Biotechnology Webquest Objective: Biotechnology is a relatively new field of science that has many potential useful applications but also a lot of ethical issues surrounding the techniques and uses. In order for you to learn more about the different fields of biotechnology, you will use the websites listed on the next page to answer the questions about each biotechnology. For some sections of this assignment, you will go to specific websites. For other sections, you will research the questions from the internet. The library also has links to several useful databases that have a collection of newspaper or magazine articles. On the library website you will find listings of these databases. The science databases, such as Science Today, can be especially useful. If you use these from home you will need a user name and password. The user name for Science Today is “mercer” and the password is “facts”. Gene Therapy Go to the website 1. What is Gene Therapy? 2. Explain what 5 consideration scientists must make when deciding to try gene therapy. 3. What are the four hallmarks of successful gene delivery? 4. Explore the tools of the trade tool box and identify at least 3 potential gene vectors. Do the activities in the cystic fibrosis case study. 5. Briefly describe Cystic Fibrosis. 6. Is Cystic Fibrosis a good candidate for gene therapy? Why? 7. What is the best vector for gene therapy for Cystic Fibrosis? Why? 8. Describe the process of building a vector for the Cystic Fibrosis gene. 9. Describe the real world challenges to employing gene therapy to cure Cystic Fibrosis. Cloning Go to the website: 1. Describe the two main types of cloning methods. 2. Select Click and Clone ( and go through the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer. Explain the basic procedure. Use the University of Utah Learn.Genetics website as well as other research to answer the following questions. 3. What is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning? 4. What are two positives of using reproductive cloning for other organisms besides humans? 5. What are two negatives for using reproductive cloning for other organisms besides humans? 6. What are two positives for therapeutic cloning? 7. What are two negatives for cloning of therapeutic cloning? Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) (Transgenic Crops) 1. How is a GMO created? 2. What are two positives of GMOs? 3. What are two negatives of GMOs? Recombinant DNA Technology for Medicine Production (Biopharming) 4. What is Biopharming? 5. What are two positives for Biopharming? 6. What are two negatives for Biopharming?