Final Project Report 2014 ACT Better Linkages between Employment and Training Initiative Report Due Date: 26 June 2015 To be prepared by Lead RTO, with contributions from partner organisations. The aim of this report is to provide a summary of your complete project, and to provide feedback that will inform future initiatives. This report should refer to the original objectives as stated in your proposal and provide a summary of the outcomes and lessons learned from the funded project and training. Lead RTO Name: Project Title: PART A: PROGRESS AGAINST PROJECT PLAN MILESTONES FOR FOURTH QUARTER Please add rows as required Milestones Progress Identified issues Strategies to resolve issues (as identified on approved Project Plan) -1- PART B: FINAL PROJECT REPORT Ensure that this report incorporates feedback from the perspective of the RTO, ESP, client and any other stakeholders involved. 1. ATTACHMENTS List attached project deliverables: 1. 2. 3. 4. All resources and tools developed with funding from the Better Linkages Initiative must be provided to the Directorate in a final format that allows sharing with other providers both locally and nationally. All such products shall remain the property of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). 2. WHAT DID YOU PLAN TO DO? What issues did the project seek to address? How did the project seek to address these issues? Describe the tools, resources or strategies that were proposed. -2- 3. WHAT DID YOU DO? Describe how the proposed tools, resources or strategies were developed. Include details of: Initial development Contribution of partner organisations How consultations were conducted How feedback was incorporated How tools, resource, or strategies were trialled or piloted 4. EVALUATION How well did the project address the issues identified? How can the benefits be sustained or improved further? Did any areas of good practice regarding RTOs, ESPs and other organisations working together emerge? How feedback from RTO, ESP, community organisation and student stakeholders during the trials or pilots contributed to refinement Challenges encountered and how these were addressed Lessons learned Any changes that were made to your project, the reasons for the changes and the outcomes of the changes Did any new challenges or barriers for RTOs and ESPs working together emerge as you worked on the project, How could these be addressed? -3- 5. WHAT NEXT? Describe how the tools, resources, strategies will be further developed or implemented. Describe how the consultation and collaboration that you have established between partners will be sustained and improved further. How has your project contributed to improved linkages between RTOs and ESPs to improve training and employment outcomes for job seekers in the ACT? 6. WORKSHOPS List the names of project team members who attended each workshop (26 Aug 2014, 24 Oct 2014). If project team members were not able to attend any of the workshops, please provide reasons. Please provide feedback on the workshops, including benefits, suggestions for improvement and suggestions for topics for future workshops. -4- PART C: FINAL TRAINING REPORT (where applicable) Training Qualification Name: Foundation Skills Units of Competence: Proposed training group commencement date/s: 1. SUMMARY OF STUDENT TRAINING OUTCOMES TO DATE Number commenced Number withdrawn Number completed (partial > 75%) Number completed (full) Number of students who found employment Number of students who went on to further study People with a disability Indigenous Australians Mature Aged Workers (40 +) Youth at Risk (15-24) Long-term unemployed Other TOTAL -5- 2. TRAINING DELIVERY APPROACH Describe the training delivery approach that was implemented, including customised strategies used for Attraction Retention Completion Tailoring the training delivery to the client group 3. WRAP AROUND SERVICES (where applicable) Describe the wrap around services delivered during this project Describe any benefits, issues or challenges that arose Describe any benefits, issues or challenges that arose. Provide any evidence such as student feedback, stakeholder feedback, evidence of outcomes. Describe any lessons learned. Provide any evidence such as student feedback, stakeholder feedback, evidence of outcomes Describe any lessons learned -6- 4. WORK EXPERIENCE PLACEMENTS (Where applicable) Describe the work experience placement services delivered during this project Describe any benefits, issues or challenges that arose 5. FOUNDATION SKILLS (Where applicable) Describe the foundation skills assessment and support provided Describe any benefits, issues or challenges that arose Provide any evidence such as student feedback, stakeholder feedback, evidence of outcomes Describe any lessons learned Provide any evidence such as student feedback, stakeholder feedback, evidence of outcomes Describe any lessons learned -7- 6. OTHER STUDENT OUTCOMES Describe the employment outcomes achieved for students Describe the further study outcomes achieved for students Describe the aspects of the training delivery that impacted on these outcomes positively or negatively. 7. FEEDBACK Please provide any comments or feedback on the 2013 ACT Better Linkages between Employment and Training Initiative to inform future planning of similar initiatives. -8- DECLARATION BY LEAD RTO AND PARTNERS We declare that to the best of our knowledge the information provided in this report is true and correct: 1. Lead RTO Name Position Signature Date 2. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 3. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 4. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 5. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 6. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 7. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 8. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 9. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 10. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 11. Organisation Name Position Signature Date 12. Organisation Name Position Signature Date -9-