Zero Hour Lecturer - Line Manager Checklist

Line Manager Checklist - Zero Hour Lecturer
This checklist has been developed to help relevant Line Managers follow the steps required to ensure
that Zero Hour Lecturing staff at the University are treated fairly and transparently. Please refer to the
University’s Zero Hour Guidelines
Recruitment and selection
Is your business need a short-term and flexible academic requirement for instance: sickness
absence cover or the requirement for short term teaching to deliver a specialist / short-term
module (8 – 300 hours per academic year)?
Has a SAF been raised and authorised for any new Zero Hour Lecturer requirements?
Has a selection process taken place (advertising and / or an interview process with a
properly constituted appointment panel)?
HR Connect
Have you checked that the Zero Hour Lecturer(s) you Line Manage are correctly aligned to
you on HR Connect? If Line Management responsibilities changes, please ensure that the
system is updated by HR with the correct Line Manager (as this can impact WAM).
Have you advised the Zero Hour Lecturer(s) you Line Manage that they have access to HR
Connect to view and update their personal details, view their payslips and book onto
learning events?
Support and development
Do you ensure that all Zero Hour Lecturer(s) are only being given tasks aligned with the
University’s Level 2 Lecturer Role Profile (Grade 5): Probationary Lecturer Teaching and
Scholarship (Grade 5) or Probationary Lecturer Teaching and Research?.
Have the Zero Hour Lecturer(s) you manage been advised of their teaching requirements
as far in advance of the beginning of the trimester as possible?
Have you met with all Zero Hour Lecturers you manage to discuss objectives and
workload or to complete a PDR (where possible / relevant)?
If there are any changes to teaching requirements have you communicated these to the
Zero Hour Lecturers affected at the earliest opportunity in line with other staff members?
Have all Zero Hour Lecturers you manage been introduced to relevant colleagues in your
School, including School admin staff and the module leader for each module that they are
involved in?
Have the Zero Hour Lecturers you manage attended the ‘Working at Edinburgh Napier’s
Induction session (and been paid for the hours they attended by the School)?
Have the Zero Hour Lecturers that you manage been offered a ‘module buddy’ for each
module that they are teaching on?
Human Resources & Development
November 2014
Are Zero Hour Claim Forms being submitted in a timely manner for processing, by 5th of the
Are the Zero Hour Lecturer(s) you manage being paid for all the work they complete on
behalf of the University, including; teaching, preparation, class contact, assessment and
Have the Zero Hour Lecturer(s) you manage attended the Zero Hour tailored Academic
Induction (and been paid for the hours they attended by the School)?
Are Zero Hour Lecturers hours’ regularly monitored and future business requirements
reviewed on a regular basis?
If any performance issues arise have you addressed these with the Zero Hour Lecturer?
If the Zero Hour Lecturer resigns, has a Leavers’ Form been completed and sent to the
relevant HR Adviser to process?
Human Resources & Development
November 2014