Print version of questionnaire - Consultation

Consultation on the options
for the future delivery of
Hill End outdoor education centre
Why we’re consulting
Oxford University and Oxfordshire County Council would like your views about our
plans to investigate a way of securing the future of Hill End outdoor centre, located
near Farmoor in Oxfordshire.
Oxford University and Oxfordshire County Council plan to investigate setting up a
new, independent charitable company (or other similar community entity) to manage
Hill End.
We would like your comments on our plans to investigate a new
way of delivering outdoor education services at Hill End.
Question 1
Are you responding to this questionnaire:
Please tick one box only
As an Oxfordshire resident?
On behalf of a school, group or organisation?
If so, which school, group or organisation?
Please fill in details below
Please give details below
Question 2
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
‘It’s important to continue to offer outdoor education services at Hill End
for children and young people in Oxfordshire’
Please tick one box
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know
Question 2a
Reasons for making this choice
Question 3
Oxford University and Oxfordshire County Council plan to investigate setting
up an independent charitable company (or other similar community entity) to
continue to deliver outdoor education services at Hill End
This would mean:
 Outdoor education still being delivered at the centre which would continue to
provide opportunities for some of the most vulnerable children and young
people in Oxfordshire.
 The university and county council could influence the way in which the
independent charitable company (or other similar community entity) is set up.
 The university and county council, as founders, could decide on the level of
interest they wish to have, for example roles as trustees.
 Reduced risk, cost and liability to the county council and university.
Opening up opportunities to access new investment for Hill End.
Do you agree or disagree with Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford
University investigating setting up an independent charitable company (or
other similar community entity) to secure the future of Hill End outdoor centre,
as outlined above?
Please tick one box only
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know
Question 3a
Reasons for making this choice
Comment box
Question 4
Do you have any alternative suggestions for options which Oxford University
and Oxfordshire County Council could investigate for the future delivery of Hill
End outdoor education centre service?
Please tick one box
Question 4a
If you selected ‘Yes’ please outline your suggestions below
Question 5
Do you have any other comments on these proposals?
Question 6
What is the first half of your postcode (for example OX1)?
This helps us to understand the impact of the proposals on different areas of the
county and will only be used by Oxford University and Oxfordshire County Council to
help us when analysing the results of this questionnaire.
Question 7
Are you:
Please tick as many boxes as apply
A parent/carer of a child or young person (aged 18 or under) who has used the
services at Hill End/visited Hill End
A parent/carer of a child or young person (aged 18 or under) who you would like to
be able to use the services at Hill End/visit Hill End in the future
Someone who has personally used the services at Hill End and/or visited Hill End at
any time in the past
None of these
Thank you for completing this questionnaire
Would you like to be kept informed of our plans to investigate a new way of
delivering outdoor education centre services at Hill End?
If so, please let us have your email address. Sending email messages is the most
cost efficient way of us contacting you:
If you don’t have an email address we can send information by post. Please give us
your address:
Data protection
If you provide Oxfordshire County Council with personal data we will only use it to
keep you informed of our plans to investigate a new way of delivering outdoor
education services at Hill End.
Oxfordshire County Council will hold this data securely and we will not share it with
any other organisation.
After a period of two years the data will be deleted from our records.