Junior Woman*s Club of Ramsey - Junior Woman`s Club of Ramsey

Junior Woman’s Club of Ramsey
Position Descriptions
Board Positions:
President (Prerequisite: Must have served on the Board or as a Department Chair for at least one year.)
 Schedule, organize, set agenda and run monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Oversee all club activities and be the de-facto member of each committee
 Be the contact person for Federation and coordinate information with our club’s Federation Secretary
 Responsible for year-end Club/Leadership reporting to State Board
 Attend monthly District meetings, Spring Conference and Convention
 Maintain Club calendar
First Vice President
 Assist the President in all duties
 Attend monthly Board and Membership meetings
 Responsible for monthly Board Meeting submissions from committee chairs
 Track Project Procedure Reports - ensure all club activities are documented and received for Year End Summary
 Responsible for year-end Club reports to State Federation
 De-facto member of all committees along with President(s)
Second Vice President – Membership (computer literacy and email accessibility required)
 Attend monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Track & maintain contact with prospective Juniors
 Responsible for updating club email distribution list and member contact information
 Responsible for sending out Club correspondence as needed
 Coordinate annual Fall Membership Drives and the June & December Installations
 Organize and conduct Installation ceremonies
 Responsible for Annual Federation Reporting & Dues to NJ-SFWC-JM
Treasurer & Tax Advisor
 Attend monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Maintain Club bank account records and checkbook activity for monthly meetings
 Prepare annual budget & tax return
 Monitor club expenses
 Collect Membership dues and track payments for Membership
 Ensure our Club, District and Federation dues are paid on time
 Responsible for ensuring that all Club registrations remain current in conjunction with the Club President (NJ State Charitable Organization status,
NJ Gaming License, etc.)
 File the State 501c3
Corresponding Secretary
 Attend monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Retrieve mail weekly from Club P.O. Box and distribute as needed
 Mail/Email Club correspondence as needed – working w/Membership for updated email lists
 Announce club personal information such as births, etc (with approval of the individual)
Recording Secretary (computer literacy required, laptop helpful)
 Attend monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Keep minutes of General Meetings
 Email minutes to President(s) for review within a 48 hours of General Meeting
Federation Secretary
 Attend monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Be the contact person for Federation by providing your email address to the NJSFWC Federation Secretary and checking JerseyJuniors.com for
 Advise the Board and membership of updates from Federation
 Coordinate District Conference attendance and/or planning of event
 Coordinate and executes Federation Day of Service
 Forward pertinent State committee information to respective JWCR committee chairs
Publicity Secretary
 Attend monthly Board & Membership meetings
 Submit all press releases, photos & articles into various local newspapers & periodicals for both Bergen County & Federation
 Invite press to photograph & report on appropriate Club events
 Collect all news articles and pictures for Club Press Book
 Oversee the JWCR website and Facebook page and provide content to the Committee Chair
Revised 10-6-11
Adult Social – (2 Chairs) Plan and coordinate events such as Progressive Dinner, Wine Tasting, BUNCO, Re-Gift Party, Spa Event, and/or any other
social outings throughout the calendar year.
Art – (1 Chair) – Organize art and performing arts related projects within the club such as the New York City Free Children’s Theatre and/or any other
craft related project throughout the calendar year.
Conservation – (1 chair) –Coordinate volunteers for Conservation related events such as providing baked goods in conjunction with the town-wide
Earth Day/Spring Clean Up event and introduce other conservation friendly projects.
Education – (1 Chair) – Organize annual Spelling bee, act as liaison to coordinate scholarships awarded to RHS students from the JWCR,
coordinate the purchasing of Library books to commemorate members new babies, manage Junior attended Education event (ie Ladies Night Out)
and/or any other education related events throughout the calendar year.
Fundraising – (2 Chairs) Organize the committees, schedule and plan the events, secure venues, determine monetary recipients and obtain all
associated raffle and gaming licenses for Spring Fling, Casino Night and any other large scale Club fundraising efforts.
Health – (2 chairs) Organize events such as Blood Drives, Pink Lemonade sale for Breast Cancer Awareness, Ramsey Run running group, Relay for
Life, manage Junior attended Health related events (ie; Play for Pink, JDRF Walk) and/or any other health related events throughout the calendar
Home Life – (2 Chairs) Coordinate the Wine & Cheese event (Thanksgiving baskets, holiday wish tree ornaments), set up holiday wish tree in the
Library, maintain relationship with Ramsey Responds, CFA, Hearts and Crafts, DAACKS, West Bergen Mental Health, etc for various collections as
needed such as summer lunch program, winter coat drive, Mother’s Day baskets, and/or back to school backpack supplies. Other Home Life related
events may include organizing groups of Juniors to attend and/or participate in benefit functions throughout the Club year.
International – (1 Chair) Organize UNICEF drive and other projects such as Operation Smile, Soles for Souls and/or any other International related
events throughout the calendar year.
Kids Social – (2 Chairs) Plan and coordinate the kid’s social events such as Fall Hayride, Holiday and Spring parties, Ice Cream Social, Jackals
game and organize Halloween costume parade for the Woodlands and/or any other Kids Social related events throughout the calendar year.
Public Issues – (2 Chairs) Coordinate with Town Council for Ramsey events such as Ramsey Day, Memorial Day-the wreath ceremony for Veterans’
Park, Home for the Holidays, Fourth of July and Newcomers. Other events include Fingerprinting, DARE, Farmer’s Market (Pumpkin Painting &
Touch-a-Truck) and any other Public related events throughout the year.
State Project – (1 Chair) Organize club events & volunteers to participate in NJ Junior’s State project fundraising efforts for 2012-2014. Such
activities include bringing the “loose change” collection jug with literature to the monthly meetings and Public Issue events when deemed appropriate.
Website – (1 Chair) Continue to develop current website and keep club information and photos up-to-date.
**For more project ideas, go to www.JerseyJuniors.com
Committee Heads: Please present all upcoming events to the First Vice President(s) prior to monthly Board Meetings for review and approval
before presenting to the club. In addition, please send a follow up email to all club members with a quick summary of the outcome of the event.
Revised 10-6-11