(v) Wastewater Management Strategy Update

Board Meeting:
3 - 4 September 2012
Agenda Number:
11 (v)
File Reference:
Business Paper
Lord Howe Island Wastewater Update.
At its May 2008 meeting the Board recognised that septic tank effluent represents a threat to
public health and the Island’s World Heritage values. The Board agreed to have all septic tanks
removed or upgraded within the next 5 years.
During 2009 and 2010 the LHIWMC worked with consultant Worley Parsons to produce a
Wastewater Management Strategy Document.
In March 2011 the LHIB administration undertook Community Consultation on the preferred
options identified in the strategy document with the intention of identifying the community
preferred option. The results of the community consultation were presented to the Board at the
May 2011 Board meeting.
At the May 2011 Board meeting the Board agreed to the following recommendations:
1. That the LHIB accept the community preferred option of an on-site wastewater
management strategy for the island.
2. That LHIB Administration undertakes more studies to determine the appropriate effluent
quality requirements to be met by these on-site systems. These studies will include:
a. Nutrient balancing of island soils to determine the capacity of the soils to accept
wastewater; and
b. Consultation with Government agencies on requirements for environmental
3. That LHIB investigate proprietary onsite systems that are suitable for dwellings of up to
10 people, including:
a. an analysis of what proprietary systems are on the market and what effluent
quality they can achieve;
b. Cost analysis of various systems based on them meeting these quality
standards including life cycle costing;
c. Maintenance and operating procedures; and
d. Island resources to undertake the maintenance of these systems including
training requirements.
4. That LHIB undertake more community consultation to ensure community understanding
and support to determine:
a. What are the wastewater effluent quality standards to be met by on-site
b. Given the wastewater quality standards is there a requirement for a reticulated
effluent disposal system?
c. How does the community fund any community infrastructure?
d. How do leaseholders pay for the upgrades of their systems?
5. LHIB Administration determines any fees and charges to be applied to leaseholders
including any penalties for non-complying systems.
6. After completion of the studies and the community consultation LHIB Administration
revise the LHI Wastewater Strategy to:
a. Identify the effluent quality requirements to be achieved by on-site systems;
b. Identify some LHIB preferred proprietary systems that meet the effluent quality
c. Detail the monitoring and testing requirements of the systems;
d. Systems servicing more than 10 people (lodges, clusters) need to be design by
an appropriately qualified system designer and that the systems are designed to
meet the required quality standards
7. That after determination of the wastewater quality requirements, the LHIB Administration
write to all leaseholders advising them of the required effluent quality requirements and
the time frame for their system to be upgraded to meet this requirement.
8. That the timeframe for upgrading of all systems to meet the requirements of the revised
Wastewater Management Strategy remain as June 2013. This date may be reviewed if it
is determined that a reticulated effluent disposal system is required.
Since the May 2011 Board meeting, the LHIB administration has produced a draft revised Onsite Wastewater Strategy. In March 2012 the LHI Board endorsed this document for
consultation purposes. During May 2012 the LHIB Administration issued the draft strategy for
community consultation. Every leaseholder was sent a copy of the draft strategy with a coving
letter inviting feedback.
On 8 June 2012 the consultation period was closed. The LHIB received only 2 written
submissions. The LHIB Administration considered the submissions received and prepared a
summary of these submissions as well as the LHIB Administration response to the comments.
This summary is attached to this paper.
Following the consultation process the LHIB Administration made minor modifications to the
draft Strategy resulting in a final draft document. A copy of this final draft document is attached
for LHI Board review and approval.
Subject to LHI Board approval of the final strategy document, the LHIB will write to all
leaseholders advising them of the new strategy and their obligations to upgrade their systems to
meet the strategy requirements.
In addition to the consultation process on the draft strategy the LHIB Administration has over the
last few months been undertaking additional works to assist the community with the
implementation of the new strategy.
As reported in the March 2012 Board update, the LHIB needs to take a leading role in guiding
the procurement and selection of wastewater systems. This will assist leaseholders in selecting
appropriate systems that achieve the necessary standards. The LHIB Administration will
produce site specific design controls that will be available to leaseholders to use when procuring
a new system.
The LHIB Administration is also developing mapping to help define design parameters for
individual on-site systems. This information that will be developed includes updated mapping
 Lease boundaries and building footprints;
 Site constraints – water courses, wells, significant native vegetation, endangered
species habitat areas, flood prone land;
 Soil types including hydraulic capacity and nutrient sorption capacity; and
 possible irrigation areas.
This work should be complete by December 2012. A separate budget adjustment paper has
been submitted to cover the costs of this additional work.
The LHIB Administration plans to undertake further community awareness and education
activities on the proposed wastewater management strategy subject to the LHI Board approval
of the final strategy.
In addition to the above activities the LHIB Administration will commence work on a fees and
charges regime that will be implemented as at the start of the 2013/14 financial year. The
development of the fees and charges will consider the costs of systems, maintenance and
monitoring requirements .
Program status
The date of 2013 for the upgrade of all septic systems is still current. The strategy identifies
septic systems as high risk systems and as such a licence to operate valid for 12 months will be
issued to those leaseholders requiring them to be upgraded by end 2013.
All existing systems will be assessed for risk and Leaseholders notified. Systems will be
assessed against the criteria in the risk strategy. All systems will initially be assessed as either
high or medium risk until such a time as the leaseholder can demonstrate that the system
complies with the requirements of the strategy.
Systems identified as medium risk under the strategy will be issued a licence to operate a
wastewater system for a period of up to 3 years in order to upgrade their systems to comply with
the Wastewater management strategy.
All systems will be assessed as part of the annual inspection process (Sept/Oct) and issued a
“Licence to operate” (12 month for High Risk or 3 years for Medium Risk) by December 2012.
The following program summarises the status of the Wastewater Upgrade program:
March 2012
March 2012
March 2012
Identification of Preliminary Wastewater
Quality requirements and preferred
proprietary systems
Finalisation of Wastewater Quality
Draft wastewater strategy for LHI Board
Community consultation
March 2012
March 2012
April/May 2012
End 2013
End 2015
LHIB approval of revised Wastewater
Letters sent to Leaseholders re upgrade of
Site design controls
May 2012
Upgrade of all septic systems (High risk)
Upgrade of balance of systems (medium
End 2013
End 2015
June 2012
That the Board:
1. Note the community consultation submissions and LHIB response; and
2. Approve the final LHI On-site Sewage Management Strategy.
Prepared By:
Nicholas Holt
Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services
Endorsed By:
Stephen Wills
Chief Executive Officer