Ref.: Administrative Proceeding Nº
Applicant: Federal Public Ministry / GT- Cultural Heritage 4ª CCR
Object: Monitoring of archaeologist professional regulation
Edictal of Public Audience Summons
Art. 1º. The public audience now regulated aims the discussion with the Public
Power and the civil society about the need to regulate the archaeological activities.
Themes to Be Approached During the Public Audience
Art.2º. The themes to be approached are:
1- The regulation by the law of the archaeologist profession;
2- The auto-regulation of the profession by constructing a good practices
protocol and directions of proceedings;
3- The establishing of minimum criterions to the archaeology´s exercise;
4- Preventive action to tutelage the archaeology heritage; and
5- Preventive action in the environment licensing referent to the archaeological
Documents That Subsidize the Public Audience
The documents aim to foment the participation and public diffusion of the
discussion process of the practice archaeology in the nowadays Brazilian
context approaching the debate all the interested ones and debugging the
law project text that transact in the National Congress.
Art.3º. Integrate the present Edictal, the preliminary version in the
documents produced by SAB – Society of Brazilian Archaeology which
deals about:
1- Guide of Good Practices (Code of Ethic);
2- Criterions to the training and professional practice to the exercise of
3- Directions of Professional Proceedings.
Paragraph 1º. These documents will be available in the SAB site
(www.sabnet.com.br) in 03.21.2011.
Paragraph 2º. The debates and deliberations about the documents will
be done during the public audience.
Discipline of Public Audience
Art.4º. The Presidency of works will be the responsibility of the
Republic´s Prosecutor, Inês Virgínia Prado Soares, placed in the
Republic´s Prosecution in São Paulo.
Art.5º. The Audience will happen from 9 am to 5 pm with a break for
lunch from 1 pm to 2 pm.
Art.6º.The representant of the Federal Public Ministry will make the
audience´s open at 9 am tolerating 15 minutes to begin the activities.
Continuous acting will nominate a server of Republic´s Prosecution in
São Paulo as secretary to help in the works, take the signatures from the
presents, drawn up the minutes and make the other necessary
Art.7º. The table of works will be composed by the exhibitors and invited
authorities by the criterion of the work coordinators.
Art.8º. After the opening, will be cleared the objectives of the public
audience and the way to be adopted in the conduction of the works as it
will be informed the time to finish de audience which may be anticipated
or delay if it is necessary.
Art.9º. The Exposition of the table components shall not exceed 30
minutes and it may not be interrupted.
Art.10º. After the opening of Audience in the morning period will be given
the word to the expositors invited to their exposition about the theme.
Paragraph 1º. Will be invited as expositors the representants of the
Federal Public Ministry from the Society of Brazilian Society (SAB), of
IPHAN, of Ministry of Culture, of Ministry of Education and Culture, of
Ministry of Work and the deputy Sandra Rosado, reporter of PL
Paragraph 2º. The program of audience as the name of expositors, will
be released in the Republic´s Prosecution site (www.prsp.mpf.gov.br)
and SAB (www.sabnet.com.br).
Art.11. Finished the morning works the afternoon period will be destined
to the discussion of the indicated documents in the art.3º.
Unique paragraph. The manifestation of the presents will be preceded of
the inscription before the director table of works being the President
responsible to the registry of the subscribed ones, the control of the
exposition time and the limit of the registered numbers.
Art.12. After the manifestations the consolidated documents will be read
enabling intervention from the public up to 5 minutes.
Unique paragraph. The manifestation of the public will be preceded of
the inscription before the director table of works being the President
responsible to the registry of the subscribed ones, the control of the
exposition time and the limit of the registered numbers.
Art.13. Will not be allowed during the Public Audience questions about
strange matters of its object.
Art. 14. After the mentioned discussion in the art.12, the President of the
Audience may purpose the necessaries referrals.
Attendance Invite to the Interested Ones in General
Art 15. For this Edictal is invited all the interested people, the
governmental and non-governmental agencies that deals with the subjected and any
other interested in the object.
Art. 16. The access to the Public Audience is free and do not need of
previous registration. However all the participants must sign the presence list.
São Paulo, March 17 2011
Inês Virgínia Prado Soares
Republic´s Prosecutor