GATEWAY REVIEW: SPRING 2012 I. ● ● ● ● II. ● ● ● III. ● ● IV. ● ● ● ● 4 BIOLOGY FOCUS AREAS for 2014 SCIENCE GATEWAY Adaptations and Ecosystems What adaptations increase an organisms ability to survive in its environment. For ex. structural(anatomical), physiological (biochemical: poisons etc.), behavioral (bird migration) or things like plant tropisms ( phototropism, gravitropism). Food Webs and Food Chains How does an organism get its energy/food (autotroph/producer or heterotroph/consumer or decomposer) Niche (organisms "role" in its environment), habitat, range Ecological Changes This could be human intervention( deforestation, types of pollution etc.) Or it may be more natural changes that occur in an ecosystem ( primary or secondary succession, pioneer communities, climax communities) What impact does the loss of one species have on others? example missing link in a food chain. Genetics (given in fall) Mendelian Genetics ( punnett squares, genotypes, phenotypes, dominant and recessive alleles, heterozygous, homozyous) Molecular Genetics (DNA, double helix, nucleotides, Protein synthesis/translation, transcription, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, ribosomes, nucleus, mutations etc); mitosis and meiosis. Energy Transformation Law of Conservation of Energy and matter (especially as it applies to food chains, energy pyramids) The 10% rule (how much energy moves from one level of the pyramid/chain into the next level. More energy available in producers (plants, algae, cyanobacteria) Matter is cycled in an ecosystem but energy flows through (like in a food chain). Please Note: In addition to these possible 4 topics for the Spring 2014 Gateway is Solutions. Chemistry students completed this unit and have review guides. General Gateway Review site for Biology: I. Adaptations and Ecosystems - hit “play this game” If it doesn’t work google “quia adaptation” Pay attention to key vocabulary word in each question Biomes – explained Hangman game: review terrestrial biomes (quia terrestrial biome hangman) II. Ecological Changes Write down each step and a BRIEF description (a few words) Competition for natural resouces/online simulation – pay attention to vocab List vocab words used Modified by K. Chiapperini/March 27, 2014; Adapted from B. Bartholomai’s Gateway Review III. IV. Genetics Click on mitosis under interactive and list the steps. Write down terms used Complete a MINIMUM of 5: Write down answers Punnett Square game Complete a minimum of one problem. Write down answer Molecular Genetics Quiz Take test. Write down answers Energy Transformation Food web example and practice Food Web Game Complete game. List 1 organism in each level after you are done. Energy Pyramid youtube video Cellular respiration, photosynthesis, food webs atp/energy storage photosynthesis Please see my Eclass for additional links for the following helpful aides. Go to Gateway Folder. Biology content review packet with answers Power point/content review Science Rubric Graded examples Power Points on how to write a science gateway Solution practice Gateway Modified by K. Chiapperini/March 27, 2014; Adapted from B. Bartholomai’s Gateway Review