MEPN Student Organization First Meeting Minutes– November 18th, 2011 @ 0815 ORGANIZATION PURPOSE To expose Master’s students to the profession of nursing through education, opportunities and philanthropy. (Mission statement to be solidified at future meeting) MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Attendance at greater than 50% of meetings. Monthly meetings will be held throughout the duration of the MEPN program. A requirement of 3 hours of community service/semester. Group philanthropy project/events will not be mandatory but the philanthropy commitment must be fulfilled by semester end (i.e. fall, spring, summer) to maintain membership. Every 3 months the organization will offer a group philanthropy event. Individuals will showcase their activities performed during independent philanthropy events at next attended meeting. OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARTICIPATION The career and philanthropy committees are open and seeking members. Historian: this person is responsible for visual documentation of the organization. Web master: this person is responsible for maintaining the website with updated information regarding meetings, events, etc. Homecoming Committee Chair: this person will reserve space on the mall and organize activities for homecoming weekend. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 12/13/11 at 4:00pm (Tentative Agenda: Name & Logo Voting, 20 minute break-out session for Committees) CONTEST Logo and name. Ideas to be submitted by December 11th, voting will take place at the next meeting. Current Idea Submissions: MSO: MEPN Student Organization UA GNOMES: graduate nursing opportunities for MEPN enhancement and success MONA: MEPN opportunities for Nursing Achievement CARING: Career Achievements Reaching the Interest of Nursing Grads GAIN: Graduate Achievement in Nursing SHINE: Successful Healthcare Involving Nursing Enhancement GRAD: Graduates Reaching Achievements with Dedication ABCS for Nursing Graduates: Advisory & Building Careers for Success for Nursing Graduates RECIPE: Receiving Enhancement through Career Involvement, Philanthropy and Education OFFICERS & INITIAL RESPONSIBILITIES o Faculty Sponsor: Alicia Pelton o President: Juli Ann Rodriguez (check on workshop for web site) o Vice-President: Marcy Newman o Treasurer: Andria Pizatto (VP and treasurer to organize the food at monthly meetings) o Secretary: Melody Onwiler (take role, provide monthly newsletter/minutes, solicit donations) o Historian: OPEN (provide visual documentation of events and activities) o Philanthropy Committee Chairs: Gail Bradford, Marcy Newman, LeeAnn Schmalzel (Organize and send a monthly email of opportunities for community involvement.) o Career Committee Chairs: Kendall Smith and Ginny Cannon (Coordinate speakers and contacts regarding nursing career opportunities, organize transition social in May 2012 to solicit new MEPN class for members/officers) o Advisory Council Chairs: Charis Gregory, Margaret Penner, Sean Pershing o Commencement Chair: Fletcher Mebane (Membership drapes/tassels for graduation, faculty coordination) o Alumni Student Council Representative: Melody Onwiler (Partnership with Alumni for events in coordination with SNUA) o Homecoming Committee Chair: OPEN (Reserve space on the mall, coordinate with alumni council, organize activities for homecoming weekend) SPEAKER IDEAS Corporate Nursing Legal Nursing High-risk OB/ neonatal Travel Nursing Flight Nursing Device Companies Research CRNA Nursing Forensic Oncology Hospital Development and Consulting PHILANTHROPY IDEAS Ornaments for UMC oncology pediatrics Cards for LTC facility in Tucson Relief baskets for a natural disaster Prepare dinner for Ronald McDonald House