College of Medical and Dental Sciences Research and Knowledge Transfer Bumper Christmas Newsletter Issue 12 December 2012 Research Funding Alerts of the Month Jump to…. Funding Alerts RKTO Workshop China MRC-ARUK SRMRC Birthday Research Tips RCUK Warning Prizes Congratulations Contact Us Projects & Programmes Newsletter Small, Equipment & Travel Awards Newsletter Studentships & Scholarships Newsletter Fellowships and Individual Awards Newsletter NIHR grants Projects & Programmes Calendar (prints best in A3 colour) Studentships & Scholarships Calendar Fellowships Calendar Intention to Submit Guidance RCUK Intention to Submit Form NIHR Intention to Submit Form RKTO Workshop Alert Do you work with human participants in a Health and Social Care setting? Look out for new RKTO Workshops! Useful Internal Links Buzz Magazine MDS RKTO Medlines Online Pink Form PDC News University News RIS Events The Research Governance Framework is a guidance structure to help you develop, conduct and conclude research in these environments. Come along to our RKTO Workshop on the subject of Governance and Ethics at 1pm on Monday 14th January in the IBR Seminar Room (N143) to find out more! Drs Karim Raza and Sean Jennings will take you through the requirements and rationale to meet the statutory regulations, describing common pitfalls and top tips for researchers to be mindful of. There will be an interactive Q&A session afterwards if you have a niggling question or complex research project that needs expert advice. Consolidating Chinese Connections Useful External Links Research Professional BBSRC news BHF news BMA news CLAHRC news CRUK news LLR news MRC news NIHR news Wellcome news Front: Prof Xiao (SYSU), Prof Jenkinson (UoB), Prof Yan (SYSU), Prof Evens (UoG), Ms Miur (UoG), Prof Wu (SYSU). 2nd row: Prof Frampton (UoB), Prof Pell (UoG), Prof Walters (UoG), Dr Kearns (UoB), Dr Cobbold (UoB). Following the successful tour of our College by representatives of Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) in September, a team of our own senior researchers delivered a series of workshops in a whirlwind visit to China at the end of November. Professors Eric Jenkinson, Jon Frampton, KK Cheng and Jane McKeating, and Drs Pam Kearns and Mark Cobbold, were joined by counterparts from the University of Glasgow and local Chinese researchers to attract a terrific audience of enthusiastic staff and students alike at SYSU. The delegates also visited affiliated hospitals and research laboratories, and discussed exciting opportunities for collaborations and exchanges. SYSU leaders are keen to promote our BMedSc and MPH programmes, so we aim to welcome their students to Birmingham from 2013. Other activities include the establishment of a Clinical Trials Unit in one of the hospitals affiliated to SYSU, a collaborative paediatric cancer trial with another, and Hepatitis C research with another... The subject of our next RKTO Workshop at 1pm on 14th January in the IBR Seminar Room (N143) will be: Additionally, our academics in any discipline are welcome to deliver up to two weeks of teaching at SYSU with travel and accommodation expenses paid by the host, so please do take these opportunities to bolster your experience and expertise! More information is available from our international project officer Dr Junying Jia. Richard Dawkins Launches MRC-ARUK Centre Around 400 staff, students, members of the public and funding representatives squeezed themselves into the Leonard Deacon Lecture Theatre for the official launch of the MRC-ARUK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research on the evening of 7th November 2012, with celebrated speaker Professor Richard Dawkins considering whether or not doctors should be Darwinian? ‘Governance and Ethics’ Speakers include: Dr Karim Raza Dr Sean Jennings Prof Lord (UoB), Prof Dawkins, Prof Greenhaff (UoN). and then at 8.30am on 12th February in the IBR Seminar Room (N143): ‘Working With Industry’ Also for your diary: PERCAT Masterclasses at lunchtimes on: 9th January Fellowships LG14 Learning Centre 4th February Medical Research and the Industrial World IBR Seminar Room (N143) There was plenty to celebrate… Our total award of value £3,200,000 will allow us to integrate the work of world-class researchers, clinicians and health professionals at the Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham, to focus on better understanding the age-related loss of musculoskeletal function and develop new ways to tackle this challenge, from basic biological treatments through to lifestyle interventions and pharmacological therapies. Passionate talks from Sir John Savill (Medical Research Council) and Dr Liam O'Toole (Arthritis Research UK) presented the funders' vision of the future of this collaborative centre, and the level of local enthusiasm and support at both sites was articulated by Professors David Eastwood (our own Vice-Chancellor) and Saul Tendler (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Nottingham). The Centre Director Professor Janet Lord (School of Immunity and Infection) set the context of healthy ageing with some key questions to be tackled in the coming years, and then introduced Professor Richard Dawkins. Our star speaker gave a very interesting and humorous talk, touching on everything from Ice Age man, the menopause, the change from wolf to dachshund, and the need only to outrun your fellow man rather than the predator pursuing you both… Happy Birthday SRMRC The NIHR Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (SRMRC) marked its first year of research activity at the end of November with an event featuring researchers from across the UK, as well as a patient who is involved in trauma research. The SRMRC seeks to develop discoveries from the military frontline to improve outcomes for all trauma patients, and the birthday showcase demonstrated ground-breaking research under way within all three of its research themes: Acute Response to Injury; Microbiology; and Regenerative and Reconstructive Medicine. The event was opened by Vice Admiral Philip Raffaelli and Dr David Cox. Professor Sir Keith Porter then set out the major challenges faced by clinicians in treating both military and civilian trauma patients. One of the most important elements of the day was an appearance by patient Stephen Bridges, who was seriously injured in a road traffic collision in April and treated at QEHB. He talked about his positive experiences of being involved in a study looking at the nature of inflammation in trauma patients. SRMRC researchers and speakers from Oxford University, Kings College London, Imperial College and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) provided further insights into collaborative work being done around the country. For more information please visit Research Funding Hints, Tips & Tricks of the Month This month we supplement our generic guidance in preparing successful grant applications, with a focus on Public and Patient Involvement. Warning: Stay Abreast of Research Council Regulations! Contact Us If you would like to unsubscribe to this newsletter or if you have some research news you would like to include please contact rktoffice@contacts.b Confused by conflicting notifications of research council regulations in connection to final reports and publications? Panic not, and read on... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please note that contributions may be edited for publication. From 1st January, as the all the UK research councils try to improve the consistency of expectations of their respective investigators working within different disciplines, many previously standard requirements to submit final reports via JeS to MRC, AHRC, EPSRC, NERC and STFC will be withdrawn. BUT: NOT in the case of a small number of schemes. Moreover, it has not been possible to specify which schemes in advance, so if you receive a request for a final report via JeS then you should proceed to supply one accordingly (in time to meet the deadline!). Annual submissions of the outputs of your research for RCUK remain essential and compulsory. Such submissions should henceforth be made via ResearchFish to MRC and STFC, and via the Research Outcomes System (ROS) to the other councils. Final expenditure statements must still be submitted via JeS. Research councils will NOT accept the inclusion of publications expenses in individual research applications with a start date on or after 1st April, because block funding is now available to HEIs to cover these costs. For further information about open access and the block grant you can visit the intranet guidance of the RIS office. If you require more detailed assistance or answers to individual queries then please contact your local research facilitator or any of our team via Prizes of the Month This RKTO newsletter is published by the College of Medical and Dental Sciences Research and Knowledge Transfer Office. Jump back to…. Funding Alerts RKTO Workshop China MRC-ARUK SRMRC Birthday Research Tips RCUK Warning Prizes Congratulations Contact Us September Award Prize We heartily congratulate Dr Natalie Ives for a double achievement in gaining awards of combined value almost £2,400,000 within the HTA scheme of NIHR. These projects will consider the benefits of (i) routine oxygen supplementation following stroke and (ii) a short course of daily prednisolone in children with frequently relapsing and steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome. September Paper Prize Well done to Dr Cecile Benezech and her collaborators for achieving the publication of a paper entitled “Lymphotoxin-β Receptor Signaling through NF-κB2-RelB Pathway Reprograms Adipocyte Precursors as Lymph Node Stromal Cells” in the Immunity journal. The article was highlighted online and received comments in Nature Immunology Reviews. And Finally, Welcome and Other Congratulations To… Technology Transfer We are delighted to announce the safe delivery of a beautiful baby son to our Technology Transfer Officer Mrs Claire Fenlon! Eliot Finley was born on Tuesday 4th December (two days early). We not only welcome this new arrival, but also (slightly older!) Dr Francesco Colacino, who joined our team last month to over the maternity absence. As always, if you would like to explore any possibilities to protect your intellectual property or take your research ideas to market then please do get in touch! Strategic Projects Our Research Support Administrator Mrs Linda Briscoe will begin a new role in January, working as a Strategic Project Officer with Dr Claire Potter and Professor Christopher Buckley and based in the HSRC building. Well done Linda! Merry Christmas from the College of Medical and Dental Sciences Research and Knowledge Transfer Office!