Patient Survey Report Feb 2015

Patient Survey Report February 2015
The Practice runs a patient survey once a year. The year was accessible on-line, via the practice
website, the practice Facebook page and it was also distributed in paper form across both surgeries.
We put the link to the survey on our Facebook page, as our Facebook page has slowly been
increasing in numbers. To date we have 168 likes for our page. The survey was also put on our
website as recent figures show that the usage of our website has rapidly grown over the last 12
months, as for the year 2014 – 2015 we have had a total number of 33,671.hits. This would target a
larger audience.
The Survey ran over 2 weeks during February 2014 and the total number of 190 surveys was
completed, which roughly equates to 3% of our practice population. The X-touch electronic patient
check in screen was turned off during this period, which forced patients to check in at the reception
desk, enabling the receptionists to hand them a questionnaire to complete. This worked very well,
and patients were more obliged to complete them as they had been asked and offered the
assistance from the staff, if they required it.
We also found that compared to last year’s survey with 30 questions, this year’s survey posed a
modest 11 questions which was better as 99% of the survey’s were completed fully.
Analysis of Results:
The results of this survey were quite pleasing and do not identify any major issues within the
Practice. The results will be discussed in the Patient Group Meeting and the Practice Meeting to see
if we can identify areas of improvement.
1. How satisfied are you with the opening hours at the Surgery?
Very 75%
Fairly 15%
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 2%
Dissatisfied 1%
Don’t know the opening hours 5%
2.How easy do you find it getting into the building?
Very easy 94%
Fairly easy 6%
Not very easy 0%
Not at all easy 0%
3. How clean is the GP surgery?
Very clean 89%
Fairly clean 10%
Not very clean 0%
Dirty 0%
Very dirty 0%
No response 1%
4. In the reception area, can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionist?
Yes but I don’t mind 81%
Yes, and I am not happy about it 9%
No, other patients can’t hear 6%
I’m not sure if they can hear or not 2%
No response 2%
5. How helpful do you find the receptionist at the Surgery?
Very 86%
Fairly 11%
Not very 1%
Not at all 0%
No response 2%
6. How easy was it to get an appointment for the time you wanted?
Not very easy 1%
Fairly easy 37%
Very easy 60%
No response 7%
7. How long after your appointment time do you normally wait to be seen?
I am normally seen on time 47%
5 - 15 minutes 31%
15 – 30 minutes 15%
More than 30 minutes 0%
No response 6%
8. Were you able to see the GP or Nurse that you wanted to see?
Yes 71%
No 1%
Didn’t specify a GP/Nurse 26%
No response 2%
9. How would you rate the Doctors?
Excellent 62%
Good 30%
Neither good nor Poor 4%
Poor 1%
I don’t rate the Doctors 0%
No response 3%
10. How would you rate the Nurses?
Excellent 72%
Good 25%
Neither good nor Poor 1%
Poor 0%
I don’t rate the Doctors 0%
No response 0%
11. Would like you to think about your recent experiences of our service. How likely are you to recommend our
GP Practice to your friends and Family if they needed similar treatment or care?
Extremely Likely 62%
Likely 32%
Neither likely or unlikely 3%
Unlikely 1%
Extremely Unlikely 0%
Don’t Know 1%
No response 3%
Demographics of the patients taking the Survey
Are you
Male 41%
Female 57%
No response 2%
60 – 74 18%
75 + 5%
No response 7%
Positive Patient Comments
Great now the number has changed back to 01782 number
Best Doctors in the area
Brilliant Surgery, girls on reception are lovely and very helpful. I always get an appointment and
the GPs are great they always have time to listen and never make me feel rushed. Sue the Nurse
is also fantastic and very understanding. I would highly recommend the Surgery.
I’m never disappointed 10/10.
Listening to patients from other surgeries it is extremely easy to book appropriate
appointments at BHMC and HHS thank you so much.
Lovely girls on reception at both surgeries, always manage to get in even at short notice,
Doctors and Nurses are excellent couldn’t ask for better.
Seen Dr Vellaturi & Dr Upputuri who were excellent. Sue the Nurse is brilliant. I had fantastic
service from the Practice at Hulton House. Dr V is very understanding and Dr Upputuri is really
nice too! The receptionists are always very pleasant and fun!!! Well Done!!
Very happy with services
Very good service, easy access to parking.
Luckily I do not have to attend the Surgery very often, but when I do I am more than happy with
my overall treatment.
Staffs always go the extra mile to help you with any issues.
It’s a really good Doctors
Negative Patient Comments
I find it hard to make appointments around work
I think some of the Receptionists have a real bad attitude!!! When speaking to the patients
over the phone
I think it can be a lot better and I think receptionists can be a lot politer when speaking to
the patients.
How the receptionists speak to you is disgusting, they do not help you at all.
Some of the Doctor’s don’t listen to you.
The Doctors are average
Your Suggestions
Open Thursday afternoons would be better
Very pleased, maybe could do longer hours on a Saturday?
I do not like the irritating background adverts / music / repetition on the screen when it is
working, and there is out of date news – just put a TV channel on instead.
I think you should fine patient’s who make appointments and don’t keep them and if the same
patient’s do it regularly, they should be struck off the register for this surgery.
Conclusions / Action Plan
The results of this survey are very pleasing, there are obviously a few problems that need to be
addressed and the numerous comments regarding the Reception Staff will be fed back during the
Reception Team Meeting. We will endeavour to address (if possible/appropriate) the issues raised
by the patients
Very pleased, maybe could do longer hours on a Saturday?
The Practice opening for 12 weeks from November 2014 – February 2015 to help
take the pressures of A&E. In total we had 50 patients seen or triaged over the 12
weeks, which equates to 4 per clinic. Due to the clinic not being very successful we
would not continue this service on.
Open Thursday afternoons would be better?
The Practice also provides extended hours Monday and Friday until 8pm, and feels
this should be sufficient, to satisfy patients who struggle to get to surgery during
‘normal hours’.
I find it hard to make appointments around work!
The practice provides extended hours at Birches Head Medical Centre, and patients
from both Surgeries can be seen at either Birches Head or Hulton House. The
Practice plans to advertise this down Hulton House to make patients aware of our
opening times, as 9% either were not satisfied with our opening times or don’t know
the opening hours. These responses came from Hulton House Surgery; therefore we
will advertise this accordingly.
Some of the Receptionists have a real bad attitude!
We are currently organising a Reception Team meeting to discuss this issue with the
staff. The staff have all been on appropriate patient customer service training, and
the Manager is in the process of conducting staff appraisals and this issue will be
reviewed on an individual basis, and the Receptionists will be sent on the patient
customer service course again, if the Manager feels that is appropriate for that staff
Some of the Doctor’s don’t listen to you!
The Practice takes these comments very seriously, and this is particular comment is
going to be discussed with all GPs in the next Practice Clinical Meeting, to try and get
to the bottom of this issue.