PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW Portfolio Overview IMMIGRATION AND BORDER PROTECTION PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW Ministers and Portfolio Responsibilities The portfolio has two Ministers, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, and Senator, the Hon Michaelia Cash, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. The portfolio agencies—all of which are Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act) entities—are: the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) the Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal (MRT–RRT). During financial years 2014-15 and 2015-16, DIBP and the ACBPS will progressively transition into a single Department of Immigration and Border Protection. This includes the establishment of the Australian Border Force —a single frontline operational border agency with statutory responsibilities to enforce our customs and immigration laws— within the department. The Australian Border Force will draw together the operational border, investigations, compliance, detention and enforcement functions of the two existing agencies. Policy, regulatory and corporate functions will combine within the broader department. At a consolidated level the average staffing level is forecast to decrease from 14,304, including Locally Engaged Employees (LEEs), to 13,824, a reduction of approximately 480 full time positions. The reduction of 480 includes the effect of the Machinery of Government changes of 18 September 2013 for functions transferred out of both agencies. During 2014-15, the Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal will work with other key Commonwealth external merits review agencies and relevant departments to implement the Government’s decision to amalgamate the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Migration Review Tribunal, Refugee Review Tribunal, Social Security Appeals Tribunal and Classification Review Board with effect from 1 July 2015. 3 Portfolio Overview Department of Immigration and Border Protection DIBP’s purpose is: building Australia’s future through the well-managed entry and settlement of people. DIBP’s business is to: contribute to Australia’s future through managed migration contribute to Australia’s security through border management and traveler facilitation promote Australian citizenship protect refugees and contribute to humanitarian policy internationally make fair and reasonable decisions for people entering or leaving Australia, ensuring compliance with Australia’s immigration laws and integrity in decision making. Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority The Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA), a discrete office attached to DIBP from 1 July 2009, regulates the activities of the Australian migration advice profession in order to provide consumers of migration advice services with appropriate protection and assurance. OMARA is supported by an Advisory Body comprising a diverse range of stakeholders. Planned performance information is included in the DIBP Budget Statements, Section 2 Contributions to Outcome 1. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service As the primary border agency, the ACBPS is responsible for protecting the safety, security and commercial interests of Australians through border protection designed to support legitimate trade and travel, and to ensure collection of border revenue and trade statistics. The ACBPS is also the lead agency for civil maritime security in detecting, reporting and responding to unlawful activity in Australia’s offshore maritime zone. The ACBPS undertakes its role with, and on behalf of, dozens of other agencies to protect the border, a strategic national asset fundamental to both national security and economic prosperity. Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal The MRT-RRT provides an independent and final merits review of decisions made in relation to visas to travel to, enter or stay in Australia. MRT-RRT is established under the Migration Act 1958 (Migration Act), and their jurisdiction and powers are set out in the Migration Act and in the Migration Regulations 1994. Both tribunals operate as a single agency for the purposes of the FMA Act. 4 Portfolio Overview Figure 1: Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio Structure and Outcomes Minister for Immigration and Border Protection The Hon Scott Morrison MP Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash Department of Immigration and Border Protection Secretary: Mr Martin Bowles PSM Outcome 1 Support a prosperous and inclusive Australia through managing temporary and permanent migration, entry through Australia's borders, and Australian citizenship. Outcome 2 Support Australia's international and humanitarian obligations by providing protection, resettlement and assistance to refugees and those in humanitarian need, including through arrangements with other countries. Outcome 3 Support Australia's border protection through managing the stay and departure of all non-citizens. Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority Chief Executive Officer: Mr Steve Ingram (Included in Outcome 1 above) Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Chief Executive Officer: Mr Michael Pezzullo Outcome 1 The protection of the safety, security and commercial interests of Australians through border protection designed to support legitimate trade and travel and ensure collection of border revenue and trade statistics. Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal Principal Member: Ms Kay Ransome Outcome 1 To provide correct and preferable decisions for visa applicants and sponsors through independent, fair, just, economical, informal and quick merits reviews of migration and refugee decisions. 5 Portfolio Overview PORTFOLIO RESOURCES Table 1 reports the total new resources provided to the portfolio in the 2014-15 budget year, by agency. Table 1: Portfolio Resources 2014-15 Appropriation Bill No. 1 Bill No. 2 $m $m Departm ent of Im m igration and Border Protection Administered appropriations Departmental appropriations Total: Special $m Receipts Total $m $m 2,463 1,503 3,966 291 3 294 - 61 61 2,754 1,567 4,321 61 61 - - - 61 61 Australian Custom s and Border Protection Service Administered appropriations Departmental appropriations Total: 1 1,009 1,010 137 137 360 360 70 70 1 1,576 1,577 Portfolio total 5,037 431 360 131 5,959 - - - - - Migration Review Tribunal Refugee Review Tribunal Administered appropriations Departmental appropriations Total: Less amounts transferred w ithin portfolio Resources available w ithin portfolio: 6 5,959