Teachers: Ms Ortiz TEKS: (R) - Readiness Standard (S) -Supporting Standard Pre-Planning: Unpacking the Standards Verb(s) - What verbs define the actions students will need to take when mastering this objective? Concept -What am I teaching? -What do the students need to know? Lesson Plan Wee Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- TEKS 1A, 2B, & 3C Perception. The student develops and organizes ideas from the environment. The student is expected to: (A) illustrate themes from direct observation, personal experience, and traditional events. Listen, Read, Observe TEKS: 1A, 2B & 3C Continued… Observe, Cutting, Gluing, Drawing, Folding, and Painting Observe, Cutting, Gluing, Fluffing, Folding Drawing, Measuring This day students will make and use examples to explain “Art sends messages” They will describe artworks features that convey messages. This assignment will come from Pg. 74 from the book ‘Art and the Human Experience’ This day students will make and use examples to explain “Art sends messages” They will describe artworks features that convey messages. This day students will make and use examples to explain “Art sends messages” They will describe artworks features that convey messages. Students will be able to learn about creating the sense of space on a piece of art by using the rules of perspective to make a city scene. Context Readiness: Connections from previous grade level. To what degree will this impact learning two years down the road? Supporting: What Readiness Standards or concepts from the Readiness Standards does it support? How does it support the Readiness Standards? Students should learn the characteristics of the visual arts by using a wide range of subject matter, symbols, meaningful images and visual expressions. They should be able to utilize these skills in a wide range of subjects to help them describe and understand images, paintings and concepts in History and Literature. I will know my students have mastered this standard when they can…. I will assess the standard by….. Be able to create an artwork that conveys a personal message Vocabulary Stele, Symbol, narrative, contour lines (Academic and Content) Exit Ticket: What personal message would you express through your artwork? Students should learn the characteristics of the visual arts by using a wide range of subject matter, symbols, meaningful images and visual expressions. They should be able to utilize these skills in a wide range of subjects to help them describe and understand images, paintings and concepts in History and Literature. Be able to create an artwork that conveys a personal message Exit Ticket:What are some symbols in modern technology that you can use in your message. Stele, Symbol, narrative, contour lines Students should learn the characteristics of the visual arts by using a wide range of subject matter, symbols, meaningful images and visual expressions. They should be able to utilize these skills in a wide range of subjects to help them describe and understand images, paintings and concepts in History and Literature. Student should be well informed about terminology that helps them identify the different elements. Today, particularly they are working on space to create an perspective illusion with the help of simple lines. Complete any of the Paper-sculpting techniques on their own Complete a perspective drawing Exit Ticket: Exit Ticket: Stele, symbol, narrative, contour lines 1-point perspective, Space, City view, Lesson Topic Messages in art Messages in art SAME SAME (Content Objective) ELPS (Language Objective) Engage: WarmUp/Opening (min) Reinforcement Lesson Cycle Explore: INM/Review (min): Explain: Guided Practice (min): How is a message important to understand the meaning of a story Students will read lesson from page 70-74 and openly discuss the narrative artwork. Elaborate: Independent Practice (min): Evaluate: Closing ( min.): Materials/ Resources: Book, Powerpoint Presentation . Homework MODIFICATIONS and/or ACCOMODATIONS: -Gifted and Talented -ELL/ ESL -Special Education Help students measuere out paper to start out their drawing. Students will attempt to create their own narrative artwork that conveys a personal message Students will attempt to create their own narrative artwork that conveys a personal message Each student will be guided draw a one point perspective drawing I will walk around the classroom as each student is drawing and give individual help based on individual needs. SAME SAME Construction paper, scissors, glue Colored pencils, paper Paper, ruler, colored pencils Modifications and accommodations will be different for each student Same Jane Long Academy Lesson Plan Template with Unpacking the Standards 2014-2015 Course: ART *All lesson plans are subject to revisions and addendums by