Math Success handouts

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1. Placement Tests
2. Math 56 vs. Math 60; Math 100 vs. Math 110
3. Course Format
4. Class Frequency and Meeting Time
5. Grading Options
6. Instructor
7. Materials
Mathematical Mindset
1. Math is a skills-based course
2. Math is a language
3. College versus high school
4. Be proactive and persistent
Optimal Organization
1. Keep track of dates and deadlines
2. Organizing a math notebook
3. Using folders
Lasting through Lecture
1. Preview the material
2. Prepare your body and mind
3. Take effective notes
4. Participate
5. Reflect
Homework Hints
1. Environment
2. Timing
3. Neatness
4. Annotate
5. Use your resources
Test-Taking Tips
1. Practice test
2. Review wording & terminology
3. Avoid cramming
4. Arrive prepared
5. During the test
6. After the test
7. The final
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1. Placement Tests
 If you are new to Palomar, you must take a math placement test offered through the Student
Access/Assessment Center, which is generally administered when you are admitted. If your score is barely
above the cut-off for a particular course, you may want to consider taking the course that precedes it.
 If you feel that you could have scored better on the test, consider taking a back-up placement test through
the Math Learning Center in room E-2. You must register for the back-up placement test, which you can do
by calling or visiting the MLC. Posted on their website,, are study
guides to help you prepare to take the placement test of your choice.
2. Math 50A, B; Math 56 vs. Math 60; Math 100 vs. Math 110
 Math 50 is a semester-length class. Math 50 A & B covers the same material over a full academic year, and
offers an additional 1-unit supplemental instruction course each semester for additional practice with the
 Math 56 and Math 60 are courses in intermediate algebra. Take one or the other, not both.
 Qualify with an eligible score on the math placement test, or successful completion of Math 50.
 Either will qualify you for the AA degree. Either will qualify you for 100-level math courses if no other
prerequisites are stated.
 Math 60 is fast-paced and meets 4 hours per week with the instructor. Math 56 meets 6 hours per week
with the instructor and includes a mandatory lab component.
 Students who passed Math 50 with an A or B do better in Math 60; Math 56 is highly recommended for
students who passed Math 50 with a C.
 Students who only need a 100-level math course only for transfer, may choose Math 110 or Math 100.
Students who do not plan to study math or science and do not require calculus may find the historical and
practical applications presented in Math 100 more interesting and suitable for their needs than the topics
discussed in Math 110, which serves as a preparatory course for further math and science courses. SEE A
3. Course Format
 Full-semester: 16-weeks.
 Late-start: 12-week accelerated course that begins 4 weeks after the regular semester begins. This is a
good option if you start the semester in a course too difficult, or get off to a bad start. You can begin in a
new course part-way through the semester.
 Fast-Track: 8-week session, either the first half or the second half of the regular semester. This is a
particularly good option for those who want an accelerated pace through two courses in one semester. The
intense pace is not suited for students who struggle with math.
 Self-Paced: 16-weeks. Students complete the material at a flexible pace, spending a required number of
hours per week in the math lab listening to video instruction and using computer tutorials. Exams are
scheduled by the director and must be taken at regular intervals.
 On-line: 16 weeks. Distance course suited for students who have difficulty coming to campus during
regular hours, and who are self-directed. A mandatory orientation at the beginning of the semester is
required. Tests are administered on campus. Regular contact with the instructor, who determines the pace
of the course, is required.
4. Class Frequency and Meeting Time
 Classes may meet 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 days per week. It is a good idea to choose a class frequency that allows you
enough time to complete your homework before the next class. Classes that meet more frequently are
shorter, and so are the daily homework assignments. Classes that meet less often are longer and have
lengthy homework assignments; the upside is that you have longer to complete them before the next class
meeting. Many students take their work schedules into account when determining whether or not they will
be able to complete daily assignments or need to have several days between classes.
 Classes are offered with starting times between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Some students are “early birds” and
others are “night owls”. Don’t choose a 7:00 am class if you are a night owl! Schedule your math class at a
time of day when you generally alert.
5. Grading Options
 Pre-transfer level courses (courses numbered below 100) need not be taken for an evaluative grade (letter
grade A-F), but can be taken on a pass/no pass basis. Students who are concerned that their math grade
will negatively affect their otherwise high GPA can relieve much of their anxiety about math by choosing the
P/NP grading option for their developmental math courses.
 A student may switch his/her enrollment between an evaluative grade and pass/no pass status provided the
change is completed prior to the end of the fourth week of class for semester-length classes or prior to 30%
of a class for short-term classes.
 Students are advised that four-year schools may limit the number of P units acceptable for transfer. Major
preparatory classes should never be taken on a P/NP basis. In most cases, courses numbered below 100 are
ideally suited for the P/NP option. Please see a counselor to see how this option may affect your educational
6. Instructor
 If possible, ask a teacher who knows you and your learning style to recommend an instructor for your next
 Interview instructors for the class you are planning to take. Ask questions such as:
 When are you planning to hold office hours?
 Are computer-generated assignments required in your course?
 What book will you use?
 May I have a copy of a course syllabus?
 May I visit your classroom to observe?
7. Materials
 As soon as you register for a class, click on the link that gives the required textbook for the course. If none is
listed, find out from the instructor or bookstore what textbook will be used and if there are any other
required materials such as a calculator.
 Round up the materials as soon as possible. Many teachers assign homework on the first day. Waiting a
week or so for a book to arrive in the mail will put you behind and make it difficult to catch up. Once you
have access to a copy of the textbook, read the review chapter and do the review exercises.
 Textbooks are available from several sources and in different formats.
 Most books are available at the Palomar College Bookstore.
 Independent bookstores near campus often offer textbooks at reduced prices.
 e-Books are often available.
 Books can be purchased on-line or rented.
 Many textbooks are on reserve in the Math Learning Center, the Library and at the Teaching
Learning Center at the Escondido Campus.
 Many websites offer e-Books, and there are plenty of sites that offer textbook and calculator
 Consider purchasing the “Student Solutions Manual” for your textbook, which shows how to solve each oddnumbered problem step-by-step. Even though most textbooks have the answers to the odd-numbered
problems in the back, they do not show how to arrive at the answer.
Mathematical Mindset
1. Math is a skills-based course
 It is a set of skills to learn how to do, not a body of information to remember. Students get in
trouble when they approach math as information to remember, because they think they can
wait until the last minute, and rely on their short-term memory to hold the information long
enough to spew it out on the test. That approach may work in some classes, but certainly not in
 Practice! Approach learning math just as you would approach learning to play a sport or a
musical instrument. You cannot learn any of these by listening to instructor or reading a manual
alone. You learn skills by DOING them.
 Mastery of skills requires deliberate practice over a significant period of time. Shorter practice
sessions that occur more frequently are more effective than longer practice sessions that occur
less often.
 Get feedback as you practice, just as you would from a music teacher or sports coach. Make
sure you are doing the problems correctly by checking your answers in the back of the book, if
they are available, comparing with a classmate, or having a tutor look over your work. Don’t
spend the entire practice session practicing the same mistakes over and over.
 Precision is critical. Sloppy form when swinging a bat or when playing the piano leads to
careless mistakes. The same is true with math. Many students think they can take short-cuts by
not writing steps precisely. Much of math involves making one change to an expression or
equation, then copying the remaining symbols. Careless mistakes while copying can mean the
difference between an accurate answer, and one that is not only incorrect, but perhaps involved
much more work than was necessary.
 Math builds on itself. You must demonstrate proficiency in the skills taught in your current level
in order to move on.
2. Math is a language
 Words are used in a verbal language to communicate ideas. Algebra uses symbols to
communicate ideas. To allow your innate logical mind to do the mathematics it is
preprogrammed to do, such as count, measure, combine, compare, etc., speak to yourself the
verbal translations of the algebraic symbols as you read and write them. Saying them aloud is
even more helpful.
 Every language has its own vocabulary, or set of words. Algebra does, too. Students expect to
learn vocabulary words in a foreign language class, and may even have a system, such as flash
card drills, to help them do so. On the other hand, it is tempting to believe that learning
definitions of words is not as important in math class. For example, the words, “term,” “factor,”
“express,” “evaluate,” are common in daily language. Their familiar nature tends to make one
gloss over the importance of their precise mathematical definition. On the contrary, their
mathematical definitions need to be learned and committed to memory, so that when they are
used in explanations or instructions, the intended idea is clearly understood.
3. Comparing the same math class in high school and in college
 In high school, the course lasts for a full year, but only for a semester in college.
In high school, students have time to at least get started with their homework in class and get
feedback from the teacher before practicing independently. In college, the entire class period is
devoted to covering new material, and students don’t have a chance to practice under the
instructor’s supervision before attempting the problems on their own.
 In high school, students are often allowed to retake exams and/or earn extra credit for alternate
assignments. In college, most instructors do not allow retakes.
 In high school, the grade is often based on homework, participation and effort. In college, the
grade is often based exclusively on mastery of material as evidenced on tests alone.
 In high school, students can often make up a test if they are absent the day it is given to the
class. In college, most professors do not allow such make-ups. Many use the score on the final
exam to replace the missed mid-term which places even more pressure on students to do well
on the final.
4. Be proactive and persistent
 Sometime during the first week of class, before you have a chance to get behind, introduce
yourself to your instructor, locate your instructor’s office, locate the tutor centers. This way,
you will be familiar with places you can get help, making it easier to seek it.
 Introduce yourself to students in your class. Exchange contact information. Follow up your
initial conversation with a brief message using the contact information. This way, you have
opened the channels of communication before you need them.
 Ask for help if there is anything you don’t understand, even if the point seems minor to you. It
may be a relatively small detail that can be cleared up easily, but if confusion persists, may
prevent you from understanding subsequent material.
 Don’t be afraid to ask the same question several times. Your instructor does the same thing:
How many times does your instructor ask the same student his name before learning it? Keep
asking until you understand. Ask several people, if necessary.
 Believe that you are capable of understanding the point you are asking about. Do not give up
until you do. Students often give up too easily, telling themselves that they’re not good at math
and that they will never understand. Their goal becomes to do enough to get by.
Unfortunately, with that attitude, they often do NOT get by, and even if they manage to, their
foundation isn’t strong enough to ensure success at the next level.
 Be prepared when you ask for help. Make a list of the questions you have about the material in
the textbook and in the homework exercises before seeking help. This way, you will feel
prepared and confident when asking questions. Fumbling through backpacks and disorganized
notebooks, trying to gather your thoughts while an instructor or tutor is looking over your
shoulder increases anxiety.
 You have in your life, learned more difficult things than the math you are learning now. Can you
name some? Believe in your proven innate problem-solving abilities.
Test-Taking Tips
 Make an appointment at the Disabled Students’ Programs and Services center if you think you
may qualify for testing accommodations such as extra time and distraction-reduced setting.
2. Practice test
 Get or make a practice test. Some instructors give practice tests. Almost every textbook has
chapter reviews and chapter tests at the end of each chapter with answers provided in the back
of the book. You can also choose an exercise from each section of the homework, as long as you
have the answer for it.
 Take the practice test after reviewing your homework and class notes. When you finish taking
the test, go back and check each answer. Note the ones you struggled with and/or got
incorrect. Go back and practice more like those.
 Take the practice test under simulated testing conditions with no crutches. Do not look at your
books or notes if they are not allowed on the test. Only use a calculator is one is allowed. Sit
down in a quiet place and take the test straight through in one sitting without distractions. Be
aware of how much time the practice test takes you. Do you need to practice so that you can do
the questions more quickly, given the amount of time you will actually have in class?
3. Review wording & terminology
 In addition to practicing homework problems, READ THEIR INSTRUCTIONS! Students often
comment that they know how to do the problem, but do not know from the wording of the
instruction that that’s what they’re supposed to do. Go back through each homework
assignment and read each set of instructions. Then look at your work and remind yourself of
what the instructions mean.
 Practice the vocabulary. You cannot understand the instructions if you do not understand each
4. Avoid cramming
 Learning takes place in small increments over a period of time. Begin to prepare for the next
test as soon as the most recent test is over. Understand each new day’s worth of material
before attending the next class session.
 Cramming does not allow enough time for your brain and make connections between older and
newer material.
 Cramming overtaxes your brain, leaving it tired when time for the exam.
 It forces you to rely on short-term memory, which usually produces unsatisfactory results.
 Even if against all odds, you are successful on a test for which you crammed, you will soon find
that the subsequent material will be more difficult to understand.
5. Arrive prepared
 Gather materials the night before the test. Scrambling for materials the day of the exam only
increases your anxiety.
 If a calculator is allowed, bring one. Also bring extra batteries.
 Bring sharpened pencils and a good quality eraser.
 Get a good night’s sleep. Do not stay up cramming. Eat.
Wake up and leave in time to arrive at school without ever getting anxious over unexpected
traffic delays. Plan ahead to stay relaxed.
6. During the test
 When you first get the test, after putting your name on it, write down in the margin reminders
to yourself that you want to remember.
 Read every question before answering any of them.
 Answer the easier questions first, helping you to relax and build confidence.
 Notice the point-value of each question. Don’t spend too much time on a question worth few
points, wasting time you could be spending on higher-valued questions.
 Keep in mind that most instructors give partial credit if you demonstrate understanding of the
concept being tested, even if a small computational mistake is made. Getting worked up over
what may be just a simple error on one question makes it more difficult to start a new question
with confidence.
 Use all the allotted time. Don’t get distracted by students who turn in their exams early. Those
students are often underprepared and either answer the questions incorrectly or leave many of
them blank.
 CHECK YOUR WORK! Most of the solutions can be checked in the original problem.
7. After the test
 Add up your points to make sure the instructor added them correctly.
 Congratulate yourself for the questions you got right. Don’t berate yourself for the mistakes
you made.
 Compare your test with the key if one is made available to you. Make sure you understand the
answer to each question. If you are not sure, ASK!
 File your test and key in your notebook. You will want them handy when you prepare for the
8. The final
 Start studying for the final weeks ahead of time.
 Retake each exam, covering up your original work. Check your work with the key you have filed
 Make a study plan based on the results of retaking the exams. Don’t spend much time studying
the stuff you already know. Outline a list of topics to review that gave you trouble when you
retook the exams.
 Reread your text and notes on those topics then do several homework exercises on those topics.
 Create a cheat sheet, even if a cheat sheet is not allowed. It forces you to think of the big ideas
of the course, organize them and see the big picture. Topics that seemed disjoint when you
studied them fit together better as you look back. Making connections between topics helps
them make sense better. Creating a cheat sheet also helps you record little details to
remember. The process of writing and organizing this information helps your brain understand
and remember it.
 Review with a classmate. Talking out loud about the subjects forces you to articulate your
understanding, which helps solidify it in a way that merely thinking about it does not.