Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission
Abstracts for contributed papers and posters are due by September 15 th, 2014. There will
not be an extension, so please get yours in on time.
Please select below the 1) type of presentation, 2) whether you are a student, and 3) which
session you are submitting an abstract. (To select a box, right click on the box, select properties,
and default value of “checked”.) If you plan to talk in a special session rather than submitting
your abstract as a contributed talk, then please notify the session chair and provide your title and
abstract to them (if you haven’t already) as well as submit your abstract below. This will help
session chairs organize sessions. No need to notify session chairs if you are planning on
presenting a poster related to a particular session.
Type of Presentation
Data Collection and Management
Challenges and opportunities for long-term monitoring in Alaska
Data Management for Hydrology and Fisheries Research
Use of mobile electronic devices for field data collection in Alaska
Mitigation & Adaption Planning for Climate Change Impacts to Water and Fishery Resources
Climate Modeling and Hydrology
Aquatic habitat restoration in Alaska: innovations, applications, successes and failures
Assessing the biotic and abiotic responses to fish habitat restoration actions
Fisheries and forestry interactions
Fisheries and fish populations and their habitats of the North Slope of Alaska
Exploring ecosystem linkages across the terrestrial/aquatic interface
Icefield to ocean linkages in coastal Alaska
Hydrologic and Fish Habitat Modeling and Characterization
Groundwater and Fish interactions
The state of instream flow water rights in Alaska
Mining Effects on Hydrology and Fisheries
Hydropower Effects on Hydrology and Fisheries
Fish Creek Watershed Studies
Flood Hydrology
North Slope Hydrology
Groundwater Hydrology
Municipal Hydrology
Salmon ecology
Genetics in Alaska
Advances in Fisheries Science & Technology
Bridging space and time: distribution and movement of fish in Alaska
Invasive Species
Marine Fish Ecology and Ecosystem Processes
Life on the half-shell: biology and ecology of Alaska shellfish
Fisheries Management
Habitat science to support fisheries management in Alaska marine ecosystems
Human dimensions
Small-scale Alaskan fisheries: a focus on sport and subsistence sectors
Fishing communities and fisheries management
Climate Change Impacts on Water/Subsistence Resources
Please type or copy your abstract into the template with the appropriate number of authors. If
possible, type directly into the template. If you copy and paste, then please use paste special
“keeping text only” in order to preserve the template formatting. This will greatly help with
formatting the final program. Also please do not add any returns between lines; line spacing is
embedded in the formatting. Please restrict abstracts to 250 words.
Type title here (1 author)
First Last
Agency name spelled out, email
Please type abstract here or copy and paste special “keeping text only”.
Type title here (2 authors)
First Last1 and First Last2
Agency name spelled out, email
Agency name spelled out, email
Please type abstract here or copy and paste special “keeping text only”.
Type title here (3 authors)
First Last1, First Last2, and First Last3
Agency name spelled out, email
Agency name spelled out, email
Agency name spelled out, email
Please type abstract here or copy and paste special “keeping text only”.
Type title here (4 authors)
First Last1, First Last2, First Last3, and First Last4
Agency name spelled out, email
Agency name spelled out, email
Agency name spelled out, email
Agency name spelled out, email
Please type abstract here or copy and paste special “keeping text only”.