Boarding Schools Tour Spring 2014

Linden Tour Report: Boarding School Spring 2014
April 28-May 6,2014
The Spring 2014 Linden Tour to Boarding Schools visited six states in 8 days. Twentyfive tour members traveled with us, and one additional university joined us for 2 days.
We visited 18 schools overall in New York, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont and
Massachusetts. Geographically, the admissions officers represented institutions from
across the United States. This was the very first time Linden has ever organized a trip
like this, specifically targeting international students that are boarding in the US.
We met with a good amount of qualified and interested students; over 750 brochures
were handed out. Many of the high schools we visited had both domestic and
international students present and in some cases, English language and shyness were a
bit of a barrier.
We began our tour in Poughkeepsie, NY and finished in Boston, MA with stops in
Millbrook, NY, Kent, CT, Oakdale, CT, Thompson, CT, Woodstock, CT, Greenfield, MA,
Gill, MA, Easthampton, MA, Pittsfield, MA, New Lebanon, NY, Fryeburg, ME, Lyndon
Center, VT, Ashburnham, MA, Waltham, MA, Groton, MA, Newton, MA and Natick, MA.
Based on overall feedback from the tour members, the pace of the tour was good with a
couple of long days. We traveled by bus, and logistically some days were harder than
others because of the long distances. Not all schools had the quantity of students we
would have liked to see but the quality was very good. This was a first time for many of
the guidance counselors to host something like this, and they had a much greater
appreciation for the type of program we need once we were there. Many of them
mentioned things they would do differently for next time like invite other schools,
advertise more, make attendance mandatory, etc. Most reps said that their expectations
were met even though some of the high schools could have been better prepared.
The Welcome Dinner was held at Caterina de’ Medici Ristorante at the Culinary Institute
of America. It was a delicious meal with a pre-set menu and a lovely setting; the
students prepared and served the meals.
Recommendations for next time –
Better streamlining of schools geographically
Make accommodations for lunch or time for longer lunches.
Communicate more closely with Counselors about how to prepare their students
for our visits
Shorter tour; one week maybe
Networking event with counselors needs to happen on a weekday afternoon
I would really like to thanks the tour members first and foremost for your
professionalism, flexibility, support and lighthearted candor during this trip. There were
some long days. We didn’t really know what to expect from this pioneer voyage so it
was truly experimental. In the end, I think the concept of this tour is a valid one that
was recognized by all, both colleges/universities as well as the high schools. There is
definitely a niche market here that hasn’t been explored before.
I would like to thank the Guidance Counselors for allowing us to “try it” and see. Many
of them were extremely supportive and it was encouraging to see them dedicating time
and effort to their international student population.
Lastly, I would also like to thank Kathy and Linden for this great opportunity. It truly
speaks volumes about an organization that can recognize a need like this and be willing
to go ahead and try it. I feel honored to be a part of it!
Brandy Fransen
May 7, 2014
April 28 - 29, 2014
Poughkeepsie Day School
Kent School
Total Attendance Day One
Sample Highlights
- All international students liked University of Washington admission presentation at
Poughkeepsie Day
- Oakwood Friends School was able to join us at Poughkeepsie Day
April 29 - 30, 2014
St Thomas More (All Boys)
Woodstock Academy
Total Attendance Day Two
Sample Highlights
- At St Thomas Moore the counselor was very supportive and the students seemed
engaged. Short introductions for students was a really good idea at St Thomas Moore
- Counselor involvement at Marianapolis and Woodstock Academy was great
April 30 – May 1, 2014
Stoneleigh Burnham (All Girls)
Northfield Mount Herman
Williston Northampton
Miss Hall’s (All Girls)
Darrow School
Total Attendance Day 3
Sample Highlights
- University of La Salle presentation at Stoneleigh Burnham was well received
- Williston Northampton: Got to talk to the counselor for quite a while
- Miss Hall’s: Great Counselor involvement and reception from staff.
- Darrow School: It was a well-coordinated event and the student helpers were such a
PLUS! Lots of international students here.
May 1 - 2, 2014
Fryeburg Academy
Lyndon Institute
Total Attendance Day 4
Sample Highlights
- Fryeburg Academy: Incredible diversity in students. Counselor was VERY glad we were
there. Students were prepared prior to our visit.
- Lyndon Institute: School Counselors stopped by some of the tables and had obviously
prepped a few of their students before our arrival; they seemed eager to learn more
about all institutions.
May 5, 2014
Cushing Academy
Chapel Hill – Chauncy Hall
Lawrence Academy
Total Attendance Day 5
Sample Highlights
- Cushing Academy: The time spent at the end with Counselors was greatly appreciated
and could have been extended.
- Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall: Good visit because the Counselor had previously been an
admission rep before. She helped bring students over to ask questions and she spent
time with the schools.
-Lawrence Academy: Good evening fair. Saw about 3 parents from the local school as
well (Groton School). One hour was just enough time. Counselors were extremely
engaged and did try to go around and speak with reps
May 6, 2014
CATS Academy
Walnut Hill School of the Arts
Total Attendance Day 6
Sample Highlights
- CATS Academy: BEST fair of the tour! This was the highest number of international
students seen on the tour.
- Walnut Hill: Good stop for schools with strong arts programs. An audition is required
to be admitted to this school.