom Praise and Prayer for: Give thanks for the ‘Friendship Hour’ which began on Thursday 9 October – a new monthly event and a time when ladies with a spare hour or so can come to the manse and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, a chat and a time of fellowship and friendship. Please pray that through this, relationships will be strengthened, encouragements and burdens will be shared, and opportunities to share the gospel will come and that people will look to and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Andrew Dawson, Community Outreach Worker - Second Dromara Presbyterian Church Praise and Prayer for: Praise God for the many connections being made in Dromara by Second Dromara Presbyterian Church. We’ve had a good start to the youth organisations and are particularly pleased with the increase in attendance at the parent and toddlers group (Little Lambs). Coaching for Christ has begun at the start of October. Pray that children will attend each week so solid work can be done with these 9-12 year olds. Pray too that through these organisations families can be reached for Christ. Andrew Dawson has advertised a Bible study in the village. Pray that people would be hungry to hear about Jesus Christ. Pray that the young man doing a 1-1 Bible study with Andrew would become a disciple of Christ. ‘Bang’ Youth Group meets fortnightly. This group is made up of young people that are believers and those that are not. Pray that, through what they learn in this group, teenagers would get excited about Jesus Christ and the Life that He gives. David Boyd, Irish Mission Worker - Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church, Dublin Pray for: Please pray for the team which runs our International Café. This is an outreach to international students who come to Dublin to study in our universities and colleges. It is a place where they can have a simple meal, meet other students and our church team, and participate in a Bible study. Many of these students are lonely and isolated as they adjust to life in a foreign land and the International Café can make a huge difference in their lives through helping them with language skills, understanding the local culture, and building a network of friends. However, the biggest difference that we can make is introducing them to the gospel and the fact that they are loved beyond anything they can imagine. Pray especially for the Bible study leaders, of which I am one, as we introduce the students to Jesus (the first Café took place on Friday 3 October). Sharon Heron, Deaconess - Strand Urban Mission Congregation Prayer and Praise for: Pray for Christianity Explored which started the first week in October. Pray for families in the area who are really struggling. Pray for the migrant community and their safety. Praise God for His amazing presence and blessing over this past year and for His guidance over the oncoming year. MISSION OVERSEAS From MISSION OVERSEAS PRAYERLINE SPAIN Steve Anderson sends the following prayer requests from Torre del Mar Evangelical Church in the south of Spain:• Pray that Sunday Services and Bible Studies will bring honour and glory to God. • Pray for wisdom in developing contacts within the local Spanish community. • Pray that the Lord will bring to the congregation the people needed to build a sustainable community, including some musicians. • Pray for the provision of a suitable property to rent. ITALY Alan and Tracey Johnston are continuing to settle into their work in Porto Mantovano, where Alan is Associate Pastor in Sola Grazia Church, a church plant of Coram Deo Ministries. • • • • Pray for their involvement in preaching and administration, and in the development of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), community outreach and sports outreach through Porto United. Pray especially for the Porto United Sports Ministry, which seen a drop in the numbers due to a number of reasons. Pray for the Johnstons as together with the church leaders they plan possible youth fellowship ideas and events. Remember their children, Niamh and Ross in Northern Ireland, and Connor at school in Italy. KENYA Stephen Cowan reports from Tuum, that the September monthly teaching time was an encouraging few days and the outreach which followed took place in some of the villages in the mountains near Seren. • Give thanks for the encouragement of the Word of God in the lives of those who attended last week’s teaching, and for one person who surrendered her life to Jesus. • Give thanks for the evangelism during the outreach time. • Continue to pray for the Schools Programme as Kasoni spends time with the students and the parents in the villages. • Pray for two students from the Tuum area who have gone to YWAM’s Discipleship Training School (DTS). Laban, who attended the DTS last year is now on staff, and Andrew is attending DTS. Pray that it will impact his faith. INDIA Sadly Dr George Hughes who served as a PCI missionary in Gujarat from 1948 to 1965 passed away on Wednesday 8th. • Give thanks for the life and service of Dr Hughes and pray for his wife and family at this difficult time. NEPAL – Peter and Valerie Lockwood report that during October, all UMN technical staff will be meeting in Kathmandu for a week-long conference and workshop, called ‘Learning Review’. This year the major activity for this conference is the continuation of the development of the Cluster Operation Plans for the next General Agreement 2015 – 2020. The hearing in the Nepal Supreme Court regarding UMN’s land and property at Thapathali in Kathmandu is scheduled for mid-November. Preparation for the case is ongoing and staff continue to produce briefing notes and compile documentation • Pray for the UMN Learning Review and the next important stage in the development of the new cluster operational plans. • Pray for the ongoing preparations for the Supreme Court case due to be heard in November. MISSION INVOLVEMENT Two ‘Overseas Mission’ events are coming up this month: Serving as Senders - Saturday 18th October, (9.30am - 4.00pm) in Belfast Bible College, Dunmurry. This one-day, practical, training event, is designed to help local churches to fulfil their part in the Great Commission by caring effectively for their mission personnel. This event is being organised by Mission Agencies Partnership and is supported by the Board of Mission Overseas. Places must be booked in advance. Celebration of Global Mission - Tuesday, 21st October, (7.30 pm – 9.30 pm) in Assembly Buildings (Church House), Belfast. The theme for this year’s Board of Mission Overseas Celebration is ‘Body and Soul… a people of service and outreach’. Speakers will include: Volker Glissmann (Malawi); Derek & Linda Roulston (Kenya): and Brenda Kerr (‘From Teams to Twinning’ – Ukraine). There will also be a presentation from the Specialist Service Agencies on Bible Poverty and a Celebration of the two 2014 PCI Ignite Teams. Everyone is welcome to attend! • Pray for the preparations for these events. • Pray too that they will be well-attended. For more information on the above events go to: SAT-7 A SAT-7 production crew entered Erbil, northern Iraq, in mid-September at the invitation of the Kurdish authorities. Thousands of Iraqi Christians and Yazidis, driven from their homes by Islamic State militants, have fled to safety there. The crew from SAT-7’s current affairs programme Bridges filmed interviews with people in refugee camps about their ordeals and explored how churches in Kurdistan are caring for the displaced. The moving footage was used to create a special edition of the show broadcast on 20th September. The visit followed a live broadcast of a day of prayer for Iraq by churches in Egypt. Rev Sameh Maurice stressed the importance of prayer and thanked God for uniting the churches together for the event. He preached from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3: “Pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” A viewer from Egypt recently wrote, “I would like to thank you for sending the link for the day of prayer for Iraq. I am eager to join and pray for Iraq. I also would like to thank you for your continuous help and airing wonderful programmes. God bless you.” • Give thanks for the opportunities SAT-7 has had to express solidarity with and support for suffering Iraqis. Pray that SAT-7 programmes will uplift and comfort them. • Pray for the Christians, Yazidis and others who are living as refugees in Erbil and elsewhere in Kurdistan. Give thanks that they have been welcomed there and pray that the Lord will meet all their needs. Audio Recordings of today’s services and previous services are available online at . For this and more information about the church visit and connect at At the rear of the church there is a Visitors Book. If you are a visitor with us today please take time to sign the book. Thank you Volunteering in Fisherwick There are many people who volunteer in Fisherwick in many roles in the church. Indeed Fisherwick church could not function without volunteers. As a church leadership, we recognise and value the contribution volunteers make to enable the vision and values of the church. Volunteers bring many new skills, knowledge and enthusiasm, adding a refreshing perspective to the work of the church. As a church we want to develop a volunteering spirit and we want to speak with people of all ages who want to find out more about getting involved. At this early stage we want to speak with people who are “interested” in finding out more. By showing an “interest” you are not committing yourself to anything. To volunteer in some way is service. Service to the church and community we are called to be in. If you would like to find out more about volunteering in any area of church life then please speak initially with our Senior Minister Michael Anderson ( or our Church Manager, Raymond Robinson ( FISHERWICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Address 4 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast, BT9 5DJ Telephone 02890 666683 Email Web