Biology Integrating Australian Curriculum and International

Board Endorsed October 2015
integrating Australian Curriculum and the
International Baccalaureate Diploma
Type 2
Written under the Science
Course Framework 2013
Accredited from 2016-2020
Board Endorsed October 2015
Student Capabilities
All courses of study for the ACT Year 12 Certificate should enable students to develop essential
capabilities for twenty-first century learners. These ‘capabilities’ comprise an integrated and
interconnected set of knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students develop and use
in their learning across the curriculum.
The capabilities include:
Information and communication technology (ICT) capability
Critical and creative thinking
Persona l and social capability
Ethical behaviour
Intercultural understanding
Courses of study for the ACT Year 12 Certificate should be both relevant to the lives of students and
incorporate the contemporary issues they face. Hence, courses address the following three
priorities. These priorities are:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
Elaboration of these student capabilities and priorities is available on the ACARA website at
Board Endorsed October 2015
Course Adoption Form for Accredited Courses
Course Title: Biology
(integrating Australian Curriculum and the International
Baccalaureate Diploma)
Classification: T
Framework: Science
Course Area: 221
Course Code:
Dates of Course Accreditation:
Identify units to be adopted by ticking the check boxes
Unit Title
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 1b: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 3a: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 3b: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
Unit 4a: Homeostatic Systems
Unit 4b: Infectious Diseases
ESS1: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS1a: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS1b: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS2: Physical systems & Energy Usage
ESS2a: Physical systems & Energy Usage
ESS2b: Physical systems & Energy Usage
Unit 5: Neurobiology & Human Physiology
Unit 5a: Neurobiology
Board Endorsed October 2015
Unit 5b: Human Physiology
Unit Title
Unit 6: Biotechnology
Unit 7: Connectedness of Life & Cells
Unit 1b: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 8: Continuity of Life & Homeostasis
Unit 3b: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 4a: Homeostatic Systems
Unit 9: Ecology & Cells
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 10: Physiology & Neurobiology
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Unit 5a: Neurobiology
Unit 11: Biology Project
Unit 11a: Biology Project
Unit 12: Biodiversity & Organisms
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Adoption The course and units named above are consistent with the philosophy and goals of the college
and the adopting college has the human and physical resources to implement the course.
BSSS Office Use
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College Board Chair:
Board Endorsed October 2015
Course Adoption Form for Accredited Courses
Course Title: Biology
(integrating Australian Curriculum and the International
Baccalaureate Diploma)
Classification: A
Framework: Science
Course Area: 221
Course Code:
Dates of Course Accreditation:
Identify units to be adopted by ticking the check boxes
Unit Title
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 1b: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 3a: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 3b: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
Unit 4a: Homeostatic Systems
Unit 4b: Infectious Diseases
ESS1: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS1a: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS1b: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS2: Physical systems & Energy Usage
ESS2a: Physical systems & Energy Usage
ESS2b: Physical systems & Energy Usage
Unit 5: Neurobiology & Human Physiology
Unit 5a: Neurobiology
Unit 5b: Human Physiology
Board Endorsed October 2015
Unit Title
Unit 6: Biotechnology
Unit 7: Connectedness of Life & Cells
Unit 1b: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 8: Continuity of Life & Homeostasis
Unit 3b: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 4a: Homeostatic Systems
Unit 9: Ecology & Cells
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 10: Physiology & Neurobiology
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Unit 5a: Neurobiology
Unit 11: Biology Project
Unit 11a: Biology Project
Unit 12: Biodiversity & Organisms
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Adoption The course and units named above are consistent with the philosophy and goals of the college
and the adopting college has the human and physical resources to implement the course.
BSSS Office Use
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College Board Chair:
Board Endorsed October 2015
Table of Contents
Course Adoption Form for Accredited Courses
................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Course Adoption Form for Accredited Courses
Course Classification
Course Framework
Course Developers
Evaluation of Previous Course
Course Length and Composition
Implementation Guidelines
Subject Rationale
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Achievement Standards
Science Unit Grade Descriptors for A courses
Student Capabilities
Representation of Cross-curriculum Priorities
Proposed Evaluation Procedures
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................28
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................35
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................42
Unit 4: The Internal Environment T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................49
ESS1: Ecological Systems & Conservation T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................56
ESS2: Physical Systems & Energy Usage T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................64
Unit 5: Neurobiology & Human Physiology T/A
Value 1.0 .................................................................71
Unit 6: Biotechnology T/A
Value 0.5 .................................................................77
Unit 11: Biology Project T
Value 1.0 .................................................................82
Appendix A – Common Curriculum Elements
Appendix B The IB Learner Profile
Appendix C: Relationship between Biology (Integrating AC and International Baccalaureate DP) and
International Baccalaureate DP Biology
Board Endorsed October 2015
Course Name
Course Classification
Course Framework
Course Developers
Kathryn Brown
Melba Copland College
Meroe Cahill
Narrabundah College
Kylie Hughes
Canberra Girls Grammar School
Judy Bolton/James Phillips
Canberra College
Evaluation of Previous Course
This Biology course integrates Australian Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
Course Length and Composition
The following standard units have been approved by the Science panel as having coherence of
purpose and clarity. Half standard units 0.5 (‘a’ and ‘b’) are to allow for appropriate course delivery in
schools which require a variation in course pattern and for students who leave early or start late in a
unit. ESS1 and ESS 2 are based on the IB ESS course, and can be ‘stand alone’ as a minor, or
combined with other biology units.
Unit Titles
Unit Value
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
ESS1: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS2: Physical systems & Energy Usage
Unit 5: Neurobiology & Human Physiology
Unit 6: Biotechnology
Unit 7: Connectedness of Life & Cells
Unit 8: Continuity of life & Homeostasis
Unit 9: Ecology & Cells
Unit 10: Physiology & Neurobiology
Unit 11: Biology Project
Board Endorsed October 2015
Unit 12: Biodiversity & Organisms
Available course pattern
A standard 1.0 value unit is delivered over at least 55 hours and can be as long as 63 hours. To
receive a course, students must complete at least the minimum number of hours and units over the
whole minor, major, major/minor or double major – both requirements must be met. The number
of units may vary according to the school timetable.
Number of standard units to meet course requirements
Minimum of 2 units
Minimum of 3.5 units
Major Minor
Minimum of 5.5 units
Double Major
Minimum of 7 units
Implementation Guidelines
Compulsory units
A major consists of a combination of units with a minimum number of 3 core units. The Units of ESS1
and ESS2 can be considered as core units for the purposes of creation of a course for any student.
Prerequisites for the course or units within the course
A student must have studied three standard 1.0 units to be eligible to study Biology project unit.
Arrangements for students continuing study in this course
Students who have completed a minor in their existing Biology course may study units in this course
providing that there is no duplication of content.
Duplication of Content Rules
Students cannot be given credit towards the requirements for a Year 12 Certificate for a unit that
significantly duplicates content in a unit studied in another course. The responsibility for preventing
undesirable overlap of content studied by a student rests with the principal and the teacher
delivering the course. Substantial overlap of content is not permitted and students will only be given
credit for covering the content once.
Duplication of Units
Units 7, 8, 9 and 10 are variations of combinations of 0.5 units from units 1,2,3,4 and 5.
Units from other courses
Unit 5: Medicinal and Biochemistry from the Chemistry (Integrating AC and International
Baccalaureate DP)) course may be included in a Biology (Integrating AC and International
Baccalaureate DP) course, as a 1.0 or 0.5 unit.
Relationship to other courses
A BSSS accredited Biology minor, major, major minor or double major may include units from the
Biology T Type 2 course integrating Australian Curriculum, providing there is no duplication of
Suggested Implementation Patterns
Board Endorsed October 2015
Any combination of 0.5 value units can be used to best suit the requirements of the individual school
to achieve the desired program order. Units 7, 8, 9 and 10 can be used to replace other units, eg Unit
7 combines Units 1b and 2a and Unit 8 combines Units 3b and 4a, while Units 9 and Unit 10 replace
Unit I and Unit 2.
Implementation Pattern 1
Semester 1, Year 11
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Semester 2, Year 11
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms
Semester 1, Year 12
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Semester 2, Year 12
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
Implementation Pattern 2
Quadrimester 1, Year 11
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Semester 2, Year 11
Unit 10: Connectedness of Life and Cells
Quadrimester 3, Year 11
Unit 2b: Cells and Organisms
Quadrimester 1, Year 12
Unit 4a: The Internal Environment
Semester 2, Year 12
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Quadrimester 3, Year 12
Unit 4b: Infectious Diseases
Implementation Pattern 3
Semester 1, Year 11
Unit 9: Ecology & Cells
Semester 2, Year 11
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Semester 1, Year 12
Unit 10: Physiology & Neurobiology
Semester 2, Year 12
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
For IB Environmental Systems & Societies:
Implementation Pattern 1
Semester 1
ESS1: Ecological systems & Conservation
Semester 2
ESS2: Physical systems & Energy Usage
Implementation Pattern 2
Quadrimester 1
ESS1a: Ecological systems & Conservation
Semester 2
ESS2: Physical systems & Energy Usage
Quadrimester 3
ESS1b: Ecological systems & Conservation
Board Endorsed October 2015
Subject Rationale
Biology is the study of the fascinating diversity of life as it has evolved and as it interacts and
functions. Investigation of biological systems and their interactions, from cellular processes to
ecosystem dynamics, has led to biological knowledge and understanding that enable us to explore
and explain everyday observations, find solutions to biological issues, and understand the processes
of biological continuity and change over time.
Living systems are all interconnected and interact at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from
the molecular level to the ecosystem level. Investigation of living systems involves classification of
key components within the system, and analysis of how those components interact, particularly with
regard to the movement of matter and the transfer and transformation of energy within and
between systems. Analysis of the ways living systems change over time involves understanding of the
factors that impact the system, and investigation of system mechanisms to respond to internal and
external changes and ensure continuity of the system. The theory of evolution by natural selection is
critical to explaining these patterns and processes in biology, and underpins the study of all living
Australian, regional and global communities rely on the biological sciences to understand, address
and successfully manage environmental, health and sustainability challenges facing society in the
twenty-first century. These include the biosecurity and resilience of ecosystems, the health and
wellbeing of humans and other organisms and their populations, and the sustainability of biological
resources. Students use their understanding of the interconnectedness of biological systems when
evaluating both the impact of human activity and the strategies proposed to address major biological
challenges now and in the future in local, national and global contexts.
This subject explores ways in which scientists work collaboratively and individually in a range of
integrated fields to increase understanding of an ever-expanding body of biological knowledge.
Students develop their investigative, analytical and communication skills through field, laboratory
and research investigations of living systems and through critical evaluation of the development,
ethics, applications and influences of contemporary biological knowledge in a range of contexts.
Studying Senior Secondary Science provides students with a suite of skills and understandings that
are valuable to a wide range of further study pathways and careers. Understanding of biological
concepts, as well as general science knowledge and skills, is relevant to a range of careers, including
those in medical, veterinary, food and marine sciences, agriculture, biotechnology, environmental
rehabilitation, biosecurity, quarantine, conservation and eco-tourism. This subject will also provide a
foundation for students to critically consider and to make informed decisions about contemporary
biological issues in their everyday lives.
This course is designed to link the Australian Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Diploma
Programme. The Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for
students in the 16 to 19 age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage
students to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. There is a strong
emphasis on encouraging students to develop intercultural understanding, open-mindedness, and
the attitudes necessary for them to respect and evaluate a range of points of view.
Board Endorsed October 2015
Biology aims to develop students’:
sense of wonder and curiosity about life and respect for all living things and the environment
understanding of how biological systems interact and are interrelated; the flow of matter and
energy through and between these systems; and the processes by which they persist and
understanding of major biological concepts, theories and models related to biological systems
at all scales, from subcellular processes to ecosystem dynamics
appreciation of how biological knowledge has developed over time and continues to develop;
how scientists use biology in a wide range of applications; and how biological knowledge
influences society in local, regional and global contexts
ability to plan and carry out fieldwork, laboratory and other research investigations including
the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data and the interpretation of
ability to use sound, evidence-based arguments creatively and analytically when evaluating
claims and applying biological knowledge
ability to communicate biological understanding, findings, arguments and conclusions using
appropriate representations, modes and genres.
Student Group
The senior secondary Biology curriculum continues to develop student understanding and skills from
across the three strands of the F-10 Australian Curriculum: Science. In the Science Understanding
strand, the Biology curriculum draws on knowledge and understanding from across the four substrands of Biological, Physical, Chemical, and Earth and Space sciences.
In particular, the Biology curriculum continues to develop the key concepts introduced in the
Biological Sciences sub-strand, that is, that a diverse range of living things have evolved on Earth over
hundreds of millions of years, that living things are interdependent and interact with each other and
their environment, and that the form and features of living things are related to the functions their
systems perform.
Mathematical skills expected of students studying Biology
The Biology curriculum requires students to use the mathematical skills they have developed through
the F-10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, in addition to the numeracy skills they have developed
through the Science Inquiry Skills strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Within the Science Inquiry Skills strand, students are required to gather, represent and analyse
numerical data to identify the evidence that forms the basis of scientific arguments, claims or
conclusions. In gathering and recording numerical data, students are required to make
measurements using appropriate units to an appropriate degree of accuracy.
Students may need to be taught when it is appropriate to join points on a graph and when it is
appropriate to use a line of best fit. They may also need to be taught how to construct a straight line
that will serve as the line of best fit for a set of data presented graphically.
It is assumed that students will be able to competently:
perform calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of quantities
perform approximate evaluations of numerical expressions
express fractions as percentages, and percentages as fractions
calculate percentages
Board Endorsed October 2015
recognise and use ratios
transform decimal notation to power of ten notation
substitute physical quantities into an equation using consistent units so as to calculate one
quantity and check the dimensional consistency of such calculations
solve simple algebraic equations
comprehend and use the symbols/notations <,>, ∆, ≈
translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic forms
distinguish between discrete and continuous data then select appropriate forms, variables
and scales for constructing graphs
construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, pie charts and histograms
describe and compare data sets using mean, median and inter-quartile range
interpret the slope of a linear graph.
In Biology (Integrating AC and International Baccalaureate DP), students develop their understanding
of biological systems, the components of these systems and their interactions, how matter flows and
energy is transferred and transformed in these systems, and the ways in which these systems are
affected by change at different spatial and temporal scales. There are eleven units:
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
ESS1: Ecological systems & Conservation
ESS2: Physical systems & Energy Usage
Unit 5: Neurobiology & Human Physiology
Unit 6: Biotechnology
Unit 7: Connectedness of Life & Cells
Unit 8: Continuity of Life & Homeostasis
Unit 9: Ecology and Cells
Unit 10: Physiology & Neurobiology
Unit 11: Biology Project
Unit 12: Biodiversity & Organisms
In Units 1 and 2, students build on prior learning to develop their understanding of relationships
between structure and function in a range of biological systems, from ecosystems to single cells and
multicellular organisms.
In Unit 1, students analyse abiotic and biotic ecosystem components and their interactions, using
classification systems for data collection, comparison and evaluation.
In Unit 2, students investigate the interdependent components of the cell system and the multiple
interacting systems in multicellular organisms.
In Units 3 and 4, students examine the continuity of biological systems and how they change over
time in response to external factors. They examine and connect system interactions at the molecular
level to system change at the organism and population levels.
Board Endorsed October 2015
In Unit 3, students investigate mechanisms of heredity and the ways in which inheritance patterns
can be explained, modelled and predicted; they connect these patterns to population dynamics and
apply the theory of evolution by natural selection in order to examine changes in populations.
In Unit 4, students investigate system change and continuity in response to changing external
conditions and pathogens; they investigate homeostasis and the transmission and impact of
infectious disease at cellular and organism levels; and they consider the factors that encourage or
reduce the spread of infectious disease at the population level.
In ESS1 and ESS2 cover the requirements and content of the IB Environmental Systems and Societies
course, and include environmental systems values, ecosystems and interactions between physical
characteristics and biotic factors, physical systems and human impact on environmental systems.
Units 5 and 6 cover the requirements and content of the following IB Biology options: Neurobiology
and Behaviour; Human Physiology; and Biotechnology and Proteonomics. Neurobiology covers the
development and functioning of the nervous system, pharmaceuticals which act on the nervous
system, and how ethology. Human physiology contains extension material on the topics of digestion,
and the endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Biotechnology explores the developing
field of biotechnology, and its roles in agriculture, waste management and medicine.
Unit 7 is a combination of two 0.5 value units to give a variation in delivery. It combines 1b and 2a.
Unit 8 is a combination of two 0.5 value units to give a variation in delivery. It combines 3b and 4a.
Unit 9 is a combination of two 0.5 value units to give a variation in delivery. It combines 1a and 2a.
Unit 10 is a combination of two 0.5 value units to give a variation in delivery. It combines 2b and 5a.
Unit 11 is an independent project. An independent project allows for students to explore a field of
interest and collaborate with outside experts and other students.
Unit 12 is a combination of two 0.5 value units to give a variation in delivery. It combines 1a and 2b.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching strategies that are particularly relevant and effective in Science include, but are not limited
to the following techniques.
Review prior learning
individual, pair and group work
student reflection of relevant concepts and skills
Introduce new material
exposure to quality visual imagery/materials through a variety of media
teacher demonstration
discovery based experimentation
Provide demonstration, guided practice and application
teacher demonstration, modelling and peer tutoring
teacher scaffolding to facilitate analysis of material
engagement of scientists, including guest speakers, demonstrators and mentors
establish links with relevant industry individuals and groups
simulated real life and work scenarios
online materials
Board Endorsed October 2015
scientists in schools
Promote independent practice and application
research strategies and time management
problem solving strategies
practice and reinforcement of learning by way of revision, worksheets, tests and
regular and meaningful feedback
discussions, debates and student presentations
evaluation and synthesis of data
Link to next task or skill area
links with the scientific community through excursions, field trips, laboratories, exhibition and
industry visits, and engagement with scientists in the classroom
The identification of assessment criteria and assessment tasks types and weightings provide a
common and agreed basis for the collection of evidence of student achievement.
Assessment Criteria (the dimensions of quality that teachers look for in evaluating student work)
provide a common and agreed basis for judgement of performance against unit and course goals,
within and across colleges. Over a course, teachers must use all of these criteria to assess students’
performance, but are not required to use all criteria on each task. Assessment criteria are to be used
holistically on a given task and in determining the unit grade.
Assessment Tasks elicit responses that demonstrate the degree to which students have achieved the
goals of a unit based on the assessment criteria. The Common Curriculum Elements (CCE) is a guide
to developing assessment tasks that promote a range of thinking skills (see appendix A). It is highly
desirable that assessment tasks engage students in demonstrating higher order thinking.
Rubrics use the assessment criteria relevant for a particular task and can be used to assess a
continuum that indicates levels of student performance against each criterion.
Board requirements
Students are expected to study the accredited semester 1.0 units unless enrolled in a 0.5 unit due to
late entry or early exit in a semester, or where 0.5 units are part of the school’s academic structure.
Where a 1.0 unit is delivered as a combination of two 0.5 units, the same percentage weighting for
task types should be used. If not, separate mark books must be maintained and the 0.5 units must be
meshed with the 1.0 standard unit following documented meshing procedures. These meshing
procedures must be provided to students as part of the Unit Outline.
General Assessment Criteria
Students will be assessed on the degree to which they demonstrate:
knowledge and understanding
critical thinking
investigative skills
communication skills
Board Endorsed October 2015
effective work practices
Board Endorsed October 2015
Assessment for T Courses
Suggested task
log book
practical report
practical skills test
Weighting for
1.0 and 0.5
Weighting for
Project based
This table is designed to highlight types of tasks which address different content descriptors and
assessment criteria. Teachers are reminded that any single task can incorporate multiple assessment
 highly relevant - These tasks will have a clear link to the content descriptors and assessment
* some relevance - These tasks have some links to the content descriptors and assessment
Additional Assessment Advice for T Courses
For a standard 1.0 unit, a minimum of three and a maximum of five assessment items.
For a half-standard 0.5 unit, minimum of two and a maximum of three assessment items.
Each unit (standard 1.0 or half standard 0.5) should include at least 2 different types of tasks.
It is recommended that, in standard units, no assessment item should carry a weighting of
less than 10% or greater than 45% of the unit assessment.
A variety of task types and modes of presentations should be used during the course.
It is recommended that an open-ended investigation be undertaken at least once during a
minor and twice during a major. This investigation may either be theoretical or practical or a
combination of both.
Board Endorsed October 2015
Assessment for A Courses
Suggested task
log book
practical report
practical skills test
Weighting for
1.0 and 0.5 units
Weighting for
Project based
This table is designed to highlight types of tasks which address different content descriptors and
assessment criteria. Teachers are reminded that any single task can incorporate multiple assessment
 highly relevant - These tasks will have a clear link to the content descriptors and assessment
* some relevance - These tasks have some links to the content descriptors and assessment
Additional Assessment Advice for A Courses
For a standard 1.0 unit, a minimum of three and a maximum of five assessment items.
For a half-standard 0.5 unit, minimum of two and a maximum of three assessment items.
Each unit (standard 1.0 or half standard 0.5) should include at least 2 different types of tasks. It
is recommended that, in standard units, no assessment item should carry a weighting of less
than 10% or greater than 45% of the unit assessment.
A variety of task types and modes of presentations should be used during the course.
It is recommended that an open-ended investigation be undertaken at least once during a minor
and twice during a major. This investigation may either be theoretical or practical or a
combination of both.
Board Endorsed October 2015
Achievement Standards
Achievement standards provide a guide for teacher judgement of students’ achievement, based on
the assessment criteria, over a unit of work in this subject. Grades are organized on an A-E basis.
Grades are awarded on the proviso that the assessment requirements have been met. When
allocating grades, teachers will consider the degree to which students demonstrate their ability to
complete and submit tasks within a specified time frame.
The following descriptors are consistent with the system grade descriptors, which describe generic
standards of student achievement across all courses.
Science Unit Grade Descriptors for T courses
Work practices
Critical Thinking
Knowledge and
A student who achieves an A grade
A student who achieves a B grade
A student who achieves a C grade
A student who achieves a D grade
A student who achieves an
E grade typically
 demonstrates thorough and extensive
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates broad and in-depth
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates broad and general
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates general and basic
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates a limited
knowledge of scientific concepts
 justifies and applies knowledge to familiar
and unfamiliar contexts and across different
concept areas and experiences, displays
originality and lateral thinking in problem
 applies knowledge to familiar and
unfamiliar contexts and across different
concept areas and experiences, displaying
originality and effective thinking in problem
 is able to apply knowledge in a variety of
contexts and different concept areas to solve
 is able to use knowledge in different
areas to solve problems
 displays emerging awareness of
strategies to solve problems
 evaluates, synthesises and analyses
patterns and trends in data, observations
and investigations and makes valid and
perceptive inferences
 analyses and synthesises patterns and
trends in data, observations and
investigations and makes valid inferences
 describes and explains patterns and
trends in data, observations and
investigations and makes general inferences
 identifies and describes patterns in
data, observations and investigations and
makes simple inferences
 identifies patterns in data,
observations and investigations
 applies highly effective analytical and
evaluative skills, makes perceptive
connections between scientific concepts,
draws accurate conclusions and proposes
appropriate improvements
 applies effective analytical skills, makes
insightful connections between scientific
concepts, draws mostly accurate conclusions
and proposes appropriate improvements
 describes and explains general
connections between scientific concepts,
draws conclusions and proposes
 describes connections between
scientific concepts, draws conclusions and
proposes improvements
 identifies connections between
scientific concepts
 demonstrates logical and coherent
investigations, acknowledges information
using referencing conventions and operates
equipment highly effectively and safely
 demonstrates well considered
investigations, acknowledges information
using referencing conventions and operates
equipment effectively and safely
 demonstrates considered investigations,
acknowledges information using referencing
conventions and operates equipment safely
with some general effectiveness
 outlines investigations, inconsistently
acknowledges information using
referencing conventions and mostly
operates equipment effectively and safely
 displays emerging skills in
investigations, attempts to
acknowledge information and
operates equipment with limited
awareness of safety procedures
 presents highly complex concepts
accurately and coherently in a wide range of
written and non written formats using
appropriate terminology with flair
 presents concepts clearly and logically in
a range of written and non written formats
using appropriate terminology with
 presents general concepts clearly in a
range of written and non written formats
using appropriate terminology generally
using terminology appropriately
 presents basic concepts in a narrow
range of written and non written formats
using terminology inconsistently
 presents some basic concepts in
a limited range of written & non
written formats using minimal
 organises time and resources to work in a
highly productive and safe manner both
independently and in a team
 organises time and resources to work in a
productive and safe manner both
independently and in a team
 organises time and resources to work in a
generally productive and safe manner both
independently and in a team
 demonstrates inconsistent organisation
of time & resources, works with occasional
productivity & some awareness of safety
independently or in a group
 demonstrates limited
organisation of time & resources to
work with an emerging awareness
of safety
 evaluates and analyses risks, acts highly
appropriately in all investigations
 analyses and explains risks and acts
appropriately in all investigations
 identifies and describes risks and acts
appropriately in all investigations
 identifies risks and acts mostly
appropriately in investigations
 demonstrates an emerging
awareness of risks, developing
approaches to investigations
Work practices
Investigative skills
Critical thinking
Knowledge and understanding
Science Unit Grade Descriptors for A courses
A student who achieves an A grade
A student who achieves a B grade typically
A student who achieves a C grade typically
A student who achieves a D grade typically
A student who achieves an E grade
demonstrates thorough knowledge and
understanding of scientific concepts
demonstrates broad knowledge and
understanding of scientific concepts
demonstrates general knowledge and
understanding of scientific concepts
demonstrates basic knowledge of scientific
demonstrates little knowledge of scientific
selects and applies knowledge to solve
challenging problems in a wide range of
contexts, distinguishes ideas and assesses
the significance of the scientific evidence
applies knowledge to solve problems in a
range of contexts, identifies ideas and
explains the significance of the scientific
evidence presented
applies knowledge to solve general
problems in a narrow range of contexts,
identifies ideas and describes the scientific
evidence presented
applies knowledge to solve basic
problems, identifies ideas and describes
the scientific evidence presented
demonstrates limited ability to solve basic
problems, identifies scientific evidence
recognises complex patterns and trends in
data, observations and investigations to
develop valid inferences
recognises patterns and trends in data,
observations and investigations to develop
recognises most patterns and trends in
data, observations and investigations
recognises simple patterns and trends in
data, observations and investigations
recognises little or no patterns and trends
in data and observations
interprets and explains data/information
interprets and describes data/information
identifies and describes data/information
identifies &/or describes some
data/information collected
shows limited understanding of
performs scientific investigations with
proficiency and effectiveness
performs scientific investigations with
performs scientific investigations
performs scientific investigations with
performs scientific investigations with
limited understanding
selects and uses appropriate resources
and equipment efficiently and in a safe
and correct manner
selects and uses appropriate resources
and equipment in a safe and correct
demonstrates general awareness of
appropriate resources and safety
shows some understanding of using
appropriate resources and equipment
uses equipment and resources with little
awareness of safety
presents and communicates scientific
concepts in detail using scientific
terminology accurately and documents all
information correctly using a recognised
referencing system
presents and communicates scientific
concepts in some detail using appropriate
scientific terminology and documents
information correctly using a recognised
referencing system
presents and communicates scientific
concepts with some detail, using scientific
terminology and a recognised referencing
system inconsistently
presents and communicates scientific
concepts with little attention to detail,
occasionally using scientific terminology
and a recognised referencing system
presents and communicates scientific
concepts with limited or no attention to
details including scientific terminology and
a recognised referencing system
works highly effectively in both individual
and collaborative contexts and
understands risks and acts safely in all
works effectively in collaborative and
individual contexts and understands risks
and acts safely in all investigations
works with a degree of effectiveness in
individual and collaborative contexts,
identifies risks and mostly acts safely in
works with limited effectiveness in
individual and collaborative contexts &
inconsistently identifies risks and acts
safely in investigations
works in individual and collaborative
contexts under direct supervision with
minimal awareness of risks and
appropriate safe behaviours in
Student Capabilities
Literacy is important in students’ development of Science Inquiry Skills and their understanding of
content presented through the Science Understanding and Science as a Human Endeavour strands.
Students gather, interpret, synthesise and critically analyse information presented in a wide range of
genres, modes and representations (including text, flow diagrams, symbols, graphs and tables). They
evaluate information sources and compare and contrast ideas, information and opinions presented
within and between texts. They communicate processes and ideas logically and fluently and structure
evidence-based arguments, selecting genres and employing appropriate structures and features to
communicate for specific purposes and audiences.
Numeracy is key to students’ ability to apply a wide range of Science Inquiry Skills, including making
and recording observations; ordering, representing and analysing data; and interpreting trends and
relationships. They employ numeracy skills to interpret complex spatial and graphic representations,
and to appreciate the ways in which biological systems are structured, interact and change across
spatial and temporal scales. They engage in analysis of data, including issues relating to reliability and
probability, and they interpret and manipulate mathematical relationships to calculate and predict
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability is a key part of Science Inquiry Skills.
Students use a range of strategies to locate, access and evaluate information from multiple digital
sources; to collect, analyse and represent data; to model and interpret concepts and relationships;
and to communicate and share science ideas, processes and information. Through exploration of
Science as a Human Endeavour concepts, students assess the impact of ICT on the development of
science and the application of science in society, particularly with regard to collating, storing,
managing and analysing large data sets.
Critical and creative thinking is particularly important in the science inquiry process. Science inquiry
requires the ability to construct, review and revise questions and hypotheses about increasingly
complex and abstract scenarios and to design related investigation methods. Students interpret and
evaluate data; interrogate, select and cross-reference evidence; and analyse processes,
interpretations, conclusions and claims for validity and reliability, including reflecting on their own
processes and conclusions. Science is a creative endeavour and students devise innovative solutions
to problems, predict possibilities, envisage consequences and speculate on possible outcomes as
they develop Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills. They also appreciate the role of critical
and creative individuals and the central importance of critique and review in the development and
innovative application of science.
Personal and social capability is integral to a wide range of activities in Biology, as students develop
and practise skills of communication, teamwork, decision-making, initiative-taking and self-discipline
with increasing confidence and sophistication. In particular, students develop skills in both
independent and collaborative investigation; they employ self-management skills to plan effectively,
follow procedures efficiently and work safely; and they use collaboration skills to conduct
investigations, share research and discuss ideas. In considering aspects of Science as a Human
Endeavour, students also recognise the role of their own beliefs and attitudes in their response to
science issues and applications, consider the perspectives of others, and gauge how science can
affect people’s lives.
Ethical understanding is a vital part of science inquiry. Students evaluate the ethics of experimental
science, codes of practice, and the use of scientific information and science applications. They
explore what integrity means in science, and they understand, critically analyse and apply ethical
guidelines in their investigations. They consider the implications of their investigations on others, the
environment and living organisms. They use scientific information to evaluate the claims and actions
of others and to inform ethical decisions about a range of social, environmental and personal issues
and applications of science.
Intercultural understanding is fundamental to understanding aspects of Science as a Human
Endeavour, as students appreciate the contributions of diverse cultures to developing science
understanding and the challenges of working in culturally diverse collaborations. They develop
awareness that raising some debates within culturally diverse groups requires cultural sensitivity, and
they demonstrate open-mindedness to the positions of others. Students also develop an
understanding that cultural factors affect the ways in which science influences and is influenced by
Representation of Cross-curriculum Priorities
While the significance of the cross-curriculum priorities for Biology varies, there are opportunities for
teachers to select contexts that incorporate the key concepts from each priority.
Through an investigation of contexts that draw on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and
cultures students could investigate the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’
knowledge in developing a richer understanding of the Australian environment. Students could
develop an appreciation of the unique Australian biota and its interactions, the impacts of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on their environments and the ways in which the Australian
landscape has changed over tens of thousands of years. They could examine the ways in which
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge of ecosystems has developed over time and the
spiritual significance of Country/Place.
Contexts that draw on Asian scientific research and development and collaborative endeavours in
the Asia Pacific region provide an opportunity for students to investigate Asia and Australia’s
engagement with Asia. Students could explore the diverse environments of the Asia region and
develop an appreciation that interaction between human activity and these environments continues
to influence the region, including Australia, and has significance for the rest of the world. By
examining developments in biological science, students could appreciate that the Asia region plays
an important role in scientific research and development, including through collaboration with
Australian scientists, in such areas as medicine, natural resource management, biosecurity and food
The Sustainability cross-curriculum priority is explicitly addressed in the Biology curriculum. Biology
provides authentic contexts for exploring, investigating and understanding the function and
interactions of biotic and abiotic systems across a range of spatial and temporal scales. By
investigating the relationships between biological systems and system components, and how
systems respond to change, students develop an appreciation for the interconnectedness of the
biosphere. Students appreciate that biological science provides the basis for decision making in many
areas of society and that these decisions can impact the Earth system. They understand the
importance of using science to predict possible effects of human and other activity, and to develop
management plans or alternative technologies that minimise these effects and provide for a more
sustainable future.
Moderation is a system designed and implemented to:
provide comparability in the system of school-based assessment
form the basis for valid and reliable assessment in senior secondary schools
involve the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies and colleges in cooperation and
maintain the quality of school-based assessment and the credibility, validity and acceptability
of Board certificates.
Moderation commences within individual colleges. Teachers develop assessment programs and
instruments, apply assessment criteria, and allocate Unit Grades, according to the relevant Course
Framework. Teachers within course teaching groups conduct consensus discussions to moderate
marking or grading of individual assessment instruments and unit grade decisions.
The Moderation Model
Moderation within the ACT encompasses structured, consensus-based peer review of Unit Grades for
all accredited courses, as well as statistical moderation of course scores, including small group
procedures, for T courses.
Moderation by Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review
Review is a subcategory of moderation, comprising the review of standards and the validation of Unit
Grades. In the review process, Unit Grades, determined for Year 11 and Year 12 student assessment
portfolios that have been assessed in schools by teachers under accredited courses, are moderated
by peer review against system wide criteria and standards. This is done by matching student
performance with the criteria and standards outlined in the unit grade descriptors as stated in the
Course Framework. Advice is then given to colleges to assist teachers with, and/or reassure them on,
their judgments.
Preparation for Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review
Each year, teachers teaching a Year 11 class are asked to retain originals or copies of student work
completed in Semester 2. Similarly, teachers teaching a Year 12 class should retain originals or
copies of student work completed in Semester 1. Assessment and other documentation required by
the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies should also be kept. Year 11 work from Semester
2 of the previous year is presented for review at Moderation Day 1 in March, and Year 12 work from
Semester 1 is presented for review at Moderation Day 2 in August.
In the lead up to Moderation Day, a College Course Presentation (comprised of a document folder
and a set of student portfolios) is prepared for each A, M and T course/units offered by the school,
and is sent in to the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies.
The College Course Presentation
The package of materials (College Course Presentation) presented by a college for review on
moderation days in each course area will comprise the following:
a folder containing supporting documentation as requested by the Office of the Board
through memoranda to colleges
a set of student portfolios containing marked and/or graded written and non-written
assessment responses and completed criteria and standards feedback forms. Evidence of all
assessment responses on which the unit grade decision has been made is to be included in
the student review portfolios.
Specific requirements for subject areas and types of evidence to be presented for each Moderation
Day will be outlined by the Board Secretariat through memoranda and Information Papers.
Visual evidence for judgements made about practical performances
(also refer to BSSS Website Guidelines)
It is a requirement that schools’ judgements of standards to practical performances (A/T/M) be
supported by visual evidence (still photos or video).
The photographic evidence submitted must be drawn from practical skills performed as part of the
assessment process.
Teachers should consult the BSSS guidelines at when preparing
photographic evidence.
Aubusson P., Kennedy E. & Hickman P. (2009) Genetics – the code broken, Biology in Context – The
Spectrum of Life, Oxford, Sth Melbourne, Victoria.
Borger-Smith P. et al (2000) Nelson Biology VCE Units 2000-2004, Nelson Thompson Learning, Sth
Melbourne, Victoria
Chidrawi G. & Mercer M. (2003) Communication, Biology Options, McGraw-Hill Australia, North Ryde,
Cummings M. R. (2013) Human Heredity, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, California.
Green N. P. O. et al. (1990) Biological Science Vol. 1, Organisms, Energy and Environment, 2nd . Ed.
Cambridge University Press.
Greenwood T. et al (2006) Year 11 Biology 2006 Student Resource and Activity Manual, 12th Edition,
Biozone International, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Greenwood T. et al (2006) Year 12 Biology 2006 Student Resource and Activity Manual, 11th Edition,
Biozone International, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Healey J. (2005) The Population Debate, The Spinney Press, Thirroul, NSW.
Hickman P. & Kennedy E. (2004) Biotechnology Option, Biology in Context – The Spectrum of Life,
Oxford, Sth Melbourne, Victoria.
Hickman P. & Kennedy E. (2004) Communication Option, Biology in Context – The Spectrum of Life,
Oxford, Sth Melbourne, Victoria.
Hickman P. & Kennedy E. (2004) The Human Story Option, Biology in Context – The Spectrum of Life,
Oxford, Sth Melbourne, Victoria.
Hickman P. & Kennedy E. (2005) Biochemistry Option, Biology in Context – The Spectrum of Life,
Oxford, Sth Melbourne, Victoria.
Huxely L & Walter M 2002, Biology An Australian Perspective Oxford University Press, Melbourne,
Kennedy E. (1989) Basic Concepts in Biology: Cells and Tissues, Brooks Waterloo, Sydney.
Kinnear J. & Martin M. (2001) Biology 2: HSC Course, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld.
Ladiges P. (2005) Biology An Australian Focus 3rd Ed. Mcgraw-Hill, Australia.
McLaughlin L. & Hitchings S. (2003) Genetics: the code broken? Biology Options, McGraw-Hill
Australia, North Ryde, NSW.
Newton T. J. & Joyce A.P.(1995), Human Perspectives Book 1, 2 and 3, McGraw Hill Company.
Taylor D. J. et al. (1997) Biological Science 1 and 2, 3rd Ed. Cambridge United Kingdom
Audio visual Material
The Revolution in Genetics (video), 1998 Quantum, ABC Science Unit
American Cord Blood Program [on line]
Australian National Botanic Gardens [on line]
Australian Plant Links [on line]
The Bad Bug Book [on line]
Bioweb [on line]
Biozone [on line]
The Body: A multimedia Information Source [on line]
Bugwatch [on line]
Cell structures [on line]
Cells alive! [on line]
The Centre for Disease Control [on line]
Designer genes [on line]
Diseases [on line]
Discovering Democracy 2001 [on line]
Digital Anatomist: Interactive Brain Atlas [on line]
Embryo development – many film clips [on line]
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues [on line]
Flora of Australia [on line]
sites from GENEThics competition
Gene CRC [on line]
The Health Library [on line]
Human Brain Learning Tool [on line]:
Layman’s view of brain chemistry [on line]
Mental health net [on line]
More on Human Genome project** [on line]
Natural history museum [on line]
NetHealth – Infectious disease resources on the internet [on line]
New Jersey Online: Wendell’s yucky bug world [on line]
Patient checkup and diagnosis [on line]
Self Discovery Workshop [on line]
Science and Plants for Schools [on line]
Outbreak [on line]
Open-ended Investigations [on line]
Investigation scaffolds by Mark Hackling, Edith Cowen
University, WA [on line]
Virtual cell [on line]
The visible embryo [on line]
The Whole Brain Atlas [on line]
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Access to the following is essential:
A laboratory with standard equipment as well as equipment specifically for Biology, e.g.,
The school resource centre has a wide range of books, videos and journals covering the
course and associated topics.
Students have access to the internet, online journals and encyclopaedias and CD ROMs.
Appropriate excursions will greatly enhance students learning and engagement in this course.
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Proposed Evaluation Procedures
Course evaluation will be a continuous process. Teachers will meet regularly to discuss the content
of the course and any requirements for modification of activities, teaching strategies and assessment
instruments. The current trends and innovations in the teaching of Biology will be considered as
teachers attend workshops, seminars and participate in discussion groups with other teachers such
as on Moderation Day.
Teachers will monitor student performance and progress and student responses to various teaching,
learning and assessment strategies. Students and teachers will complete evaluation questionnaires
at the end of each unit. The results of these will be collated and reviewed from year to year. There
will also be a continuous monitoring of student numbers between Years 11 and 12.
Informal discussions between teachers and students, past students, parents and other teachers will
contribute to the evaluation of the course.
In the process of evaluation; students, teachers and others should, as appropriate, consider:
Are the course and Course Framework still consistent?
Were the goals achieved?
Was the course content appropriate?
Were the teaching strategies used successful?
Was the assessment program appropriate?
Have the needs of the students been met?
Was the course relevant?
How many students completed the course in each of the years of accreditation?
Unit 1: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 1a: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Unit 1b: Biodiversity & Connectedness
Value 1.0
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
The current view of the biosphere as a dynamic system composed of Earth’s diverse, interrelated and
interacting ecosystems developed from the work of eighteenth and nineteenth century naturalists,
who collected, classified, measured and mapped the distribution of organisms and environments
around the world. In this unit, students investigate and describe a number of diverse ecosystems,
exploring the range of biotic and abiotic components to understand the dynamics, diversity and
underlying unity of these systems.
Students develop an understanding of the processes involved in the movement of energy and matter
in ecosystems. They investigate ecosystem dynamics, including interactions within and between
species, and interactions between abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems. They also
investigate how measurements of abiotic factors, population numbers and species diversity, and
descriptions of species interactions, can form the basis for spatial and temporal comparisons
between ecosystems. Students use classification keys to identify organisms, describe the biodiversity
in ecosystems, investigate patterns in relationships between organisms, and aid scientific
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration,
evidence from multiple disciplines and the use of ICT and other technologies have contributed to the
study and conservation of national, regional and global biodiversity. They investigate how scientific
knowledge is used to offer valid explanations and reliable predictions, and the ways in which
scientific knowledge interacts with social, economic, cultural and ethical factors.
Fieldwork is an important part of this unit, providing valuable opportunities for students to work
together to collect first-hand data and to experience local ecosystem interactions. In order to
understand the interconnectedness of organisms, the physical environment and human activity,
students analyse and interpret data collected through investigation of a local environment and from
sources relating to other Australian, regional and global environments.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand how classification helps to
organise, analyse and communicate data
about biodiversity
understand that ecosystem diversity and
dynamics can be described and compared
with reference to biotic and abiotic
components and their interactions
understand how theories and models
have developed based on evidence from
multiple disciplines; and the uses and
limitations of biological knowledge in a
range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into biodiversity and flows
of matter and energy in a range of
evaluate, with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about relationships
between and within species, diversity of
and within ecosystems, and energy and
matter flows
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres
understand how classification helps to
organise, identify and communicate data
about biodiversity
understand that ecosystem diversity and
dynamics can be described and
compared with reference to biotic and
abiotic components and their
understand how theories and models
have developed based on evidence from
multiple disciplines
use science inquiry skills to conduct,
interpret and communicate
investigations into biodiversity and flows
of matter and energy in a range of
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative representations in
appropriate modes and genres
describe claims about relationships
between and within species, diversity of
and within ecosystems, and energy and
matter flows
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Biology Guide (First Assessment 2016) and
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct questions
for investigation; propose hypotheses;
and predict possible outcomes
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the materials
required, and the type and amount of
primary and/or secondary data to be
collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics, including animal
conduct investigations, including using
ecosystem surveying techniques, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
conduct investigations, including using
ecosystem surveying techniques, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and
relationships; qualitatively describe
sources of measurement error, and
uncertainty and limitations in data; and
select, synthesise and use evidence to
make and justify conclusions
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and relationships
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate processes, claims and
conclusions by considering the quality of
available evidence; and use reasoning to
construct scientific arguments
select, construct and use appropriate
representations, including classification
keys, food webs and biomass pyramids, to
communicate conceptual understanding,
solve problems and make predictions
select and use appropriate
representations, including classification
keys, food webs and biomass pyramids
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
communicate to general audiences and
use appropriate language, nomenclature,
genres and modes, including scientific
identify, research and construct questions
for investigation; propose hypotheses;
and predict possible outcomes
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the materials
required, and the type and amount of
primary and/or secondary data to be
collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics, including animal
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe processes, claims and
conclusions with the use of evidence
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
development of complex models and/or
theories often requires a wide range of
evidence from multiple individuals and
across disciplines
advances in science understanding in
one field can influence other areas of
science, technology and engineering
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may have
beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can enable
scientists to offer valid explanations and
make reliable predictions
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
recognise that the development of
models and/or theories often requires
evidence from multiple individuals and
advances in science understanding in
one field which can influence other
areas of science, technology and
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may have
beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can be used to
predict economic, social and
environmental impacts and to modify
actions for sustainability
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
Describing biodiversity
 IB 5.3 Classification of Biodiversity
 IB 4.1 Species, communities and
 IB Option C.1 Species and communities
 IB Option C.2 Communities and
 biodiversity includes the diversity of
species and ecosystems; measures of
biodiversity rely on classification and are
used to make comparisons across spatial
and temporal scales
Describing biodiversity
 IB 5.3 Classification of Biodiversity
 IB 4.1 Species, communities and
 IB Option C.1 Species and communities
 IB Option C.2 Communities and
 biodiversity includes the diversity of
species and ecosystems; measures of
biodiversity rely on classification and are
used to make comparisons
biological classification is hierarchical
and based on different levels of
similarity of physical features, methods
of reproduction and molecular
biological classification is hierarchical
and based on different levels of
similarity of physical features, methods
of reproduction and molecular
biological classification systems reflect
evolutionary relatedness between
groups of organisms
biological classification systems reflect
evolutionary relatedness between
groups of organisms
most common definitions of species rely
on morphological or genetic similarity or
the ability to interbreed to produce
fertile offspring in natural conditions –
but, in all cases, exceptions are found
most common definitions of species rely
on morphological or genetic similarity or
the ability to interbreed to produce
fertile offspring in natural conditions
ecosystems are diverse, composed of
varied habitats and can be described in
terms of their component species,
species interactions and the abiotic
factors that make up the environment
ecosystems are diverse, composed of
varied habitats and can be described in
terms of their component species,
species interactions and the abiotic
factors that make up the environment
relationships and interactions between
species in ecosystems include predation,
competition, symbiosis and disease
relationships and interactions between
species in ecosystems include predation,
competition, symbiosis and disease
in addition to biotic factors, abiotic
factors including climate and substrate
can be used to describe and classify
in addition to biotic factors, abiotic
factors including climate and substrate
can be used to describe and classify
Ecosystem dynamics
Ecosystem dynamics
IB 4.2 Energy flow
B 4.2 Energy flow
IB 4.4 Climate change
IB 4.4 Climate change
IB Option C.3 Impacts of humans on
IB Option C.5 Population ecology
the biotic components of an ecosystem
transfer and transform energy
originating primarily from the sun to
produce biomass, and interact with
abiotic components to facilitate
IB Option C.3 Impacts of humans on
IB Option C.5 Population ecology
the biotic components of an ecosystem
transfer and transform energy
originating primarily from the sun to
produce biomass, and interact with
abiotic components to facilitate carbon
biogeochemical cycling, including carbon
and nitrogen cycling; these interactions
can be represented using food webs,
biomass pyramids, water and nutrient
and nitrogen cycling; these interactions
can be represented using food webs,
biomass pyramids, water and nutrient
species or populations, including those
of microorganisms, fill specific ecological
niches; the competitive exclusion
principle postulates that no two species
can occupy the same niche in the same
environment for an extended period of
species or populations, including those
of microorganisms, fill specific ecological
keystone species play a critical role in
maintaining the structure of the
community; the impact of a reduction in
numbers or the disappearance of
keystone species on an ecosystem is
greater than would be expected based
on their relative abundance or total
keystone species play a critical role in
maintaining the structure of the
ecosystems have carrying capacities that
limit the number of organisms (within
populations) they support, and can be
impacted by changes to abiotic and
biotic factors, including climatic events
ecosystems have carrying capacities that
limit the number of organisms (within
populations) they support, and can be
impacted by changes to abiotic and
biotic factors, including climatic events
ecological succession involves changes in
the populations of species present in a
habitat; these changes impact the
abiotic and biotic interactions in the
community, which in turn influence
further changes in the species present
and their population size
ecological succession involves changes in
the populations of species present in a
habitat; these changes impact the
abiotic and biotic interactions in the
community, which in turn influence
further changes in the species present
and their population size
ecosystems can change dramatically
over time; the fossil record and
sedimentary rock characteristics provide
evidence of past ecosystems and
changes in biotic and abiotic
ecosystems can change dramatically
over time; the fossil record and
sedimentary rock characteristics provide
evidence of past ecosystems and
changes in biotic and abiotic
human activities (for example, overexploitation, habitat destruction,
monocultures, pollution) can reduce
biodiversity and can impact on the
magnitude, duration and speed of
ecosystem change
human activities can reduce biodiversity
and can impact on the magnitude,
duration and speed of ecosystem
models of ecosystem interactions (for
example, food webs, successional
models) can be used to predict the
impact of change and are based on
interpretation of and extrapolation from
sample data (for example, data derived
models of ecosystem interactions (for
example, food webs, successional
models) can be used to predict the
impact of change
from ecosystem surveying techniques);
the reliability of the model is determined
by the representativeness of the
Additional IB Content
IB Option C.4 Conservation of biodiversity
IB Option C.6 Phosphorus cycles
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
Unit 2: Cells & Organisms
Value 1.0
Unit 2a: Cells
Unit 2b: Multicellular Organisms
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
The cell is the basic unit of life. Although cell structure and function are very diverse, all cells possess
some common features: all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells need to exchange materials with their
immediate external environment in order to maintain the chemical processes vital for cell
functioning. In this unit, students examine inputs and outputs of cells to develop an understanding of
the chemical nature of cellular systems, both structurally and functionally, and the processes
required for cell survival. Students investigate the ways in which matter moves and energy is
transformed and transferred in the biochemical processes of photosynthesis and respiration, and the
role of enzymes in controlling biochemical systems.
Multicellular organisms typically consist of a number of interdependent systems of cells organised
into tissues, organs and organ systems. Students examine the structure and function of plant and
animal systems at cell and tissue levels in order to describe how they facilitate the efficient provision
or removal of materials to and from all cells of the organism.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration,
evidence from multiple disciplines and the use of ICT and other technologies have contributed to
developing understanding of the structure and function of cells and multicellular organisms. They
investigate how scientific knowledge is used to offer valid explanations and reliable predictions, and
the ways in which scientific knowledge interacts with social, economic, cultural and ethical factors.
Students use science inquiry skills to explore the relationship between structure and function, by
conducting real or virtual dissections and carrying out microscopic examination of cells and tissues.
Students consider the ethical considerations that apply to the use of living organisms in research.
They develop skills in constructing and using models to describe and interpret data about the
functions of cells and organisms.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand that the structure and
function of cells and their components
are related to the need to exchange
matter and energy with their immediate
understand that multicellular organisms
consist of multiple interdependent and
hierarchically-organised systems that
enable exchange of matter and energy
with their immediate environment
understand how theories and models
have developed based on evidence from
multiple disciplines; and the uses and
limitations of biological knowledge in a
range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into the structure and
function of cells and multicellular
evaluate, with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about cellular processes
and the structure and function of
multicellular organisms
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres
understand that the structure and
function of cells and their components
are related to the need to exchange
matter and energy with their immediate
understand that multicellular organisms
consist of multiple interdependent and
hierarchically-organised systems that
enable exchange of matter and energy
with their immediate environment
understand how theories and models
have developed based on evidence
from multiple disciplines; and the uses
and limitations of biological knowledge
in a range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to conduct,
interpret and communicate
investigations into the structure and
function of cells and multicellular
describe claims about cellular processes
and the structure and function of
multicellular organisms
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative representations in
appropriate modes and genres
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Biology Guide (First Assessment 2016) and
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct questions
for investigation; propose hypotheses;
and predict possible outcomes
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the materials
required, and the type and amount of
primary and/or secondary data to be
collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics, including animal
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the materials
required, and the type and amount of
primary and/or secondary data to be
collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics, including animal
conduct investigations, including
microscopy techniques, real or virtual
dissections and chemical analysis, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
conduct investigations, including
microscopy techniques, real or virtual
dissections and chemical analysis, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and
relationships; qualitatively describe
sources of measurement error, and
uncertainty and limitations in data; and
select, synthesise and use evidence to
make and justify conclusions
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and relationships
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate processes, claims and
conclusions by considering the quality of
available evidence; and use reasoning to
construct scientific arguments
select, construct and use appropriate
representations, including diagrams of
structures and processes; and images
from different imaging techniques, to
communicate conceptual understanding,
solve problems and make predictions
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe processes, claims and
conclusions by considering evidence
select and use appropriate
representations, including diagrams of
structures and processes; and images
from different imaging techniques
communicate to general audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
development of complex models and/or
theories often requires a wide range of
evidence from multiple individuals and
across disciplines
development of complex models and/or
theories often requires a wide range of
evidence from multiple individuals and
across disciplines
advances in science understanding in
one field can influence other areas of
science, technology and engineering
advances in science understanding in
one field can influence other areas of
science, technology and engineering
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may have
beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can enable
scientists to offer reliable explanations
and make reliable predictions
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
scientific knowledge can enable
scientists to offer reliable explanations
and make reliable predictions
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
Cells as the basis of life
Cells as the basis of life
IB 1.1 Introduction to cells
IB 1.1 Introduction to cells
IB 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
IB 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
IB 1.3 Membrane structure
IB 1.3 Membrane structure
IB 1.4 Membrane transport
IB 1.4 Membrane transport
IB 2.1 Molecules to metabolism
IB 2.1 Molecules to metabolism
IB 2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids
IB 2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids
IB 2.4 Proteins
IB 2.4 Proteins
IB 2.5 Enzymes
IB 2.5 Enzymes
IB 2.8 Cell respiration
IB 2.8 Cell respiration
IB 2.9 Photosynthesis
IB 2.9 Photosynthesis
IB 6.1 Digestion and absorption
IB 6.1 Digestion and absorption
IB 6.2 The blood system
IB 6.2 The blood system
IB 6.4 Gas exchange
IB 6.4 Gas exchange
IB 8.1 Metabolism
IB 8.1 Metabolism
IB 8.2 Cell respiration
IB 8.2 Cell respiration
IB 8.3 Photosynthesis
IB 8.3 Photosynthesis
IB 9.1 Transport in the xylem of plants
IB 9.1 Transport in the xylem of plants
IB 9.2 Transport in the phloem of plants
IB 9.2 Transport in the phloem of plants
cells require inputs of suitable forms of
energy, including light energy or
chemical energy in complex molecules,
and matter, including gases, simple
nutrients, ions, and removal of wastes,
to survive
the cell membrane separates the cell
from its surroundings and controls the
exchange of materials, including gases,
nutrients and wastes, between the cell
and its environment
cells require inputs of suitable forms of
energy, including light energy or
chemical energy in complex molecules,
and matter, including gases, simple
nutrients, ions, and removal of wastes,
to survive
the cell membrane separates the cell
from its surroundings and controls the
exchange of materials, including gases,
nutrients and wastes, between the cell
and its environment
movement of materials across
membranes occurs via diffusion,
osmosis, active transport and/or
Factors that affect exchange of materials
across membranes include the surfacearea-to-volume ratio of the cell,
concentration gradients, and the
physical and chemical nature of the
materials being exchanged
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have
many features in common, which is a
reflection of their common evolutionary
past, but prokaryotes lack internal
membrane bound organelles, do not
movement of materials across
membranes occurs via diffusion,
osmosis, active transport and/or
Factors that affect exchange of materials
across membranes include the surfacearea-to-volume ratio of the cell,
concentration gradients, and the
physical and chemical nature of the
materials being exchanged
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have
many features in common, which is a
reflection of their common
evolutionary past, but prokaryotes lack
internal membrane bound organelles,
have a nucleus, are significantly smaller
than eukaryotes, usually have a single
circular chromosome, and exist as single
do not have a nucleus, are significantly
smaller than eukaryotes, usually have a
single circular chromosome, and exist
as single cells
in eukaryotic cells, specialised organelles
facilitate biochemical processes of
photosynthesis, cellular respiration, the
synthesis of complex molecules
(including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
and other biomacromolecules), and the
removal of cellular products and wastes
in eukaryotic cells, specialised organelles
facilitate biochemical processes of
photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and
the removal of cellular products and
biochemical processes in the cell are
controlled by the nature and
arrangement of internal membranes, the
presence of specific enzymes, and
environmental factors
biochemical processes in the cell are
controlled by the nature and
arrangement of internal membranes,
the presence of specific enzymes, and
environmental factors
enzymes have specific functions, which
can be affected by factors including
temperature, pH, the presence of
inhibitors, and the concentrations of
reactants and products
enzymes have specific functions, which
can be affected by factors including
temperature, pH and the concentrations
of reactants and products
photosynthesis is a biochemical process
that in plant cells occurs in the
chloroplast and that uses light energy to
synthesise organic compounds; the
overall process can be represented as a
balanced chemical equation
photosynthesis is a biochemical process
that in plant cells occurs in the
chloroplast and that uses light energy to
synthesise organic compounds; the
overall process can be represented as a
word chemical equation
cellular respiration is a biochemical
process that occurs in different locations
in the cytosol and mitochondria and
metabolises organic compounds,
aerobically or anaerobically, to release
useable energy in the form of ATP; the
overall process can be represented as a
balanced chemical equation
cellular respiration is a biochemical
process that occurs in different
locations. mitochondria metabolises
organic compounds, aerobically or
anaerobically, to release useable energy
in the form of ATP; the overall process
can be represented as a word equation
Multicellular organisms
 multicellular organisms have a
hierarchical structural organisation of
cells, tissues, organs and systems
Multicellular organisms
multicellular organisms have a
hierarchical structural organisation of
cells, tissues, organs and systems
the specialised structure and function of
tissues, organs and systems can be
related to cell differentiation and cell
the specialised structure and function of
tissues, organs and systems can be
related to cell differentiation and cell
in animals, the exchange of gases
between the internal and external
environments of the organism is
facilitated by the structure and function
of the respiratory system at cell and
in animals, the exchange of gases
between the internal and external
environments of the organism is
facilitated by the structure and function
of the respiratory system at cell and
tissue levels
tissue levels
in animals, the exchange of nutrients
and wastes between the internal and
external environments of the organism
is facilitated by the structure and
function of the cells and tissues of the
digestive system (for example, villi
structure and function), and the
excretory system (for example, nephron
structure and function)
in animals, the exchange of nutrients
and wastes between the internal and
external environments of the organism
is facilitated by the structure and
function of the cells and tissues of the
digestive system (for example, villi
structure and function), and the
excretory system (for example, nephron
structure and function)
in animals, the transport of materials
within the internal environment for
exchange with cells is facilitated by the
structure and function of the circulatory
system at cell and tissue levels (for
example, the structure and function of
in animals, the transport of materials
within the internal environment for
exchange with cells is facilitated by the
structure and function of the circulatory
system at cell and tissue levels (for
example, the structure and function of
in plants, gases are exchanged via
stomata and the plant surface; their
movement within the plant by diffusion
does not involve the plant transport
in plants, gases are exchanged via
stomata and the plant surface; their
movement within the plant by diffusion
does not involve the plant transport
in plants, transport of water and mineral
nutrients from the roots occurs via
xylem involving root pressure,
transpiration and cohesion of water
molecules; transport of the products of
photosynthesis and some mineral
nutrients occurs by translocation in the
in plants, transport of water and mineral
nutrients from the roots occurs via
xylem involving root pressure,
transpiration and cohesion of water
molecules; transport of the products of
photosynthesis and some mineral
nutrients occurs by translocation in the
Additional IB Content
IB 2.2 Water
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
Unit 3: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 3a: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Unit 3b: Heredity & Continuity of Life
Value 1.0
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
Heredity is an important biological principle as it explains why offspring (cells or organisms) resemble
their parent cell or organism. Organisms require cellular division and differentiation for growth,
development, repair and sexual reproduction. In this unit, students investigate the biochemical and
cellular systems and processes involved in the transmission of genetic material to the next
generation of cells and to offspring. They consider different patterns of inheritance by analysing the
possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring. Students link their observations to explanatory
models that describe patterns of inheritance, and explore how the use of predictive models of
inheritance enables decision making.
Students investigate the genetic basis for the theory of evolution by natural selection through
constructing, using and evaluating explanatory and predictive models for gene pool diversity of
populations. They explore genetic variation in gene pools, selection pressures and isolation effects in
order to explain speciation and extinction events and to make predictions about future changes to
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore the ways in which models and
theories related to heredity and population genetics, and associated technologies, have developed
over time and through interactions with social, cultural, economic and ethical considerations. They
investigate the ways in which science contributes to contemporary debate about local, regional and
international issues, including evaluation of risk and action for sustainability, and recognise the
limitations of science to provide definitive answers in different contexts.
Students use science inquiry skills to design and conduct investigations into how different factors
affect cellular processes and gene pools; they construct and use models to analyse the data
gathered; and they continue to develop their skills in constructing plausible predictions and valid,
reliable conclusions.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand the cellular processes and
mechanisms that ensure the continuity
of life, and how these processes
contribute to unity and diversity within a
understand the cellular processes and
mechanisms that ensure the continuity
of life, and how these processes
contribute to unity and diversity within a
understand the processes and
mechanisms that explain how life on
Earth has persisted, changed and
diversified over the last 3.5 billion years
understand the processes and
mechanisms that explain how life on
Earth has persisted, changed and
diversified over the last 3.5 billion years
understand how models and theories
have developed over time; and the ways
in which biological knowledge interacts
with social, economic, cultural and
ethical considerations in a range of
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into heredity, gene
technology applications, and population
gene pool changes
evaluate with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about heredity
processes, gene technology, and
population gene pool processes, and
justify evaluations
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres.
understand how models and theories
have developed over time; and the
ways in which biological knowledge
interacts with social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations in a range of
use science inquiry skills to conduct,
interpret and communicate
investigations into heredity, gene
technology applications, and population
gene pool changes
describe claims about heredity
processes, gene technology, and
population gene pool processes, and
justify evaluations
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative representations in
appropriate modes and genres.
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Biology Guide (First Assessment 2016) and
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
basic hypotheses; and predict possible
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including animal ethics
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including animal ethics
conduct investigations, including the use
of probabilities to predict inheritance
patterns, real or virtual gel
electrophoresis, and population
simulations to predict population
changes, safely, competently and
methodically for the collection of valid
and reliable data
conduct investigations, including the use
of probabilities to predict inheritance
patterns, real or virtual gel
electrophoresis, and population
simulations to predict population
changes, safely, competently and
methodically for the collection of valid
and reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways, including the use of mean,
median, range and probability; organise
and analyse data to identify trends,
patterns and relationships; discuss the
ways in which measurement error,
instrumental accuracy, the nature of the
procedure and the sample size may
influence uncertainty and limitations in
data; and select, synthesise and use
evidence to make and justify conclusions
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise data to identify trends
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate models, processes,
claims and conclusions by considering
the quality of available evidence,
including interpreting confidence
intervals in secondary data; and use
reasoning to construct scientific
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe processes, claims and
conclusions by considering the quality of
available evidence
select, construct and use appropriate
representations, including models of
DNA replication, transcription and
translation, punnett squares and
select, construct and use appropriate
representations, including models of
DNA replication, transcription and
translation, punnett squares of a specific
probability models of expression of a
specific gene in a population, to
communicate conceptual understanding,
solve problems and make predictions
gene in a population, to communicate
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
communicate to general audiences for
specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, assessment and
evaluation of risk
science can be limited in its ability to
provide definitive answers to public
debate; there may be insufficient
reliable data available, or interpretation
of the data may be open to question
science can be limited in its ability to
provide definitive answers to public
debate; there may be insufficient
reliable data available, or interpretation
of the data may be open to question
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the Asia-pacific region
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the Asia-pacific region
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, assessment and
evaluation of risk
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop projected economic, social and
environmental impacts and to modify
actions for sustainability
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
DNA, genes and the continuity of life
DNA, genes and the continuity of life
IB 1.5 The origin of cells
IB 1.5 The origin of cells
IB 1.6 Cell division
IB 1.6 Cell division
IB 2.7 DNA replication, transcription and
IB 2.7 DNA replication, transcription and
IB 3.1 Genes
IB 3.1 Genes
IB 3.2 Chromosomes
IB 3.2 Chromosomes
IB 3.3 Meiosis
IB 3.3 Meiosis
IB 3.4 Inheritance
IB 3.4 Inheritance
IB 3.5 Genetic modification and
IB 3.5 Genetic modification and
IB 5.1 Evidence for evolution
IB 5.1 Evidence for evolution
IB 5.2 Natural selection
IB 5.2 Natural selection
IB 5.4 Cladistics
IB 5.4 Cladistics
IB 7.1 DNA structure and replication
IB 7.1 DNA structure and replication
IB 7.2 Transcription and gene expression
IB 7.2 Transcription and gene expression
IB 7.3 Translation
IB 7.3 Translation
IB 10.1 Meiosis
IB 10.1 Meiosis
IB 10.2 Inheritance
IB 10.2 Inheritance
IB 10.3 Gene pools and speciation
IB 10.3 Gene pools and speciation
continuity of life requires the replication
of genetic material and its transfer to
the next generation through processes
including binary fission, mitosis, meiosis
and fertilisation
continuity of life requires the replication
of genetic material and its transfer to
the next generation through processes
including binary fission, mitosis, meiosis
and fertilisation
DNA is a helical double-stranded
molecule that occurs bound to proteins
in chromosomes in the nucleus, and as
unbound circular DNA in the cytosol of
prokaryotes and in the mitochondria and
chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells
DNA is a helical double-stranded
molecule that occurs bound to proteins
in chromosomes in the nucleus, and as
unbound circular DNA in prokaryotes
the structural properties of the DNA
molecule, including nucleotide
composition and pairing and the weak
bonds between strands of DNA, allow
for replication
the structural properties of the DNA
molecule, including nucleotide
composition and pairing and the weak
bonds between strands of DNA, allow
for replication
genes include ‘coding’ and ‘non-coding’
DNA, and many genes contain
information for protein production
genes include ‘coding’ and ‘non-coding’
DNA, and many genes contain
information for protein production
protein synthesis involves transcription
of a gene into messenger RNA in the
nucleus, and translation into an amino
acid sequence at the ribosome
protein synthesis involves transcription
of a gene into messenger RNA in the
nucleus, and translation into an amino
acid sequence at the ribosome
proteins, including enzymes, are
essential to cell structure and
proteins, including enzymes, are
essential to cell structure and
the phenotypic expression of genes
depends on factors controlling
transcription and translation during
protein synthesis, the products of other
genes, and the environment
the phenotypic expression of genes
depends on factors controlling
transcription and translation during
protein synthesis, the products of other
genes, and the environment
mutations in genes and chromosomes
can result from errors in dna replication
or cell division, or from damage by
physical or chemical factors in the
mutations in genes and chromosomes
can result from errors in dna replication
or cell division, or from damage by
physical or chemical factors in the
differential gene expression controls cell
differentiation for tissue formation, as
well as the structural changes that occur
during growth
variations in the genotype of offspring
arise as a result of the processes of
meiosis and fertilisation, as well as a
result of mutations
variations in the genotype of offspring
arise as a result of the processes of
meiosis and fertilisation, as well as a
result of mutations
frequencies of genotypes and
phenotypes of offspring can be
predicted using probability models,
including punnett squares, and by taking
into consideration patterns of
inheritance, including the effects of
dominant, autosomal and sex-linked
alleles and multiple alleles, and
polygenic inheritance
frequencies of genotypes and
phenotypes of offspring can be
predicted using probability models,
including punnett squares, and by taking
into consideration patterns of
inheritance, including the effects of
dominant, autosomal and sex-linked
alleles and multiple alleles
DNA sequencing enables mapping of
species genomes; DNA profiling
identifies the unique genetic makeup of
biotechnology can involve the use of
bacterial enzymes, plasmids as vectors,
and techniques including gel
electrophoresis, bacterial
transformations and PCR
DNA sequencing enables mapping of
species genomes; DNA profiling
identifies the unique genetic makeup of
biotechnology can involve the use of
bacterial enzymes, plasmids as vectors,
and techniques including gel
electrophoresis, bacterial
transformations and PCR
Continuity of life on Earth
 life has existed on Earth for
approximately 3.5 billion years and has
changed and diversified over time
comparative genomics provides
evidence for the theory of evolution
natural selection occurs when selection
pressures in the environment confer a
selective advantage on a specific
phenotype to enhance its survival and
reproduction; this results in changes in
allele frequency in the gene pool of a
in additional to environmental selection
pressures, mutation, gene flow and
genetic drift can contribute to changes
in allele frequency in a population gene
pool and results in micro-evolutionary
mutation is the ultimate source of
genetic variation as it introduces new
alleles into a population
speciation and macro-evolutionary
changes result from an accumulation of
micro-evolutionary changes over time
differing selection pressures between
geographically isolated populations may
lead to allopatric speciation
populations with reduced genetic
diversity face increased risk of extinction
Continuity of life on Earth
 life has existed on Earth for
approximately 3.5 billion years and has
changed and diversified over time
Additional IB Content
IB 1.5 The origin of cells
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
comparative genomics provides
evidence for the theory of evolution
natural selection occurs when selection
pressures in the environment confer a
selective advantage on a specific
phenotype to enhance its survival and
mutation is the ultimate source of
genetic variation as it introduces new
alleles into a population
populations with reduced genetic
diversity face increased risk of
Unit 4: The Internal Environment
Value 1.0
Unit 4a: Homeostatic Systems
Unit 4b: Infectious Diseases
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
In order to survive, organisms must be able to maintain system structure and function in the face of
changes in their external and internal environments. Changes in temperature and water availability,
and the incidence and spread of infectious disease, present significant challenges for organisms and
require coordinated system responses. In this unit, students investigate how homeostatic response
systems control organisms’ responses to environmental change – internal and external – in order to
survive in a variety of environments, as long as the conditions are within their tolerance limits.
Students study how the invasion of an organism’s internal environment by pathogens challenges the
effective functioning of cells, tissues and body systems, and triggers a series of responses or events in
the short- and long-term in order to maintain system function. They consider the factors that
contribute to the spread of infectious disease and how outbreaks of infectious disease can be
predicted, monitored and contained.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore the ways in which models and
theories of organisms’ and populations’ responses to environmental change have developed over
time and through interactions with social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations. They
investigate the ways in which science contributes to contemporary debate about local, regional and
international issues, including evaluation of risk and action for sustainability, and recognise the
limitations of science to provide definitive answers in different contexts.
Students use science inquiry skills to investigate a range of responses by plants and animals to
changes in their environments and to invasion by pathogens; they construct and use appropriate
representations to analyse the data gathered; and they continue to develop their skills in
constructing plausible predictions and valid conclusions.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand the mechanisms by which
plants and animals use homeostasis to
control their internal environment in a
changing external environment
understand the mechanisms by which
plants and animals use homeostasis to
control their internal environment in a
changing external environment
understand how plants and animals
respond to the presence of pathogens,
and the ways in which infection,
transmission and spread of disease
understand how plants and animals
respond to the presence of pathogens,
and the ways in which infection,
transmission and spread of disease
understand how models and theories
have developed over time, and the ways
in which biological knowledge interacts
with social, economic, cultural and
ethical considerations in a range of
understand how models and theories
have developed over time, and the ways
in which biological knowledge interacts
with social, economic, cultural and
ethical considerations in a range of
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into organisms’ responses
to changing environmental conditions
and infectious disease
use science inquiry skills to conduct,
interpret and communicate
investigations into organisms’ responses
to changing environmental conditions
and infectious disease
describe, claims about organisms’
responses to changing environmental
conditions and infectious disease
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative representations in
appropriate modes and genres.
evaluate, with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about organisms’
responses to changing environmental
conditions and infectious disease and
justify evaluations
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Biology Guide (First Assessment 2016) and
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including the rights of living
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including the rights of living
conduct investigations, including using
models of homeostasis and disease
transmission, safely, competently and
methodically for valid and reliable
collection of data
conduct investigations, including using
models of homeostasis and disease
transmission, safely, competently and
methodically for valid and reliable
collection of data
organise and interpret data to identify
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe models, processes,
and conclusions by considering the
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways, including the use of mean,
median, range and probability; organise
and analyse data to identify trends,
patterns and relationships; discuss the
ways in which measurement error,
instrumental accuracy, the nature of the
procedure and sample size may
influence uncertainty and limitations in
data; and select, synthesise and use
evidence to make and justify conclusions
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate models, processes,
claims and conclusions by considering
the quality of available evidence; and
use reasoning to construct scientific
select, construct and use appropriate
representations, including diagrams and
flow charts, to communicate conceptual
understanding, solve problems and
make predictions
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, assessment and
evaluation of risk
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, and assessment
of risk
science can be limited in its ability to
provide definitive answers to public
debate; there may be insufficient
reliable data available, or interpretation
of the data may be open to question
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the Asia-pacific region
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the Asia-pacific region
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
IB 6.5 Neurons and synapses
IB 6.5 Neurons and synapses
IB 6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and
IB 6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and
IB 9.3 Growth in plants
IB 9.3 Growth in plants
IB 9.4 Reproduction in plants
IB 9.4 Reproduction in plants
IB 11.1 Antibody production and
IB 11.1 Antibody production and
IB 11.3. The kidney and osmoregulation
IB 11.3. The kidney and osmoregulation
homeostasis involves a stimulusresponse model in which change in
external or internal environmental
conditions is detected and appropriate
responses occur via negative feedback;
in vertebrates, receptors and effectors
are linked via a control centre by
nervous and/or hormonal pathways
homeostasis involves a stimulusresponse model in which change in
external or internal environmental
conditions is detected and appropriate
responses occur via negative feedback;
in vertebrates, receptors and effectors
are linked via a control centre by
nervous and/or hormonal pathways
changes in an organism’s metabolic
activity, in addition to structural features
and changes in physiological processes
and behaviour, enable the organism to
maintain its internal environment within
tolerance limits
changes in an organism’s metabolic
activity, in addition to structural features
and changes in physiological processes
and behaviour, enable the organism to
maintain its internal environment within
tolerance limits
neural pathways consist of cells that
transport nerve impulses from sensory
receptors to neurons and on to
effectors; the passage of nerve impulses
involves transmission of an action
potential along a nerve axon and
synaptic transmission by
neurotransmitters and signal
neural pathways consist of cells that
transport nerve impulses from sensory
receptors to neurons and on to effectors
hormones alter the metabolism of target
cells, tissues or organs by increasing or
decreasing their activity; in animals,
most hormones are produced in
endocrine glands as a result of nervous
or chemical stimulation, and travel via
the circulatory or lymph system to the
target cells, tissues or organs
hormones alter the metabolism of target
cells, tissues or organs by increasing or
decreasing their activity; in animals,
most hormones are produced in
endocrine glands as a result of nervous
or chemical stimulation, and travel via
the circulatory or lymph system to the
target cells, tissues or organs
endothermic animals have varying
thermoregulatory mechanisms that
involve structural features, behavioural
responses and physiological and
homeostatic mechanisms to control heat
exchange and metabolic activity
endothermic animals have varying
thermoregulatory mechanisms that
involve structural features, behavioural
responses and physiological and
homeostatic mechanisms to control heat
exchange and metabolic activity
animals, whether osmoregulators or
osmoconformers, and plants, have
various mechanisms to maintain water
balance that involve structural features,
and behavioural, physiological and
homeostatic responses
Infectious disease
animals, whether osmoregulators or
osmoconformers, and plants, have
various mechanisms to maintain water
balance that involve structural features,
and behavioural, physiological and
homeostatic responses
Infectious disease
IB 6.3 Defence against infectious disease
IB 6.3 Defence against infectious disease
infectious disease differs from other
disease (for example, genetic and
lifestyle diseases) in that it is caused by
invasion by a pathogen and can be
transmitted from one host to another
infectious disease differs from other
disease (for example, genetic and
lifestyle diseases) in that it is caused by
invasion by a pathogen and can be
transmitted from one host to another
pathogens include prions, viruses,
bacteria, fungi, protists and parasites
pathogens include prions, viruses,
bacteria, fungi, protists and parasites
pathogens have adaptations that
facilitate their entry into cells and tissues
and their transmission between hosts;
transmission occurs by various
mechanisms including through direct
contact, contact with body fluids, and via
contaminated food, water or diseasespecific vectors
pathogens have adaptations that
facilitate their entry into cells and tissues
and their transmission between hosts;
transmission occurs by various
mechanisms including through direct
contact, contact with body fluids, and via
contaminated food, water or diseasespecific vectors
when a pathogen enters a host, it causes
physical or chemical changes (for
example, the introduction of foreign
chemicals via the surface of the
pathogen, or the production of toxins) in
the cells or tissues; these changes
stimulate the host immune responses
when a pathogen enters a host, it causes
physical or chemical changes (for
example, the introduction of foreign
chemicals via the surface of the
pathogen, or the production of toxins) in
the cells or tissues; these changes
stimulate the host immune responses
all plants and animals have innate
(general) immune responses to the
presence of pathogens; vertebrates also
have adaptive immune responses
all plants and animals have innate
(general) immune responses to the
presence of pathogens; vertebrates also
have adaptive immune responses
innate responses in animals target
pathogens, including through the
inflammation response, which involves
the actions of phagocytes, defensins and
the complement system
innate responses in animals target
pathogens, including through the
inflammation response, which involves
the actions of phagocytes
in vertebrates, adaptive responses to
specific antigens include the production
of humoral immunity through the
production of antibodies by B
lymphocytes, and the provision of cellmediated immunity by T lymphocytes; in
both cases memory cells are produced
that confirm long-term immunity to the
specific antigen
in vertebrates, adaptive responses to
specific antigens include the production
of humoral immunity through the
production of antibodies by B
lymphocytes, and the provision of cellmediated immunity by T lymphocytes; in
both cases memory cells are produced
that confirm long-term immunity to the
specific antigen
in vertebrates, immunity may be passive
(for example, antibodies gained via the
placenta or via antibody serum injection)
or active (for example, acquired through
actions of the immune system as a result
of natural exposure to a pathogen or
through the use of vaccines)
in vertebrates, immunity may be passive
(for example, antibodies gained via the
placenta or via antibody serum injection)
or active (for example, acquired through
actions of the immune system as a result
of natural exposure to a pathogen or
through the use of vaccines)
transmission and spread of disease is
facilitated by regional and global
movement of organisms
transmission and spread of disease is
facilitated by regional and global
movement of organisms
the spread of a specific disease involves
a wide range of interrelated factors (for
example, persistence of the pathogen
within hosts, the transmission
mechanism, the proportion of the
population that are immune or have
been immunised, and the mobility of
individuals of the affected population);
analysis of these factors can enable
prediction of the potential for an
outbreak, as well as evaluation of
strategies to control the spread of
the spread of a specific disease involves
a wide range of interrelated factors (for
example, persistence of the pathogen
within hosts, the transmission
mechanism, the proportion of the
population that are immune or have
been immunised, and the mobility of
individuals of the affected population);
knowledge of these factors can be used
to predict outbreaks and strategies to
control the spread of disease.
Additional IB Content
IB 11.2 Movement
IB 11.4 Sexual reproduction
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
ESS1: Ecological Systems & Conservation
ESS1a: Ecological Systems & Conservation
ESS1b: Ecological Systems & Conservation
Value 1.0
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
People in modern societies interact with the environment in many different ways. In this unit
students investigate environmental values systems, and develop an understanding of the processes
involved in the movement of energy and matter in ecosystems using systems and models. Students
learn about techniques used to measure and study biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems, and how
these can be used to define biomes and describe the process of environmental succession. They
examine the effects of a growing human population on resource usage.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration,
evidence from multiple disciplines and the use of ICT and other technologies have contributed to the
study and conservation of national, regional and global biodiversity. They investigate how scientific
knowledge is used to offer valid explanations and reliable predictions, and the ways in which
scientific knowledge interacts with social, economic, cultural and ethical factors.
Fieldwork is an important part of this unit, providing valuable opportunities for students to work
together to collect first-hand data and to experience local ecosystem interactions. Students analyse
and interpret data collected through investigation of a local environment and from sources relating
to other Australian, regional and global environments.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand that environmental value
systems and models have developed
based on evidence from multiple
disciplines, and can be used to assist in
understanding energy and equilibria in
environmental systems
understand that environmental value
systems and models have developed
based on evidence from multiple
disciplines, and can be used to assist in
understanding energy and equilibria in
environmental systems
understand that Earth systems are
interconnected (as in the Gaia model),
and comprise physical characteristics
which can be examined using multiple
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into field studies of
environmental characteristics
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into field studies of
environmental characteristics
evaluate, with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about biodiversity/
conservation of and within ecosystems,
and energy and nutrient cycles
describe claims biodiversity/
conservation of and within ecosystems,
and energy and nutrient cycles
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Environmental Systems and Society Guide
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
conduct investigations, including
undertaking succession mapping,
determining energy content of
materials, analysis of waste materials,
quadrat and transect studies, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
conduct investigations, including
undertaking succession mapping,
determining energy content of
materials, analysis of waste materials,
quadrat and transect studies, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and
relationships; qualitatively describe
sources of measurement error, and
uncertainty and limitations in data; and
select, synthesise and use evidence to
make and justify conclusions
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate processes, claims
and conclusions by considering the
quality of available evidence; and use
reasoning to construct scientific
select, construct and use appropriate
models and representations, to assess
sustainability, track energy flows
through food webs, determine carrying
capacity, understanding that
approximations reduce accuracy, to
communicate conceptual understanding,
solve problems and make predictions
select and use appropriate models and
representations, to assess sustainability,
track energy flows through food webs,
determine carrying capacity,
understanding that approximations
reduce accuracy,
select and use appropriate mathematical
representations to solve problems and
make predictions, including using
diversity indices, carrying capacity
select and use appropriate mathematical
representations to solve problems
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe processes, claims
and conclusions with the use of
formula, sustainable yield calculations,
ecological footprint calculations and
energy changes to calculate unknown
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
development of complex models and/or
theories often requires a wide range of
evidence from multiple individuals and
across disciplines
advances in science understanding in
one field can influence other areas of
science, technology and engineering
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may
have beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can enable
scientists to offer valid explanations and
make reliable predictions
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
communicate to general audiences and
use appropriate language,
nomenclature, genres and modes,
including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
recognise that the development of
models and/or theories often requires
evidence from multiple individuals and
advances in science understanding in
one field which can influence other
areas of science, technology and
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may
have beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can be used to
predict economic, social and
environmental impacts and to modify
actions for sustainability
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
ESS IB Topic 1 Foundations of
Environmental Systems and Societies
ESS IB Topic 2 Ecosystems and Ecology
ESS IB Topic 3 Biodiversity and
ESS IB Topic 8 Human Systems and
Resource Use
an environmental value system is a
worldview or paradigm that shapes the
way an individual, or group of people,
perceives and evaluates environmental
issues, influenced by historical, cultural,
religious, economic and socio-political
an environmental value system is a
worldview or paradigm that shapes the
way an individual, or group of people,
perceives and evaluates environmental
issues, influenced by historical, cultural,
religious, economic and socio-political
different environmental value systems
ascribe different intrinsic value to
components of the biosphere
different environmental value systems
ascribe different intrinsic value to
components of the biosphere
an ecocentric viewpoint puts ecology
and nature as central to humanity and
prioritises biorights, while an
anthropocentric viewpoint argues that
humans must sustainably manage the
global system and a technocoentric
viewpoint argues that technologic
developments can provide solutions to
environmental problems
an ecocentric viewpoint puts ecology
and nature as central to humanity and
prioritises biorights, while an
anthropocentric viewpoint argues that
humans must sustainably manage the
global system and a technocoentric
viewpoint argues that technologic
developments can provide solutions to
environmental problems
a systems approach is a holistic way of
visualising a complex set of interactions
which may be ecological or societal
a systems approach is a holistic way of
visualising a complex set of interactions
which may be ecological or societal
systems can be either open or closed,
involve storages and flows (transfers or
transformations), involve exchange of
energy, represented by models
systems can be either open or closed,
involve storages and flows (transfers or
transformations), involve exchange of
energy, represented by models
the laws of thermodynamics govern the
flow of energy in a system and the
ability to do work
the laws of thermodynamics govern the
flow of energy in a system and the
ability to do work
systems can exist in alternative stable
states or as equilibria between which
there are tipping points
systems can exist in alternative stable
states or as equilibria between which
there are tipping points
destabilising positive feedback
mechanisms will drive systems towards
these tipping points, whereas stabilising
negative feedback mechanisms will
resist such changes
sustainable development meets the
needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs,
and can be assessed using
sustainable development meets the
needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs
ESS IB Topic 1 Foundations of
Environmental Systems and Societies
ESS IB Topic 2 Ecosystems and Ecology
ESS IB Topic 3 Biodiversity and
ESS IB Topic 8 Human Systems and
Resource Use
environmental indicators and ecological
natural capital is a term used for natural
resources that can produce a
sustainable natural income of goods or
services and natural income is the yield
obtained from natural resources
natural capital is a term used for natural
resources that can produce a
sustainable natural income of goods or
services and natural income is the yield
obtained from natural resources
factors such as biodiversity, pollution,
population or climate may be used
quantitatively as environmental
indicators of sustainability. these factors
can be applied on a range of scales,
from local to global.
factors such as biodiversity, pollution,
population or climate may be used
quantitatively as environmental
indicators of sustainability. These factors
can be applied on a range of scales,
from local to global.
ecosystem assessment (ea) gave a
scientific appraisal of the condition and
trends in the world’s ecosystems and
the services they provide using
environmental indicators, as well as the
scientific basis for action to conserve
and use them sustainably
ecosystem assessment (ea) gave a
scientific appraisal of the condition and
trends in the world’s ecosystems and
the services they provide using
environmental indicators, as well as the
scientific basis for action to conserve
and use them sustainably
pollution is the addition of a substance
or an agent to an environment through
human activity at a rate greater than
that which it can be rendered harmless
by the environment, and which has an
appreciable effect on the organisms in
the environment
pollution is the addition of a substance
or an agent to an environment through
human activity at a rate greater than
that which it can be rendered harmless
by the environment, and which has an
appreciable effect on the organisms in
the environment
pollutants may be in the form of organic
or inorganic substances, light, sound or
thermal energy, biological agents or
invasive species, and may derive from a
wide range of human activities including
the combustion of fossil fuels. Pollution
may be non-point or point source,
persistent or biodegradable, acute or
chronic. pollutants may be primary
(active on emission) or secondary
(arising from primary pollutants
undergoing physical or chemical change)
pollutants may be in the form of organic
or inorganic substances, light, sound or
thermal energy, biological agents or
invasive species, and may derive from a
wide range of human activities including
the combustion of fossil fuels. Pollution
may be non-point or point source,
persistent or biodegradable, acute or
chronic. pollutants may be primary
(active on emission) or secondary
(arising from primary pollutants
undergoing physical or chemical change)
pollution management involves altering
human activity, controlling the release
of pollutants and restoration of
damaged systems
pollution management involves altering
human activity, controlling the release
of pollutants and restoration of
damaged systems
a species lives in a habitat and occupies
a niche which can be described using
biotic and abiotic factors
a species lives in a habitat and occupies
a niche which can be described using
biotic and abiotic factors
population growth can be described
using either s or j shaped population
population growth can be described
using either s or j shaped population
interactions of species with their
environment result in energy and
interactions of species with their
environment result in energy and
nutrient flows, which can be modelled
using food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids
ecosystems are linked together by
energy and matter flows, relying on the
biochemical processes of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration
the carbon and nitrogen cycles contains
storages and flows which move matter
between storages
biomes are collections of ecosystems
sharing similar climatic conditions and
characteristic limiting factors,
productivity and biodiversity. The
tricellular model of atmospheric
circulation explains the distribution of
precipitation and temperature and how
they influence structure and relative
productivity of different terrestrial
biomes. climate change is altering the
distribution of biomes and causing
biome shifts
succession is the process of change over
time in an ecosystem involving pioneer,
intermediate and climax communities,
and can be diverted by human activity
nutrient flows, which can be modelled
using food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids
ecosystems are linked together by
energy and matter flows
the carbon and nitrogen cycles contains
storages and flows which move matter
between storages
biomes are collections of ecosystems
sharing similar climatic conditions and
characteristic limiting factors,
productivity and biodiversity. The
tricellular model of atmospheric
circulation explains the distribution of
precipitation and temperature and how
they influence structure and relative
productivity of different terrestrial
biomes. climate change is altering the
distribution of biomes and causing
biome shifts
succession is the process of change over
time in an ecosystem
the description and investigation of
ecosystems allows for comparisons to
be made between different ecosystems
the description and investigation of
ecosystems allows for comparisons to
be made between different ecosystems
and for them to be monitored, modelled
and evaluated over time, measuring
both natural change and human impacts
biodiversity can be identified in a variety
of forms, including species diversity,
habitat diversity and genetic diversity,
and quantification of biodiversity is
important to conservation efforts
biodiversity can be identified in a variety
of forms, including species diversity,
habitat diversity and genetic diversity,
and quantification of biodiversity is
important to conservation efforts
biodiversity arises from evolutionary
processes, largely through the
mechanism of natural selection
biodiversity arises from evolutionary
processes, largely through the
mechanism of natural selection
mass extinctions of the past have been
caused by a variety of natural events
mass extinctions of the past have been
caused by a variety of natural events
estimates of the total number of species
on earth vary considerably, and need to
be considered in biodiversity
estimates of the total number of species
on earth vary considerably, and need to
be considered in biodiversity
many factors are used to determine the
conservation status of a species, and
contribute to its classification in the ‘red
list of threatened species’ as published
by the international union of
many factors are used to determine the
conservation status of a species, and
contribute to its classification in the ‘red
list of threatened species’ as published
by the international union of
conservation of nature
conservation of nature
approaches to conservation of
biodiversity include habitat
conservation, species-based
conservation and a mixed approach, and
involve community support,
international, governmental and nongovernmental organisations
approaches to conservation of
biodiversity include habitat
conservation, species-based
conservation and a mixed approach
the variety of arguments given for the
conservation of biodiversity will depend
on environmental values systems
the variety of arguments given for the
conservation of biodiversity will depend
on environmental values systems
human population dynamics are
impacted by a complex range of
changing factors and a variety of models
and indicators are employed to quantify
human population dynamics
human population dynamics are
impacted by a complex range of
changing factors and a variety of models
and indicators are employed to quantify
human population dynamics
renewable natural capital has dynamic
status and economic value, and can be
utilised sustainably or unsustainably
renewable natural capital has dynamic
status and economic value, and can be
utilised sustainably or unsustainably
solid domestic waste is increasing as a
result of growing human populations
and consumption, and can be managed
using a variety of strategies, and has
significant influence on sustainability
solid domestic waste is increasing as a
result of growing human populations
and consumption, and has significant
influence on sustainability
the human population carrying capacity
is difficult to quantify, and is linked to
the environmental footprint,
degradation of the environment and the
consumption of finite resources
the human population carrying capacity
is difficult to quantify, and is linked to
the environmental footprint,
degradation of the environment and the
consumption of finite resources
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
ESS2: Physical Systems & Energy Usage
ESS2a: Physical Systems & Energy Usage
ESS2b: Physical Systems & Energy Usage
Value 1.0
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
The planet consists of the interacting physical systems of the hydrosphere, lithosphere and
atmosphere, all of which interact with the biosphere. In this unit students investigate aspects of
these systems and their dynamics, and human impact on them.
Students develop an understanding of the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere, and how
human activities can impact on these physical systems. They investigate the processes involved in
storage and flow of energy and matter in these physical systems. They examine the impact of
inequality of access to physical resources on societies. Students develop an understanding of current
energy usage, and the implications of energy usage on carbon emissions and climate change.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration,
evidence from multiple disciplines and the use of ICT and other technologies have contributed to the
study and conservation of physical systems. They investigate how scientific knowledge is used to
offer valid explanations and reliable predictions, and the ways in which scientific knowledge interacts
with social, economic, cultural and ethical factors.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand that physical systems can be
described using flows and storage of
energy and matter
understand that physical systems can be
described using flows and storage of
energy and matter
understand the impact of human
activity on physical systems, and the
actions which can be used to remediate
and mitigate these effects
understand the impact of human activity
on physical systems, and the actions
which can be used to remediate and
mitigate these effects
understand how human energy usage
impacts on greenhouse gases and
climate change
understand how human energy usage
impacts on greenhouse gases and
climate change
understand how theories and models
have developed based on evidence from
multiple disciplines; and the uses and
limitations of biological knowledge in a
range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into physical systems
evaluate, with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about relationships
within and between physical systems
and energy usage
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres
understand how theories and models
have developed based on evidence
from multiple disciplines
use science inquiry skills to conduct,
interpret and communicate
investigations into physical systems
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative representations in
appropriate modes and genres
describe claims about relationships
within and between physical systems
and energy usage
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Environmental Systems and Society Guide
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct questions
for investigation; propose hypotheses;
and predict possible outcomes
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the materials
required, and the type and amount of
primary and/or secondary data to be
collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics, including animal
conduct investigations, including
experiments into soil, water and
atmospheric systems, safely, competently
and methodically for the collection of
valid and reliable data
conduct investigations, including
experiments into physical systems, safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and
relationships; qualitatively describe
sources of measurement error, and
uncertainty and limitations in data; and
select, synthesise and use evidence to
make and justify conclusions
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways; organise and analyse data to
identify trends, patterns and relationships
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate processes, claims and
conclusions by considering the quality of
available evidence; and use reasoning to
construct scientific arguments
select, construct and use appropriate
models and representations to show
ocean and atmospheric current, predict
climate changes, understand prehistoric
climate changes, to communicate
conceptual understanding, solve
problems and make predictions
select and use appropriate models and
representations to show ocean and
atmospheric current, predict climate
changes, understand prehistoric climate
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
communicate to general audiences and
use appropriate language, nomenclature,
genres and modes, including scientific
identify, research and construct questions
for investigation; propose hypotheses;
and predict possible outcomes
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the materials
required, and the type and amount of
primary and/or secondary data to be
collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics, including animal
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe processes, claims and
conclusions with the use of evidence
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
development of complex models and/or
theories often requires a wide range of
evidence from multiple individuals and
across disciplines
advances in science understanding in
one field can influence other areas of
science, technology and engineering
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may
have beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can enable
scientists to offer valid explanations and
make reliable predictions
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
Science Understanding
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies
on clear communication, international
conventions, peer review and
recognise that the development of
models and/or theories often requires
evidence from multiple individuals and
advances in science understanding in
one field which can influence other
areas of science, technology and
the use of scientific knowledge is
influenced by social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations
the use of scientific knowledge may
have beneficial and/or harmful and/or
unintended consequences
scientific knowledge can be used to
predict economic, social and
environmental impacts and to modify
actions for sustainability
Science Understanding
ESS IB Topic 4 Water and aquatic food
production systems and societies
ESS IB Topic 5 Soil systems and
terrestrial food production systems and
ESS IB Topic 6 Atmospheric systems and
ESS IB Topic 7 Climate change and
energy production
the hydrological cycle is a system of
water flows and storages that may be
disrupted by human activity
the hydrological cycle is a system of
water flows and storages that may be
disrupted by human activity
the ocean circulatory system influences
the climate and global distribution of
water (matter and energy)
the ocean circulatory system influences
the climate and global distribution of
the supplies of freshwater resources are
inequitably available and , which can
lead to conflicts and concerns over
water security
the supplies of freshwater resources are
inequitably available and , which can
lead to conflicts and concerns over
water security
water supplies can be enhanced using
water supplies can be enhanced using
various strategies, and water
ESS IB Topic 4 Water and aquatic food
production systems and societies
ESS IB Topic 5 Soil systems and
terrestrial food production systems and
ESS IB Topic 6 Atmospheric systems and
ESS IB Topic 7 Climate change and
energy production
conservation can help to reduce
demand but often requires a change in
attitude by the water consumers
various strategies, and water
conservation can help to reduce
demand but often requires a change in
attitude by the water consumers
aquatic systems provide a source of
food production
unsustainable use of aquatic ecosystems
can lead to environmental degradation
and collapse of wild fisheries
aquatic systems provide a source of
food production
unsustainable use of aquatic ecosystems
can lead to environmental degradation
and collapse of wild fisheries
water pollution, both groundwater and
surface water, is a major global
problem, the effects of which influence
human and other biological systems
water pollution, both groundwater and
surface water, is a major global
problem, the effects of which influence
human and other biological systems
the soil system is a dynamic ecosystem
that has inputs, outputs, storages and
the soil system is a dynamic ecosystem
that has inputs, outputs, storages and
the quality of soil influences the primary
productivity – the structure and
properties of sand, clay and loam differ
in many ways, including mineral and
nutrient content, drainage, waterholding capacity, air spaces, biota and
potential to hold organic content
the quality of soil influences the primary
productivity – the structure and
properties of sand, clay and loam differ
in many ways
the sustainability of terrestrial food
production systems is influenced by
socio-political, economic and ecological
the sustainability of terrestrial food
production systems is influenced by
socio-political, economic and ecological
the supply of food is inequitably
available and land suitable for food
production is unevenly distributed
between societies, and this can lead to
conflicts and concerns
the supply of food is inequitably
available and land suitable for food
production is unevenly distributed
between societies, and this can lead to
conflicts and concerns
terrestrial food production systems can
be compared and contrasted according
to inputs, outputs, system
characteristics, environmental impact
and socio-economic factors
terrestrial food production systems can
be compared and contrasted
fertile soil contains a community of
organisms that work to maintain
functioning nutrient cycles and that are
resistant to soil erosion
fertile soil contains a community of
organisms that work to maintain
functioning nutrient cycles and that are
resistant to soil erosion
human activities may reduce soil fertility
and increase soil erosion, and can be
countered by soil conservation
human activities may reduce soil fertility
and increase soil erosion, and can be
countered by soil conservation
the atmosphere is a dynamic system
that is essential to life on earth, and is
composed of various gases
the atmosphere is a dynamic system
that is essential to life on earth, and is
composed of various gases
stratospheric ozone is a key component
of the atmospheric system because it
stratospheric ozone is a key component
of the atmospheric system because it
protects living systems from the
negative effects of ultraviolet radiation
from the sun, and has been negatively
impacted by ozone depleting substances
protects living systems from the
negative effects of ultraviolet radiation
from the sun, and has been negatively
impacted by ozone depleting substances
photochemical smog is the result of
primary and secondary pollutants from
the combustion of fossil fuels
photochemical smog is the result of
primary and secondary pollutants from
the combustion of fossil fuels
acid deposition can impact living
systems and the built environment and
is a result of the combustion of fossil
acid deposition can impact living
systems and the built environment and
is a result of the combustion of fossil
ozone depleting substances,
photochemical smog and acid
deposition can be reduced by a variety
of pollution management strategies
including decreasing human reliance on
fossil fuels
ozone depleting substances,
photochemical smog and acid
deposition can be reduced by a variety
of pollution management strategies
including decreasing human reliance on
fossil fuels
there is a range of different energy
sources available to societies that vary
in their sustainability, availability, cost
and socio-political implications, and the
choice of energy sources is controversial
and complex
there is a range of different energy
sources available to societies that vary
in their sustainability, availability, cost
and socio-political implications
climate change has been a normal
feature of the earth’s history, but
human activity has contributed to
recent changes due to increasing levels
of greenhouse gases
climate change has been a normal
feature of the earth’s history, but
human activity has contributed to
recent changes due to increasing levels
of greenhouse gases
both negative and positive feedback
mechanisms are associated with climate
change and may involve very long time
both negative and positive feedback
mechanisms are associated with climate
change and may involve very long time
global climate models are complex and
there is a degree of uncertainty
regarding the accuracy of their
mitigation attempts to reduce the
causes and adaptation attempts to
manage the impacts of climate change
requite international efforts and
mitigation attempts to reduce the
causes and adaptation attempts to
manage the impacts of climate change
requite international efforts and
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
Unit 5: Neurobiology & Human Physiology
Unit 5a: Neurobiology
Unit 5b: Human Physiology
Value 1.0
Value 0.5
Value 0.5
Unit Description
Animals use the nervous system to detect and respond to changes in the environment. Neurons
communicate and co-ordinate responses through the use of action potentials and chemical signals at
Students examine neural development in animals, and the roles of synapse formation and neural
pruning. The structure and function of regions of the human brain are examined, including the
senses of vision and hearing. The integration of responses via reflex arcs is examined, including using
experimental data. The role of neuropharmacology is studied, including the effects of inhibitors and
stimulants at synapses. Innate and learned behaviour, and the effects of animal behaviour on survival
and evolution via natural selection is an important topic, relating the functioning of the nervous
system to behaviour in different situations.
The human body is a complex set of interacting organ systems, which carry out biochemical reactions
and physiological processes. In this unit students examine the physiology of human systems in detail,
learning about the structure and function of the digestive system, requirements for human nutrition,
the liver, endocrine system and cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore the ways in which models and
theories related to the human anatomy and physiology, have developed over time and through
interactions with social, cultural, economic and ethical considerations. They investigate the ways in
which science contributes to contemporary debate about local, regional and international issues,
including evaluation of risk and action for sustainability, and recognise the limitations of science to
provide definitive answers in different contexts.
Students use science inquiry skills to design and conduct investigations into the structure of the
nervous system and how different factors affect reflexes; they construct and use models to analyse
the data gathered; and they continue to develop their skills in constructing plausible predictions and
valid, reliable conclusions.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand the structure and function
of aspects of the animal nervous system
understand the structure and function
of aspects of the animal nervous system
understand how the nervous system
contributes to animal behaviour and
describe how the nervous system
contributes to animal behaviour and
understand the advanced physiology of
the human digestive system and
requirements for nutrition, liver and
endocrine system
understand the advanced physiology of
the human digestive system and
requirements for nutrition, liver and
endocrine system
understand the advanced physiology of
the human cardiovascular and
respiratory systems
understand the advanced physiology of
the human cardiovascular and
respiratory systems
understand how models and theories
have developed over time; and the ways
in which biological knowledge interacts
with social, economic, cultural and
ethical considerations in a range of
understand how models and theories
have developed over time
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into the structure and
function of the nervous system and how
this relates to animal behaviour
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
investigations into the structure and
function of the nervous system and how
this relates to animal behaviour
evaluate with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about animal
behaviour and the relationship to
evolution via natural selection
describe with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about animal
behaviour and the relationship to
evolution via natural selection
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres.
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres.
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Biology Guide (First Assessment 2016)
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including animal ethics
conduct investigations, including the use
of dissections, safely, competently and
methodically for the collection of valid
and reliable data
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including the rights of living
conduct investigations, including the use
of dissections, safely, competently and
methodically for valid and reliable
collection of data
organise and interpret data to identify
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe models, processes,
and conclusions by considering the
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways, including the use of mean,
median, range and probability; organise
and analyse data to identify trends,
patterns and relationships; discuss the
ways in which measurement error,
instrumental accuracy, the nature of the
procedure and the sample size may
influence uncertainty and limitations in
data; and select, synthesise and use
evidence to make and justify
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate models, processes,
claims and conclusions by considering
the quality of available evidence,
including interpreting confidence
intervals in secondary data; and use
reasoning to construct scientific
select, construct and use appropriate
representations to communicate
conceptual understanding, solve
problems and make predictions
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
Science as a Human Endeavour
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, assessment and
evaluation of risk
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, and assessment
of risk
science can be limited in its ability to
provide definitive answers to public
debate; there may be insufficient
reliable data available, or interpretation
of the data may be open to question
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the asia-pacific region
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the asia-pacific region
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
Neurobiology and Behaviour
Neurobiology and Behaviour
IB Option A Neurobiology and Behaviour
IB Option A Neurobiology and Behaviour
neural pathways consist of cells that
transport nerve impulses from sensory
receptors to neurons and on to
effectors; the passage of nerve impulses
involves transmission of an action
potential along a nerve axon and
synaptic transmission by
neurotransmitters and signal
neural pathways consist of cells that
transport nerve impulses from sensory
receptors to neurons and on to
effectors; the passage of nerve impulses
involves transmission of an action
potential along a nerve axon and
synaptic transmission by
neurotransmitters and signal
regions and areas of the animal brain
have specific functions, which can be
studied using a variety of techniques
neural development requires the growth
of the neural tube, synapse formation
and neural pruning
perception of stimuli occurs when
receptors detect changes in the
environment. The senses of sight and
hearing are examined in detail. reflex
arcs require integration between
innate behaviour is behaviour which is
inherited and develops independently of
the environment
learned behaviour and memory develop
as a result of experience
neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit
nerve impulses in postsynaptic neurons.
memory and learning involve changes in
neurons and neurotransmitters
drugs can have either an inhibitory or
stimulatory effect at synapses, resulting
in different responses
ethology is the study of animal
behaviour, and behaviour which
increases the chances of survival
becomes more frequent in a population.
regions and areas of the animal brain
have specific functions
neural development requires the growth
of the neural tube, synapse formation
and neural pruning
perception of stimuli occurs when
receptors detect changes in the
environment. The senses of sight and
hearing are examined in detail. reflex
arcs require integration between
innate behaviour is behaviour which is
inherited and develops independently of
the environment
learned behaviour and memory develop
as a result of experience
neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit
nerve impulses in postsynaptic neurons.
memory and learning involve changes in
neurons and neurotransmitters
drugs can have either an inhibitory or
stimulatory effect at synapses, resulting
in different responses
ethology is the study of animal
Human Physiology
Human Physiology
IB Option D Human Physiology
IB Option D Human Physiology
a balanced diet is essential to human
health, and includes minerals, vitamins,
essential fatty acids and amino acids
malnutrition may be caused by a
deficiency, imbalance or excess of
nutrients in the diet
digestion is controlled by nervous and
hormonal mechanisms
digestion and absorption of nutrients
occur via a complex series of
a balanced diet is essential to human
health, and includes minerals, vitamins,
essential fatty acids and amino acids
malnutrition may be caused by a
deficiency, imbalance or excess of
nutrients in the diet
digestion is controlled by nervous and
hormonal mechanisms
digestion and absorption of nutrients
occur via a series of processes
biochemical and physiological processes
the chemical composition of the blood is
regulated by the liver
hepatocytes carry out many different
biochemical processes
internal and external factors influence
heart function
the structure of cardiac muscle cells
allows propagation of stimuli through
the heart wall
the heart cycle is a result of
electrochemical signals, muscle
contraction and the opening and closing
of the heart valves
endocrine glands secrete steroid and
peptide hormones directly into the
the hypothalamus controls hormone
secretion by the anterior and posterior
lobes of the pituitary gland
hormones secreted by the pituitary
control growth, developmental changes,
reproduction and homeostasis
oxygen and carbon dioxide are
transported in the blood
the Bohr shift explains the increased
release of oxygen by haemoglobin in
respiring tissues
the rate of ventilation is controlled by
the respiratory control centre in the
medulla oblongata of the brain, and
uses chemoreceptors to detect the
levels of respiratory gases in the blood
foetal haemoglobin is different from
adult haemoglobin allowing the transfer
of oxygen in the placenta onto the foetal
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
the chemical composition of the blood is
regulated by the liver
hepatocytes carry out many different
biochemical processes
internal and external factors influence
heart function
the structure of cardiac muscle cells
allows propagation of stimuli through
the heart wall
endocrine glands secrete steroid and
peptide hormones directly into the
the hypothalamus controls hormone
secretion by the anterior and posterior
lobes of the pituitary gland
hormones secreted by the pituitary
control growth, developmental changes,
reproduction and homeostasis
oxygen and carbon dioxide are
transported in the blood
the rate of ventilation is controlled by
the respiratory control centre in the
medulla oblongata of the brain, and
uses chemoreceptors to detect the
levels of respiratory gases in the blood
foetal haemoglobin is different from
adult haemoglobin allowing the transfer
of oxygen in the placenta onto the foetal
Unit 6: Biotechnology
Value 0.5
Unit Description
Biotechnology is a rapidly expanding field of scientific research, with impacts on agriculture,
medicine and industry. Understanding the current and potential uses of biotechnology and
bioinformatics prepares students for studies in these areas and gives understanding of the role of
biotechnology in our modern society and in the future.
Students examine the processes by which microorganisms are used in biotechnology, the methods
used to produce transgenic organisms and the uses of biotechnology in the diagnosis and treatment
of disease. Students learn about the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics, which uses computer
science, mathematics, statistics and engineering to analyse biological data.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore the ways in which models and
theories related to DNA and proteonomics, have developed over time and through interactions with
social, cultural, economic and ethical considerations. They investigate the ways in which science
contributes to contemporary debate about local, regional and international issues, including
evaluation of risk and action for sustainability, and recognise the limitations of science to provide
definitive answers in different contexts.
Students use science inquiry skills to design and conduct investigations into the structure of the
nervous system and how different factors affect reflexes; they construct and use models to analyse
the data gathered; and they continue to develop their skills in constructing plausible predictions and
valid, reliable conclusions.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
understand the processes used in
biotechnology for industrial products,
transgenic organisms, pharmaceuticals
and waste management
describe the processes used in
biotechnology for industrial products,
transgenic organisms, pharmaceuticals
and waste management
understand how collaboration between
scientists in different fields allows for
analysis of DNA and proteonomics
understand how collaboration between
scientists in different fields allows for
analysis of DNA and proteonomics
understand how models and theories
have developed over time based on
evidence from multiple disciplines; and
the ways in which biological knowledge
interacts with social, economic, cultural
and ethical considerations in a range of
understand how models and theories
have developed over time based on
evidence from multiple disciplines
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
use science inquiry skills to design,
conduct, evaluate and communicate
evaluate with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about the uses of
biotechnology and relationships
between organisms
evaluate with reference to empirical
evidence, claims about the uses of
biotechnology and relationships
between organisms
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres.
communicate biological understanding
using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes
and genres.
Further elaboration of the content of this unit is available at: Biology Guide (First Assessment 2016)
Science Inquiry Skills
Science Inquiry Skills
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
design investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including animal ethics
conduct investigations safely,
competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful
ways, including the use of mean,
median, range and probability; organise
and analyse data to identify trends,
patterns and relationships; discuss the
ways in which measurement error,
instrumental accuracy, the nature of the
procedure and the sample size may
influence uncertainty and limitations in
data; and select, synthesise and use
evidence to make and justify
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and evaluate models, processes,
claims and conclusions by considering
the quality of available evidence,
including interpreting confidence
intervals in secondary data; and use
reasoning to construct scientific
select, construct and use appropriate
representations to communicate
conceptual understanding, solve
problems and make predictions
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
identify, research and construct
questions for investigation; propose
hypotheses; and predict possible
conduct investigations, including the
procedure/s to be followed, the
materials required, and the type and
amount of primary and/or secondary
data to be collected; conduct risk
assessments; and consider research
ethics, including the rights of living
conduct investigations safely,
competently and methodically for valid
and reliable collection of data
organise and interpret data to identify
interpret a range of scientific and media
texts, and describe models, processes,
and conclusions by considering the
communicate to specific audiences and
for specific purposes using appropriate
language, nomenclature, genres and
modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
Science as a Human Endeavour
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
ICT and other technologies have
dramatically increased the size, accuracy
and geographic and temporal scope of
data sets with which scientists work
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
models and theories are contested and
refined or replaced when new evidence
challenges them, or when a new model
or theory has greater explanatory power
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
the acceptance of scientific knowledge
can be influenced by the social,
economic and cultural context in which
it is considered
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, assessment and
evaluation of risk
people can use scientific knowledge to
inform the monitoring, and assessment
of risk
science can be limited in its ability to
provide definitive answers to public
debate; there may be insufficient
reliable data available, or interpretation
of the data may be open to question
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the asia-pacific region
international collaboration is often
required when investing in large-scale
science projects or addressing issues for
the asia-pacific region
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
scientific knowledge can be used to
develop and evaluate projected
economic, social and environmental
impacts and to design action for
Science Understanding
Science Understanding
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
IB Option B Biotechnology and
IB Option B Biotechnology and
microorganisms are metabolically
diverse and can be used and modified to
perform industrial processes such as
microorganisms are metabolically
diverse and can be used and modified to
perform industrial processes such as
transgenic organisms produce proteins
which were not previously part of their
species’ genome, and can be used in
agriculture, industry and to produce
transgenic organisms produce proteins
which were not previously part of their
species’ genome, and can be used in
agriculture, industry and to produce
recombinant gene technology is used to
produce transgenic organisms
recombinant gene technology is used to
produce transgenic organisms
biotechnology can be used in the
prevention and mitigation of
contamination from industrial,
agricultural and municipal wastes by
utilising the biochemical reactions
carried out by microorganisms
biotechnology can be used in the
prevention and mitigation of
contamination from industrial,
agricultural and municipal wastes
biotechnology can be used in the
diagnosis and treatment of disease,
using genetic testing, biochemical
testing, biopharming and gene therapy
bioinformatics is the use of computers
to analyse sequence data in biological
research, and can be used to compare
DNA and protein sequences between
species and to identify genes
biotechnology can be used in the
diagnosis and treatment of disease,
using genetic testing, biochemical
testing, biopharming and gene therapy
bioinformatics is the use of computers
to analyse sequence data in biological
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Refer to page 15.
Refer to references on page 24-25.
Unit 11: Biology Project (T only)
Value 1.0
Unit 11a: Biology Project
Value 0.5
Students must have studied three standards 1.0 Units.
Unit Description
Students may negotiate to undertake a major project in a specific area of interest and commit
themselves to either 80 hours of logged unit time for a full semester unit or 40 hours of logged unit
time for a half unit. This unit requires a close working relationship with a professional scientist in the
chosen field. Emphasis will be on linking research and practical studies to areas of study completed in
previous units or in any area of interest in biology. The unit may include study outside of the college
(e.g. at universities, CSIRO etc.).
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration,
evidence from multiple disciplines and the use of ICT and other technologies have contributed to the
study of biology. They investigate how scientific knowledge is used to offer valid explanations and
reliable predictions, and the ways in which scientific knowledge interacts with social, economic,
cultural and ethical factors. Experimental work is an important part of this unit, providing valuable
opportunities for students to work independently and in collaboration with other scientists to collect
first-hand data.
This context places this unit firmly within the realms of the Australian Curriculum (Science Inquiry
Skills and Science as a Human Endeavour) and in that way supports all the units in the Australian
Curriculum with similar concepts in the IB in all units of the curriculum and within the extended essay
concept and internal assessment.
Specific Unit Goals
By the end of this unit, students:
develop an experimental design and prepare a research proposal for submission and approval
after discussion with mentors
document experimental processes and time in a research diary
prepare a risk assessment for proposed experiment
examine ethical considerations within the proposed experiment
research and construct a Literature Review paper using recent journal articles. This should
include professional citation and bibliography
use science inquiry skills to design, conduct, evaluate and communicate investigations in the form
of an experimental report written with precision and concision
work collaboratively with at least one scientist
use ICT applications where appropriate as a feature of the project (e.g. spreadsheets, graphing
applications, data-logging, programming, image analysis etc.)
analyse data using appropriate statistical methods and represent data in meaningful ways
Science Inquiry Skills
research and construct questions for investigation; propose hypotheses; and predict possible
design investigations, including the procedure/s to be followed, the materials required, and the
type and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments;
and consider research ethics, including animal ethics
conduct investigations safely, competently and methodically for the collection of valid and
reliable data
represent data in meaningful and useful ways; organise and analyse data to identify trends,
patterns and relationships; qualitatively describe sources of measurement error, and uncertainty
and limitations in data; and select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
interpret a range of scientific and media texts, and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by
considering the quality of available evidence; and use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
select, construct and use appropriate representations to communicate conceptual
understanding, solve problems and make predictions
communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language,
nomenclature, genres and modes, including scientific reports
Science as a Human Endeavour
science is a global enterprise that relies on clear communication, international conventions, peer
review and reproducibility
development of complex models and/or theories often requires a wide range of evidence from
multiple individuals and across disciplines
advances in science understanding in one field can influence other areas of science, technology
and engineering
the use of scientific knowledge is influenced by social, economic, cultural and ethical
the use of scientific knowledge may have beneficial and/or harmful and/or unintended
scientific knowledge can enable scientists to offer valid explanations and make reliable
scientific knowledge can be used to develop and evaluate projected economic, social and
environmental impacts
Science Understanding
content to be determined after negotiation between the student, teacher, and relevant outside
understanding the construction and purpose of research proposals
understanding the construction and purpose of a literature review
use appropriate mathematical analyses for showing clear trends and significant differences in
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Refer to page 14.
Because of the nature of this topic, the opportunity for testing is very limited. However, there are
many opportunities offered for alternative assessment. For example, Research Proposal, Literature
Review, Risk and Ethical assessment, Design and Analysis of Data Elements and the Experimental
Refer to references on page 24-25.
Appendix A – Common Curriculum Elements
Common curriculum elements assist in the development of high quality assessment tasks by
encouraging breadth and depth and discrimination in levels of achievement.
create, compose
and apply
ideas and procedures in unfamiliar situations, content and processes
in non-routine settings
oral, written and multimodal texts, music, visual images, responses to
complex topics, new outcomes
images, symbols or signs
creative thinking to identify areas for change, growth and innovation,
recognise opportunities, experiment to achieve innovative solutions,
construct objects, imagine alternatives
images, text, data, points of view
arguments, points of view, phenomena, choices
statement/theory that can be tested by data
trends, cause/effect, impact of a decision
data, trends, inferences
text, images, points of view, solutions, phenomenon, graphics
validity of assumptions, ideas, procedures, strategies
trends, cause/effect, strengths and weaknesses
on strengths and weaknesses
data and knowledge, points of view from several sources
text, images, graphs, data, points of view
data, visual images, arguments, points of view
issues, problems
text, data, relationships, arguments, patterns
trends, futures, patterns, cause and effect
data, visual images, arguments, points of view
issues, data, relationships, choices/options
symbols, text, images, graphs
explicit/implicit assumptions, bias, themes/arguments, cause/effect,
data, visual images, arguments, points of view
probabilities, choices/options
main points, words, ideas in text
information, data, words, images, graphics
data, visual images, arguments, points of view
events, processes, situations
probabilities, choices/options
data, visual images, arguments, points of view
strategies, ideas in text, arguments
information, data, words, images
spatial relationships, patterns, interrelationships
main points, words, ideas in text, review, draft and edit
synthesise and
sequence and
summarise and
Appendix A – Common Curriculum Elements
Glossary of Verbs
Consider in detail for the purpose of finding meaning or relationships, and identifying patterns,
similarities and differences
Use, utilise or employ in a particular situation
Give reasons for or against something
Make a Judgement about the value of
Arrange into named categories in order to sort, group or identify
Estimate, measure or note how things are similar or dissimilar
The activity that occurs when students produce written, spoken, or visual texts
Compare in such a way as to emphasise differences
Bring into existence, to originate
Give a practical exhibition an explanation
Give an account of characteristics or features
Talk or write about a topic, taking into account different issues or ideas
Examine and judge the merit or significance of something
Determine the nature or condition of
Provide additional information that demonstrates understanding of reasoning and /or
Infer from what is known
Put forward a supposition or conjecture to account for certain facts and used as a basis for
further investigation by which it may be proved or disproved
Recognise and name
Draw meaning from
Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about
Show how argument or conclusion is right or reasonable
Adapt or change
Strategies, develop a series of steps, processes
Suggest what might happen in the future or as a consequence of something
The thought process by which students develop an understanding and appreciation of their
own learning. This process draws on both cognitive and affective experience
Tell or report about happenings, events or circumstances
Use words, images, symbols or signs to convey meaning
Copy or make close imitation
React to a person or text
Choose in preference to another or others
Arrange in order
Give a brief statement of the main points
Combine elements (information/ideas/components) into a coherent whole
Examine qualities or abilities
Express in another language or form, or in simpler terms
The ability to decode, interpret, create, question, challenge and evaluate texts that
communicate with visual images as well as, or rather than, words
Appendix B The IB Learner Profile
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their
common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful
IB learners strive to be:
They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to
conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They
actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout
their lives.
They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.
In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding
across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to
recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical
They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively
in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They
work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and
respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take
responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany
They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and
are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and
communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points
of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings
of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a
positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and
forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas
and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional
balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others
They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They
are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to
support their learning and personal development.
Appendix C: Relationship between Biology (Integrating AC and International
Baccalaureate DP) and International Baccalaureate DP Biology
Unit Title
IB Biology Topics
Biodiversity and Connectedness (1.0)
IB 4.1 Species, communities and
IB 4.2 Energy flow
IB 4.3 Carbon cycling
IB 4.4 Climate change
IB 5.3 Classification of
IB Option C.1 Species and
IB Option C.2 Communities and
IB Option C.3 Impacts of
humans on ecosystems
IB Option C.4 Conservation of
IB Option C.5 Population
IB Option C.6 Nitrogen and
phosphorus cycles
Cells and Organisms (1.0)
IB 1.1 Introduction to cells
IB 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
IB 1.3 Membrane structure
IB 1.4 Membrane transport
IB 2.1 Molecules to metabolism
IB 2.2 Water
IB 2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids
IB 2.4 Proteins
IB 2.5 Enzymes
IB 2.8 Cell respiration
IB 2.9 Photosynthesis
IB 6.1 Digestion and absorption
IB 6.2 The blood system
IB 6.4 Gas exchange
IB 8.1 Metabolism
IB 8.2 Cell respiration
IB 8.3 Photosynthesis
IB 9.1 Transport in the xylem of
IB 9.2 Transport in the phloem
of plants
Heredity & Continuity of Life (1.0)
The Internal Environment (1.0)
Neurobiology & Human Physiology (1.0)
Biotechnology (0.5)
IB 1.5 The origin of cells
IB 1.6 Cell division
IB 2.7 DNA replication,
transcription and translation
IB 3.1 Genes
IB 3.2 Chromosomes
IB 3.3 Meiosis
IB 3.4 Inheritance
IB 3.5 Genetic modification and
IB 5.1 Evidence for evolution
IB 5.2 Natural selection
IB 5.4 Cladistics
IB 7.1 DNA structure and
IB 7.2 Transcription and gene
IB 7.3 Translation
IB 10.1 Meiosis
IB 10.2 Inheritance
IB 10.3 Gene pools and
IB 6.5 Neurons and synapses
IB 6.6 Hormones, homeostasis
and reproduction
IB 9.3 Growth in plants
IB 9.4 Reproduction in plants
IB 11.1 Antibody production
and vaccination
IB 11.3. The kidney and
IB 11.2 Movement
IB 11.4 Sexual reproduction
IB 6.3 Defence against
infectious disease
IB Option A Neurobiology and
IB Option D Human Physiology
IB Option B Biotechnology and
Unit Title
IB Environmental Systems and
Societies Topics
Ecological Systems & Conservation (1.0)
Physical Systems and Energy Usage (1.0)
IB Topic 1 Foundations of
Environmental Systems and
IB Topic 2 Ecosystems and
IB Topic 3 Biodiversity and
IB Topic 8 Human Systems and
Resource Use
IB Topic 4 Water and aquatic
food production systems and
IB Topic 5 Soil systems and
terrestrial food production
systems and societies
IB Topic 6 Atmospheric systems
and societies
IB Topic 7 Climate change and
energy production