WERKLUND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION GALILEO EDUCATIONAL NETWORK Session 5 – June 16, 2015 High School Learning Leaders Designing for Intellectual Engagement in English Language Arts Website - www.galileo.org/pl-cbe/cbe Series Learning Intentions: To work together to enhance capacity for designing tasks and assessments that foster intellectual engagement Sponsor research-informed, evidence-based practices for teaching and improved student learning Develop processes for generating timely, specific and constructive feedback about teaching and learning Build capacity of Learning Leaders to support school administration in leading effective teaching practices Strengthen professional learning networks Please bring laptop or other mobile device with access to Google applications Time Activities/Processes Learning Intentions 12:30 Welcome & Agenda Overview 12:40 Partners – (working with colleague from your school) Review principle #2 of the TEF www.galileo.org/cea-2009wdydist-teaching.pdf and documentation of teaching artifacts presented by your studio group during previous sessions https://goo.gl/jRPQHL What is it that your invited colleague notices, thinks about and/or wonders about? Which elements of principle #2 from the TEF (i.e. authenticity & deep understanding) stand out for you and your colleague? Review principle #2 from TEF – Designing worthwhile work Review artifacts of teaching practices and sponsor a professional learning conversation with a colleague Please record your insights, observations and/or wonderings in the column provided within the Google doc. 1:00 Individual – self-reflection Complete FA self-assessment http://goo.gl/forms/i4yHqQbhfb Partners – Share ideas about effective formative assessment practices from your school Identify examples of how formative assessment practices have been used in your school to extend teaching practices and/or sponsor professional learning conversations with colleagues. What else might be done to foster these types of strategies/protocols/opportunities in your school? Please share your ideas with others by recording them in the following Google doc https://goo.gl/UdjC21 Review effective formative assessment practices Build collective knowledge about strategies/protocols that could be used to extend teacher learning in a variety of school contexts. WERKLUND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION GALILEO EDUCATIONAL NETWORK 1:20 1:45 Individuals – Identify professional learning opportunities in your school What opportunities, structures, routines are in place in your school to sponsor professional discourse and build collective knowledge about task design, formative assessment and impacts on student outcomes? Triad Groups Identify what’s currently in place to enable teachers to obtain ongoing feedback about task design, formative assessment, evidence-informed practices etc. Generate ideas for other structures, routines, possibilities etc. that schools might put in place to further enable these types of knowledge building learning opportunities to occur Network with colleagues throughout the system. Individual reflection – Setting direction for next year Continue to establish a scholarship of teaching and a culture of collaborative knowledge building. Final Reflection ELA Learning Leaders http://goo.gl/forms/7W5xrzBBIX Reflections ELA Invited Colleagues http://goo.gl/forms/chsTznVtDc Identify effective processes for generating timely, specific and constructive feedback about teaching practices and student learning in various school contexts. Build collective knowledge about strategies, routines, processes and possibilities for fostering the ongoing professional learning of teachers. Review learning and provide feedforward suggestions to guide learning directions for next year. 2:15 Break 2:30 Prepare for studio group Provide an overview of the Guiding Questions for Professional Discourse and Artifact Analysis protocol to your school colleague and prepare for studio group. (Decide if you are co-presenting with your colleague and what each of you will be doing.) Describe in 2 or 3 sentences the artifact of leadership you are presenting What does it illustrate in terms of the leadership capabilities that Robinson identifies (building relational trust & leading teacher learning)? What does the artifact reveal about the challenges and successes of leading teacher learning in your school? Is there anything in particular that you want members of your studio group to pay attention to and/or respond to? Foster a scholarship of teaching and a culture of collaborative knowledge building Studio Groups – Leading Teacher Learning Take turns with the following roles – Presenter, Time Keeper, Data Entry Present and discuss evidence/artifacts of leadership Foster a scholarship of teaching and a culture of collaborative knowledge building 2:40 Build collective knowledge about effective teaching practices for engaging students in ELA learning WERKLUND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION GALILEO EDUCATIONAL NETWORK 3:30 Adjourn activity (5 min presentation 10 min to discuss) Other group members note what they notice, think about and/or wonder while they view and listen to the work being presented. Post examples, description of artifacts and responses to leadership prompts in a shared Google doc https://goo.gl/SeSjxL Build collective knowledge about effective practices for leading and supporting ongoing teacher learning