Animal Poster Rubric Overall Features Points Title of Poster 5 Picture #1 with Interesting Fact caption Picture #2 with Interesting Fact caption Picture #3 with Interesting Fact caption 5 Points Received Physical Adaptation #2 5 Physical Adaptation #3 5 5 5 Characteristics and Classification: Complete this information on the “Nice to Meet Ya!!” sheet. Points Points Received Identify the Phyla 2 (Vertebrate or Invertebrate?) Identify the Class 3 (Mammal, Reptile, Arachnid, Crustacean, etc.?) What type of body 3 covering does it have? How does it breathe? 3 How does it reproduce? 3 What type of consumer? (carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore) Cold-blooded or WarmBlooded? 3 3 Life Cycles Section: Describe your animal’s life cycle. This is shown with the Life Cycle Flip Book. Points Points Received Picture for each stage 5 Did you explain beginning of life? Did you explain growth and development? Did you explain reproduction? (When can this animal reproduce?) Did you explain death? (When does this animal die?) Physical Adaptations: What body structures help your animal survive? This is shown through a diagram or pictures with 3 captions. Points Points Received Physical Adaptation #1 5 Heredity: Traits and Behaviors What behavioral adaptations help your animal survive? Describe 2 inherited behaviors and 2 learned behaviors. Points Points Received Inherited Behavior #1 5 Inherited Behavior #2 5 Learned Behavior #1 5 Learned Behavior #2 5 Habitat/Exhibit: One picture will show animal’s natural habitat. One picture will show your design for their new exhibit home. Provide an explanation of your design process. Points Points Received Picture or drawing of 5 natural habitat Drawing or blueprint of 5 exhibit Exhibit Justification: Why did you design your 10 exhibit like this? Are all of the animal’s needs met? Overall Points 5 5 5 Is the poster colorful and creative? Neat presentation (organization, neatness, handwriting) Points Received 5 5 5 Total: ______ / 130 pts. Grade: _________