Fish Organs as Fertilizer: A Hydroponic Study

A. Background of the Study
Some people depend largely on fish for their consumptions since it is healthy
and generally more affordable than other meat. The fish is usually cleaned first by
getting the internal organs before cooking. The latter is thrown away because it cannot
be eaten. This causes environmental problems such as its bad odor and the decayed
matter. Moreover, others use the washing of the fish as fertilizer. These reasons spur
the researchers to undertake this study. The researchers will investigate if the internal
organs of the fish can be made into an organic fertilizer for pechay.
Plants need fertilizers like Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) for
the proper growth and development (Saskatchewan Agriculture Community). In
relation to this, the researchers found out that fish internal organs contain elements
that are significant for plant growth (Martínez-Valverde, Periago, Santaella, & Ros,
2000). Thus, they will determine if the fish internal organs can be utilized as a source
of organic fertilizer.
The soil needs to be fertile in order to increase productivity in supplying plants
with its needed minerals and nutrients but because of the excessive use of synthetic or
inorganic fertilizers the soil becomes acidic. According to the study Fish Internal
Organs as Fertilizer for Pechay (Jumawan, 2008), inorganic fertilizers can destroy
quality of soil which affects plant growth while organic fertilizers are environmentfriendly. Organic fertilizers, like inorganic fertilizers, help farmers in hastening plant
growth. Inorganic fertilizers are mainly from petroleum or natural gas and are
manufactured for commercial purposes (Villablanca, 2007). Inorganic fertilizers are
primarily derived from chemical compounds such as ammonium nitrate, ammonium
phosphates and potassium chloride. Chilean sodium nitrate, mined rock phosphate and
limestone are examples of inorganic fertilizers. Some of the disadvantages of using
inorganic fertilizers are the “burning” or desiccation of plants and distortion of the
soil quality that can lead to cadmium poisoning if the fertilizer is used too much or
applied in a wrong way. Usage of inorganic fertilizers requires strict watering
schedules in order to retain the soil moisture. Also, inorganic fertilizers are mainly
from petroleum or natural gas that come from mines or saline lakes, thus from limited
resources (“Types of Fertilizer”, 2007).
Hydroponics is a technique of growing plants using another medium other
than soil to provide nutrients to the plant (“Hydroponics”, 1995). The fertilizer is
dissolved in water and transported to the plant’s roots to supply the plant with its
needed nutrients and minerals. The fertilizer dissolved in water is called nutrient
solution (Hydroponics Gardening, n.d.). The researchers will use the hydroponics
system in examining the possibility of fish internal organs as an organic fertilizer for
B. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to investigate the feasibility of the production of organic fish
internal organs emulsion fertilizer for pechay, compare the effectiveness of the
organic fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer to the effectiveness of complete
inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7) on growth rate of pechay (Brassica rapa) in terms of
(a)height, (b)number of leaves, and (c)weight using hydroponics technique and
determine if there is any significant difference on pechay growth rate if the organic
fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer is used.
1. What is the rate of plant growth in terms of (a) height, (b) number of leaves,
and (c) weight of pechay treated with the organic fish internal organs emulsion
fertilizer using hydroponics?
2. What is the rate of plant growth in terms of (a) height, (b) number of leaves,
and (c) weight of pechay treated with the complete inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7)
using hydroponics?
3. Is there a significant difference between the effects of the organic fish
internal organs emulsion fertilizer and the complete inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7)
on plant growth rate?
C. Objectives of the Study
1. To determine the plant growth rate of pechay treated with the organic fish
internal organs emulsion fertilizer.
2. To determine the plant growth rate of pechay treated with the complete
inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7).
3. To determine if there is a significant difference between the effects
of the organic fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer and the complete
inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7) on plant growth rate?
D. Hypothesis of the Study
There was no significant difference between the effects of the organic
fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer and the complete inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7) on
plant growth rate.
E. Significance of the Study
Organic fertilizers improve the structure of the soil making it more
productive because it mobilizes existing soil nutrients (“Types of Fertilizers”, 2007).
It releases nitrogen (N) and nutrients slowly and consistently as micro-organisms in
the soil break down the organic material down into inorganic water-soluble form
which the plants can use (University of Saskatchewan Extension Division, n.d.).
Organic fertilizers retain soil moisture and do not desiccate the plants like some
inorganic fertilizers. Furthermore, organic fertilizers are less subject to leaching. The
drawback of some organic fertilizers especially those that contain animal feces are
contaminated with pathogens that cause diseases. The organic fertilizers must be
properly composted to reduce the risk of pathogens. Also, organic fertilizer is not
immediately available to the plants if there is an immediate need for nutrients. It
cannot supply them in a hurry because it has a “slow release” feature. Information on
the amount of nutrients and the exact elements in an organic fertilizer is not readily
The primary advantage of using inorganic fertilizer is that nutrients are
immediately available to the plants (University of Saskatchewan Extension Division,
n.d.). Inorganic fertilizer has higher and accurate amount of nitrogen (N) that
promotes protein and chlorophyll and encourages growth of stems and leaves. Its
release of nitrogen is rapid. Inorganic fertilizer has an accurate source of nutrients.
However, the careless treatment of inorganic fertilizers can burn plants and distort soil
quality leading to cadmium poisoning. Strict watering schedules must be followed in
order to retain the soil moisture when using inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers
are made up of elements like potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) that come from mines
or saline lakes thus from limited resources (“Types of Fertilizers”, 2007). Inorganic
fertilizers are subject to leaching which occurs when the fertilizers are washed by rain
or irrigation water down below the level of the plant roots. Nitrogen is particularly
susceptible to leaching. As well, a heavy application of chemical fertilizers can "burn"
seedlings and young plants. This is actually a process of drying out, or desiccation,
due to the presence of chemical salts within the inorganic fertilizers. Overly heavy
applications of inorganic fertilizers can build up toxic concentrations of salts in the
soil and create chemical imbalances that result to soil pollution (Gardenguy, 1999).
The employment of hydroponics requires less space and growing time. Labor
and garden maintenance is also reduced. Hydroponically grown plants avoid soil
borne pests. Moreover, control of pest, weed and disease problems can be easier
(HydroponicSearch, 2006). However, a disadvantage of using hydroponics is that it is
more expensive than growing plants in soil. Also, a person using hydroponics must
have a good technical knowledge about it (Verma, 2010).
This study can help farmers, plant growers and fish vendors for they can
utilize kitchen leftover like fish internal organs as source of fertilizer. They can also
get rid of the problem of solid waste by turning biodegradable waste into useful items
like plant fertilizer. This study will also help fish vendors because they not only sell
fishes but they can sell the internal organs of the fishes as well.
F. Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study will be limited to the production of organic fish internal organs
emulsion fertilizer. Only the internal organs of a mixture of fishes will be utilized as
the source of fertilizer. The study will also compare the effectiveness of the organic
fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer on growth rate of pechay in terms of height,
number of leaves and weight to the effectiveness of the complete inorganic fertilizer
(7-7-7) using hydroponics. The water culture method of hydroponics will be the
method used in the experiment. The chinensis variety of pechay will be used to test
the effectiveness of each kind of fertilizer. There will be 50 pechay seeds to be
planted and 45 sprouts will be transplanted to the hydroponics system. All units will
be treated with the same amount of water, sunlight and fertilizer except the control
group. The pechay will be grown to full maturity. The experimentation will be
conducted at the researcher’s house for the school year 2010-2011.
G. Definition of terms
Complete inorganic fertilizer
7-7-7 fertilizer manufactured commercially
a concentrated mixture of liquid fish internal
Growth rate
the assessment of the length of leaves, height
and weight of the plant
a technique of growing plants using water with
nutrient solution instead of soil
Internal organs
any part of the fish that cannot be eaten and is
thrown away before cooking the fish
Nutrient solution
a concoction of water and fertilizer