Y6 M20 Nov 22 - St. Mary Parish and School

St. Mary
750 South Main St.
Akron, OH 44311
Sunday Mass
9:00 a.m.
School and Holyday Masses
See Mass Intentions inside for times
Rosary - recited communally prior to the
Sunday Mass
Eucharistic Adoration - held the first Monday
of each month during the school year.
Initiation - Contact the parish office to request
preparation for Baptism, Communion,
or Confirmation.
RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend
an Inquiry Session or call our Parish Office.
Penance - Celebrated 9:30-10:00am on first Monday
or by making an appointment with a priest.
Marriage – Weddings for parishioners are arranged
through the Parish Office. Please allow six
months for sacramental preparations.
Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request;
Call the Parish Office or the hospital chaplain.
Parish Office at St. Bernard church
(Mailing Address: 44 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308)
Phone: 330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax)
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
info@stbernardstmary.org (Email)
www.stmaryakron.com (Website)
St. Mary Elementary School
Mr. Terry Kowalski, Principal
Mrs. Maryanne Williams, Secretary
Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Pastoral Staff
(Se habla español *)
Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor *
Fr. Frank Basa, Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Patsy O’Connor, Business Manager
Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary *
Miss Cindy Badran, Music Ministry
Mr. Jim Spraggins, Custodian
Please have your Funeral Director contact the Parish
Office to arrange a day and time for a Mass or Service.
Our Mass Intentions and Prayers
Sunday,Nov. 22nd-Feast of Christ the King
+Jack & Vera Dunn
following Hibernian Event on Dec. 6 at 1:00pm at the
Southside Hibernian Club, 2000 Brown St., is a
benefit to assist a family with Sr. Catherine Walsh, OSA
at The Catholic Worker in Akron.
Wednesday, November 26th–Thanksgiving Day
9:30 am
+Carmon Horvath
Sunday,Nov.29th-First Sunday of Advent
+Jack & Vera Dunn
Scripture Readings for the Week
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Lk 21:1-4
Dn 2:31-45; Lk 21:5-11
Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17,23-28; Lk 21:12-19
Sir 50:22-24; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19
Dn 7:2-14; Lk 21:29-33
Dn 7:15-27; Lk 21:34-36
Jer 33:14-16; 1 Thes 3:12---4:2; Lk 21:25-28,
Your Sacrificial Offerings
Sunday Collection–November 15th- $1,210.00
Thank you for your continued support.
- In the Green/Yellow Bins in the parking lot:
Newspapers, junk mail,magazines, and flattened
- In the Shoe Box at the church door: Box Tops for
Education labels, ink cartridges, Coke reward
codes and ACME grocery receipts.
Many thanks for your help in our recycling efforts.
DAILY MASS ATTENDEES - are welcome in local
parishes to pray and participate FULLY in the celebration
of the Mass. To hear God's Word together and then
having heard it to receive Him in the Eucharist is the
teaching and practice of the Church. If you arrive after
the Gospel in any parish, please make a Spiritual
Communion and refrain from the reception of the
Eucharist. Yes, there are rare times when one runs late
- understandably! But on a consistent basis? No!
Always check to see if a Mass time is conducive to your
schedule, so you can participate fully in the Mass.
be held at St. Mary church at 9:30am for both
parishes. We remember members of our communities
who buried from our churches a loved one in 2015. For
the Mass collection that day, please bring something to
put in a food basket: dry goods, paper products, gift
cards, etc. Baskets will be brought to families in
OZANAM CENTER, run by the St. Vincent de Paul
Society, is in need of coats for the needy. If you have a
coat to donate (especially men’s and children’s), please
bring these items to the center at 93 Kent Street, Akron
on a Saturday (except 11/28) between 10am and 2pm.
Second Baptist Church - HUNGER PROGRAM
We have no program to feed the hungry from our
church, but Pastor Pounds in the church next door feeds
the hungry in our parish. Volunteers are needed and
welcome to help every Monday:
8:30-9:30 - Pick up food from Food Bank
9:30-11:30 - Prepare a Hot Meal
11:30 - 1:00 - Serve the prepared Meal
Members of St. Mary are welcome to join other area
Christians in this Corporal Work of Mercy for a part of or
for all of their Monday Hunger Program.
CONFIRMATION - Parent and Candidate Packets
were emailed to your homes.
you did not receive it ASAP.
fulfilling the expectations.
available for the ten weeks of
Please let Fr. Dan know if
Consider how you will be
A study packet will be
are needed to serve bagged lunches Monday-Friday
from 7:00 to 9:00 am. Contact Helen Bailey through
the parish office at 330-253-5161. There is also a need
for socks; donations are greatly appreciated and can be
dropped off at the parish office. Thank you.
AN ADORATION CHAPEL - We are looking to
have a Blessed Sacrament Chapel at St. Bernard in
downtown Akron. Adoration will be open between 9am
- 5pm, Monday through Friday. Here is what we need: 1
person to be a "Day Captain" to oversee that all eight
hours on their Day has a person (preferably two
persons) in the Chapel. If you can be a Captain or a
Pray-er, please call or email the parish office. The
phone number and email address are on the cover of
this St. Mary bulletin. Thanks for your consideration.
DOWNTOWN AKRON - Remember when??
From the 1911 St. Mary Parish Directory:
STORE'S POLICY comprehensively. It has always
been and shall continue to be our resolve to offer the
most dependable merchandise the market affords at most
reasonable prices.
The A. Polsky Co.
Maurin Center Dining Hall, 1096 S. Main., and Akron. If
interested, call Jim Orenga at 330-414-5639. For more
insight into their ministry see:petermaurincenter.org.
30th, 7 pm, St Sebastian Church. Music will be
provided by Peace Together Choir. This event is
sponsored by the Christ Child Society.
The Women’s Board of Catholic Charities of
Summit County - annual Christmas “Bags of Love”
for the agency’s families in need. They are accepting
donations of household and personal items such as:
laundry detergent, soap, dish detergent, toothpaste/
brushes/floss, shampoo/conditioner, paper products and
diapers. Donations may be dropped off at: 812 Biruta
Street, Akron. Deadline is December 4. For further
information, or to make a monetary donation contact
Maribeth Hutchins-Saxer at 330-762-2961 ext. 248.
FIRST FRIDAY CLUB - December 4th – John
Allen, Associate Editor of the Boston Globe. Topic:
“Pope Francis – Expect the Unexpected”. John L. Allen,
Jr. is associate editor of the The Boston Globe after
serving 16 years as a prize-winning Senior
Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.
He also serves as the Senior Vatican Analyst for
CNN. Doors open at 11:15. Cost of luncheon is $15.
Program ends promptly at 1:00 pm. Make checks
payable to The First Friday Club of Greater Akron, 795
Russell Ave, Akron, 44307. For additional information
call 330-535-7668.
HEART TO HEART HOLIDAY LUNCHEON December 15th, 11:30am-1:00pm at the First
Congregational Church, 292 East Market St. Cost is
$40. For more information or to preregister by
December 10th visit www.h2hc.org or call 330-434-3278.
Dear St. Mary Community,
This last Sunday of the Liturgical Year is in
Honor of Christ the King. Colleen Antalek has
made a poster sign by the baptismal font. Father
will invite you to consecrate yourself and household
to Christ our King by reciting the Act of Dedication
found in your missalette. Then as you leave you
may sign your family name(s) on the sign board.
The Ohio Department of Transportation
(ODOT) has purchased a strip of property along
Main Street and the corner of Main and Thornton
for over $209,150. Of course, the property is in
the name of the bishop but I have asked the
pastoral council for ways to benefit the Church,
locally and diocesan. They have suggested areas
from facility improvements, to debt reduction, to
school assistance, to vocation awareness, to aid
social service agencies.
Some of the concrete ideas locally are
replacing the church roof, school and parish
expenses, and aiding agencies in the parish who
help the poor and hungry. Ideas involving the
Church at large was with an awareness of the
number of vocations from the parish in the past. A
suggestion to aid newly ordained priests or
religious making life-time commitments, or
contributing to the retired religious fund. The latter
is in light of the fact that the parish did not
participate in the Rooted in Faith-Forward in Hope
Initiative begun five years ago for the needs of the
Diocese of Cleveland.
Over the next week or two Christine
Alexander, Trish and Bob Bozsik, Tony Crookston,
or Sarah Greer are willing to provide information
and share their thoughts on this matter.
Next Sunday begins the Season of Advent.
We will have out the Giving Trees. Again we want
to assist those here in the parish. One tree will be
for Sr. Catherine Walsh, OSA, at the Catholic
Worker. She provides housing to needy families,
and also helps to educate their children, who are
Spanish-dependent in the Catholic faith. The other
Tree will be dedicated to Senior Citizens at a local
residence, we are investigating which residents are
without family so we can focus on the most needy
and alone at this time of the year.
Fr. Dan
To Jesus Christ our Sovereign King!