Creating a NOREP 1. 2. 3. 4. Select a student On the left column menu bar choose NOREP. Select New at the top left of the page. Select IEP to link to or input placement dates this NOREP refers to (e.g. ESY NOREP being done in Feb. dates would be 6/25/13-8/2/13). The default is to select an IEP to link to and that should be used most of the time. 5. Choose the action taken. a. Proposes initial provision of special education and related services (For this action, the school may not proceed without your written consent in Section 8 of this document). Initial placement only. b. Refusal to initiate an evaluation (Must issue Procedural Safeguards Notice). Only used by school psychologists or the director of special education. c. Proposes to change the identification, evaluation or educational placement of the child or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE). For all IEPS unless otherwise listed here. d. Refusal to change the identification, evaluation or educational placement of the child or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Only used by school psychologists or the director of special education. e. Change of placement for disciplinary reasons (Must issue Procedural Safeguards Notice). Only used with permission from the director of Special Education f. Due process hearing, or an expedited due process hearing, initiated by LEA. Only used by the director of Special Education g. Graduation from high school. Not for Deferred Diploma h. Exiting special education. No longer needs special ed. i. Exiting high school due to exceeding the age eligibility for a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Aged out at age 21 only. j. Extended School Year (ESY) services Should be checked anytime an ESY placement is listed on the NOREP. k. Response to request for an independent educational evaluation (IEE) at public expense Only used by the director of Special Education l. Other 6. In section 2 you must type the following statement with the correct fill-ins: The district proposes the educational placement of Level & Type of Support (Itinerant, supplemental, full time/ learning, emotional, life skills, autistic) with related services indicated in the current IEP to initiate or continue (Choose 1) the provision of a free appropriate public education(FAPE). And an ESY statement if ESY is listed on the IEP. The district proposes an ESY placement at the district ESY program with related services as indicated in the current IEP for the summer of 2013. 7. In section 3 you must enter one of the following statements: a. “The recommended change in educational placement will enable your child to make meaningful progress toward the attainment of the goals and objectives described in the attached IEP. b. “Your child has a disability that affects his/her ability to learn and attain developmental milestones at the rate and in the manner that non-disabled children of the same age would. He/She requires special education services of the sort described in his/her current IEP to learn and develop at an appropriate rate and to an appropriate level.” c. “ The recommended change in educational placement is warranted in light of the present levels of educational performance that he/she is exhibiting and because he/she would from increased participation in programming with non-disabled peers.” d. “The recommended change(s) described in his/her current IEP will enable your child to make meaningful progress toward the attainment of the goals and objectives described in that IEP. Meaningful progress is not occurring in the current placement.” e. “The recommended change(s) described in his/her current IEP will enable your child to participate in developmentally appropriate activities to a greater extent with non-disabled peers.” 8. In section 4, you will enter the following information depending on the LRE of the student. a. If the student is outside the regular class more than 61% of the day you will enter the following statements in the appropriate boxes. Options Considered Reason for Rejection Separate instruction outside of the general education class, individually or with other students with disabilities (LRE = 79%-40%). This educational placement does not provide the supports necessary for your child to attain his/her current IEP goals. b. If the student is outside the regular class between 79% and 40% of the day you will enter the following statements in the appropriate boxes. Options Considered Reason for Rejection Regular Education with supplementary aids and services (LRE>80%). This educational placement does not provide the supports necessary for your child to attain his/her current IEP goals. Separate instruction outside of the general education class, individually or with other students with disabilities (LRE <39%). This placement does not provide your child with an educational placement in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). c. If the student is outside the regular class less than 80% of the day you will enter the following statements in the appropriate boxes. Options Considered Separate instruction outside of the general education class, individually or with other students with disabilities (LRE = 79%-40%). Reason for Rejection This placement does not provide your child with an educational placement in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). 9. In section 5, you will enter the following statement “current evaluations, present levels indicated in the current IEP, progress monitoring” 10.In section 6 you will enter “teacher and parental input.” 11.Make sure the placements in this section are in blue and represent the IEP you are working on. 12.Fill in the boxes for PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE FORM section. This needs to be your full information not the director of special education. 13.Finalize the document.