Sports Premium Action Plan 2014/15

St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Sports Premium Action Plan-2014/2015
Success criteria: To further improve the quality and provision of Physical Education and sport at St Thomas’.
At St. Thomas’ we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of our pupils. In addition, it is considered that an outstanding PE curriculum
and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of the children.
1. To continue to develop
Staff INSET (focus on KS2)
Staff training for safe use
of new equipment.
Sharing good practice with
other schools (as part of
the School Sport
Updated planning in line
with Curriculum 2014
Inclusive health check
.uk) to ensure all pupils
can access gymnastics.
Person/s responsible
 SLT (including the P.E. Coordinator-WH)
 All staff
 School Sports Partnership
 Informal lesson
 Feedback from staff
 Pupil voice (through
School Council standing
agenda item)
During the summer of 2014 we
had a brand new ‘Trio Frame’
installed to replace the old wall
bars. In September all members
of staff were trained by Miss Hoy
in the safe set up and use of this
equipment. Instructions and
safety advice sheets were issued
to all staff and a laminated copy
displayed in the hall (see CPD file
for signed staff attendance
Miss Barley attended a KS2
Gymnastics training course run by
the Sports Partnership on 18th
November 2014. She will be
Action plan completed by W.Hoy, January 2015
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Sports Premium Action Plan-2014/2015
trialling some of the suggested
ideas from January 2015 with
Year 3/4.
2. To support and engage
the least active children
additional sport activities.
3. To develop provision for
Action plan completed by W.Hoy, January 2015
Training for MSA’s in
playtime games to keep
children focused and
Inclusive health check
.uk )
To develop the idea of
‘play leaders’ with Y5/6 to
support younger pupils.
Lunchtime multi-sports
club (with Tom
Prichard)funded by Sports
Premium Money
Invest in new fixed football
goals for bottom field (aim
for installation May 2015)
SLT (including the P.E. Coordinator-WH)
Tom Prichard (Sports
Introduce ‘balance bikes’
WH and EYFS team
All classes have Gymnastics
planned in for the Spring term.
 Pupil voice
 Learning walks
 Informal observations at
playtime and lunchtime
 Feedback from MSA CPD.
Tom Pritchard’s multi-sports club
was highly successful in the
summer term of 2014. Involving
nearly 30 pupils (both in KS1 and
KS2) who didn’t attend school
clubs previously. Tom has already
been booked to continue these
clubs and we will continue to fund
this using the Sports Premium
The playground equipment has
continued to be very popular,
particularly since we began
putting more than one activity
out each day. We have
supplemented our current stock
using the Sainsbury’s ‘Active Kids’
 EYFS pupil observations
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Sports Premium Action Plan-2014/2015
Physical Development in
the Early Years.
4. To
opportunities to take part
in competitive school
5. To develop the sports
page on our website to
communicate effectively
with parents.
Action plan completed by W.Hoy, January 2015
to improve gross and fine
motor skills.
EYFS staff audit PD
resources and update as
Use funding to contribute
to local sports
partnerships (NEHSSP).
Develop links with local
schools to enable
continued competition
opportunities beyond the
Sports Premium.
Employ coaches to further
develop skills in specialist
areas and introduce new
Keep a record of all
competitive sports events
that children take part in
throughout the year.
Use funding towards
expanding website.
Staff release time to keep
website fully up to date.
Year 6 to help by writing a
Partnership School Games
Co-ordinator JW.
Local middle/secondary
school staff.
Dzined (web design
Y6 (AB to plan release
Feedback from EYFS team
EYFS outcomes
EYFS profile data and
September 2014-The EYFS staff
have sourced some different
balance bikes (as the originals
were faulty) which will be ordered
very soon.
 Engagement in
competitive school sport
at level 1, 2 and 3.
 Fixture results (put on
 Photos from
 Observations of coaching.
Autumn term 2014-So far pupils
have had opportunities for
competitive sport in Tag Rugby
(Y5/6), Multi-skills (Year 2) and a
range of Olympic inspired sports
at the Schoolympics (Y4/5).
Website should be fully up
to date with recent
photos, fixture lists,
results and club links.
September 2014- Mr Bell is
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Sports Premium Action Plan-2014/2015
monthly (or termly?)
sports newsletter.
6. To ensure all pupils leave
at the end of Year 6 being
able to swim a minimum
of 25 metres.
Action plan completed by W.Hoy, January 2015
All pupils swim for at least
half a term per year
between Reception and
Year 5.
Rigorous assessment of
swimming skills by
swimming teachers
(employed by Grange
Paddocks Pool)
Use Sports Premium
money to fund extra
swimming lessons for
children who are at risk of
failing to be swim 25m
time, MK to manage)
continuing to help keep the sports
page updated and receives
weekly release time to do so.
Leadership Team
 Effective tracking by WH
of swimming distances
School Admin
(Excel spreadsheet)
Grange Paddock’s
 Use tracking to highlight
Swimming Pool/swimming
and discuss pupils who
cannot swim 25m.
Spring 2015-Year 4 SEN (ASD)
child will continue to swim with
Year 3 (funded from Sports
Premium) to maintain confidence
and stamina in swimming and
work towards 25m distance. One
year 5 pupil who is not able to
swim 25m is having private
lessons to improve his staminamonitor closely.