CHange Data Capture for Specified Interval package Sample

SQL Server Technical Article
Writer: Sandra Ward
Published: 11 2008
Applies To: SQL Server 2008
Summary: These are the accompanying notes describing the Change Data Capture for
Specified Interval Package Sample available on Codeplex. The sample demonstrates the
use of CDC technology in support of SSIS incremental load packages.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
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Table of Contents
Getting Started .................................................................................................1
Sample Structure ..............................................................................................1
The Sample Environment Test Harness .............................................................. 2
Package Architecture for Incremental Load ......................................................... 2
SetupCDCSample Package .................................................................................3
Initializing the Environment and Enabling Change Data Capture ............................ 3
Execute SQL Task - Create Tables and Enable Change Data Capture................. 3
Creating Capture Instances for the Source Tables .......................................... 5
Generating Wrapper TVFs for the Query Functions.......................................... 6
Generating the Sample Workload ...................................................................... 8
Script Tasks – Apply Inserts and Updates to CDC Enabled Tables ..................... 8
Script Task – Mark Workload Completion ...................................................... 9
Initializing the Target Tables........................................................................... 10
Execute SQL Task – Create Database Snapshot ........................................... 10
Data Flow Tasks to Perform the Initial Load ................................................. 10
Setting Up the Periodic Requests for Change Data ............................................. 11
Execute SQL Task – Verify Capture Process is Started................................... 12
Execute SQL Task – Determine Datetime Base for Initial Extraction Interval .... 13
Script Task – Log Capture Not Started Message ........................................... 14
Extracting and Processing Change Data ........................................................... 16
For Loop Container - Cycle Master at 10 Second Intervals ............................. 17
Validating Incremental Load and Reporting Completion Status ............................ 19
Execute SQL Task – Check for Mismatch in Replicas ..................................... 19
VB Script Task – Output Run Completion Status ........................................... 20
SetupCDCSample Package Variables ................................................................ 22
MasterCDC Package.........................................................................................23
The Change Data Capture Database Validity Interval ......................................... 23
The Change Data Capture Validity Interval for a Capture Instance ....................... 24
A Closer Look at an SSIS Wrapper Function ...................................................... 25
Master Package Configurations and Variables.................................................... 26
Package Configurations for Initializing Package Variables .............................. 26
Master Package Variables .......................................................................... 27
Master Package Tasks .................................................................................... 28
Execute SQL Task – Check for Data ............................................................ 28
Execute Package Tasks – Extract Change Data for CDC Enabled Tables ........... 30
Script Task – Log Extract Error .................................................................. 30
Script Task – Delay .................................................................................. 31
Script Task – Log Extraction Complete ........................................................ 32
Child Packages for the Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package
Sample ............................................................................................................33
Child Package Variables ................................................................................. 35
Child Package Tasks ...................................................................................... 35
Script Task - Generate SQL Data Query ...................................................... 35
Data Flow Task – Process Change Data ....................................................... 37
Error Logging in the Child Packages ................................................................. 40
Wrappers for CDC TVFs ...................................................................................41
Instantiated Multi-Statement TVF Wrappers ..................................................... 41
A Closer Look at an SSIS Wrapper Function ...................................................... 43
Use of datetime Values in the Wrapper Signature ......................................... 43
Returning Column Information in the Wrapper Function ................................ 45
Extracting Information from the CDC Update Mask ....................................... 46
Customizing Wrapper Functions for the First Extraction Interval .......................... 48
Running the Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample in BI
Studio .............................................................................................................50
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Getting Started
This document goes through the Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package
Sample in detail, describing how the Change Data Capture feature in SQL Server 2008
can be used to support ETL from an SSIS package. Code for the Change Data Capture
for Specified Interval Package Sample is available through CODEPLEX. The README
supplied with the sample provides detailed information on installing the sample files
locally, along with the requirements needed to run the sample. This accompanying
document is available on MSDN.
The Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample makes use of the
databases AdventureWorks2008 and AdventureWorksDW2008, both of which are
available for download on Codeplex. Follow the instructions at the download site to
insure they are properly loaded in your environment.
NOTE: After loading AdventureWorks2008, execute sp_helpusers to determine whether
the database user ‘dbo’ has an associated login. If the LoginName for the returned ‘dbo’
entry is NULL, the database user ‘dbo’ has been orphaned. Run the following command
to associate the database user ‘dbo’ with the login ‘sa.’
exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'
The database user ‘dbo’ must be associated with a valid login in order for the Change
Data Capture capture process to successfully harvest changes from the log and deposit
them in the database change tables.
There are two package variables in the SetupCDCSample package that are key to
successfully running the sample: SQLServerInstallPath and BasePath.
SQLServerInstallPath, which defaults to c:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\
identifies the install path for SQL Server on the local machine. If this is different in your
environment, modify the package variable appropriately. BasePath, which defaults to
@[SQLServerInstallPath] + “100\Samples\Integration Services\Package
Samples\Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample\Change Data
Capture Sample\”, identifies the standard install path of the sample relative to the SQL
Server install path. If you have installed the sample elsewhere, set this path
Sample Structure
The Change Data Capture feature of SQL Server 2008 allows the DML activity against
database tables to be captured in change tables. The change data is made available to
applications through table valued functions that query the change tables. This sample
demonstrates the use of CDC technology from within SSIS incremental load packages
to obtain source table changes to be applied to a Data Mart.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
The Sample Environment Test Harness
A setup package is provided that both initializes the sample environment and provides a
test harness for driving the data extraction process. The package begins by initializing
the source tables to an initial state. It then configures the database for Change Data
Capture, and creates a capture instance for each table to be tracked. The package then
launches several tasks to generate DML activity against the source tables. At the same
time that DML is being applied to the source tables, a database snapshot is taken by
the Setup package. The snapshot is then used to provide data for an initial load of the
target tables within the Data Mart. Metadata maintained in the snapshot is used to
identify the starting point for the initial extraction for the incremental load.
Once the initial load completes, the setup package enters a loop that launches the
master package to harvest changes for 10 second intervals. It is the action of the
master package and its associated child packages to obtain change data for a specified
interval and apply the changes to the target environment that represents the principle
focus of the sample. The loop logic continues to monitor the progress of the DML tasks
through global variables. When the loop logic determines that the DML tasks have all
completed and that the window of the next extraction interval has moved beyond the
period of time when the workload was applied, the loop logic terminates. On
completion, SQL CHECKSUM is used to compare the source files to the replicas. Table
differences, if present, are noted in an event log entry that is made to record the status
of the completed run.
Package Architecture for Incremental Load
The core of the sample consists of four packages: one master package and three child
packages. The master package obtains the extraction interval for the incremental load
from the setup package, and then verifies that the interval lies within the current
Change Data Capture validity interval for the database. If the low end-point of the
extraction interval is earlier in time than the minimum commit time for change table
entries, the master package logs an error to the application event log and terminates.
This is an indication that change table cleanup has been too aggressive, and the needed
change data is no longer available in the change tables. If the high end-point of the
extraction interval is later in time that the maximum commit time associated with a
change table entry, the capture process has not completed the population of the change
tables for the interval. In this case, the master package delays giving the capture
process the opportunity to catch up before checking again. The delay loop will continue
to execute until the capture process has caught up, or an iteration limit is reached and
the package terminates depositing an error message in the event log. If both endpoints of the extraction interval are in range, the master package launches the child
packages to retrieve the change data and update the Data Mart. The master package
waits for notification from all packages before writing an informational message to the
application event log at the conclusion of the extraction cycle. The log entry identifies
the start and end times of the extraction interval as well as other packages variables.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
SetupCDCSample Package
The package SetupCDCSample.dtsx sets up the test environment for the sample. It
uses AdventureWorks2008 as its source database, and AdventureWorksDW2008 as the
target. The database snapshot AdventureWorks2008_dbss is created for
AdventureWorks2008 to provide a consistent view of the source tables for the initial
load. The diagram below shows the control flow for the setup package.
Figure 1: SETUPCDCSAMPLE Package
Initializing the Environment and Enabling Change
Data Capture
Execute SQL Task - Create Tables and Enable
Change Data Capture
The SetupCDC Sample package begins with a single SSIS Execute SQL Task. Its
purpose is to run the T-SQL script CDCSetupTables.sql to setup the environment for
Change Data Capture.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
The script begins by generally cleaning up the sample environment, removing any
objects created in previous runs. This makes it straightforward to rerun the sample and
still allow the created objects to endure at the end of the run.
The script then enables Change Data Capture for the database AdventureWorks2008.
The Change Data Capture feature of SQL Server 2008 that allows the DML activity
against database tables to be captured in change tables must initially be enabled at the
database level by a member of the fixed server sysadmin role.
You can use the following T-SQL query to determine whether Change Data Capture is
already enabled for a database:
SELECT is_cdc_enabled from sys.databases
WHERE name = 'AdventureWorks2008'
AND is_cdc_enabled = 1
WIthin the sample, this query is used to first determine whether Change Data Capture
has already been enabled for the database. If it is, the following stored procedure is run
to disable it.
exec sys.sp_cdc_disable_db
Disabling Change Data Capture at the database level will cleanup all of the Change Data
Capture metadata for the database including the metadata associated with capture
instances that have have previously been created for tracked tables. This allows each
execution of the sample to execute from a clean test environment.
The following stored procedure is then executed to enable Change Data Capture for
exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_db
The script then removes preexisting tables and functions from the schema CDCSample
in AdventureWorks2008. The schema CDCSample is used for the new tables that will
be created to serve as the source tables for the SSIS packages used to extract change
The following three tables are created in the CDCSample schema of
AdventureWorks2008, each mirroring an existing AdventiureWorks2008 table:
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Three multi-statement table valued functions are generated and instantiated at this
time: CDCSample.fn_net_changes_Customer, CDCSample.fn_net_changes_CreditCard
and CDCSample.fn_net_changes_WorkOrder. Three additional custom table valued
functions are also created to handle the initial extraction interval when synchronizing to
the initial load. Both sets of functions serve as wrapper functions for the CDC generated
functions used to query for change data. They will be discussed in detail when the SSIS
packages for extracting change data are examined.
A portion of the table data in the original AdventureWorks2008 tables is then used to
initialize the source tables in the CDCSample schema. The remaining data will be used
later to generate a dynamic workload when tracking is enabled.
With the source tables initialized, the script now creates three destination tables in the
database AdventureWorksDW2008, one for each source table. For the purposes of the
sample, the column structure of the destination tables is identical to that of the source
tables. The function of the sample is to simply apply the changes associated with the
source to the destination to allow the destination to reflect changes to the source in a
timely fashion.
Creating Capture Instances for the Source Tables
Once the source tables are initialized, the setup script creates capture instances for
each of the source tables. While the database itself must be enabled for Change Data
Capture by a member of the sysadmin server role, capture instances for individual
tables can be created by members of the db_owner database role. The stored
procedure sys.sp_cdc_enable_table is used to create a capture instance for a source
table. The following calls are made within the setup script to create capture instances
for the three source tables.
exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
'CDCSample', 'Customer', 'Customer',
@supports_net_changes = 1, @role_name = null
exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
'CDCSample', 'CreditCard', ' CreditCard ',
@supports_net_changes = 1, @role_name = null
exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
'CDCSample', 'WorkOrder', 'WorkOrder',
@supports_net_changes = 1, @role_name = null
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
The first two parameters to the stored procedure are the schema and table name of the
source table to be tracked. The third parameter is the name chosen for the associated
capture instance. Any name can be chosen, but within a given database, the capture
instance name must be unique. Since it is used to identify the change data associated
with a given source table, it usually makes sense to name the capture instance in a
manner that provides cues to its associated source table. If not specified, it will default
to the schema name followed by the table name, separated by an underscore. In the
sample, the tablename has been used as the capture instance name.
The parameter @supports_net_changes is used to indicate that functions to query for
net changes should be generated for the capture instance. The source table must have
a primary key or a defined unique index if this parameter is set to 1. Here, the term
‘net changes’ is used in a very specific way. The function returning net changes will only
return a single row for each changed row for a given query window representing the
final state of the row at the end of the interval. The operation returned with the row will
be the one needed to correctly apply the row to the destination. In contrast, when a
query for all changes is requested, a row is returned in the result set for each
committed change to a row of the table.
The parameter @role_name = null is used to indicate that no gating role is begin used
to restrict access to change data. In order to have access to change data, the requestor
must have select access to the captured columns of the source table. In addition, if the
caller is not sysadmin or db_owner and a gating role has been defined, the caller must
also be a member of the gating role. By default, a gating role must be defined. If,
however, the @role_name parameter is explicitly set to null when the capture instance
is created, no gating role is used and select access alone is sufficient to gain access to
the change data.
Generating Wrapper TVFs for the Query Functions
At the time Change Data Capture is enabled for a source table, the single statement
Table Valued Functions (TVFs) needed to query the change table for change data are
automatically generated. Functions to query for all changes are always generated, while
those used to extract net changes are generated only if the @support_net_changes
parameter is set to 1. The principle drawback of the generated TVFs with respect to
SSIS developers is that the query interval used to identify the range for which change
data is needed is Log Sequence Number (LSN) based rather than time based. Change
Data Capture does, however, provide a stored procedure that will script wrapper
functions for the generated TVFs that use time based rather than LSN based
parameters as interval boundaries. The sample setup script makes use of this capability
and instantiates wrapper stored procedures for each of the defined net changes
functions after the capture instances are created.
The following simple stored procedure is created to generate the wrappers. The call to
sp_cdc_generate_wrapper_function when no parameters are specified will return a
result set that includes scripts to generate wrappers for all of the capture instances that
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
the caller is authorized to access. The instantiation loop then selects from among those
wrappers only those that wrap the net changes queries.
procedure [CDCSample].[generate_wrappers]
declare @wrapper_functions table
(function_name sysname, create_stmt nvarchar(max))
insert into @wrapper_functions
exec sys.sp_cdc_generate_wrapper_function
declare @stmt nvarchar(max)
declare #hfunctions cursor local fast_forward for
select create_stmt from @wrapper_functions
where function_name
like 'fn_net_changes%'
open #hfunctions
fetch #hfunctions into @stmt
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
exec sp_executesql @stmt
fetch @hfunctions into @stmt
close @hfunctions
deallocate #hfunctions
The above procedure is then called after the capture instances have been created.
exec CDCSample.generate_wrappers
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Generating the Sample Workload
Script Tasks – Apply Inserts and Updates to CDC
Enabled Tables
Once the environment has been enabled for Change Data Capture three Execute SQL
Tasks are launched in parallel to generate DML activity against the source tables. After
each task completes, a second task is launched to generate additional activity. In total,
there are six tasks that generate load: one applying inserts and one applying updates,
for each of three source tables. The update load only targets table rows populated as
part of the initial load. A seeded random number generator is used so that the results
are reproducible. The insert load is generated from the portion of the table rows not
included within the initial load. By periodically enforcing a 10 second delay between
batches of inserts and updates, the load is spread across several minutes. This enforced
delay makes it easier to demonstrate techniques for systematically moving the query
window when data needs to be extracted periodically. Where the period for an actual
ETL system is most typically 24 hours, the period used in this sample is 20 seconds.
The principle used to walk the change tracking timeline, however, is the same
irrespective of the size of the extraction interval.
Structurally, all of the Execute SQL Tasks that are used to generate workload are
identical. They take no parameters and do not generate results sets. Each runs a SQL
script to apply changes to CDC source tables. The table below shows the common SQL
Statement attributes of the workload tasks.
SQL Statement Attribute
File connection
Below the script files for generating workload are paired with their corresponding tasks.
Execute SQL Task for
Insert Customer Table
@[ScriptPath] + ’CDCCustomerInsert.sql’
Modify Customer Table
@[ScriptPath] + ’CDCCustomerModify.sql’
Insert CreditCard Table
@[ScriptPath] + ’CDCCreditCardInsert.sql’
Modify CreditCard Table
@[ScriptPath] + ’CDCCreditCardModify.sql’
Insert WorkOrder Table
@[ScriptPath] + ’CDC WorkOrderInsert.sql’
Modify WorkOrder Table
@[ScriptPath] + ’CDC WorkOrderModify.sql’
Expressions- ConnectionString
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Script Task – Mark Workload Completion
The Script Task, Mark Workload Completion, runs after all the DML workload has been
applied to the source tables. It is used to set package variables flagging the completion
of the workload tasks and noting the completion time. The loop that periodically
launches the master package to harvest change data monitors these package variables
and terminates sample execution after the entire workload has been applied to the
target environment.
The EntryPoint property which defines the first method that executes when the script
task runs is MarkWorkloadCompletion. The ReadWriteVariables property allows the
following package variables to be set by the script:
The VB script code to support setting these package variables is shown below.
Public Sub MarkWorkloadCompletion()
Dim varWorkloadEndTime As Variable =
Dim varWorkloadCompleted As Variable =
varWorkloadEndTime.Value() = Now
varWorkloadCompleted.Value() = 1
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Initializing the Target Tables
One of the principle issues to address when applying change data to a target
environment is the synchronization of the stream of change data to the initial load.
Simply put, the initial load of the target reflects a snapshot of the source at some point
in time. The challenge is to determine the last change represented within the snapshot
in order to have a basis for determining the first incremental change that needs to be
For Change Data Capture, the recommended strategy for synchronization makes use of
a database snapshot created after the source tables are enabled. Use of the snapshot
as the source for the initial load insures the cross table consistency of the tracked
tables. More importantly, however, the metadata maintained for the snapshot allows
you to precisely determine the LSN to use when you apply the first incremental load.
The sample treats the first extraction interval differently than the others, using an LSN
value for the low end-point and a datetime value as the high end-point. This is needed
to insure that no changes are missed or repeated as a result of the synchronization
process. A custom wrapper function is created to deal with this special interval.
Execute SQL Task – Create Database Snapshot
As described above, a database snapshot is created to be used as the source for the
initial load of the target tables. The snapshot is created concurrently with the execution
of the workload tasks to demonstrate that the content of the target tables subsequent
to the initial load is not explicitly predetermined. Snapshot metadata will be used to
determine the appropriate starting point for the incremental loads that follow.
The package variable User::CreateSnapshot contains the statement used to create the
database snapshot. The content of the variable is derived from an expression that
references the package variable User::BasePath to construct the path where the
snapshot file is to be located.
"CREATE DATABASE @AdventureWorks2008_dbss ON
(NAME = AdventureWorks2008_Data, FILENAME = '" +
@[BasePath] + "')
AS SNAPSHOT OF AdventureWorks2008;"
The SQL statement has no input parameters and no result set is returned.
Data Flow Tasks to Perform the Initial Load
Once the snapshot is created it can be queried concurrently to obtain a consistent initial
load for the target tables. The sample makes use of data flow tasks to perform the
initial load, but any technology that uses the snapshot as the source for the data can be
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
used. Use of the snapshot as the source guarantees the cross table consistency of the
target tables that are loaded.
The three Data Flow Tasks used to perform the initial load of the target tables are all
structured identically. What differs among the three tasks are the names of the source
and destination tables that provide the end points of the data flow. Each consists of an
OLE DB source referencing the database snapshot, and an OLE DB destination that
references AdventureWorksDW2008, the target database. All of the columns of the
source table are output to the data flow. In general, column names associated with the
source are mapped to identical names in the destination. Columns defined as computed
columns, however, are ignored.
Below is the association between individual Data Flow Tasks and the source and
destination tables.
OLE DB Source Attribute
OLE DB connection manager
Data access mode
Table or view
OLE DB Destination Attribute
OLE DB connection manager
Data access mode
Table or view
The table below shows the common attributes of the OLE DB source and destination
Data Flow Components:
Data Flow Task
Source/Destination Table
Load Target Customer Table From Snapshot
Load CreditCard Table From Snapshot
Load WorkOrder Table From Snapshot
Setting Up the Periodic Requests for Change Data
Once the initial load of the target tables has completed the sample verifies that the
capture process responsible for harvesting changes from the transaction log and
depositing them in the change tables is active. If there are no entries in
cdc.lsn_time_mapping, this is an indication that the capture process did not auto-start
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
and that SQL Agent is not running. If an active capture process is not detected, the
sample will log an error in the event log and terminate. If the presence of an active
capture process is verified, metadata from the database snapshot is used to determine
the LSN that will anchor the initial incremental load. A base time for computing the high
end-point for the initial load is also determined at this time.
Execute SQL Task – Verify Capture Process is
If there are no entries in cdc.lsn_time_mapping, this is an indication that the capture
process did not auto-start when Change Data Capture was enabled. This typically
occurs because SQL Agent is not running. This condition is detected here so that an
event log message can be posted to indicate the failure to auto-start and the run can be
terminated. The package variable User::CaptureStarted is used to report this condition.
The following SQL Statement is defined as Direct input:
declare @start_time datetime, @capturestarted bit
select @start_time = min(tran_end_time)
from cdc.lsn_time_mapping
if @start_time is null
select @capturestarted = 0
select @capturestarted = 1
select @capturestarted as CaptureStarted
The SQL statement has no input parameters.
The result set is defined as a single row with the column CaptureStarted:
Result Name
Variable Name
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
If there are no entries in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table, the script task Log Capture
Not Started Message is called to log an informational message indicating that the
capture process did not auto start, which requires SQL Agent to be running.
Execute SQL Task – Determine Datetime Base for
Initial Extraction Interval
After the initial load of the target tables the sample uses an Execute SQL task to
determine the end-points for the first extraction interval. Subsequent extraction
intervals will be based off the initial interval, at ten second intervals. For the initial
extraction interval, the lower bound is expressed as an LSN value to insure that no
incremental changes are lost between the snapshot and the first incremental load. This
LSN value is determined by using the function sys.fn_cdc_dbsnapshotLSN to retrieve
the last commit LSN from the database snapshot. This value is saved as the package
variable LastLSN.
Once the lower boundary expressed as an LSN value is determined, the sample uses
information in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table to assign an approximate datetime value
to this LSN. It is this approximate datetime value that is used to compute the high endpoint for the initial extraction interval. The script has a built in delay to wait until the
capture process has processed all LSN values through the determined LastLSN value.
After this is insured, the minimum tran_end_time of the entries in
cdc.lsn_time_mapping with start_lsn value greater than LastLSN is then determined.
This value is saved in the package variable ExtractEndTime. Later in the loop that cycles
the master package every 10 seconds, this value will be used as the base from which
the high-end point of the first extraction interval is determined.
The following SQL Statement is defined as Direct input:
declare @command nvarchar(max), @database_name nvarchar(1000)
,@lastLSN binary(10), @max_lsn binary(10), @start_time datetime
,@lastLSNstr nvarchar(42)
exec sys.sp_cdc_dbsnapshotLSN 'AdventureWorks2008_dbss'
,@lastLSN output, @lastLSNstr output
select @max_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn()
while (@lastLSN >= @max_lsn)
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
select @max_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn()
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
select @start_time = min(tran_end_time)
from cdc.lsn_time_mapping
where start_lsn > @lastLSN
select @start_time = convert(nvarchar(40),@start_time,20)
select @start_time as ExtractStartTime, @start_time as
ExtractEndTime, @lastLSNstr as LastLSN
The SQL statement has no input parameters.
The result set is defined as a single row with the columns ExtractEndTime and LastLSN.
Result Name
Variable Name
User:: ExtractEndTime
User:: LastLSN
Script Task – Log Capture Not Started Message
The Script Task Log Capture Not Started Message, is used to log an information
message to the Windows event log to indicate that the capture process did not autostart.
The precedence constraint that defines the workflow between the Execute SQL Task
Determine Extraction Start Time and this task is the following:
@CaptureStarted == false
evaluates to TRUE
The EntryPoint property which defines the first method that executes when the script
task runs is LogCaptureNotStartedMessage. The ReadOnlyVariables property setting
makes the following package variables available to the script:
The VB script code to support writing to the event log is shown below.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Public Sub LogCaptureProcessNotStartedMessage()
Dim varPackageName As Variable =
Dim varStartTime As Variable = Dts.Variables("System::StartTime")
Dim varCaptureStarted As Variable =
Dim sLog As String
Dim sEventMessage As String
Dim sMachine As String
Dim sSource As String
sLog = "Application"
sSource = varPackageName.Value().ToString
sEventMessage = "The CDC Capture Process was not started." _
& "Make certain that SQL Agent is running." _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" & Chr(10) _
& "The Package: " + varPackageName.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Started: " & varStartTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Current Time:" & System.DateTime.Now _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" _
& Chr(10) _
& "Capture Started:
" & varCaptureStarted.Value().ToString
sMachine = "."
Dim ELog As New EventLog(sLog, sMachine, sSource)
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
ELog.WriteEntry(sEventMessage, EventLogEntryType.Information)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
The event log message posted will be similar to that shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Event Log Message Signaling Capture Process Not Started
Extracting and Processing Change Data
After the boundaries of the first incremental load have been determined, the setup
package enters a loop which invokes the master package to harvest change data at 10
second intervals until all the changes from the generated workload have been applied to
the target.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
For Loop Container - Cycle Master at 10 Second
The Loop Container logic itself is designed to execute the container tasks until all of the
changes in the generated workload have been extracted and applied to the target and
then terminate. Two conditions need to be satisfied in order for the loop to terminate.
First the workload generation tasks need to have all completed. This is determined by
checking the package variable WorkloadCompleted, which is set by the Mark Workload
Completion task that runs after all of the load generation tasks run. Second, all of the
changes associated with the workload must have been applied to the target tables. This
is determined by checking the proposed start time for the next extraction interval. If
this value is greater than the time when the Workload Completion Task ran, then we
are assured that the extraction intervals already processed fully cover the time when
changes were applied to the source tables and the run can terminate.
The loop container also maintains a package variable that is used as an interval
counter. It initializes the variable to 0 and then increments it by one during each
iteration. Since the interval counter is a package variable, it can be passed to the
master package launched from within the loop.
For Loop Properties
Property Name
Property Value
@IntervalID = 0
!((@WorkloadCompleted == 1) &&
(@ExtractStartTime > @WorkloadEndTime))
@IntervalID = @IntervalID + 1
Within the for loop container are two tasks - a Script Task that computes the new endpoints for the extraction interval and an Execute Package Task that invokes the master
package driving the extraction cycle.
Script Task - Set Extract Interval
The Script Task Set Extract Interval is used to determine the end-points for the next
query window. It uses the high end-point of the previous window as the low end-point
of the current window. It then adds 10 seconds to the new low end-point to obtain the
new high end-point. The computed end-points are returned as a single row result set
and deposited in package variables User::ExtractStartTime and User::ExtractEndTime.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
The EntryPoint property which defines the first method that executes when the script
task runs is SetExtractInterval. The ReadWriteVariables property setting makes the
following package variables available to the script:
The VB script code to support computing the query interval end-points is show below.
Public Sub SetExtractInterval()
Dim varStartTime As Variable =
Dim varEndTime As Variable =
varStartTime.Value() = varEndTime.Value()
varEndTime.Value() =
DateAdd(DateInterval.Second, 10, varStartTime.Value())
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Execute Package Task – Run Master to Extract Data
The Execute Package Task, Run Master to Extract Data, functions as the test harness
for the ETL extraction cycle. Its’ sole function is to launch the master package that will
in turn launch the individual extraction packages for the individual tables.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Validating Incremental Load and Reporting
Completion Status
Once the generated workload has been applied to the target environment, the state of
the replicas should match that of the source tables. The SQL Script Task Check for
Mismatch in Replicas uses SQL CHECKSUM to verify the contents of the source and
target tables match, setting package variables to record the status of the run. Finally
the VB Script task Output Run Completion Status is launched to output the run status to
the event log.
Execute SQL Task – Check for Mismatch in
The Execute SQL Task Check for Mismatch in Replicas is used to determine whether the
replicas created match the source tables. CHECKSUM is used to compare the table
contents and package variables are set for each of the tracked tables to indicate
whether differences were detected.
The following SQL Statement is defined as Direct input:
declare @CustomerMismatch int,
@CreditCardMismatch int,
@WorkOrderMismatch int,
@Checksum bigint,
@ChecksumDW bigint
select @CustomerMismatch = 0,
@CreditCardMismatch = 0,
@WorkOrderMismatch = 0,
@Checksum = 0,
@ChecksumDW = 0
select @Checksum = CHECKSUM(*)
from AdventureWorks2008.CDCSample.Customer
select @ChecksumDW = CHECKSUM(*)
from AdventureWorksDW2008.CDCSample.Customer
if (@Checksum <> @ChecksumDW)
set @CustomerMismatch = 1
select @Checksum = CHECKSUM(*)
from AdventureWorks2008.CDCSample.CreditCard
select @ChecksumDW = CHECKSUM(*)
from AdventureWorksDW2008.CDCSample.CreditCard
if (@Checksum <> @ChecksumDW)
set @CreditCardMismatch = 1
select @Checksum = CHECKSUM(*)
from AdventureWorks2008.CDCSample.WorkOrder
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
select @ChecksumDW = CHECKSUM(*)
from AdventureWorksDW2008.CDCSample.WorkOrder
if (@Checksum <> @ChecksumDW)
set @WorkOrderMismatch = 1
select @CustomerMismatch as CustomerMismatch,
@CreditCardMismatch as CreditCardMismatch,
@WorkOrderMismatch as WorkOrderMismatch
The SQL statement has no input parameters.
The result set is defined as a single row with the columns CustomerMismatch,
CreditCardMismatch, and WorkOrder Mismatch.
Result Name
Variable Name
VB Script Task – Output Run Completion Status
The VB Script Task Output Run Completion Status writes a status entry to the Event
Log indicating the result of the comparisons made between the source tables and the
target tables that were updated using Change Data Capture.
The EntryPoint property which defines the first method that executes when the script
task runs is OutputRunCompletionStatus.. The ReadOnlyVariables property setting
makes the following package variables available to the script:
The VB script code to log completion status is shown below. Note that a comparison
failure for any of the tables will cause the task to complete with a failure status.
Public Sub OutputRunCompletionStatus()
Dim varPackageName As Variable =
Dim varStartTime As Variable =
Dim varCustomerMismatch As Variable =
Dim varCreditCardMismatch As Variable =
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Dim varWorkOrderMismatch As Variable =
sLog As String
sEventMessage As String
sMachine As String
sSource As String
sCustomer As String
sCreditCard As String
sWorkOrder As String
sCustomer = "Customer replica is identical."
sCreditCard = "CreditCard replica is identical."
sWorkOrder = "WorkOrder replica is identical."
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
If varCustomerMismatch.Value = 1 Then
sCustomer = "Customer replica does not match source."
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
End If
If varCreditCardMismatch.Value = 1 Then
sCreditCard = "CreditCard replica does not match source."
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
End If
If varWorkOrderMismatch.Value = 1 Then
sWorkOrder = "WorkOrder replica does not match source."
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
End If
sLog = "Application"
sSource = varPackageName.Value().ToString
sEventMessage = "CDC SSIS Sample Completion Status"
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" &
& "The Package: " + varPackageName.Value().ToString
& Chr(10) _
& "Started: " & varStartTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Current Time:" & System.DateTime.Now _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" &
& "Customer table:
" & sCustomer _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" &
& "CreditCard table:
" & sCreditCard _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" &
& "WorkOrder table:
" & sWorkOrder _
& Chr(10) _
& "============================================="
Chr(10) _
Chr(10) _
Chr(10) _
Chr(10) _
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
sMachine = "."
Dim ELog As New EventLog(sLog, sMachine, sSource)
ELog.WriteEntry(sEventMessage, EventLogEntryType.Information)
End Sub
SetupCDCSample Package Variables
The following package variables are defined for the setup package:
Data Type
Description and Default Value
Install path for Change Data Capture for Specified
Interval Package Sample packages
Default: @[SQLServerInstallPath] +
"100\\Samples\\Integration Services\\Package
Samples\\Change Data Capture for Specified Interval
Package Sample\\Change Data Capture Sample\\"
Install path for Change Data Capture for Specified
Interval Package Sample scripts
Default: @[BasePath] + "Scripts\\"
Install path for SQL Server
Default: c:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\
Flag indicating capture process has started
Default: False
SQL statement to create database snapshot
AdventureWorks2008_dbss ON
( NAME = AdventureWorks2008_Data, FILENAME =
'" + @[BasePath] + "' )
AS SNAPSHOT OF AdventureWorks2008;"
End time of next extraction
Default: 5/6/2007 8:54 AM
Start time of next extraction
Default: 5/6/2007 8:54 AM
Extraction Interval identifier
Default: 0
LSN anchor for first extraction
Default: 0x00000000000000000000
0 if Customer replica is identical at the end of the
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
run: 1 if validation detected a mismatch
Default: 0
Time of workload completion
Default: 2/21/2008 12:31 PM
0 if Customer replica is identical at the end of the
run: 1 if validation detected a mismatch
Default: 0
0 if CreditCard replica is identical at the end of the
run: 1 is validation detected a mismatch
Default: 0
0 if WorkOrder replica is identical at the end of the
run: 1 is validation detected a mismatch
Default: 0
MasterCDC Package
The package MasterCDC is responsible for launching all of the individual packages used
to extract change data for the SQL Server source tables and apply the changes to the
Data Mart. The principle task of the master package is to verify that the extraction
interval passed from the parent lies with the current Change Data Capture database
validity interval.
The Change Data Capture Database Validity
The Change Data Capture validity interval for a database is simply the time interval for
which change data is currently available for its capture instances. In principle, it begins
when the first capture instance is created for a database table, and extends forward in
time to the present. In practice, the validity interval is a moving window just as the
extraction interval is a moving window. Change data deposited in tables would grow
unmanageably if it wasn’t periodically and systematically pruned. By default, only three
days of data are retained in the change tables. Hence, the period of time covered by
the validity interval is typically 72 hours.
While the cleanup process works to move the low end-point of the validity interval to
the right on the Change Data Capture timeline, the capture process does the same for
the high end-point. Since the capture process extracts change data from the transaction
log, there is a built in latency between the time that a change is committed to a source
table and the time that the change appears within its associated change table. While
this latency is typically small, it is nevertheless important to remember that change
data is not available until the capture process has processed the related log entries.
For each transaction that results in one or more entries appearing within database
change tables, an entry is logged to the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table. Each entry in the
mapping table contains both a commit Log Sequence Number or commit LSN, and a
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
transaction commit time (columns start_lsn and tran_end_time respectively.) Change
Data Capture uses the table cdc.lsn_time_mapping to identify the current bounds of the
database validity interval, with the smallest and largest commit times represented in
the entries of cdc.lsn_time_mapping table denoting the low and high end-points of the
validity interval for the database.
The Change Data Capture Validity Interval for a
Capture Instance
While it is often the case that the database validity interval and an individual capture
instance’s validity interval will coincide, this is not always true. The validity interval of
the capture instance begins when the capture process recognizes the capture instance
and begins logging associated changes to its change table. As a result, if capture
instances are created at different times, each will initially have a different low endpoint. The start_lsn column of the result set returned by
sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture shows the current low end-point for each
defined capture instance. When the cleanup process cleans up change table entries, it
adjusts the start_lsn values for all capture instances to reflect the new low water mark
for available change data. Only those capture instances with start_lsn values currently
less than the new low water mark are adjusted. Over time, if no new capture instances
are created, the validity intervals for all individual instances will coincide with the
database validity interval.
The validity interval is important to consumers of change data because the extraction
interval for a request must be fully covered by the current Change Data Capture validity
interval for the capture instance. If the low end-point of the extraction interval is to the
left of the low end-point of the validity interval, there could be missing change data due
to aggressive cleanup. If the high end-point of the extraction interval is to the right of
the high end-point of the validity interval, the capture process has not yet processed
through the time period represented by the extraction interval and change data could
also be missing. This relationship is illustrated in the diagram below.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Figure 3: Change Data Capture Validity Intervals
A Closer Look at an SSIS Wrapper Function
It is important to note that the CDC query functions will fail if the request interval is not
fully covered by the validity interval. In this sample, validity checks are systematically
performed up front in the master package, so that the recoverable case, where the
capture process simply needs to catch up, can be dealt with automatically.
The first task of the master package is to verify the extraction interval that it is passed.
If the low end–point of the extraction interval is outside the validity interval, the
package logs an error to the event log and exits with error status. If the high end-point
of the extraction interval identifies a time that is ahead of current processing by the
CDC capture process, the master package will delay to allow the capture process to
catch up. Once the extraction interval is in range, the master package launches the
child packages. Each child package picks up the datetime values defining the extraction
interval from its parent through Package Configurations. When all client packages have
completed, the master package logs an event message indicating completion.
The control flow diagram for the master package is shown below.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Figure 4: Master Package for Incremental Data Extraction
Master Package Configurations and Variables
Package Configurations for Initializing Package
The master package uses Package Configurations to initialize several runtime
parameters. The table below shows the parent variables that are used to initialize local
package variables of the master package.
Configuration String
Target Object
Parent Package
Parent Package
Parent Package
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Configure Last LSN
Parent Package
Configure Base
Parent Package
Master Package Variables
The following package variables are defined for the master package:
Data Type
Path where Change Data Capture for
Specified Interval Package Sample
packages are installed
Code indicating query status
0 = Need to wait for capture process
1 = Start time predates validity interval
2 = Ready for data query ( interval > 1)
3 = Ready for first data query
5 = Timeout ceiling reached waiting for
capture process
milliseconds to delay before rechecking if
capture process has caught up
Start time of extraction interval ( Interval
> 1)
End time of extraction interval
Interval ID
LSN anchor used for first extraction
Number of cycles to delay waiting for
capture process to catch up prior to
terminating with error
Number of delays that have already been
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Master Package Tasks
Execute SQL Task – Check for Data
The Execute SQL Task, Check for Data, is used by the master package to determine
how to proceed based upon the relationship of the requested extraction interval to the
current Change Data Capture database validity interval and the current timeout count.
It assigns one of 5 possible values to the package variable DataReady to indicate which
of five possible conditions holds. It requires an OLE DB connection to the source
The following SQL Statement is defined as Direct input:
declare @DataReady int, @TimeoutCount int
if not exists
select tran_end_
from cdc.lsn_time_mapping
where tran_end_time > ? )
select @DataReady = 0
else if ? = 0
select @DataReady = 3
else if not exists
select tran_end_time
from cdc.lsn_time_mapping
where tran_end_time <= ? )
select @DataReady = 1
else select @DataReady = 2
select @TimeoutCount = ?
if (@DataReady = 0
select @TimeoutCount = @TimeoutCount + 1
select @TimeoutCount = 0
if (@TimeoutCount > ?) select @DataReady = 5
select @DataReady as DataReady, @TimeoutCount as TimeoutCount
The SQL statement has five input parameters:
Variable Name
Data Type
Parameter Name
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
The result set is defined as a single row with the columns DataReady and
Result Name
Variable Name
The SQL query first determines whether there are any entries in the
cdc.lsn_time_mapping table that are later than the requested end of the extraction
interval. If there are none, this means that the capture process has not yet processed
all the changes in the request interval and DataReady is set to 0. If the capture process
is caught up, the Interval ID is next checked. If it is set to 0, this is the first interval to
be processed which requires special treatment. DataReady in this case is assigned a
value of 3 to indicate this is the first interval. If this is not the first interval, a check is
then made to verify that the starting point for the extraction interval is not smaller than
all existing entries in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table. DataReady in this case is set to
1, indicating the extraction interval is invalid and cannot be automatically corrected.
Finally, if the starting point of the interval is not outside the validity interval, DataReady
is set to 2 indicating that change data can be extracted from change tables for the
interval. Once DataReady has been determined, the query determines if the master
package is in a delay loop waiting for the capture process to catch up. If DataReady is
0, the timeout counter is incremented and then checked to see if the configured
number of wait intervals has been exhausted. If the counter exceeds the ceiling
currently set to 20, @DataReady is set to 5 to indicate the wait for the capture process
has timed out. Note that whenever a non-zero value is determined for @DataReady, the
timeout counter is reset to 0.
After execution of the Execute SQL Task Check for Data by the package, there are three
possible paths that can be taken: If DataReady is 0 the required changes have not yet
been propagated to the change tables. In this case, the Script Task Delay executes to
wait for a period of time to allow the capture process to catch up. If DataReady is 1, the
low end point of the extraction interval is outside the CDC Change Data Capture validity
interval. In this case, an error is logged by the VB Script Task Log Extract Error and
the package terminates, since there is no automatic recovery if there is a possibility for
data loss. Similarly, if DataReady is 5 the allowable number of delays has been
exhausted and the Script Task Log Extract Error is called to log the timeout error.
Finally, if DataReady is 2 or 3, all changes through the indicated ExtractEndTime have
been deposited in change tables and it is possible to allow the data extraction packages
to gather change data. In this case, the three data extraction packages are launched.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Execute Package Tasks – Extract Change Data for
CDC Enabled Tables
The Execute Package Tasks Extract Cutomer Data, Extract CreditCard Data and extract
WorkOrder Data launch the individual extraction packages for the individual tables.
Script Task – Log Extract Error
The Script Task, Log Extract Error is used to log an error to the Windows event log.
The precedence constraint that defines the workflow between the Execute SQL Task
Check Data and this task is the following:
Success Completion Code and
@DataReady == 1 || @DataReady == 5 evaluates to TRUE
The EntryPoint property which defines the first method that executes when the script
task runs is LogExtractError. The ReadOnlyVariables property setting makes the
following package variables available to the script:
The VB script code to support writing to the event log is shown below.
Public Sub LogExtractError()
Dim varPackageName As Variable =
Dim varStartTime As Variable = Dts.Variables("System::StartTime")
Dim varInstanceID As Variable =
Dim varExtractStartTime As Variable =
Dim varDataReady As Variable = Dts.Variables("User::DataReady")
sLog As String
sEventMessage As String
sMachine As String
sSource As String
iDataReady As Integer
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
sLog = "Application"
sSource = varPackageName.Value().ToString
iDataReady = varDataReady.Value()
If iDataReady = 1 Then
sEventMessage = "Start Time Error"
sEventMessage = "Timeout Error"
End If
sEventMessage = sEventMessage _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" & Chr(10) _
& "The Package: " + varPackageName.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Started: " & varStartTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Current Time:" & System.DateTime.Now _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" _
& Chr(10) _
& "Extract Start Time: " _
& varExtractStartTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Execution GUID: " & varInstanceID.Value().ToString
sMachine = "."
Dim ELog As New EventLog(sLog, sMachine, sSource)
ELog.WriteEntry(sEventMessage, EventLogEntryType.Error)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
End Sub
Script Task – Delay
The Script Task Delay is used to delay for a given interval of time.
The precedence constraint that defines the workflow between the Execute SQL Task
Check Data and this task is the following:
Success Completion Code and
@DataReady == 0 && @TimeoutCount <=@TimeoutCeiling evaluates to TRUE
The EntryPoint property which defines the first method that executes when the script
task runs is Delay. The ReadOnlyVariables property setting makes the following
package variables available to the script:
The VB script code to support delaying for a period of time is shown below.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Public Sub Delay()
Dim varDelay As Variable = Dts.Variables("User::Delay")
Dim iDelay As Integer
iDelay = varDelay.Value()
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Script Task – Log Extraction Complete
The Script Task, Log Extraction Complete is used to log a completion message to the
Windows event log.
The precedence constraint that defines the workflow between the three Execute
Package Tasks is Completion.
The EntryPoint property that defines the first method that executes when the script task
runs is LogExtractionCompletion. The ReadOnlyVariables property setting makes the
following package variables available to the script:
The VB script code to support writing the completion notification to the event log is
shown below.
Public Sub LogExtractionCompletion()
Dim varPackageName As Variable = Dts.Variables("PackageName")
Dim varStartTime As Variable = Dts.Variables("StartTime")
Dim varInstanceID As Variable =
Dim varExtractStartTime As Variable =
Dim varExtractEndTime As Variable =
Dim varIntervalID As Variable = Dts.Variables("IntervalID")
Dim varDataReady As Variable = Dts.Variables("DataReady")
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
sLog As String
sEventMessage As String
sMachine As String
sSource As String
sLog = "Application"
sSource = varPackageName.Value().ToString
sEventMessage = "Extract Complete" _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" & Chr(10) _
& "The Package: " + varPackageName.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Started: " & varStartTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Current Time:" & System.DateTime.Now _
& Chr(10) _
& "=============================================" _
& Chr(10) _
& "Extract Start Time: " & varExtractStartTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Extract End Time:
" & varExtractEndTime.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Interval ID:
" & varIntervalID.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Data Ready:
" & varDataReady.Value().ToString _
& Chr(10) _
& "Execution GUID:
" & varInstanceID.Value().ToString
sMachine = "."
Dim ELog As New EventLog(sLog, sMachine, sSource)
ELog.WriteEntry(sEventMessage, EventLogEntryType.Information)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Child Packages for the Change Data Capture for
Specified Interval Package Sample
The sample child packages all use instantiated wrapper functions to query for change
data for all extraction intervals after the first interval. For the first interval, they use a
customized version of the generated wrapper function that allows the low end-point of
the extraction interval to be expressed as an LSN value as opposed to a datetime value.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
The datetime boundaries of the extraction interval, as well as the LSN boundary used
for the first interval, are obtained from parent package variables when the packages are
launched. The packages also obtain a flag indicating whether this is the initial
extraction interval so that the first interval can be handled as a special case.
The basic control flow for the packages is straightforward. A Script Task is called first to
construct the SQL query that will be used to query for change data. Control is then
passed to the Data Flow Task to request and process the change data. The data flow
task uses an OLE DB source component to perform the query, directing the returned
result set to a conditional split transformation. The conditional split uses the operation
returned in each result set row to direct the rows to appropriate transformations:
Deletes and updates are sent to OLE DB command transformations, while inserts are
directed to an OLE DB destination.
The control and data flow for these child packages is shown in the figure below.
Figure 5: Child Packages Using Multi-Statement TVFs for Data Access
The Configurations used by the child extract packages use package variables from the
launching master package to initialize their own package variables.
Configuration String
Configure Data
Parent Package
Configure End
Parent Package
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Configure Start
Parent Package
Configure Last
Parent Package
Child Package Variables
The following package variables are defined for the child packages:
Data Type
Code indicating query status
0 = Need to wait for capture process
1 = Start time predates validity interval
2 = Ready for data query ( interval > 1)
3 = Ready for first data query
5 = Timeout ceiling reached waiting for
capture process
Start time of extraction interval ( Interval
> 1)
End time of extraction interval
LSN anchor used for first extraction
Query to use to obtain change data
Child Package Tasks
Script Task - Generate SQL Data Query
The Execute SQL Task Generate SQL Query is used to set up the query for change data.
It allows us to work around the inability to pass parameters directly to table valued
functions in an OLE DB source. The parameters are passed to the VB script code which
is used to compose the query string and return the desired select statement in the
package variable SQLDataQuery.
One additional issue bears mentioning. Our general strategy for systematically
processing a stream of change data is to use the high end-point of the previous interval
to determine the low end-point of the subsequent interval, and to compute a new high
end-point based upon the needs of the application environment. This strategy works
well for all intervals except the initial interval, when there is no previous interval.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
In general, the destination and source will not be synchronized when a decision is made
to use CDC technology to apply incremental loads and the first task will be to identify
an anchor for the destination. The anchor is defined as an LSN lying within the Change
Data Capture validity interval of a capture instance such that (1) All changes with start
LSN values up to and including that anchor are already reflected in the destination and
(2) All changes with start LSN values greater than the anchor have yet to be applied.
Once the anchor is determined, it is used to explicitly set the LSN boundary for the
initial extraction.
For this sample, a database snapshot provides data for the initial load, allowing an
appropriate anchor LSN for the first extraction to be determined directly from snapshot
metadata. While use of a database snapshot in preparing the initial load is not a
requirement, it greatly simplifies the synchronization process.
The Script Task Generate SQL Data Query is used to generate the query to be used to
extract change data. It uses the passed package variable DataReady to determine
whether the query is for the first interval or for a subsequent interval. If it is the first
interval, it constructs a call to the function fn_net_changes_WorkOrder_First which
takes an LSN value as its first parameter. Otherwise, it constructs a call to the function
fn_net_changes_WorkOrder which uses two datetime values as the interval end-points.
The EntryPoint property that defines the first method that executes when the script task
runs is GenerateSQLQuery. The ReadOnlyVariables property setting makes the
following package variables available to the script:
The ReadWriteVariables property setting allows the following package variableto be set
by the script:
The VB script code to support constructing the data query is shown below.
Public Sub GenerateDataQuery()
Dim varStartTime As Variable = Dts.Variables("User::StartTime")
Dim varEndTime As Variable = Dts.Variables("User::EndTime")
Dim varDataReady As Variable = Dts.Variables("User::DataReady")
Dim varSQLDataQuery As Variable =
Dim varLastLSN As Variable = Dts.Variables("User::LastLSN")
iDataReady As Integer
sStartTime As String
sEndTime As String
sLastLSN As String
dStartTime As DateTime
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Dim dEndTime As DateTime
iDataReady = varDataReady.Value()
dStartTime = varStartTime.Value()
sStartTime = dStartTime.ToString
("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
dEndTime = varEndTime.Value()
sEndTime = dEndTime.ToString
("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
sLastLSN = varLastLSN.Value().ToString
If iDataReady = 2 Then
varSQLDataQuery.Value =
"select * from dbo.fn_net_changes_WorkOrder('" _
& sStartTime & "','" & sEndTime & "', 'all')"
varSQLDataQuery.Value =
"select * from dbo.fn_net_changes_WorkOrder_First('" _
& sLastLSN & "','" & sEndTime & "', 'all')"
End If
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Data Flow Task – Process Change Data
The Data Flow Task Process Change Data calls a table valued function to query the
source for change data and then applies the change data returned in the result set to
the destination.
OLE DB Source
The query used by these child processes is obtained from a package variable and
makes use of an instantiated wrapper function. (Wrapper functions are discussed in
detail at the end of this document.)
Data Access Mode
SQL Command from variable
Variable Name
The result set returned by the query includes the metadata column CDC_OPERATION
that identifies the operation to be used when applying the change to the destination. A
conditional split transformation is used to direct the rows to one of three possible
components based upon the following defined conditions:
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Output Name
OLE DB Command Data Mart Deletes
The Delete flow is directed to the OLE DB Command Data Mart Deletes. The following
command is used to apply the changes within this flow to the destination:
delete from CDCSample.WorkOrder where WorkOrderID = ?
The command requires a column from the result set in order to successfully apply the
delete. This is the primary key columns for the table. The delete command above is
for the child package processing changes to the WorkOrder table, which has a single
primary key column WorkOrderID.
The mapping of result set columns to command parameters can be seen in the following
Figure 6: Result Set Mapping for Deletes
OLE DB Command Data Mart Updates
The Update flow is directed to the OLE DB Command Data Mart Updates. The following
command is used to apply the changes within this flow to the destination:
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
update CDCSample.WorkOrder set
ProductID = ?,
OrderQty = ?,
ScrappedQty = ?,
StartDate = ?,
EndDate = ?,
DueDate = ?,
ScrapReasonID = ?,
ModifiedDate = ?
where WorkOrderID = ?
This command requires all of the source columns from the result set in order to
successfully apply the update.
The mapping of result set columns to command parameters can be seen in the following
Figure 7: Result Set Mapping for Updates
OLE DB Destination Data Mart Inserts
The Insert flow is directed to the OLE DB Destination. The table name alone identifies
the target for the insert. The following diagram shows how the result set columns are
mapped to the table columns:
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Figure 8: Result Set Mapping for Inserts
Error Logging in the Child Packages
Each of the child packages makes use of the SSIS Log Provider for Windows Event Log
to allow logging for the OnError event. Logging is configured using the Configure SSIS
Logs dialog box. This box appears in the designer when right clicking on a selected
package and choosing Logging. This dialog box also allows the current logging settings
to be examined. For the child packages, this dialog box shows the SSIS Log Provider for
Windows Event Log as the Provider type on the Providers and Logs tab. Under the
Details tab, the OnError condition is set.
Even when range validation is done up front, it is always possible that conditions will
change between the time the check is performed and the time the TVF executes.
Applications must always be prepared to deal with the possibility of range errors. The
CDC TVFs check to insure that the extraction interval defined is fully covered by the
validity interval for the capture instance and errors if this requirement is not met.
In the sample, if range errors are encountered by any of the child packages, OLE DB
will log the error to the event log producing an entry similar to the following.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Figure 9: Range Error Posted from OLEDB
The error returned for range errors is error 313, “An insufficient number of arguments
were supplied for the procedure or function cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_ …”. The
figure above shows this error.
Wrappers for CDC TVFs
Instantiated Multi-Statement TVF Wrappers
Wrapper functions for consuming CDC change data serve several important purposes.
First, and most importantly, they allow an SSIS Data Flow task to be used in a
straightforward manner to query for change data. The inline TVFs that are generated to
access CDC change tables do not allow the column structure of the returned result set
to be determined by an OLE DB provider. This limitation, however, can be dealt with in
a straightforward fashion by wrapping the inline TVFs with a multi-statement TVF that
explicitly identifies the columns returned by the CDC function. The scripted wrapper
functions do precisely this.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
While the need to be able to determine column information about the returned result
set represents the principle reason for making use of a wrapper function for the
generated CDC TVF, the wrapper serves several other very useful purposes.
The generated CDC query functions used to gather change data use Log Sequence
Numbers (LSNs) to mark the boundary of the query window. While LSNs are invaluable
in insuring that data can be retrieved from change tables in a systematic manner that
guarantees no lost or repeated data, they have virtually no meaning to the application
layer that wants to consume change data. Particularly for Data Mart applications, the
request for change data is most typically bounded by datetime values. The CDC feature
has built-in functionality to deal with systematically mapping between datetime values
and LSN values. The wrapper function is an ideal place to address these mapping
issues, allowing the application to define its request interval as a datetime pair, with the
wrapper function performing the necessary translation between these values and the
LSN values needed to query the generated CDC TVFs.
In addition to shielding the SSIS application from dealing with LSN values directly, the
wrapper function can perform column filtering on the data returned from the CDC TVF
more efficiently than column filtering done when querying the wrapper function. The
result set returned by the CDC TVF is expected to serve a variety of clients, and
typically the captured columns included within a capture instance are not client specific.
When the requesting package needs only a subset of the captured columns, this column
filtering is best done within the wrapper code.
Finally, the wrapper code allows information returned from the generated TVF to be
recoded in a form that is more easily consumed by the calling application. In its
simplest form, recoding can be used to convert the integer based operation codes into
more meaningful single character codes that provide built in cues to their meaning, ie
mapping 2 to ‘I’ for insert, 1 to ‘D’ for delete, and 4 to ‘UN’ for update new values. The
more interesting case, however, is the recoding of column update information extracted
from the CDC update mask.
When a CDC function returning net changes is called using the row filter option ‘all with
mask’, an update mask is generated that identifies all of the column values that
changed due to the update. If more than one update occurred during the interval, the
mask represents the aggregate changes for all updates. This ability to easily determine
the columns that will change, prior to applying an update, can be extremely useful
during ETL dimension processing. Because this information is typically only needed for
a small subset of columns, the wrapper is an appropriate place to extract this
information from the mask and return it as simple flag columns to the SSIS application
We will now look at a simple example of a wrapper function for the table WorkOrders in
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
A Closer Look at an SSIS Wrapper Function
Use of datetime Values in the Wrapper Signature
What we first note when examining a wrapper function is that its signature contains two
datetime values: a start time and an end time. Typically, it is most natural for an SSIS
application to use a time interval to delimit a query range, since this allows the CDC
change data to be easily related to other Data Mart data. While the CDC TVFs do not
allow datetime values to be used directly as query end-points, mapping functions are
provided that make it possible to systematically translate datetime values into
corresponding LSNs. The wrapper functions provide an ideal location in which to imbed
this mapping logic.
In the generated wrapper functions scripted by the procedure
sys.sp_cdc_generate_wrapper_function, the following convention is used to guarantee
that no data is repeated or skipped. The caller of the wrapper agrees to pass the end
time of the previous data query as the start time of the next query, without
modification. Within the wrapper, the calls to the mapping functions are always
constructed in exactly the same way. This makes it possible to insure that given the
same time value passed in the previous call, the mapping function will be able to
regenerate the same LSN value in the subsequent call. This is key to guaranteeing that
the resulting LSN based intervals do not have breaks or overlap.
Finally, the function sys.fn_cdc_increment_lsn is used to increment the previous end lsn
by one to obtain the next start LSN value. Note that it is guaranteed that there are no
LSNs that lie between an LSN and that LSN value incremented by 1. Note also that the
LSNs passed to the TVFs define a closed interval, so that all change entries having LSN
values within the defined interval, including the boundary values, will be included in the
returned result.
Below we have extracted the portion of the wrapper function that addresses the
mapping of datetime values to LSN values to define the extraction interval. Note that
passing a null value for the start time value signals the wrapper function to use the
current low end point of the capture instance validity interval as the interval start time.
Similarly, a null end time value will cause the high end point of the capture instance to
be used as the high end point for the extraction interval. This serves a couple of useful
purposes. When you are designing the package to process the result set returned by
the wrapper function, you can set the default string that defines the call to use null
parameters. This allows you to get needed column information for the result set without
worrying too much about providing a valid extraction interval. The call to the wrapper
function using null values will only fail if the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table has no entries.
Some of the additional checking performed by the wrapper function deserves
explanation. We know that the CDC LSN based query functions will return a non-zero
value in @@error if the LSN range does not fall within the validity interval of the
capture instance. We would like the same to be true when the LSN based query
functions are called from within a generated wrapper function. In order to insure this,
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
we need to check the datetime range explicitly, prior to mapping it to an LSN value. If
the datetime range value is not within bounds, it is mapped to NULL forcing the range
error when the underlying TVF is called.
Also note the following check:
If @from_lsn is not null and @to_lsn is not null and
(@from_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_increment_lsn( @to_lsn ))
This is a legitimate condition that can occur when there are no entries in
cdc.lsn_time_mapping in the interval between the start and end time. This causes the
function sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn(‘largest less than or equal’, @start_time) and
sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn(‘largest less than or equal’, @end_time) to return the
same LSN value. Incrementing the start LSN by one causes the condition to evaluate to
true. In this case, it is appropriate to return with an empty result set.
CREATE function [dbo].[fn_net_changes_WorkOrder] (
@start_time datetime = null,
@end_time datetime = null,
@row_filter_option nvarchar(30) = N'all'
declare @from_lsn binary(10), @to_lsn binary(10)
if (@start_time is null)
select @from_lsn =
if ([sys].[fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time
([sys].[fn_cdc_get_ min_lsn]('WorkOrder')
> @start_time
or ([sys].[fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time]
([sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]()) < @start_time)
select @from_lsn = null
select @from_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_increment_lsn]
('largest less than or equal',@start_time))
if (@end_time is null)
select @to_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn()
if [sys].[fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time]
([sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]() < @endt_time)
select @to_lsn = null
select @to_lsn =
('largest less than or equal',@end_time)
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
@from_lsn is not null and @to_lsn is not null and
(@from_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_increment_lsn](@to_lsn))
Returning Column Information in the Wrapper
The wrapper function is structured as a multi-statement TVF. The result set returned by
the function is defined explicitly, and allows the OLE DB provider to make column
information available to the calling program. The need to include this information
explicitly would make this one of the more tedious aspects of preparing wrapper
functions manually. Note that the result from querying the CDC TVF is inserted into the
defined table before exiting the function. The defined table includes all of the table
columns plus a final column __CDC_OPERATION. This column is a more user friendly
recoding of the __$Operation column returned in the CDC TVF.
create function [dbo].[fn_net_changes_WorkOrder] (
@start_time datetime = null,
@end_time datetime = null,
@row_filter_option nvarchar(30) = N'all'
returns @resultset table (
[WorkOrderID] int
,[ProductID] int
,[OrderQty] int
,[ScrappedQty] smallint
,[StartDate] datetime
,[EndDate] datetime
,[DueDate] datetime
,[ScrapReasonID] smallint
,[ModifiedDate] datetime
,[__CDC_OPERATION] varchar(2)
) as
insert into @resultset
,case [__$operation]
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
when 1 then 'D'
when 2 then 'I'
when 3 then ‘UO’
when 4 then 'UN'
when 5 then ‘M’
else null
end as [__CDC_OPERATION]
(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, @row_filter_option')
Extracting Information from the CDC Update Mask
CDC functionality includes the ability to identify all column values that changed for each
identified update operation. When querying for all changes, this information is always
returned. When querying for net changes, the update mask is only returned as a nonnull value when the filter option ‘all with mask’ is selected. While this information can
be extremely useful, its representation in mask form is awkward for SSIS to consume
directly. CDC does, however, provide SQL functions to assist in extracting data from the
update mask, making wrapper functions an ideal place for performing this extraction.
While information from the update mask is not used within the current sample, it is
nevertheless useful to show how logic to extract data from the update mask can be
embedded within a simple wrapper function.
While the CDC supplied mask provides information on all captured columns, it is likely
that the application will only be interested in this information for a handful of columns.
In the example below, the wrapper for the WorkOrders table is modified to include a
final flag column that indicates on update whether the column OrderQty has changed.
For this sample we made use of the default wrapper functions so were able to generate
the wrappers for all defined, accessible capture instances with a single call. It is
possible, however, to tailor the call to the scripting stored procedure to further
customize the generated wrapper. In this case, we want to explicitly identify columns
that need an update flag. We do this by coding the optional parameter
@update_flag_list as a comma separated list of columns for which update information is
The call below generates a wrapper with an additional output column that for update
operations, signals whether or not the column OrderQty was modified.
exec sys.sp_cdc_generate_wrapper_function
@capture_instance = 'WorkOrder',
@update_flag_list = 'OrderQty'
When examining the code below, note that the returned table @WorkOrder now
includes an additional column OrderQty_uflag, after __CDC_OPERATION. This column
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
will hold the additional update flag. Next, note the call to the function
sys.fn_cdc_get_column_ordinal to obtain the column ordinal for the column of interest.
Once the column ordinal is known, the function sys.fn_cdc_is_bit_set can be applied in
the select statement for each returned update to determine whether the bit
corresponding to the column is set in the returned mask. Finally, note that when the
TVF dbo.fn_net_changes_Workload is invoked, the row filter option must be set to 'all
with mask' to signal, in the net changes query, that the mask should be computed.
create function [dbo].[fn_net_changes_WorkOrder] (
@start_time datetime = null,
@end_time datetime = null,
@row_filter_option nvarchar(30) = N'all')
returns @resultset table (
[WorkOrderID] int
,[ProductID] int
,[OrderQty] int
,[ScrappedQty] smallint
,[StartDate] datetime
,[EndDate] datetime
,[DueDate] datetime
,[ScrapReasonID] smallint
,[ModifiedDate] datetime
,[__CDC_OPERATION] varchar(2)
,[OrderQty_uflag] bit
) as
declare @from_lsn binary(10), @to_lsn binary(10)
declare @ordinal_1 int
select @ordinal_1 = [sys].[fn_cdc_get_column_ordinal]
('WorkOrder', 'OrderQty')
if (@start_time is null)
select @from_lsn =
if ([sys].[fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time]
('WorkOrder')) > @start_time) or
([sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]()) <
select @from_lsn = null
select @from_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_increment_lsn]
('largest less than or
if (@end_time is null)
select @to_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]()
if [sys].[fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time]
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
([sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]()) < @end_time
select @to_lsn = null
select @to_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn]
('largest less than or equal',@end_time)
if @from_lsn is not null and @to_lsn is not null and
(@from_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_increment_lsn](@to_lsn))
insert into @resultset
,case [__$operation]
when 1 then 'D'
when 2 then 'I'
when 3 then 'UO'
when 4 then 'UN'
when 5 then 'M'
else null
end as [__CDC_OPERATION],
case[ __$operation]
when 4 then
case [__$update_mask]
when null then null
else [sys].[fn_cdc_is_bit_set]
(@ordinal_1, [__$update_mask])
else null
end as [OrderQty_uflag]
(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, @row_filter_option)
Customizing Wrapper Functions for the First
Extraction Interval
Our strategy for synchronizing the initial load from a database snapshot forces us to
deal with the first extraction interval specially, allowing the lower bound of the
extraction interval to be expressed as an LSN value, while continuing to honor a
datetime value as the upper bound. While these customized functions are not currently
scripted when wrapper functions are generated, it is straightforward to hand modify the
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
generated wrappers to produce a version designed specifically to handle the initial
extraction interval.
In this sample, the code for these functions is included explicitly in the script file
CDCSetupTables.sql. The modified WorkOrder script is shown below, with the changes
appearing in black. These changes include a change to the function signature, the
conversion of the string representation of the LSN to a binary(10), some range
validation against the capture instance validity interval, and an incremental adjustment
to get all changes after the defined anchor LSN.
-- Generate custom wrapper functions for initial incremental load of
-- WorkOrder
create function [dbo].[fn_net_changes_WorkOrder_First]
@start_lsn_str varchar(40) = null,
@end_time datetime = null,
@row_filter_option nvarchar(30) = N'all'
returns @resultset table ( [WorkOrderID] int, [ProductID] int,
[OrderQty] int, [StockedQty] int, [ScrappedQty] smallint,
[StartDate] datetime, [EndDate] datetime, [DueDate] datetime,
[ScrapReasonID] smallint, [ModifiedDate] datetime,
[__CDC_OPERATION] varchar(2)
) as
declare @from_lsn binary(10), @to_lsn binary(10),
@start_lsn binary(10)
if (@start_lsn_str is null)
select @from_lsn =
select @start_lsn =
if ([sys].[fn_cdc_get_min_lsn]('WorkOrder') >
@start_lsn) or
([sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]() < @start_lsn)
select @from_lsn = null
select @from_lsn =
if (@end_time is null)
select @to_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]()
if [sys].[fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time]([sys].
[fn_cdc_get_max_lsn]()) < @end_time
select @to_lsn = null
select @to_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn]
('largest less than or equal',@end_time)
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
if @from_lsn is not null and @to_lsn is not null and
(@from_lsn = [sys].[fn_cdc_increment_lsn](@to_lsn))
insert into @resultset
select [WorkOrderID], [ProductID], [OrderQty], [StockedQty],
[ScrappedQty], [StartDate], [EndDate], [DueDate], [ScrapReasonID],
case [__$operation]
when 1 then 'D'
when 2 then 'I'
when 3 then 'UO'
when 4 then 'UN'
when 5 then 'M'
else null
end as [__CDC_OPERATION]
from [cdc].[fn_cdc_get_net_changes_WorkOrder](@from_lsn,
@to_lsn, @row_filter_option)
Running the Change Data Capture for Specified
Interval Package Sample in BI Studio
To run the Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample in BI Studio,
open the Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample project and
execute the package SetupCDCSample.dtsx. It should take several minutes to run.
Once the execution environment has been set up, three of the workload tasks are
launched to generate DML against the AdventureWorks2008 tables that are being
tracked. These workload tasks have built in 10 second delays to guarantee that the load
is spread over several minutes, regardless of the hardware that it is run on.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Figure 10: Setup Package Performing Initial Load and Workload Generation
While the workload is being applied, a task to generate the database snapshot for
AdventureWorks2008 is also launched. After it completes the dataflow tasks are allowed
to run against the snapshot database to initially load the target tables in
AdventureWorksDW2008. Once the initial load completes, the base time for the initial
extraction interval is determined and the master incremental load package is invoked.
Each time the master package is invoked, it first verifies that the desired extraction
interval is contained within the validity interval for the database. If necessary, it will
delay and give the capture process time to process all the changes through the high
end-point of the next extraction interval. Once the workload has been applied the Mark
Workload Completion task sets package variables to indicate that the workload has
completed and to identify a completion time. When the start time of an extraction
interval exceeds that time, the loop cycling the master package will terminate.
Change Data Capture for Specified Interval Package Sample
Figure 11: Setup package at Successful Run Completion
The control flow diagram above shows the setup package at the end of a successful run.
The Change Data Capture feature of SQL Server 2008 makes change data available in a
relational format. This document describes how SSIS packages can leverage this
feature to handle incremental loads to a Data Mart using a sample available on
Codeplex as the vehicle to drive the discussion.
For more information:
SQL Server Web site:
SQL Server TechCenter:
SQL Server DevCenter:
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