1 Supporting information to: “The constant philopater hypothesis: a new life 2 history invariant for dispersal evolution” 3 4 Antonio M. M. Rodrigues1,2,*, Andy Gardner3 5 6 1. Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge 7 CB2 3EJ, United Kingdom. 8 9 2. Wolfson College, Barton Road, Cambridge CB3 9BB, United Kingdom. 10 11 3. School of Biology, University of St Andrews, St Andrews KY16 9TH, United 12 Kingdom. 13 14 * Corresponding author, email: ammr3@cam.ac.uk 15 16 Contents: 17 Appendix A. Ecological dynamics 18 Appendix B. Reproductive success 19 Appendix C. Stable class frequencies and reproductive values 20 Appendix D. Fitness 21 Appendix E. Selection gradient 22 Appendix F. Relatedness 23 Appendix G. Convergence stability 24 Appendix H. Table 1 & 2 25 References 1 26 Appendix A. Ecological dynamics 27 28 Here, we follow the ecological dynamic of patches resource-availability outlined in 29 the main text. This can be described by a transition matrix, which is given by 30 31 ๐11 ๐=( โฏ ๐1๐p โฏ โฑ โฏ ๐๐p 1 โฏ ), ๐๐p ๐p (A1) 32 33 where ηij is the probability that a type-i patch becomes a type-j patch the next season. 34 At ecological equilibrium, there is a stable frequency of the different types of patches 35 in the population, which is given by the elements of the right-eigenvector of matrix P. 36 We denote the frequency of type-i patches at equilibrium by pi. If we define a random 37 variable Tt, denoting the state of a focal patch in season t, then the coefficient of 38 correlation between two successive seasons, denoted by τ, is defined as τ ≡ 39 cov(Tt,Tt+1)√(var(Tt)var(Tt+1)), where -1 ≤ τ ≤ 1 (Rodrigues and Gardner 2012). An 40 environment is temporally stable when τ = 1, temporally unpredictable when τ = 0, 41 and seasonal when τ = -1. 42 43 Appendix B. Reproductive success 44 45 The probability that a focal juvenile wins a breeding site is kta(x,z) = 1/(∑b∈IFbtσbta(1- 46 xbta)+∑q∈Tpq(∑b∈IFbqσbqazbqa)(1-c)) , with a ๏{f,m}, I = {1, 2, …, n}, T = {1, 2, …, 47 np}, σbtf = 1-σbt, and σbtm = σbt. The reproductive success of a rank-i mother in a type-t 48 patch through her successful daughters that become rank-j mothers in a type-q patch 49 is witf→jqf = Fit(1-σit)((1-xitf)ktf(x,z)ηtq+xitf(1-c)∑e∈Tpekef(x,z)ηeq)(1-ฯ), where ฯ is the 2 50 fraction of genes a daughter inherits from her father. The reproductive success of a 51 rank-i mother in a type-t patch through her successful sons that mate with rank-j 52 mothers in type-q patches is witf→jqm = Fit(1-σit)((1-xitf)ktf(x,z)ηtq+xitf(1-c) 53 ∑e∈Tpekqf(x,z)ηeq)μ, where μ is the fraction of genes a son receives from his mother. 54 The reproductive success of a rank-i father in a type-t patch (i.e. a father that mates 55 with a rank-i mother in a type-t patch) through his successful daughters that become 56 rank-j mothers in type-q patches is witm→jqf = Fitσit((1-xitm)ktm(x,z)ηtq+xitm(1- 57 c)∑e∈Tpekem(x,z)ηeq)ฯ. The reproductive success of a rank-i father in a type-t patch 58 through his successful sons that mate with rank-j mothers in type-q patches is witm→jqm 59 = Fitσit((1-xitm)ktm(x,z)ηtq +xitm(1-c))∑e∈Tpekem(x,z)ηeq)(1-μ). In the asexual 60 reproduction model, there is no male component in the reproductive success 61 expressions, in which case we drop the subscript ‘f’ from the reproductive success 62 expressions of females, and we set ฯ = 0. 63 64 Appendix C. Stable class frequencies and reproductive values 65 66 The expressions of the reproductive success of individuals define a transition matrix, 67 which is given by 68 69 (๐คitf→jqf ) ๐.๐p ×๐.๐p ๐=( (๐คitf→jqm ) ๐.๐p ×๐.๐p (๐คitm→jqf ) ๐.๐p ×๐.๐p (๐คitm→jqm ) ). (C1) ๐.๐p ×๐.๐p 70 71 The elements of the right-eigenvector of matrix A (corresponding to the leading 72 eigenvalue) give the frequency of each class (Taylor & Frank 1996; Grafen 2006), 73 which is uit = 1/(n.np), for all i ๏ I, t ๏ T. The elements of the left-eigenvector of 3 74 matrix A (corresponding to the leading eigenvalue) give the reproductive values for 75 individuals of each class (Fisher 1930; Taylor & Frank 1996; Grafen 2006). The 76 class-reproductive values are cf = ฯ/(ฯ+μ) and cm = μ/(ฯ+μ). Under asexual- 77 reproduction, cf = 1. 78 79 Appendix D. Fitness 80 81 The fitness of a focal individual is the sum of its different reproductive success 82 components weighted by corresponding reproductive values, all divided by the mean 83 reproductive value of the focal class. This is Witf = (∑j∈I∑q∈Twitf→jqfvjqf+ 84 ∑j∈I∑q∈Twitf→jqmvjqm)/vitf, and Witm = (∑j∈I∑q∈Twitm→jgfvjgf+∑j∈I∑q∈Twitm→jqmvjqm)/vitm, for 85 females and for males, respectively. The fitness of a random individual is given by the 86 sum of fitness weighted by the frequency and reproductive value of each class. This is 87 w = ∑j∈I∑q∈T uiqfviqfWiqf+∑j∈I∑q∈TuiqmviqmWiqm. 88 89 Appendix E. Selection gradient 90 91 The selection gradient is given by the slope of fitness on the breeding value of the 92 focal actor: dw/dgit =∑j∈I∑q∈Tujqfviqf(∂Wjqf/∂xit)(dGjqf/dgit)+∑j∈I 93 ∑q∈Tujqmvjqm(∂Wjqm/∂xit)(dGjqm/dgit), where: the slope of fitness on phenotypes give the 94 marginal fitness effect of the behaviour; and the slope of the recipient’s breeding 95 value, denoted by G, on the actor’s breeding value, denoted by g, gives the kin 96 selection relatedness coefficients (Taylor & Frank 1996; Frank 1998; Rodrigues and 97 Gardner 2013). Expanding the RHS of this equation, we find that the condition for the 98 evolution of a slightly higher dispersal rate of a daughter is –ritfωtυt+(1- 4 99 c)ritf∑q∈Tpqωqυq+ωtυthf∑j∈IUitfρijtf > 0, whereas the condition for the evolution of a 100 slightly higher dispersal rate of a son is –ritmωtυt+(1-c)ritm∑q∈Tpqωqυq 101 +ωtυthf∑j∈IUitmρijtm > 0, where: ωtf = ktf(z,z) is the probability a single female wins a 102 breeding site in a type-t patch; ωtm = ktm(z,z) is the probability that a single male wins 103 a breeding site in a focal type-t patch; htf = ktf(z,z)∑i∈IFit(1-σit)(1-zitf) is the probability 104 a random juvenile female after dispersal is born in the focal type-t patch; htm = 105 ktm(z,z)∑i∈IFitσit(1-zitm) is the probability that a random juvenile male after dispersal is 106 born in the focal type-t patch; Ujqf = (Fjq(1-σjq)(1-zjqf))/(∑b∈IFbq(1-σbq)(1-zbqf)) is the 107 frequency of the rank-j mother’s daughters among the native daughters of a type-q 108 patch; and Ujqm = (Fjqσjq(1-zjqm))/(∑b∈IFbqσbq(1-zbqm)) is the frequency of the rank-j 109 mother’s sons among the native sons of a type-q patch. Under allomaternal control, 110 we need to consider coefficients of relatedness between the allomother i and the 111 offspring ϑ who are under the control of the allomother, in which case rit = riϑt. To 112 determine the selection gradient for the evolution of the sex allocation strategy, we 113 follow the methodology outlined for the evolution of dispersal. However, we assume 114 that the sex allocation strategy σ is an evolving trait rather than a parameter. 115 Hamilton’s rule for the evolution of the sex allocation strategy is given by equation 116 (4) and (5). 117 118 Appendix F. Relatedness 119 120 We assume a neutral population, and for each of the reproductive systems we define 121 recursion equations for the coefficients of consanguinity in successive generation 122 between juveniles, which we then solve for equilibrium. The coefficients of 123 consanguinity allow us to derive the coefficients of relatedness between interacting 5 124 individuals (Bulmer 1994, Rodrigues and Gardner 2013). We focus on three 125 coefficients of consanguinity: (1) the coefficient of consanguinity between opposite- 126 set offspring (denoted by f); (2) the coefficient of consanguinity between female 127 offspring (denoted by γ); and (3) the coefficient of consanguinity between male 128 offspring (denoted by η). All the recursion equations have the form Xt´ = 129 ∑q∈Tπ(q|t)(PSqXYq+ (1-PSqX)Zq), where: π(q|t) is the probability that a type-t patch was 130 a type-q patch in the previous generation; X is a coefficient of consanguinity (i.e. f, γ, 131 or η); PSqf = ∑i∈I((Fiq(1-σiq)/∑j∈IFjq(1-σjq))(Fiqσiq/∑j∈IFjqσjq)), is the probability that two 132 opposite-sex offspring sampled at random before dispersal are siblings; PSqγ = 133 ∑i∈I(Fiq(1-σiq)/∑j∈IFjq(1-σjq))2 is the probability that two female offspring sampled at 134 random before dispersal are siblings; PSqη = ∑i∈I(Fiqσiq/∑j∈IFjqρjq)2 is the probability 135 that two male offspring sampled at random before dispersal are siblings; Yq is the 136 probability that two siblings share genes in common; and Zq is the probability that two 137 non-siblings share genes in common. The variables X, Y, and Z, depend on the type of 138 reproduction, on the type of inheritance, and on the type of patch. In table 1 and 2 we 139 define these variables for each case. The coefficients of consanguinity can then be 140 used to define the coefficients of relatedness between interacting individuals. The 141 relatedness between: (1) a mother and her daughters is rMD = pMD / pM; (2) a mother 142 and her sons is rMS = pMS / pM; (3) a mother and a daughter the other mother is rMF = 143 pMF / pM; (4) a mother and a son of another mother is rMM = pMM / pM. 144 145 Appendix G. Convergence stability 146 147 To determine if a pair of optimal dispersal strategies is convergence stable (CS; 148 Christiansen 1991; Eshel 1996; Taylor 1996) we define the matrix: 6 149 ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐งnnp (๐๐ 150 nnp | ) ๐ฅnnp =๐งnnp โฎ ๐ ( ๐๐งnnp ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐ง11 (๐๐ nnp โฑ ๐๐ (๐๐ | 11 โฎ ๐ฅ11 =๐ง11 ) โฎ | ๐ฅnnp =๐งnnp ) | . โฎ ๐ ๐๐ง11 | ๐๐ (๐๐ | 11 ๐ฅ11 =๐ง11 ) ) ∗ ,…,๐ง ∗ ๐ง11 =๐ง11 nnp =๐งnnp 151 152 The set of optimal strategies (๐ง11 *,… , ๐ง๐๐๐ *) are convergence stable if the 153 eigenvalues of matrix (F1) have negative real parts (Otto & Day 2007). 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 7 (F1) 171 172 173 Appendix H. Table 1 & 2 Table 1. Recursion equations and coefficients of consanguinity under maternal control Coefficients of consanguinity X´ = ∑q∈Tπ(q|t) (PSqXY+ (1-PSqX)Z) X Y Z pM pMD pMF pMS pMM Asexual γ 1 hhf 1 1 hhf - - Sexual haploidy f ½+½ hfhmf ¼hfhff+½hfhmf 1 ½pM+½hfhmf ½hfhff+ ½pM+½hfhmf ½hfhff+ +¼hmhmf Sexual diploidy Sexual haplodiploidy f f γ η 174 175 176 177 178 ½(½+½ hfhmf) ¼hfhff+½hfhmf +½hfhmf +¼hmhmf ½(½+½ hfhmf) ½hfhfγ +½hfhmf +½hfhm f ¼(½+½ hfhmf)+ ¼hfhfγ+½hfhmf ½hfhmf+¼ +¼hmhmη ½+½hfhmf hfhfγ ½hfhmf ½+½ hfhmf ½pM+½hfhmf ½hfhff+ ½hfhmf ½pM+½hfhmf ½hfhmf ½+½ hfhmf ½pM+½hfhmf ½hfhfγ+ ½hfhff+ ½hfhmf ½+½hfhmf hfhfγ ½hfhmf Note: The coefficients of consanguinity are determined by solving the recursion equations for equilibrium: γ´ = γ under asexual reproduction; f´ = f under sexual reproduction with both haploid and diploid inheritance; and γ´ = γ, f´ = f, and η´ = η, under sexual reproduction with haplodiploid inheritance. These coefficients are patch-type specific. We can then determine the coefficients of consanguinity between: a mother and herself (pM); a mother and a daughter or a son (pMD or pMS); between a mother another mother’s daughter or son (pMF or pMM). 8 179 Table 2. Coefficient of consanguinity under offspring control Coefficients of consanguinity pOF pOFS pOFF pOM pOMS pOMM asexual 1 1 hhf - - - Sexual haploidy 1 ½pOF+½hfhmf ¼hfhff+½hfhm f 1 ½ pOM+½hfhmf ¼hfhff+½hfhmf +¼hmhmf Sexual diploidy Sexual haplodiploidy 180 181 182 ½+½hfhmf ½+½hfhmf ½(½+½hfhmf) ¼hfhff+½hfhmf +½hfhmf +¼hmhmf ¼(½+½hfhmf) ¼hfhfγ+½hfhmf +½hfhm+¼ +¼hmhmη +¼hmhmf ½+½hfhmf 1 ½(½+½hfhmf) ¼hfhff+½hfhmf +½hfhmf +¼hmhmf ½+½hfhmf hfhfη Note: Having derived the coefficients of consanguinity γ, f, and, η we can derive the coefficients of consanguinity between: a female offspring and herself (pOF); a female offspring and her sisters (pOFS); a female offspring and another mother’s daughters (pOFF); a male offspring and himself (pOM); a male offspring and his brothers (pOMS); a male offspring and another mother’s sons (pOMM). 9 183 References 184 185 Bulmer, M.G. (1994). Theoretical evolutionary ecology. Sinauer Associates, 186 Sundarland, MA. 187 188 Christiansen, F.B. (1991). 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