Spanish 1, Semester: Fall 2015 Month/Marking August- September Period CA Standards Content DP Competencies 1.0 -Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other disciplines. Comparisons Planning & Responsibility December October November Communication Communication Cultures 1.0 Students use 1.0 Students formulaic use language formulaic (learned language words, signs 1.1 Engage in [ASL], and oral, written, phrases). or signed 1.1 Engage in (ASL) oral, written, 1.2 Interpret or signed written, (ASL) spoken, or conversation signed (ASL) s. language. Comparisons Comparisons Planning & Responsibility January Cultures 1.1 Associate 1.1 Associate products, products, practices, and practices, perspectives with and perspective the target culture. s with the 1.2 Recognize target similarities culture. and differences 1.2 Recognize in the target similarities cultures and and between differences students’ in the target own cultures and between cultures. students’ 1.3 Identify own cultural cultures. borrowings. 1.3 Identify Cultures cultural Planning & borrowings. Responsibility Essential Questions Content How did Spanish become an official language? How is Spanish similar to English? What factors impact word choice? Evolution of Spanish Descriptions of Likes/Dislikes Ser vs. Estar Greetings/Introductio ns Question words Present tense Adjectives/Nouns Word Order Gustar/Fascinar/Enca How does student life in Latin America Compare to student life in the US? What are some indigenous holiday that are celebrated in Central America? In what way do food choices reflect family traditions? How has Latin American food evolved into American culture? Descriptions of School Life Descriptions of People Descriptions of Indigenous/Chri stian holidays in L.A. Descriptions of things you do to yourself Descriptions of food Popularity of Latin American food in American Cuisine Spanish Gastronomy Latin American Gastronomy What leisure time activities are universal? What religious holidays are celebrated in Spain/Latin America? What contributes to good health? Health and Sports Sports and Leisure Present Progressive Tense Fitness Journals Christmas How is the new year celebrated in Spain/Latin America? How are past events expressed accurately in the Spanish language? The Past Tenses (Preterite/Impe rfect) CyberCommunication ntar Ordinal Numbers Cardinal Numbers Cognates/False Cognates Skills & Topics (Reflexive Verbs) Fruits & Vegetables Daily Routines indigenous to the Americas Origin of CHOCOLATE * Identify * Determine the * Determine the verbal and Spanish Spanish nonverbal vocabulary vocabulary communicative skills necessary to necessary (e.g., language, discuss school to discuss food gestures, body and student life and language) family life * Investigate the * Employ the Identify the language skills unique uses, formation, verb to the Spanish and meanings of gustar in language written and basic ar verbs (e.g., accentuation, oral forms to Combine pronunciation, vocabulary and discuss punctuation) verbs in written personal * Assess polite preferences and oral forms and/or * Identify the Apply appropriate means of numbers and uses, address in the formation, and telling time in Spanish meanings of the context of Las Posadas Preterite * Determine the Spanish vocabulary necessary to discuss staying healthy and sports (e.g., body parts, habits of athletes, hygiene) * Employ the verb jugar appropriately to discuss sports and sporting events * Identify the necessity for the use of the preterite tense * Determine the formation of the preterite tense of regular ar, er, and ir verbs * Compare the formation of the regular preterite tense with language * practice basic introductory vocabulary, greetings, farewells, leisure activities, and student preferences orally employ basic verbs (e.g., estar, ser, llamarse, hacer, gustarse) noun/ adjective agreement in interactive discourse discussing daily schedules investigate the forms and requirements for use of the verb, estar employ estar to discuss location, feelings, and descriptions assess the formation and uses of the verb, ir * compare and contrast family life in the United States and Hispanic nations using the comparative structure present tense er and ir verbs * Apply the use of vocabulary related to the family in written and oral forms * Assess the necessity for possessive pronouns possessive pronouns in discourse regarding family life and the significance of food in family traditions * Compare and contrast the uses and forms of the verbs, saber and conocer * Create a personal health maintenance and an improvement plan using technology of the preterite tense to express past action * Recognize regular and irregular verb forms in irregular verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar * Investigate the Spanish vocabulary necessary to communicate in cyberspace * Initiate communication with Spanishspeaking students using digital tools (e.g., email) * Apply negative and affirmative terminology in written the preterite tense and oral forms * Discuss health and recreation habits in the United States and Hispanic nations Spanish 1, Semester: Spring 2016 Month/Marking February Period CA Standards Communication 1.1 Engage in DP oral, Competencies written. 1.2 Interpret written, spoken. 1.3 Present to an March April Communication Cultures 3.4 -Describe, 1.1 Associate narrate, products, explain, and practices, and state an perspectives opinion. with the target culture. Comparisons Planning & May June Cultures 1.1 Associate products, practices, and perspectives with the target culture. Interpretive Com Communication 1.1 Engage in oral, written. 1.2 Interpret written, spoken. 1.2 Recognize similarities and differences in the 1.2 Recognize audience of Responsibility listeners. Comparisons target cultures and between students’ own cultures. 1.3 Identify cultural borrowings. Planning & Responsibility similarities 1.3 Present to and an differences audience of in the target listeners. cultures and between students’ own cultures. 1.3 Identify cultural borrowings. Essential Questions What are you doing right now? What’s the difference between the present tense and present progressive? What preparations ensure the perfect holiday? What skills are necessary to communicate effectively in Spanish? How does culture play a part in music and dance? Why are music and dance such important factors in Latin American life? How has Spanish and Latin American art shaped and influenced the world? How can art be therapeutic? What skills are necessary to discuss future plans? In what ways does the knowledge of a second language enhance career Content Present Progressive Why is important to study other cultures? Vacations Geography Latin American Country Project opportunities? Latin American Music Spanish The & Dance artists/architects Environment and Iberian Music/Dance Latin American Conservation Artists/Poets Future Tense Interpretive Art Project Skills & Topics * Interpret the special Use of the present Progressive tense in Context * Employ the present Progressive * Research holiday destinations in Hispanic nations (e.g., Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay) Research Latin American Music/dance Hypothesize how Caribbean and Latin American music evolved from Spanish, African and Careers and Professions Future Tense Mi Futuro Brillante Project * Identify the Spanish vocabulary necessary to discuss the environment and conservation practices * Research the tense in written and oral forms * Use technology to Create a personal daily Journal of routines, Activities, interests, and future goals * identify the countries in which Spanish is spoken appropriate application of basic grammar (e.g., present tense verbs, adjective, noun agreement) * Determine the typical activities of a traveler (e.g., booking a hotel, asking directions, purchasing souvenirs) indigenous music most urgent current environmental issues in the United States and Hispanic nations * Communicate with Spanishspeaking students to determine a mutual conservation effort using digital tools * Present a collaborative project in a multimedia presentation * Apply appropriate vocabulary to discuss travel experiences * Incorporate the use of indirect object pronouns in written and oral forms * Demonstrate the use of demonstrative adjectives in discourse about travel experiences * Recall ways to express future actions * Compare and contrast situations in which each future form is used *Research careers and professions in which the knowledge of a second language is an asset * Employ the future tense and the near future tense to discuss plans for a career * Create an illustrated career path timeline using the future tense and the near future tense