MEPN Student Organization First Meeting Minutes– November 18th

MEPN Student Organization
First Meeting Minutes– November 18th, 2011 @ 0815
To expose Master’s students to the profession of nursing through education, opportunities and
philanthropy. (Mission statement to be solidified at future meeting)
 Attendance at greater than 50% of meetings. Monthly meetings will be held throughout
the duration of the MEPN program.
 A requirement of 3 hours of community service/semester. Group philanthropy
project/events will not be mandatory but the philanthropy commitment must be fulfilled
by semester end (i.e. fall, spring, summer) to maintain membership. Every 3 months the
organization will offer a group philanthropy event. Individuals will showcase their
activities performed during independent philanthropy events at next attended meeting.
 The career and philanthropy committees are open and seeking members.
 Historian: this person is responsible for visual documentation of the organization.
 Web master: this person is responsible for maintaining the website with updated
information regarding meetings, events, etc.
Homecoming Committee Chair: this person will reserve space on the mall and organize
activities for homecoming weekend.
Tuesday, 12/13/11 at 4:00pm (Tentative Agenda: Name & Logo Voting, 20 minute break-out
session for Committees)
Logo and name. Ideas to be submitted by December 11th, voting will take place at the next
Current Idea Submissions:
 MSO: MEPN Student Organization
 UA GNOMES: graduate nursing opportunities for MEPN enhancement and success
 MONA: MEPN opportunities for Nursing Achievement
 CARING: Career Achievements Reaching the Interest of Nursing Grads
 GAIN: Graduate Achievement in Nursing
 SHINE: Successful Healthcare Involving Nursing Enhancement
 GRAD: Graduates Reaching Achievements with Dedication
 ABCS for Nursing Graduates: Advisory & Building Careers for Success for Nursing
 RECIPE: Receiving Enhancement through Career Involvement, Philanthropy and
o Faculty Sponsor: Alicia Pelton
o President: Juli Ann Rodriguez
(check on workshop for web site)
o Vice-President: Marcy Newman
o Treasurer: Andria Pizatto
(VP and treasurer to organize the food at monthly meetings)
o Secretary: Melody Onwiler
(take role, provide monthly newsletter/minutes, solicit donations)
o Historian: OPEN
(provide visual documentation of events and activities)
o Philanthropy Committee Chairs: Gail Bradford, Marcy Newman, LeeAnn
(Organize and send a monthly email of opportunities for community involvement.)
o Career Committee Chairs: Kendall Smith and Ginny Cannon
(Coordinate speakers and contacts regarding nursing career opportunities,
organize transition social in May 2012 to solicit new MEPN class for
o Advisory Council Chairs: Charis Gregory, Margaret Penner, Sean Pershing
o Commencement Chair: Fletcher Mebane
(Membership drapes/tassels for graduation, faculty coordination)
o Alumni Student Council Representative: Melody Onwiler
(Partnership with Alumni for events in coordination with SNUA)
o Homecoming Committee Chair: OPEN
(Reserve space on the mall, coordinate with alumni council, organize activities
for homecoming weekend)
 Corporate Nursing
 Legal Nursing
 High-risk OB/ neonatal
 Travel Nursing
 Flight Nursing
 Device Companies
 Research
 CRNA Nursing
 Forensic
 Oncology
 Hospital Development and Consulting
 Ornaments for UMC oncology pediatrics
 Cards for LTC facility in Tucson
 Relief baskets for a natural disaster
 Prepare dinner for Ronald McDonald House