Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Universities: Implementation and Way Forward By Dr. R.O. Oduwaiye Department of Educational Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Universities: Implementation and Way Forward Abstract The demand for university education in Nigeria has made the scope to enlarge in the recent past. Teeming Nigerian youths leave the universities as job seekers, whereas one of the cardinal goals of higher education in the country is to enable the individuals to be self reliant. In line with this, a presidential directive was given that all the Nigerian universities should pursue and design a programme on entrepreneurial studies for undergraduate students. This paper set out to examine the course synopsis of the entrepreneurial studies. Operations of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), established by the Federal Government of Nigeria, to help the youth in their endeavour to be self reliant was studied. This was to find out the level of graduate participation in the Scheme. Finally, the paper conducted a survey on the perceptions of selected undergraduates to determine their opinions on becoming an entrepreneur. 62% of the respondents agreed that they would like to be self reliant rather than seeking for employment, while 82% of the respondents believed that entrepreneurship education can help prepare them for entrepreneurship in order to eradicate or alleviate poverty. It was then recommended, among others, that the entrepreneurial studies should be more practical oriented rather than theoretical while loans for the entrepreneurs should be better facilitated through the government and selected banks. 1 Introduction Nigeria’s erstwhile educational system was inherited from the British Colonial Government. The system trained students, through Grammar Schools, in preparation for white-collar jobs. A review of the Nigerian educational system took place in cognizance of the fact that even Britain which imposed the system had refined hers to foster social, industrial and technological development. In response to the much needed development, through education, in Nigeria, there was the National Curriculum Conference in 1968. This later gave birth to the 6-3-3-4 system of education in 1973. That system of education was designed to give every Nigerian a chance to contribute his worth to the nation’s development, at the level commensurate to his mental ability. Furthermore, the system was planned to eradicate illiteracy after six years in primary school. The first three years in secondary school was supposed to arm the students with some skills, while those not academically inclined could move to learn one trade or the other to acquire vocational skill; which would prepare them for self reliance. On the other hand, the academically endowed ones could continue with the next three years of senior secondary school, and if found qualified, they could proceed to four (or more) years of tertiary education. The dwindling ratio of the so-called white-collar jobs when compared to the rate of turnout of graduates at all levels of education soon made it necessary for successive government to introduce palliative measures. The Federal Military Government in 1976 introduced the Operation Feed the Nation (OFN) Scheme, which faded 2 out after sometimes. Successive Military Government in 1985 introduced Mass Mobilisation for Self Reliance and Economic Recovery (MAMSER) and National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to address the issue of graduate unemployment but recorded very minimal success. The erstwhile Civilian Governments retained the NDE and introduced the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP). These two programmes are still in operation in Nigeria. All these measures so far have proved to be grossly ineffective in solving the problem of graduate unemployment which have assumed critical dimension, especially due to the proliferation of both public and private tertiary institutions. The need to ensure that the present effort at turning out graduates, who will not only be self reliant but employers of labour cannot be over emphasized. In order to achieve this, the Federal Government, through the National Universities Commission (NUC), introduced Entrepreneurship Education (E.E), which is aimed at equipping students with entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and competencies in order to be job providers and not job seekers. This is to improve the economic, technological and industrial development of the nation and reduce poverty. Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship education is that education which assists students to develop positive attitudes, innovation and skills for self reliance, rather than depending on the government for employment. This will produce graduates with self confidence and capacities for 3 independent thought to discover new information leading to economic development (Emetaron and Obunadike 2008). Agu (2006) opined that entrepreneurship education is the type of education designed to change the orientation and attitude of the recipients, and in the process will equip him with the skills and knowledge to enable him start and manage a business enterprise. This type of education aims at developing the requisite entrepreneurial skills, attitudes competences and dispositions that will predispose the individual to be a driving force in managing a business. Emetaron and Obunadike (2008) described Entrepreneurship education as that which deals with those attitudes and skills that are necessary for the individual to respond to his environment in the process of conserving, starting and managing a business enterprise. This is based on the fact that some basic attitudes and skills are essential for an individual to respond positively to his environment and explore its potentials. This implies that Entrepreneurship Education (E.E) prepares the individual to be properly equipped to acquire saleable skills which could be used to manage his own business or that of other person. Entrepreneurship Education (E.E) is not a prerogative of some set of people but an education that that is open to all. This is why there was the clamour for the introduction of E.E into the universities’ curriculum to prepare students for entrepreneurship life after graduation. Its noted by Akpomi (2009), that E.E focuses on developing understanding and capacity for pursuit of entrepreneurial behaviours, skills and attitudes in widely different contexts. This type of education is open to all and not exclusively the domain of the high- 4 flying growth-seeking business person. The propensity to behave entrepreneurially is not exclusive to certain individuals. Different individuals will have a different mix of capabilities for demonstrating and acquiring entrepreneurial behaviours skills and attitudes. These behaviours can be practiced, developed and learned; therefore it is important to expose all students to entrepreneurship education (Akpomi, 2009). Entrepreneurship has to do with introduction of changes and new ideas and the ability to control resources in a way that will satisfy the objectives of the entrepreneur. In doing this, there is a need to develop some attitudes and skills which, according to Aig’Imoulhuede (1988) and corroborated by Okada (2000), is based on: (i) Positive attitudes, high aptitude for rational critical thinking and timely decision-making. (ii) Clear vision, generation of progressive ideals drive and passion for success. (iii) Ability to convert vision into concrete reality. (iv) Creativity, innovativeness, courageousness and self confidence. (v) Ability to assume reasonable risk. (vi) Mercurial ingenuity, resourcefulness patience and/or opportunities insight. (vii) Confidence and good judgement which involves taking decisions and making choices. (viii) Prudence which means due care in the management of resources especially financial. 5 (ix) Wiliness to learn should develop a disposition to pick up and store knowledge and use it. (x) Hard work which is an indispensable ingredient of success in business and other sectors. Entrepreneural Studies The Senate of the University of Ilorin, along with other Universities in Nigeria and in accordance with the directive of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2004 that every Nigeria University should pursue a programme for every undergraduate to partake in a course in entrepreneural studies introduced a course, with Code Number GSE 301, titled “Graduate Self Employment (GSE)”. The programme took off in the University in the 2008/2009 academic session. The course synopsis is identification of the nature, purpose and scope of business. It also includes basic principles of feasibility report writing, financial acquisition and management, resource management, elements of marketing skills acquisition for selected prototype enterprises. To expose the students to practical aspects, the course includes evolving programme for the development and inculcation of entrepreneural and innovative attitude in all students through participation in two or three activities apart from those related to their areas of discipline. The activities centre on such trades as tye and dye, pot making, fruit canning, table water production, cloth weaving, soap/detergent/cosmetics production, fish farming, snail farming, poultry, food processing, bread making, fashion designing, 6 interior decoration, printing, wood/metal work, restaurant management, forex trading. It was observed that since the take off of the course, the lecturers from the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, who handle the course, had been teaching the theoretical aspect very well. The course synopsis had been well covered, especially feasibility report writing which is core to establishing an entrepreneur. However, the practical activities which the students are to participate in two or three had not been taken because, according to the Director of Technical & Entrepreneurship Centre (TEC), in the University of Ilorin, there are no artisans to take the activities and likewise there are no facilities or centres for these activities. The Centre is barely two years old and skill need time to develop. Student’s Perceptions on Participation in Entrepreneurship after graduation Methodology This study employed a survey research design. The population for the study comprised of the final year students in the University of Ilorin and Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. The sample was based on 200 students randomly selected from each University. An instrument, tagged: “Students’ Perceptions on Participating in Entrepreneurship Questionnaire” was used to collect data for the study. The instrument had nine structured items. In items 6, 7 and 9 the respondent had either a “yes” or “no” answer while in items 1, 2, 7 3, 4, 5 and 8, respondents had to pick between one of alternative answers. The data collected were analysed, using simple percentage. Student’s Perceptions on Participation in Entrepreneurship after Graduation Q/N 1. Questionnaire Items When I leave Responses the Self employment university, I would like to Government No % 132 66 68 34 be self employed or take up a government paid employment. 2. What type 44 22 30 15 28 14 Food & Beverages, Oil & Fashion & Design 10 5 Gas, 32 16 Hotel & Catering, Private Engineering 10 5 School/Hospital, 10 5 Hospital 10 5 Farming 10 5 Yet to decide 16 8 What motivates you to go Self reliant 64 32 into entrepreneurship? 76 38 60 30 entrepreneurship of Food & Beverage would Telephone you like to venture into? Fashion designing, Hotel & Catering Farming Private School etc. 3. Self reliance, Oil & Gas Unemployment Poverty, Poverty Unemployment 8 Q/N 4. 5. Questionnaire Items Responses No % How do you hope to raise Bank loan 22 11 capital? Cooperative Soc. 64 32 Bank, Cooperative Society Family & Friends 22 11 Family & Friends etc. Personal effort 78 39 Yet to decide 14 7 124 62 76 38 164 82 36 18 44 22 156 78 120 60 in (6) above is inadequate, Inadequate facility 36 18 give reasons. 44 22 164 82 36 18 Would you prefer to go into One man business one-man business or Partnership partnership? 6. Have you taken an Yes entrepreneurship course in No your University? 7. The Entrepreneurship Adequate training programme of your Inadequate university is adequate. 8 9. If you think the programme Too theoretical Do you think No artisan that the Yes entrepreneurship No programme can eradicate poverty and unemployment in Nigeria? 9 The findings of the study showed that 66% of the undergraduates wanted to be self reliant after graduation. This means that undergraduates in Nigerian universities have high propensity for entrepreneurship skills. The results also showed that 32% of the factors that motivated the respondents to want to go into entrepreneurship was the need to be self reliant while 68% of the factors were due to the fear unemployment and poverty. It was also found that 62% of the respondents wanted to be a sole proprietor, while 38% wanted to go into partnership. In assessing the level at which undergraduates have been equipped with entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, 82% of the respondents indicated that they had taken some courses in entrepreneurship in their respective institutions and that about 78% observed that the programme was adequate to equip them to manage a business after graduation. However, 18% of the respondents observed that the programme was adequate. It was inadequate because it was too theoretical, while there were inadequate facilities and no artisans for handling the practicals. On eradication of poverty in Nigeria, 82% of the respondents indicated that entrepreneurship could eradicate poverty and unemployment in the country. National Directorate of Employment (NDE) Involvement in Graduate Entrepreneurship The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) was established in 1986. Graduate unemployment which was unnoticed in the early 1980’s began to rise steadily and rapidly till date to the extent that 10 nearly every home has one or more unemployed graduate. NDE was given mandate to intervene, especially on Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development Training. To a large extent NDE started following its mandate. It counsels the unemployed for attitudinal reorientation towards self employment and self-reliance. It engages youths, who after secondary school were willing to be trained to acquire skills. For instance, by 2007 NDE had been able to create transient jobs, engage in open apprenticeship scheme, rural employment promotion like Agricultural programmes, small scale enterprises, etc. By the end of 2007, NDE had empowered 66,952 Nigerian youths in various entrepreneurships (FRN, 2008) Data for the graduate involvement was not available since it was not separated from other participants, but suffice to note that many graduates are gradually getting involved even though the participation is said to be low compared to the school leavers (FRN, 2008). Way Forward There is no gainsaying the fact that entrepreneurship is the solution to unemployment and poverty among Nigerian youths and graduates. The Federal Government of Nigeria has taken the bull by the horn in establishing the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), initiating the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), and recently the Entrepreneurship Education in the Nigerian Universities. These are all targeted at reducing extreme hunger and poverty by 50 percent by the year 2015 FRN (2008). These are all steps in the right direction. The Nigerian 11 government and all those concerned with implementation need to take closer look at all these programmes so that maximum benefit can be realized from the huge amount invested on them by the government. The Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Universities is a little over one year, and so would not give premature assessment but right from the onset of the programme, the Federal Government should have set aside adequate funds to make the programme realizable, centres for acquiring the skills and activities started in the course synopsis should be built and equipped. Artisans who are educated and capable of handling these skills should be employed. Undergraduates should not see the Course (GSE 301) on Graduate Self Employment as a mere theoretical course like other courses. They should be prepared to graduate from the universities with at least two skills as contained in the Course Synopsis. There is need to counsel undergraduates for possible attitudinal re-orientation towards self-employment and self-reliance. Many graduates have not come to terms with the reality of non-existence of white collar jobs. This counselling and reorientation should be incorporated along with the Entrepreneurship Education. Posters and Slogans about self-reliance should be pasted in conspicuous places in the universities. This will constantly remind the prospective graduates that time after graduation should not be wasted to endless seeking for jobs that are not available. NDE is doing a lot of enlightenment programmes on the Nigerian media such as the Television; more can still be done until the idea is imbibed. 12 National Directorate of Employment (NDE) needs to be overhauled. Majority of the staff also need to catch the wind of change. The Directorate should find a way of attracting more graduates into the entrepreneurship scheme. Many school leavers that are attracted cannot create jobs. The Scheme needs to be taken to a higher level that is emphasis to be shifted to graduate entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs should be able to secure financial assistance for their small scale industries. The Federal Government should increase its financial participation and also facilitate and attract loans for the entrepreneurs. These loans can be taken from the Commercial Banks with minimal interest. At present, some commercial banks are financiers to small scale industries but more banks should participate. There should be no unnecessary bottlenecks in the process of taking loans for entrepreneurship. In the development of entrepreneurship, the Federal, State and Local Governments should jointly develop rural areas. These are the places where land is available, cost of production and labour are cheap. The rural areas must have such social amenities as drinkable water, uninterrupted electricity, and good roads. If these facilities are available in the rural areas, productions can be done there and products brought to the urban areas for consumption. Conclusion This paper has discussed and evaluated the Entrepreneurship Education offered at the undergraduate level of the Nigerian universities. It also ventured into getting the perceptions of 13 undergraduate students on their involvement in entrepreneurship. The National Directorate of Employment (NDE), the only Board or Directorate saddled with the training of would-be entrepreneurs does not have adequate data on graduate involvement. The paper concluded by giving useful tips on the way out of the challenges faced by graduates in getting self-employed. 14 References Agu, C.N. (2006). Pedagogy of Entrepreneurship in a Contemporary Society. The Enterprise International Research Journal for Development. January – April 8(1), 18 – 32. Aig ‘Imoukhuede, I.I. (1988) A word About Entrepreneurship. In Aig ‘Imoukhuede, I.I. (Ed) You and Your Business: A guide to Self Employment, Lagos, Academy Press Ltd. Akpomi, M.E. (2009). Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Through Teaching Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). European Journal of Social Science 8(1). Emetaron, U.G. (2008). Re-thinking Higher Education Management for Poverty Reduction Among the Youth in Africa. Paper Presented at the third Regional Conference on Higher Education for Youth Empowerment, opportunities, capabilities and second chance. Organized by Higher Education Research and Policy Network (NERPNET) at IITA, Ibadan, Oyo State. August 18 – 21 FGN (2008) National Directorate of Employment Annual Report. Abuja Government Press FGN (2004) GSE 301 Course Synopsis, University of Ilorin, TEC Centre. Okala, O.F. (2008). Unemployment Experience in Nigeria. The Impact of Vocational Skills Training. Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Development. 10(1 & 2), 18 – 25. 15