FACULTY OF SCIENCE SCIENCE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – F455668 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 20 AUGUST 2013 PRESENT W/Prof Brendan Waddell, W/Prof Tim Ackland, W/Prof Tim Colmer , W/Prof Sarah Dunlop, A/Prof Peter Hammond, Prof Murray Maybery, W/Prof Ian McArthur, W/Prof David Pannell, Ms Abbe Rorrison, W/Prof Small, W/Prof Mark Spackman, Ms Jan Taylor, Prof Matthew Tonts. 1. APOLOGIES W/Prof Tony O’Donnell, Ms Christine Richardson, W/Prof Shaun Collin, W/Prof Linc Schmitt 2. WELCOME The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting. 3. DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL OR PERCEIVED CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - REF: F45668 Nil 4. MINUTES (16 July 2013) – REF: F45668 It was RESOLVED 97/2013 To confirm the Minutes of the 16 July 2013 Meeting of the Science Executive Committee and its attachments as a true and correct record of that meeting. 5. UPDATE ON ACTION ITEMS ITEM DUE DATE / RESPONSIBILITY International recruitment in the Sciences Associate Dean Research Dean Follow up from Science Exec planning session Five Year Staffing Plans School IT Services All members, with timelines as indicated Dean Faculty Managers Faculty Workshop Services Heads, Faculty Managers Funding of Study Leave Faculty Manager (Business) Indonesia Strategy Tony O’Donnell Dean, Academic Delegations Turnitin and Plagiarism Risk Register – Faculty of Science Bristol University collaboration STATUS The Faculty’s Internationalisation Plan will be discussed at a future Science Exec. See agenda item Update at each meeting The Dean will discuss further with each Head of School. Faculty to survey Schools regarding their current handling of IT services. Heads have provided general information on workshop services through their workshops Will be part of wider discussion on strategic funding. Request made for this to be progressed and resolved before 2014 budgets are to be set. To brief members of Science Exec. Discussion at next meeting Deputy Dean; Science Teaching & Learning Committee Matrix discussed with School Managers and updated document sent to Risk Management section. Deputy Dean; Science Teaching & Learning Committee ITEM DUE DATE / RESPONSIBILITY CENRM directly enrolling HDR students Centre for Safety proposal Dean Resolutions 41 – 70 (course related decisions) Faculty Manager (Academic) Dean STATUS Recommendation forwarded to Dean, Graduate Research School for action Centre formation has been approved by Research Committee and will be forwarded to Academic Council for final approval. Passed to APS for implementation ITEMS FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE SECRETARIAT: 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 6. MINUTES OF THE SCIENCE TEACHING & LEARNING COMMITTEE Members were provided with the Minutes of the Science Teaching & Learning Committee held on 25 July 2013 for their information. Those items requiring endorsement by Science Executive Committee were included elsewhere in this agenda. 7. CENTENARY PROFESSORSHIPS Following discussion amongst the members of the Science Executive on 6 August 2013, it was agreed that 2 proposals would go forward for funding through the Science Centenary Professorship scheme. They are: Centenary Professorship in Development Centenary Professor in Wheat Translational Genomics and Breeding The Faculty will have discussions with the Vice Chancellor to establish a process by which it can advertise at Level D or Level E and be able to appoint at Level E without commencing a new Level E selection and recruitment process. This is likely to require a selection committee with a broader membership base than normal and a formally constituted Search and Screen Committee. The successful proponents will create the role statement for their professor position, clearly identifying the differences in appointing at Level D or Level E and associated search plan. The proponents are also required to commence development of their Masters course and have it available for enrolment in 2015. It was RESOLVED 98/2013 That the Faculty of Science progress the two proposals for Centenary Professorships (Development, Wheat Translational Genomics and Breeding) through to recruitment. 8. MASTER OF GEOSCIENCE (COURSEWORK) (725550) Members were advised that the Science Teaching and Learning Committee had, at its meeting on 25 July 2013, recommended changes to the rules for the postgraduate course in the Master of Geoscience (Coursework) (725550). It was RESOLVED 99/2013 That two minor changes to the structure of the Master of Geoscience Degree (moving GEOS5503 Petroleum Resources from a Group A (Level 4) option to a Group B (Level 5) option and adding MING5504 Advanced Ore Deposits to the Group B option list) be made to enhance the ability of students to progress through the degree in the minimum time. Faculty of Science – Science Executive Committee Minutes 20 August 2013 Page 2 9. NEW UNIT PROPOSAL – WEST CHINA: INTERACTIONS AMONG HISTORY, CULTURE FOOD AND ECOSYSTEM Members were advised that the Science Teaching and Learning Committee had, at its meeting on 27 June 2013, recommended the approval of a new “West China: Interactions among Culture, Food Production and Ecosystem” be approved subject to the inclusion of the note regarding group assessment. That information was included with the agenda item for this meeting. The Head of School requested that discussion of this item be deferred until the next meeting. 10. NEW POSTGRADUATE COURSE – CENTRE FOR FORENSIC SCIENCE Members were advised that the Science Teaching and Learning Committee had, at its meeting on 25 July 2013, recommended that the phase one proposal for the new Graduate Certificate in Digital Forensics be approved. Comments included: Concerns about only a singular adjunct professor being available to teach the unit Only phase one approval is required at this stage, with phase two being the point at which more details become available It was RESOLVED 100/2013 That the phase one proposal for the new Graduate Certificate in Digital Forensics be approved. 11. CENTRE PROPOSAL – CENTRE FOR PLANT GENETICS AND BREEDING (PGB) Members were advised that the Head of the School of Plant Biology, the Director of the Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) and the International Centre for Plant Breeding Education and Research (ICPBER) and the Director of the Institute of Agriculture have proposed that CLIMA and ICPBER merge to form the Centre of Plant Genetics and Breeding within the School of Plant Biology and that the School had provided supporting documents. The Head of School attended the meeting to outline the proposal. The overall goal of the Centre of Plant Genetics and Breeding is to establish UWA as the leading research and education centre in plant genetics and breeding in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and the lndian Ocean Rim; contributing to national and international efforts to enhance world food and feed security. PGB's educational mission is to address the global skills shortage in plant breeding by producing “Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow”. In regard to research, the case to establish the Centre has been highlighted since the 'food crisis' in 2008 focused world attention on the deteriorating supply-demand balance for major staple food crops. PGB provides an avenue to address the genetics and improvement of a range of commodity and crop/pasture types; importantly, including the training of skilled plant breeders that will be required internationally to underpin these global aims. PGB aims to link the Life Sciences with research and education in plant breeding providing an opportunity for translational research from model plants to crops. Research will cover cereals, oilseeds and legumes, with a priority especially to increase work on cereals at UWA (Target: 3-4 major pre-breeding projects at UWA. The project portfolio attributable to the Centre will aim for a total income of approx. $5,000,000 per year). The proposal lists the involvement of approximately 20 staff and an FTE of approximately 7. Comments from the members included: Collaborations with Plant Energy Biology will be enhanced, including a strong link to the new Centenary Professorship in Wheat Translational Genomics and Breeding. Faculty of Science – Science Executive Committee Minutes 20 August 2013 Page 3 It was RESOLVED 101/2013 That the Science Executive Committee recommends to the Dean that he support the formation of the Centre for Plant Genetics and Breeding as a centre based within the School of Plant Biology and forward the proposal to the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research for the attention of the Research Committee. 12. CENTRE PROPOSAL – RENEWAL - CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY (CEEP) Members were advised that the Head of the School of Agricultural & Resource Economics and Director of the Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy has proposed that CEEP be renewed for a further 5 year term as a centre located within the School of Agricultural & Resource Economics. The Head of School attended the meeting to outline the proposal. The Centre’s role will be to continue to improve the cost-effectiveness of Australia’s policy programs for land, water and biodiversity conservation. The work of the Centre will continue to assist Australia’s environmental managers and policy makers to invest more efficiently in environmental outcomes. The Centre’s multidisciplinary team of economics specialists will use their expertise to tackle environmental threats such as climate change, pest plants and animals, fire, salinity, fragmentation and movements of nutrients and sediments. The Centre is self-sustaining and has been very successful in attracting external research funds. With the completion of David Pannell’s Federation Fellowship at the end of 2012, the Centre’s focus is shifting further outwards with major collaborations with the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Decisions $1,882,645 over 7 years, National Environmental Research Program Environmental Decisions Hub $1,047,230 over 4 years and National Environmental Research Program Marine Biodiversity Hub $571.00 over 4 years. The Centre has a Total staff FTE of 11.1, with Total research-only FTEs externally funded of 9.8. It was RESOLVED 102/2013 That the Science Executive Committee recommends to the Dean that he support the renewal of the Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy as a centre based within the School of Agricultural & Resource Economics and forward the proposal to the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research for the attention of the Research Committee. 13. ASSOCIATE DEAN GRADUATE STUDIES Members were advised that the Dean proposes that, rather than create a position of Associate Dean Research, the role of Associate Dean Graduate Studies be developed to support and enhance graduate studies or research training across the Faculty. The appointee would work closely with the Dean and other members of the Science Executive to encourage, promote and coordinate graduate research studies across the Faculty and the University with the goal of improving the quality, impact, and productivity of research training. The role would include: • Encouraging collaboration between the Graduate Research Coordinators in Science to enhance growth in our student cohort, and to achieve focus and greater visibility for both our programs and our students • Assisting in the development of the Masters route to PhD • Making recommendations to minimize administrative burdens on staff supervising PhD students Faculty of Science – Science Executive Committee Minutes 20 August 2013 Page 4 Comments from the members included: Role should also include strategic recruitment, i.e. promoting UWA to international HDR students Successful candidate is to negotiate a reduction of their duties with their Head of School to ensure they are not over burdened It was RESOLVED 103/2013 That the Science Executive Committee support the Dean’s proposal to create the position Associate Dean Graduate Studies instead of filling the Associate Dean Research role. 14. FACULTY OF SCIENCE RULES FOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Members were advised that staff in the Science Student Office have recently completed a major project of updating the rules of pre-existing courses in the Faculty of Science ready for University publications for students enrolled in 2014. The Rules needed to be changed to reflect issues such as: changes to unit availability in 2014 (and beyond); the availability of new third year units in 2014 (for NC2012); the deletion of legacy courses with few or no students; some changes to the rules of legacy courses to improve alignment with general principles of NC2012 courses; some simplification of rules in legacy courses and some conversion of 12 point units to six point units. The General Manager and Faculty Manager (Academic) have met with staff in the Science Student Office to review the changes within the document and to be briefed on the consultation process with Schools. All Schools have been consulted about key changes that affect their schools and the final document reflects that feedback. The document (Attachment A to the Minutes) has been circulated to members. It was RESOLVED 104/2013 That the Faculty of Science Rules for Undergraduate Courses be approved and forward to Academic Policy Services for implementation. 15. FACULTY OF SCIENCE RULES FOR COMBINED DEGREES The members were advised that minor changes in regard to the following legacy combined degrees are needed: 11.1.29 Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (51180) 11.1.30 Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science (51160) 11.1.39A Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (71120) In the main, the changes are deletion of units no longer available and the changes to some unit names. The document (Attachment B to the Minutes) has been circulated to members. It was RESOLVED 105/2013 That the Faculty of Science Rules fo r Combined Degrees be approved and forwarded to Academic Policy Services for implementation. Faculty of Science – Science Executive Committee Minutes 20 August 2013 Page 5 16. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (00890) AND MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGY (52590/51590) The members were advised that minor changes in regard to the following degrees are needed: Doctor of Philosophy (00890) Master of Psychology (52590/51590) The changes are deletion of units no longer available. The document (Attachment C to the Minutes) has been circulated to members. It was RESOLVED 106/2013 That the Rules for Doctor of Philosophy (00890) and Master of Psychology (52590/51590) be approved and forwarded to Academic Policy Services for implementation. 17. FACULTY OF SCIENCE RULES FOR POSTGRADUATE COURSES The members were advised that minor changes are needed for legacy postgraduate courses. In the main, the changes are deletion of units no longer available and the rescission of degrees only available to re-enrolling students or with nil enrolments. The document (Attachment D) has been circulated to members. It was RESOLVED 107/2013 That the Faculty of Science Rules for Postgraduate Courses be approved and forwarded to Academic Policy Services for implementation. 18. 2015 HONOURS The Head of School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health raised the importance of furthering the development of 2015 Honours courses. Feedback from the members included: The item is on the Science Teaching & Learning Committee’s agenda Only concerns ex-LPS Schools Sufficient time is still available as the deadline is April 2014 Action: to remain on the Science Teaching & Learning Committee’s agenda. 19. FUTURE FELLOWS AND ONGOING APPOINTMENTS The Head of School of Animal Biology informed the members that UWA’s website states: “Future Fellowship appointees at UWA will receive ongoing positions at the end of the Fellowships subject to continuing outstanding performance during the Fellowship as assessed by the relevant Head of School and Dean” (link: http://www.research.uwa.edu.au/futureresearchers/internal-guidelines). Given that an ongoing position is only available to an outstanding performer if there is sufficient funding and if there is an actual role for the person concerned, the Head of School of Animal Biology has concerns in regard to expectations of both existing and future staff on Future Fellowships. Feedback from the members included: There is no definition of “outstanding performance” There is no mention of a probationary period There is a need for Future Fellows to make themselves invaluable to their School in terms of teaching and HDR supervision Concern that this issue could extend to staff on DECRA funding Action: to be discussed further at the next informal Science Executive Committee meeting. Faculty of Science – Science Executive Committee Minutes 20 August 2013 Page 6 20. STATE CABINET MEETING DAY 4 NOVEMBER 2013 The Faculty Manager (Business) advised the members that State Cabinet is to spend the day on campus on 4 November 2013 and that the Faculty has been asked to put in a submission in regard to event(s) for the day. A breakfast followed by a showcase was discussed, as were the launch of the SPIRIT radio telegraph and a tour of the CMCA facilities in the Physics Building. It was agreed that the following Ministers be included in our invitation list for the breakfast and showcase: Honourable Colin J Barnett MEc MLA - Premier; Ministers for State Development; Science Honourable Dr Kim D Hames MB BS JP MLA - Deputy Premier; Minister for Health Honourable Brendon J Grylls MLA - Minister for Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development Honourable John H Day BSc BDSc MLA – Minister for Planning, culture and the Arts Honourable Terry Redman MLA - Minister for Training and Workforce Development; Water; Forestry Honourable W R Marmion BE MBA MLA - Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Housing Honourable Ken C Baston MLC - Minister for Agriculture and Food Honourable Dr Mike D Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA - Minister for Energy; Finance; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests Honourable Terry K Waldron MLA - Minister for Sport and Recreation; Racing and Gaming Honourable Albert P Jacob JP MLA - Minister for Environment; Heritage Action: Faculty Manager (Business) to progress the submission 21. CENTENARY FUNDRAISING The Deputy Dean advised the members that more funds will be available from the Centenary fundraising campaign than originally anticipated, and as such, the Dean is seeking ideas that could be attractive to potential philanthropists. Lateral thinking around areas that are unique and important to WA (including health and wellbeing and biodiversity, for example) is needed. Comments from the members included: Endowed Chairs ($5m to $6m) are the most valuable Action: Members to feedback ideas to the Dean 22. RISK MANAGEMENT The Head of School of Chemistry and Biochemistry queried the necessity of the depth to which Pandemic Response plans that are being prepared. Action: Faculty Managers to discuss with Risk Management 23. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Science Executive Committee is scheduled for 3:00 pm on Tuesday 17 September 2013 in the Science Board Room. An informal meeting of the members of the Science Executive Committee will be held on Tuesday 3 September 2013 in the same venue. Signed Faculty of Science – Science Executive Committee Minutes 20 August 2013 (Chair) Page 7